Books and Videos




Spinning a Terrorist into a Victim: An IPT Video Series - 2014


A convicted terrorist has been living among us for decades, and once she was discovered by federal authorities, her support system declared that she is the victim.

The Investigative Project on Terrorism decided this stunning reality had to be exposed.

And, so, IPT released an investigative video series the week prior to the immigration fraud trial of Rasmieh Odeh. We launched one episode per day to chronicle how a woman who killed two students in a Jerusalem supermarket in 1969 became the new cause celebre for the anti-Israel movement.

To her advocates, Odeh, 67, is a peaceful community activist living in Chicago and an asset to her Palestinian and wider Arab community.

To federal prosecutors in Detroit, Odeh is a convicted terrorist who spent 10 years in an Israeli prison, before making her way to the U.S. in 1995 and ultimately becoming a U.S. citizen -- all without disclosing her criminal history. They presented their case for Odeh's immigration fraud in court beginning November 4, 2014.

Our video series delves into the nuances of Odeh's case and dissects the deflective tactics of her supporters. It provides exclusive, powerful testimony from family members of victims of Odeh's crimes. And it follows Odeh's case to Detroit, culminating in a post-series epilogue that reports the trial verdict and reflects on the battle between fact and fiction.

Click here to watch the video series.


Jihad in America: The Grand Deception - 2013


A 70-minute film by the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT), traces the roots of Islamism inside the United States. This film examines the extent of Islamist influence within the United States and highlights the danger that Islamist influence poses for all Americans. This documentary is based extensively on primary source materials, including original Brotherhood documents and audio and video from IPT's extensive archives.

To learn more please visit
Purchase a copy on DVD at


Jihad in America: Terrorists Among Us - 1994


This film tracks down a network of Islamic Extremists among us in New York, Boston, New Jersey, Texas, California, Oregon, Florida and Kansas, detailing their hatred and violent intentions against Christians, moderate Muslims and Jews in the United States.

Listen to Islamic radicals, telling their followers to carry our Jihad on U.S. soil.

See the fundraising structure in America that supports terrorists and the legitimization of radical Islamic groups. hiding behind "charitable" fronts.

This video is an educational call to action for the American public, to provide U.S. law enforcement authorities with the tools they need to deal with this real threat to the American way of life.

The Islamic extremists who promote and carry out Jihad, are as great a threat to moderate Muslims as they are to Christians, Jews and to all Americans. 2475

George Polk award winner, Jihad in America: Terrorists Among Us can be purchased on DVD and VHS at




Architects of Disaster: The Destruction of Libya


Pete Hoekstra, the former chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, tells the real story behind the tragic events in Benghazi and the Obama Administration's disastrous foreign policy catastrophe in Libya. Architects of Disasterdocuments the role played by an inexperienced president and a politicized US State Department under Hillary Clinton in turning a stable North African country into a failed jihadist state spreading terrorism throughout the Middle East and releasing a flood of fearful immigrants onto the Mediterranean and into Europe.

Architects of Disaster: The Destruction of Libya can be purchased on


Jihad Incorporated: A Guide to Militant Islam in the U.S.


Together with a staff of experts, Executive Director Steven Emerson has compiled this thorough factual overview of the Islamist terrorist threat to the United States. Unlike The 9/11 Commission Report, which was focused mainly on the retrospective analysis of al Qaeda activities leading up to the attack of September 11, 2001, Jihad Incorporated provides an in-depth examination of radical terrorist organizations and their financial support networks operating in the United States and abroad.

Jihad Incorporated: A Guide to Militant Islam in the U.S. can be purchased on


NY Times bestseller, American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us.


Leading the second wave of post 9/11 terrorist books, American Jihad reveals that America is rampant with Islamic terrorist networks and sleeper cells and Emerson, the expert on them, explains just how close they are to each of us.

New York Times bestseller, American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us can be purchased on