Imam Musa on Jihad

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At a Muslim American Society (MAS) rally in May 2003, Imam Abdul Alim Musa, of the Masjid al-Islam in Washington D.C. said:


Musa: We have Imams going on television and radio talking about how there is no Jihad in Islam. Oh no there is no Jihad in Islam. Islam means peace. But Allah (swt) says [Arabic] He loves those who fight in his way like a solid cemented structure. So when we have believers in Palestine going out and fighting in the way of Allah, our Imams should not be jumping up on television talking about how they are suicide bombers.

They are not suicide bombers They are martyrs. The Zionists are suicide bombers. The Zionists flying over us. Supersonic airplanes and stealth helicopters bombing our villages towns and cars and leaders and killing Muslims anytime and anyway they want to. These are the suicide bombers. Sharon is a suicide bomber. A long time suicide bomber, murderer killer. He is not the prime minister he is the crime minister. He is the head of the Zionist mafia. This illegal state of Israel is a Zionist mafia.
