IPT in the News

Publication Date

When governments side with anti-Semites, bigots flourish

Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) April 6, 2022

Amid a Crime Wave, the New York State Attorney General Gets Tough on . . . Reporters

National Review April 4, 2022

CAIR's Media Enablers

National Review February 11, 2022

CAIR Doubles Down on 'Illegal Surveillance' Charges

National Review February 9, 2022

Gannett's Pro-Islamist, Anti-Muslim Reporting

Focus on Western Islamism February 1, 2022

Media Attack Investigative Reporter for Investigating and Reporting on CAIR

National Review January 29, 2022

IPT's Patrick Dunleavy Discusses ISIS Attack on Syrian Prison

VOA International Edition January 26, 2022

Mainstream Jewish groups need to understand that interfaith dialogue legitimized CAIR

Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) December 23, 2021

New Hampshire family sues Iran, seeks justice for late father's monthslong imprisonment in Lebanon

Fox News October 5, 2021

'If we cannot name our enemy, how can we ever expect to defeat it?'

Israel Hayom September 9, 2021

Dunleavy: Harboring Terrorists In Democratic Societies

Newslooks September 7, 2021

Public put on notice: Terrorist inmates permitted to be in-house chaplains

OneNewsNow.com August 4, 2021

Multimedia company peddles jihadist friendly Kashmir narrative

Sunday Guardian Live January 25, 2021

At US Islamist convention, Owaisi alleges 'pogrom' against Muslims in India

Sunday Guardian Live September 19, 2020

IPT's Patrick Dunleavy Analyzes Jailed Jihadists

Blogtalkradio.com December 20, 2019

Radical 'Anti-Zionist' Activists Show Their True Colors in Chicago

National Review December 5, 2019

IPT's Dunleavy Discusses John Walker Lindh's Pending Early Prison Release

Blogtalkradio.com April 4, 2019

Emerson: Virginia Voters Need to Understand, Reject Sameerah Ibrahim's Anti-Semitism

WMAL Radio February 19, 2019

The terrorist next door: States consider sex-offender-style registries for released terror inmates

Fox News January 2, 2019

IPT's Dunleavy Discusses CAIR's Hostility Toward Law Enforcement

Civilization Jihad Awareness with Paul Sutliff November 29, 2018

Marc Lamont Hill Moves From Justifying Terrorism to Promoting It

CAMERA October 10, 2018

Special Report Bangladeshi Islamists Go to Washington

The American Spectator September 24, 2018

Character Assassinations by New Jersey's Star-Ledger

Algemeiner September 13, 2018

Brave voice warned us of Islamic extremism

Boston Herald August 21, 2018

IPT's Patrick Dunleavy Discusses Threats From Returning Terrorists and Jihadis Soon to Complete Prison Sentences

Roy Green Show Podcast August 4, 2018

America needs a national terrorist registry to keep us safe

Fox News May 11, 2018

Your taxes are funding terrorists -- Demand that this stops

Fox News April 17, 2018

A show of force in favor of Israel, the Taylor Force Act

Lantern of Liberty April 10, 2018

Land Day and the continued attacks of Hamas on Israel

Lantern of Liberty April 4, 2018

Patrick Dunleavy Discusses ISIS Opportunities in Africa

VOA Africa News Tonight March 7, 2018

The anti-Israel BDS Movement seeks the destruction of Israel, not a two-state peace with Palestinians

Fox News January 18, 2018

American Islamist Charity Openly Partners with Designated Terrorists

Rabwah Times January 4, 2018

ISIS's Migration to Africa - IPT's Patrick Dunleavy on How to Thwart It

Voice of America January 4, 2018

In 2018 the ISIS fight will shift into a deadly new phase

Fox News December 8, 2017

Hillel Blasts Harvard Awardee Over His Former Organization's Support for Terrorism, Holocaust Denial

Tablet Magazine November 14, 2017

The New York Terror Attack and the Underwear Bomber's Lawsuit - A Conversation with IPT Senior Fellow Patrick Dunleavy

Secure Freedom Radio November 13, 2017

Ditch political correctness and wise up. Empower cops to fight radical Islamic terrorists here at home

Fox News November 7, 2017

IPT Executive Director Steven Emerson Reports on New York Terror Suspect

Larry Marino Show, AM 870, the Answer November 5, 2017

NYC Truck Attack Fulfills Homeland Security Chief's Prophesy

Polizette November 3, 2017

Patrick Dunleavy with Tucker Carlson: Police Practice was Sacrificed for Political Correctness

Interview on Fox News November 1, 2017

IPT Senior Fellow Patrick Dunleavy Discusses Fighting Islamist Terror

Jon Gaunt Radio Show (United Kingdom) October 16, 2017

IPT's Patrick Dunleavy Discusses Recent Spate of European Terror Attacks

Denise Simon Experience September 21, 2017

IPT Senior Fellow Patrick Dunleavy Discusses Barcelona Attack

WTMJ Radio, Milwaukee August 21, 2017

IPT's Patrick Dunleavy Discusses Prison Dawa and Radicalization

Secure Freedom Radio August 16, 2017

IPT Fellow Patrick Dunleavy Discusses His Op-Ed on Edwin Lorenzo Lemmons

Secure Freedom Radio June 30, 2017

Discussion Panel: The Role of Intelligence in Today's Threat Environment

June 22, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News Discussing the Foiled Terror Attack in Belgium

Interview on Fox News June 20, 2017

Emerson on Dennis Prager, about Qatar Relations, London Attacks

Interview on the Dennis Prager Show June 5, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox Business About the Significance of the Travel Ban

Interview on Fox Business Network June 5, 2017

Time for honesty about London: We are losing the fight against radical Islam

Fox News June 5, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News: Intel Community Overwhelmed, Immigration Policies Partially to Blame

Interview on Fox News June 4, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News: Islamic Terrorists are Gaining Ground

Interview on Fox News June 4, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News discussing IPT's 2016 terrorism trends study and how the London attacks fit the trend

Interview on Fox News June 4, 2017

Steve Emerson on Sirius XM after London attacks: "A reformation of Islam is necessary"

Interview on XM Patriot 125 June 4, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News explains that evidence of increasing radical Islam is "very, very obvious"

Interview on Fox News June 4, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News: ISIS and Intel in the UK

Interview on Fox News June 3, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News: Reaction to the London Terror Attacks

Interview on Fox News June 3, 2017

IPT's Pete Hoekstra on Fox News on the FBI translator who married the ISIS fighter she was investigating

Interview on Fox News May 2, 2017

IPT's Patrick Dunleavy Talks About CAIR's Attempt to Silence Him

Secure Freedom Radio April 6, 2017

Steve Emerson on BBC Radio Discussing the Attack in Westminster

Interview on BBC Radio March 22, 2017

IPT Senior Fellow Patrick Dunleavy Discusses Judicial Overreach and NYPD Surveillance Abilities

Secure Freedom Radio March 16, 2017

IPT Senior Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra on WikiLeaks Release of CIA Hacking Documents

CSPAN Washington Journal March 13, 2017

IPT's Patrick Dunleavy Discusses New York City's Counter-Terror Policy

Melody Burns Radio Show March 10, 2017

IPT Senior Fellow Patrick Dunleavy Discusses the Challenges of Monitoring Jihadis After Prison

Secure Freedom Radio February 10, 2017

Trump's Intel Reform Is a Good First Step

Wall Street Journal January 22, 2017

IPT's Patrick Dunleavy Speaks Stopping Jihadis From Infiltrating Prisons

Talk2Me Radio (UK) January 16, 2017

Ex-CIA officer faces imminent extradition to Italy, hopes Trump can help

Fox News January 12, 2017

Pete Hoekstra: Our intel officers take great risks for us. We can't let one of them wind up in an Italian jail

Fox News January 12, 2017

IPT's Patrick Dunleavy Interviewed About Recidivism and Incarcerated Terrorists.

Secure Freedom Radio January 9, 2017

Ellison would be a 'disaster' as DNC's leader, Saban says

Jewish Journal December 7, 2016

What Keith Ellison Really Said

Commentary Magazine December 5, 2016

Ellison's speech was an Islamic-supremacist, chauvinist diatribe

Jerusalem Post December 5, 2016

Pete Hoekstra: US Intel Is Fighting Blind Against ISIS

Newsmax November 4, 2016

Obama Administration Underestimates Terror

Newsmax October 17, 2016

Orlando Terror Attack 'Triggered' by Pentagon Drone Strike

Washington Free Beacon September 28, 2016

Hoekstra Calls for Clearer FBI Training on Jihadists

Fox News September 20, 2016

Next President will need to Reestablish U.S. Credibility

NewsmaxTV September 14, 2016

Iran Ransom Payment Now Funding Islamist Terror

(1 comment)
NewsmaxTV August 4, 2016

Jihadists View Atrocities Committed during Ramadan as Holy Endeavors

WMAL July 6, 2016

US Must Slam the Door Shut on the Muslim Brotherhood

NewsmaxTV June 29, 2016

IPT's 'Grand Deception' Airing Sunday on NewsmaxTV

NewsmaxTV June 24, 2016

Hoekstra: Orlando Not an Isolated Event

Fox News Radio June 15, 2016

Hoekstra: ISIS Success Inspires Terrorists Like Omar Mateen

NewsmaxTV June 13, 2016

Hoekstra: Administration Politicized Intelligence Community

WNYM 970 AM The Answer June 12, 2016

Emerson on Fox Business: Threat from Cross-Border Terrorists a Ticking Time Bomb

Fox Business Network June 2, 2016

Emerson on Fox: Do Trump's Comments Help Recruit Terrorists?

Interview on Fox News May 22, 2016

Hoekstra on Newsmax: Isolated by the U.S., Egypt is the Epicenter of Radical Jihad

NewsmaxTV May 20, 2016

PC Policies in Brussels Threaten US Safety as Well

Newsmax May 2016

Is It Back to Square One for Libya?

(1 comment)
U.S. News & World Report April 29, 2016

Speculation Over 28 Pages in 9/11 Report Doing More Harm Than Good

NewsmaxTV April 22, 2016

Two Administrations Protecting Something in 28 Pages of 9/11 Report

Fox News Channel April 22, 2016

IPT's Hoekstra: 9/11 Bill Appropriate for World in Which We Live Today

SiriusXM 'POTUS' April 21, 2016

IPT's Hoekstra: Public Deserves to See Full 2002 Congressional 9/11 Report

Relevant Radio 'The Drew Mariani Show' April 19, 2016

West Must Infiltrate Islamist Networks Before Plots Become Operational

NewsmaxTV April 8, 2016

Administration Will Leave Behind Nasty War for Successor

The Derrell Day Show -- WYOO 101.1 FM Panama City, Fla. April 6, 2016

Politically Incorrect to Talk Western Values on College Campuses

Relevant Radio 'The Drew Mariani Show' April 6, 2016

Administration Pushes False Claim on Winning against ISIS

NewsmaxTV April 5, 2016

Students Can't Remember A Past They Never Learned

The Daily Caller April 5, 2016

ISIS Manufactured up to 100,000 Passports over Past Two Years

(1 comment)
Radio America 'Liberty Nation' April 3, 2016

West Offers Window for Spectacular ISIS Attack

NewsmaxTV April 1, 2016

Islamist violence threatens Judeo-Christian civilization

Fox News April 1, 2016

Pete Hoekstra Discusses the Dramatic Rise in Global Islamist Terror on SiriusXM's POTUS

SiriusXM 'POTUS' March 31, 2016

The IPT's Pete Hoekstra Joins Frank Gaffney on Secure Freedom Radio

Secure Freedom Radio March 29, 2016

Hoekstra: Islamists Have the Means, Will to Destabilize Gov'ts in the Middle East

(1 comment)
NewsmaxTV March 29, 2016

Bloody tide: Terror deaths increased 8-fold since 2010, says study

FoxNews.com March 28, 2016

IPT's Pete Hoekstra analyzes the rise in global terror on Fox News

foxnews.com March 28, 2016

Anger Over Belgium Will Cost Leaders at the Polls

Newsmax March 24, 2016

Pete Hoekstra interviewed on Fox News Channel

(1 comment)
Fox News Channel March 23, 2016

Pete Hoekstra on NewsmaxTV discussing the attacks in Brussels

NewsmaxTV March 22, 2016

Steve Emerson and Andy McCarthy on NewsmaxTV

Interview on NewsmaxTV March 22, 2016

Pete Hoekstra on BloombergTV discussing the terror attacks in Belgium

Interview on BloombergTV March 22, 2016

IPT's Pete Hoekstra discussing the terror attacks in Belgium

Interview on WMAL - Mornings On The Mall March 22, 2016

IPT's Steven Emerson discussing the terror attacks in Belgium

Interview on WMAL - Mornings On The Mall March 22, 2016

Protesters Violently Riot Over Protected Political Speech

(1 comment)
Daily Caller March 14, 2016

Pete Hoekstra Talks Islamist Terror Trends on WKIP

NewsRadio 1450/1370 WKIP March 7, 2016

ISIS Targets Jordan With Death and Destruction

Newsmax March 3, 2016

Profane hatred blossoms on campus

Washington Times February 28, 2016

Steve Emerson on Fox Business Channel with Stuart Varney

Interview on Fox Business Network February 25, 2016

Libya disaster: Have Western leaders learned anything?

Fox News February 19, 2016

Obama's reckless foreign policy has put Israel in dire jeopardy

Sacramento Bee February 18, 2016

Emerson: Obama's Mosque Speech Sounded Like Muslim Brotherhood Script

Mike Siegel Show February 3, 2016

Questions for Obama's first U.S. mosque visit

Washington Examiner February 3, 2016

U.S.-Iranian Swaps Pit Compassion Against Costs

New York Times January 18, 2016

Former Intelligence Chairman Warns 'Stealth Jihad' Is Moving Through The West

Daily Caller January 17, 2016

Terrorism Expert: Obama 'Contradicted Himself' in SOTU

CNSNews.com January 13, 2016

Hoekstra: Strong U.S. Alliance With Saudi Arabia Will Endure

Interview on RT January 6, 2016

EXCLUSIVE – Pete Hoekstra: NSA Spying on Congress Requires Suspending State of the Union Invite

Breitbart.com January 4, 2016

Hoekstra: New Spying Scandal Biggest of Obama's Presidency

(1 comment)
Newsmax Prime with J.D. Hayworth December 31, 2015

New evidence reinforces CAIR's Islamist history

WND December 22, 2015

Breaking from the U.S., the U.K. Condemns the Muslim Brotherhood, Calling It a Terrorist Group

National Review December 22, 2015

IPT's Hoekstra Rebuts Al Jazeera Talking Points

Interview on Al Jazeera America December 20, 2015

'Architects of Disaster' Takes on Obama and Hillary's Disaster

Front Page Mag December 10, 2015

The West Can Defeat ISIS – but What Comes Next?

Fiscal Times December 8, 2015

Emerson Tells Dennis Prager: U.S. Alone Remains Afraid of Discussing Islamic Terrorism

Dennis Prager Show December 7, 2015

Hoekstra: Better Intelligence Requires Better Whistle-Blower Protection

WJR-AM, Detroit December 2, 2015

Hoekstra on NewsmaxTV: American Concerns About Terror Threats Well Grounded

NewsmaxTV November 30, 2015

Claims Of CENTCOM Cooking The Books On ISIS Intel Show We Need New Whistleblower Protections

Daily Caller November 30, 2015

Imposing Our Idea of Order in Mideast Doesn't Work

(1 comment)
Newsmax November 24, 2015

IPT's Pete Hoekstra on CNN: We Are Approaching War

CNN November 20, 2015

Hoekstra: U.S. Needs to Arm, Support Kurds in ISIS Fight

KRSO radio November 18, 2015

Hoekstra: We Must Recognize Radical Islam to Defeat It

Sirius XM POTUS Channel Morning Briefing with Tim Farley November 18, 2015

Hoekstra: Properly Vetting Refugees From a Failed State Like Syria Near Impossible

Newsmax Prime with J.D. Hayworth November 17, 2015

Hoekstra: Vetting Syrian Refugees Poses Unparalleled Challenges

Rick Jensen radio show, WDEL November 17, 2015

Jihadists Crippling the West from Within

American Thinker November 17, 2015

Hoekstra Talks Failing U.S. Policy Toward Defeating ISIS

(1 comment)
Lars Larson radio show November 16, 2015

Someone Tell The President We Can't Fight Radical Islam By Being Politically Correct

Forbes November 16, 2015

Sharyl Attkisson interviews Steve Emerson on how the Arab Spring created an ideal environment for terrorism to grow and thrive

(1 comment)
Full Measure November 15, 2015

Hoekstra Responds to 'Bizarre' White House Attack on "Architects of Disaster"

NewsmaxTV November 12, 2015

Hoekstra: Declaration of War Against ISIS Would Clarify Enemy, How to Defeat It

NewsmaxTV November 11, 2015

Obama has the wrong strategy on Syria

(1 comment)
CNBC November 11, 2015

White House Hits Hoekstra on Libya Book

(1 comment)
Newsmax November 11, 2015

IPT's Pete Hoekstra Talks Politics and Terror with Geraldo Rivera

ABC Radio November 5, 2015

IPT's Pete Hoekstra interviewed on Possible ISIS bombing of Russian Plane

(1 comment)
Newsmax November 4, 2015

Pete Hoekstra at The Heritage Foundation discussing his new book 'Architects of Disaster: The Destruction of Libya'

The Heritage Foundation November 2, 2015

IPT's Pete Hoekstra on Fox Business Network 'Varney & Co.' discussing 'Architects of Disaster.'

Interview on Fox Business Network October 21, 2015

Hoekstra: Five questions for the Democratic candidates

Detroit News October 20, 2015

Pete Hoekstra on Sharyl Attkisson's Full Measure discussing his new book 'Architects of Disaster: The Destruction of Libya'

Full Measure October 18, 2015

Book: Obama, Clinton left Libya a terrorist training site

(1 comment)
Washington Times October 13, 2015

Glazov Gang: Steve Emerson on "Obama vs. US Victims of Palestinian Terror?

The Glazov Gang August 7, 2015

IPT Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra at the Stop Iran Rally in Times Square, NYC

IPT News July 22, 2015

IPT Executive Director Steven Emerson at the Stop Iran Rally in Times Square, NYC

IPT News July 22, 2015

IPT Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra and Amb. James Woolsey break down the Iran nuclear agreement

(1 comment)
NewsmaxTV July 14, 2015

Interview: Present ISIL Middle East paradox?

The Daily Journalist July 6, 2015

Point de Bascule replies to Catherine Solyom

Point de Bascule June 4, 2015

On College Campuses, Saving Democracy From Itself

The Algemeiner April 20, 2015

IPT Shillman Fellow Hoekstra: Don't allow friction between Obama-Netanyahu to distract from Iranian threat

Interview on SiriusXM POTUS March 23, 2015

IPT Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra on SiriusXM POTUS: Get U.S. allies equipment, training to defeat ISIS

Interview on SiriusXM POTUS February 18, 2015

IPT Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra on SiriusXM POTUS: Defeating the root causes of radical Islamism

(1 comment)
Interview on SiriusXM POTUS January 15, 2015

IPT Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra: Western leaders refuse to address enduring threat from radical Islam

Interview on Sun News Canada January 12, 2015

Emerson with Judge Pirro: No-Go Islamic Zones and Western Self-Denial

Interview on Fox News January 11, 2015

Emerson on Fox's Hannity: "No Go Zones and Sharia Courts…Europe is Finished."

Interview on Fox News January 7, 2015

Emerson on Fox News: Our Shameful Refusal to Call the Paris Attacks Islamic Terrorism

Interview on Fox News January 7, 2015

Emerson on Fox with Judge Jeanine: "We're embracing [Muslim Brotherhood] front groups…."

Interview on Fox News January 4, 2015

Emerson on Fox and Friends: US Vulnerability to Lone Wolf Islamic Terrorists

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News Channel December 16, 2014

IPT Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra On Fox Business: Sydney Islamist Terrorist been on Radar since 2007

Interview on Fox Business Network December 15, 2014

Emerson on Fox News on Australian Terrorist; Breaking News on his website

Interview on Fox News December 15, 2014

Judge Pirro interviews Emerson on hostage taking, Administration rescue efforts and Al Qaeda-ISIS competition

(1 comment)
December 6, 2014

Emerson on ISIS in Canada, restrictions on RCMP, and the mother of all Islamic terrorist groups; Muslim Brotherhood

December 5, 2014

U.S. Judge Shields Palestinian Terrorists from Scrutiny

Washington Free Beacon October 29, 2014

Emerson on Fox News America's Newsroom - Open Societies and Stopping Terrorism

Interview on Fox News October 23, 2014

Emerson on Fox News Hannity discussing the rise of radical Islam

Interview on Fox News October 22, 2014

Emerson on Sun News Canada Byline with Brian Lilley discussing Lone Wolf Terrorists

Interview on Sun News Canada October 22, 2014

Emerson on Fox Business with Neil Cavuto - Counter Terrorist Slogans or Policies?

Interview on Fox Business Network October 21, 2014

Emerson with Judge Pirro on U.S. Counter-Terrorism Strategy

Interview on Fox News October 11, 2014

Emerson on Fox News - Justice with Judge Jeanine: The Jihadists in Oklahoma and the Obama Administration's Blinders on Islamic Extremism

Interview on Fox News September 28, 2014

Emerson on Fox News: The New Global Jihad and the Threat against the US

Interview on Fox News September 27, 2014

Obama Forbids FBI to Use Religion in Identifying Terror Threats, as ISIS Recruits Openly in U.S. Mosques

The American Thinker September 24, 2014

IPT's John Rossomando on NewsmaxTV Mid-Point discussing the domestic terror threat

Interview on NewsmaxTV September 18, 2014

Emerson on CNBC Discussing Terror Threats to West by Jihadi Veterans

Interview on CNBC September 18, 2014

Emerson on the Disappearing ISIS Coalition with Fox's Judge Pirro

Interview on Fox News September 14, 2014

Emerson on Fox with Judge Pirro on How the US is Manipulating the Truth on Radical Islam

Interview on Fox News September 13, 2014

IPT's John Rossomando on NewsmaxTV Mid-Point discussing the Islamic State

Interview on NewsmaxTV September 12, 2014

Emerson on Fox News - Justice with Judge Jeanine

Interview on Fox News September 6, 2014

ISIS child recruitment push hints at long-term ambitions

CBC News August 14, 2014

Emerson on Fox News - Justice with Judge Jeanine

Interview on Fox News August 10, 2014

Hamas ♥s Human Shields

National Review Online August 8, 2014

Fox's Judge Jeanine Interviews Emerson: Hamas Gets Away With Murder

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News August 2, 2014

Emerson on Fox: The Obama Administration, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood

Interview on Fox News August 1, 2014

Exclusive: US intelligence source claims Hamas has many more tunnels than Israel says

(1 comment)
Jerusalem Post July 22, 2014

Standing Up For – And To – Terrarabism Part Two (End)

Bureaucracy Busters June 5, 2014

Standing Up For – And To – Terrarabism Part One (of Two)

(1 comment)
Bureaucracy Busters June 4, 2014

IPT Full-Page Ad in The New York Times

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May 21, 2014

Obama: I want to reach out and save the kidnapped Nigerian girls

(1 comment)
New York Post May 9, 2014

Steve Emerson interviewed on Sun News - Canadians leaving for Jihad

Sun News Canada November 20, 2013

Steven Emerson interviewed on Fox News discussing the theatrical release of our latest film Jihad in America: the Grand Deception

Interview on Fox News October 21, 2013

John Rossomando on Sun News - Somali Militants Behind attack in Kenya

Sun News Canada September 23, 2013

Steven Emerson interviewed on Fox News with Sean Hannity on the terrorist attack on the Kenyan Mall

Fox News Channel September 23, 2013

TUSD accepts funds from group with ties to Muslim Brotherhood

Arizona Daily Independent July 3, 2013

Jihad in America: The Grand Deception

American Thinker July 2, 2013

Another White House play date with Muslim jihad

(1 comment)
MichelleMalkin.com June 28, 2013

Official confirms, defends White House meeting with controversial Muslim scholar

FoxNews.com June 27, 2013

Guess Who's Welcome in the White House?

Commentary June 27, 2013

Obama White House Hosts Sheikh Who Called for Killing American Troops in Iraq

National Review Online June 26, 2013

Muslim scholar tied to pro-Hamas group, radical cleric visits White House

FoxNews.com June 26, 2013

Senior Obama administration officials met with radical Muslim preacher at White House

The Daily Caller June 25, 2013

EXCLUSIVE: Deputy of banned suicide-bomb-endorsing cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi had White House meeting with National Security Council staff

The Daily Mail June 25, 2013

Emerson on Fox Business with Neil Cavuto discussing the upcoming US negotiations with the Taliban

(1 comment)
Fox Business Network June 20, 2013

Jihad in America

FrontPage Magazine May 21, 2013

Does the Governor General's wife know who's coming to dinner?

Ottawa Citizen April 28, 2013

Obama's scrub of Muslim terms under question; common links in attacks

Washington Times April 25, 2013

PRICE: U.S. terrorist threat growing with new breed of jihadists

Washington Times April 23, 2013

Steve Emerson on FoxNews with Megyn Kelly Discussing the Boston Bombing

Fox News Channel April 20, 2013

Do you want to understand jihad in America?

WND Faith April 20, 2013

Steve Emerson on Fox Business with Lou Dobbs Discussing the Boston Bombing

Fox Business Channel April 19, 2013

What Do We Know, and What Does It Say about Terrorism?

(1 comment)
National Review Online April 19, 2013

Steve Emerson on Fox Business with Neil Cavuto Discussing the Boston Bombing

Fox Business Channel April 18, 2013

Steve Emerson on the Katie Couric Show

(1 comment)
April 16, 2013

Steve Emerson on C-SPAN's Washington Journal

April 16, 2013

Steve Emerson on Fox News with Megyn Kelly

(1 comment)
April 16, 2013

We continue to coddle the Saudis at our national security peril

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review March 30, 2013

Home of majority of 9/11 hijackers to get 'trusted traveler' status

(1 comment)
New York Post March 21, 2013

Emerson on Fox News with Megyn Kelly Discussing the expose by the IPT revealing Saudi Arabia's Unprecedented Role in Vetting Visa Applicants to the U.S.

Fox News Channel March 20, 2013

DHS questioned over decision to let Saudi passengers skip normal passport controls

FoxNews.com March 20, 2013

The Real Meaning Of The Term 'Islamist'

Detroit Jewish News February 21, 2013

CORTES: The spook who couldn't see the perils of jihad

Washington Times February 21, 2013

The Psychology of Female Suicide Bombers Explored at IPT Forum

The Jewish Voice February 20, 2013

Steve Emerson: I stand by my film

Orange County Register February 16, 2013

Behind the Lines: Conquest through proselytizing

(1 comment)
Jerusalem Post February 15, 2013

Exclusive--The Hagel Speech that 'Wasn't': More Evidence Emerges of Failure to Disclose

Breitbart.com February 14, 2013

Hagel omitted two speeches on Middle East from Senate disclosure forms

FoxNews.com February 12, 2013

More Hagel Speeches Emerge, Suggesting he Misled Senate

Breitbart.com February 11, 2013

Steve Emerson on Fox Business with Lou Dobbs Discussing New Documentary Jihad in America: The Grand Deception

January 10, 2013

Report: Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrated Obama Admin

(1 comment)
Arutz Sheva January 9, 2013

Fox News Showcases Emerson's New Documentary "Jihad in America: The Grand Deception"

January 4, 2013

Rory Cohen: Tracking Muslim Brotherhood's 'Grand Deception'

Orange County Register December 3, 2012

John Rossomando interviewed on Sun News with Michael Coren on 'A Red Carpet for Radicals at the White House'

Sun News Canada October 25, 2012

Obama Invited Terror Suspects To Visit White House

Investor's Business Daily October 22, 2012

Emerson interviewed on Fox News about the growing anti U.S. sentiment in the Middle East

Interview on Fox News Channel September 23, 2012

Steve Emerson on Sun News Network with Michael Coren - Political correctness has damaged all aspects of life

September 17, 2012

Steve Emerson interview on shameful US response to Islamist Riots on Sun TV

(1 comment)
September 17, 2012

Emerson interviewed by Canadian Anchor Michael Coren on Dire Developments in Egypt by Muslim Brotherhood

(1 comment)
Interview on Sun News Canada August 14, 2012

Iranian embassy recruiting expats

Ottawa Citizen July 10, 2012

Michael Coren interviews Steve Emerson on the Muslim Brotherhood and Stealth Jihad

Sun News - Canada June 29, 2012

Administration admits to 'hundreds' of meetings with jihad-linked group

Daily Caller June 8, 2012

The friends of Bill Pascrell

Powerline Blog June 2, 2012

Emerson on Fox News discussing cyber warfare on Iranian nuclear facilities

Fox News Channel June 1, 2012

'Israel's creation worst catastrophe to hit world'

Jerusalem Post June 1, 2012

NJ Gov. Christie Courting Islamist Cleric

Radicalism.org May 28, 2012

Emerson on Fox 5 discussing the death of the Lockerbie bomber

Fox 5 - WTTG May 20, 2012

Chris Christie's Islam Problem

National Review Online May 1, 2012

Security Matters: Turning a corner?

Jerusalem Post March 29, 2012

Tracking Terror

New York Post February 12, 2012

Steven Emerson on C-SPAN - Washington Journal

(1 comment)
C-SPAN November 25, 2011

Reality of Islam hard to dispute

Toronto Sun November 20, 2011

Senator Bill Nelson in Islamic-donor whodunit

Miami Herald November 12, 2011

Michael Coren with Steve Emerson: Jihad In America

Sun News - Canada November 9, 2011

Hezbollah and CAIR Attacks on U.S. Jihad Experts are Synchronized

Family Security Matters October 24, 2011

Terror war: Victory can't be declared

Richmond Times Dispatch September 14, 2011

Emerson on CNBC discussing the Current Terror Threat

Interview on CNBC September 9, 2011

Emerson Interviewed on Fox News on Current Terror Threat

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Interview on Fox News September 9, 2011

Emerson on Fox Business Discusses Center for American Progress Report

(1 comment)
Fox Business Channel August 30, 2011

Appeals Court Lets Contractor's Family Sue Palestinian Authority Over His Death

Fox News August 14, 2011

Tariq Ramadan and Cultural Jihad

Canada Free Press August 4, 2011

IPT's Ari Sasson on Indian Television Debates Former Pakistani Interior Minister

Interview on Times on India May 10, 2011

Locker on Fox News Discusses the bin Laden Intelligence Haul

Interview on Fox News May 10, 2011

Locker on Canadian Television Discussing Pakistani Intelligence

Interview on Sun News Canada May 9, 2011

Lawmaker Criticizes Muslim Group Director's 2009 Fundraising Letter to Qaddafi

Fox News.com April 7, 2011

Emerson on Fox News discussing Durbin's relationship with Radical Islamic Groups

Interview on Fox News March 29, 2011

Locker interviewed on WUSA9 on King Hearings

Interview on WUSA March 10, 2011

Long Arm of Law Reaches Out to Woo Muslims

The Wall Street Journal March 10, 2011

The Muslim Brotherhood's Cover-Up

Frontpagemag.com March 10, 2011

Muslim American groups, not Rep. Pete King, are the ones fomenting hysteria with hearings on tap

New York Daily News March 10, 2011

Hearings are no witch hunt

Townhall.com March 9, 2011

US panel to hold hearings on American Muslim extremism

Jerusalem Post March 9, 2011

Emerson on Fox News Discussing Nidal Hasan's Prosecution

Fox News February 12, 2011

2 nations join forces to meet U.S. - Canadian border challenge

Detroit Free Press February 6, 2011

Murdock: Katie Couric - Koranic scholar

Scripps Howard News Service January 6, 2011

Emerson on Fox News discussing current U.S. vulnerabilities to terrorist attacks

Interview on Fox News December 27, 2010

Emerson on CSPAN discussing Islamic terrorism in the United States

Interview on CSPAN December 27, 2010

With Variety of Targets Available, Planes Cruising Over U.S. Are Low-Priority Security Concern

FoxNews.com December 27, 2010

EMERSON on CBS Early Show Discusses Terrorist Threats Faced by U.S.

(1 comment)
Interview on CBS Early Show December 24, 2010

Al Qaida Strengthening in North-West Africa

Fox News December 17, 2010

Arlington Man Charged With Making Bomb Threats

WUSA-TV, Washington December 15, 2010

FIELDS: Cultivating homegrown terror

Washington Times December 1, 2010

Guest column: Tennessean unfair to organization that investigates terrorists

Des Moines Register November 1, 2010

Metro Prepares For Busy Weekend After Terror Arrest

WUSA TV, Washington October 28, 2010

Steve Emerson on Fox News Discussing Latest Homegrown Terror Plots

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News October 28, 2010

College Professor Calls for Israel's Destruction

CBN News October 18, 2010

In Defense of Drones

New York Post October 17, 2010

Steve Emerson on MSNBC discussing Imminent Islamic Terrorist Threat in Europe

Interview on MSNBC October 2, 2010

FBI Defends Mustapha's Visit

The Washington Times September 30, 2010

Donations to terrorists are tax deductible

International Business Times September 29, 2010

Rep. Meeks helped 'jihad' flier

New York Post September 20, 2010

Fox Showcases IPT Story on Rauf's "9/11 Truther" Partner

(1 comment)
Fox News September 14, 2010

Mosque imam's associate calls WTC attacks an 'inside job'

New York Post September 13, 2010

Lion's Den: Americans wake up to Islamism

(1 comment)
Jerusalem Post September 6, 2010

Backer of NYC mosque gave to Hamas-linked charity

Associated Press September 4, 2010

IPT's Ray Locker on Fox News discussing questions surrounding the Ground Zero Mosque's financing

Interview on Fox News September 4, 2010

Sketchy tax break for GZ imam 'prayer pad'

New York Post September 2, 2010

New York imam's nonexistent mosque

Washington Examiner September 2, 2010

New Questions for Imam Rauf

Fox News September 1, 2010

Emerson on Fox News Discussing the Growing Threat of al-Qaida's Affiliate Groups

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News August 28, 2010

Emerson on MSNBC Discussing Islamic Terrorist Groups

(1 comment)
Interview on MSNBC August 25, 2010

Cleric al-Awlaki dubbed 'bin Laden of the Internet'

USA Today August 25, 2010

Muslim Brotherhood expands westward

BBC August 23, 2010

Feisal Abdul Rauf Tape: U.S. Has More Blood on Its Hands Than Al-Qaida

AOL News August 23, 2010

Ray Locker on WUSA-9 Discussing The Escalating Homegrown Terror Threat

Interview on WUSA-9 August 20, 2010

Emerson Pulls Lid Off Stealth Jihad at TREXPO East

(1 comment)
Police Magazine August 19, 2010

CAIR's Hollywood Crusade

(1 comment)
Big Hollywood August 11, 2010

The road to terror training camps sometimes begins in the U.S.

CNN August 11, 2010

Emerson on CNN discussing Homegrown Youth Radicalization

Interview on CNN August 9, 2010

Emerson on CNN discussing Al Qaeda's New Magazine

Interview on CNN July 20, 2010

New Terror Threat On Mexico Border

(1 comment)
Investor's Business Daily July 20, 2010

Chicago's Arab Festival Drops Israel-Bashing

(1 comment)
Chicago Jewish Star July 16, 2010

Candidate Lou Ann Zelenik airs Murfreesboro mosque suspicions

The Nashville Tennessean July 14, 2010

Emerson on Fox News Discusses Mosque Controversies

Interview on Fox News July 2, 2010

Controversy Surrounds Construction of Mosques Across U.S.

Fox News July 2, 2010

Group challenges Muslim chaplain's dismissal from force

WLS-TV, Chicago June 23, 2010

President Obama Rewards The Hamas Lobby

Forbes.com June 22, 2010

Truth behind the harm-ada

New York Post June 3, 2010

Gaza Clash: Turkish Charity's Terror Links

Fox News Live Shots June 1, 2010

Israel's foes to raise funds in Houston

Jewish Herald Voice May 21, 2010

Intel Paper Says Al Qaeda's Yemeni Affiliate More Determined Than Ever to Attack Inside U.S.

Newsweek Declassified Blog May 12, 2010

Shahzad's Arrest Brings Pakistani Terror to the Fore

AOL News May 6, 2010

'There's A Grand Deception Going On': An Interview with Terrorism Expert Steven Emerson

The Jewish Press April 14, 2010

Is Hezbollah Ramping Up in the US?

Fox News Liveshots Blog March 26, 2010

Who is Jihad Jamie?

(1 comment)
Interview on MSNBC March 15, 2010

Homegrown Terror: Arrests Raise Concerns of Radicalized Muslims

Interview on Fox News March 13, 2010

Threat of Homegrown Terrorism

(1 comment)
Interview on C-SPAN March 12, 2010

Who is Jihad Jane?

Interview on MSNBC March 10, 2010

Top 10 American jihadis: Where does Jihad Jane rank on the list?

Christian Science Monitor Global News blog March 10, 2010

PA Woman Charged with Recruiting Jihadists Killers Online

Interview on Fox News March 10, 2010

'Calling for death to a country or individual is unacceptable'

Politico March 9, 2010

Letter on Muslim radical roils GOP Senate race

Los Angeles Times March 8, 2010

I-Team Report: Pillar of the State Police

WLS Chicago (ABC) March 3, 2010

US Muslims Say Aggressive FBI Tactics Spark Resentment

VOANews.com February 16, 2010

Author of report urging opening to Hamas to visit KC area

Kansas City Jewish Chronicle January 29, 2010

Muslim question persists in Army shooting

Washington Times January 18, 2010

Did Botched Terror Try Reveal Others in the Works?

MSNBC January 2, 2010

Terror Probe: How Many Warning Signs Were Missed?

MSNBC January 2, 2010

Officials Looking at Suspect's Ties with Radical Cleric Al-Awlaki

MSNBC January 1, 2010

Steven Emerson: Combating Radical Islam

Middle East Quarterly January 2010

Retracing Terror Suspect's Steps

Interview on MSNBC December 31, 2009

Yemen, North Africa: Terrorism's New Home

CBS News December 30, 2009

Report of Second Airline Bombing Attempt

Interview on Fox News December 30, 2009

Former Gitmo Detainees Behind Plot?

Interview on MSNBC December 30, 2009

Systemic Failure

Interview on The Early Show on CBS December 30, 2009

Al Qaeda Regional Group Claims Responsibility for Plane Plot

Interview on Fox News December 30, 2009

The Yemen Factor

Interview on CNN December 30, 2009

Is it Time to Start Profiling Airline Passengers?

Interview on Fox News December 29, 2009

Should Airports Use "Smart Screening"?

Interview on Good Morning America December 29, 2009

Al Qaeda Taking Advantage of Instability in Yemen

Interview on MSNBC December 28, 2009

Terror Suspect: Warning Signs Missed?

Interview on MSNBC December 27, 2009

Alleged Terrorist Attack on Passenger Jet

Interview on MSNBC December 26, 2009

Terrorist Attack Thwarted

Interview on Fox News December 26, 2009

Radical Imam Believed Dead in Yemen Airstrike

Interview on Fox News December 24, 2009

Homegrown Terror on the Rise in 2009

Fox News December 14, 2009

Five Men from DC-Area Detained in Pakistan

Interview on WTTG December 10, 2009

Pakistan Detains 5 Americans in Raid Tied to Militants

Interview on FOX News December 10, 2009

Five Men Found in Pakistan

Interview on WUSA December 10, 2009

Five Americans Reportedly Held in Pakistan on Terror Charges

Newsweek Declassified Blog December 9, 2009

The Threat of Homegrown Terrorism

C-SPAN November 29, 2009

Hasan Attorney: No Guilty Plea But May Use Insanity Defense

Interview on Fox News November 23, 2009

Terror Trials in the U.S.

Interview on MSNBC November 15, 2009

Who is Khalid Sheik Mohammed?

(1 comment)
Interview on MSNBC November 15, 2009

Northern Va. Mosque of Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Connected to Jihadists and Islamic Terrorist Groups

CNSNews November 13, 2009

President Obama Orders Intelligence Review of Accused Fort Hood Killer

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News November 12, 2009

Could the FBI have Prevented the Fort Hood Attack?

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News November 11, 2009

The Grand Deception: Jihadis Among Us

Canada Free Press November 9, 2009

FBI Investigating Possible Terror Ties of Fort Hood Suspect

Interview on Fox News November 9, 2009

Muslim Radical Slaying Victim Has Ties To Atlanta

WSB TV October 30, 2009

Controversial Imam to Join Jesse Jackson at Muslim Group's Banquet

Fox News October 20, 2009

Controversial California University Refers Complaints About Muslim Campus Group to FBI

The Forward October 14, 2009

NY Terror Suspect Enters Not Guilty Plea

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News September 29, 2009

Uptick in Domestic Terror?

Interview on CNBC September 25, 2009

FBI: Investigating Several Other Suspects in U.S. & Pakistan

Interview on FOX News September 23, 2009

FBI Partners With Jihad Groups

Human Events September 10, 2009

The Islamist Lobby in the House

(1 comment)
Front Page Magazine August 4, 2009

Terror Arrests on the Rise

Interview on CNN July 29, 2009

Americans Planning Jihad?

Interview on CNN July 28, 2009

Hamas PM Haniyeh loses 10,000 Facebook friends

The Jerusalem Post July 27, 2009

Replacing the U.S. Constitution with the Koran

Daniel Pipes Blog July 24, 2009

Emerson on Fox News: Jihadi Convention in Chicago?

(1 comment)
Interview on FOX News July 17, 2009

A Fatal Embrace

The Daily News Record (Harrisonburg, Va.) July 14, 2009

Internet Video Threat Surfaces

Interview on FOX News July 10, 2009

Is Jihad Outdated? How Islamists Work the System

Middle East Forum July 2, 2009

Are Homegrown Terrorists More Dangerous than al Qaeda?

Interview on CNN June 10, 2009

Shooting of two soldiers in Little Rock puts focus on 'lone wolf' Islamic extremists

The Christian Science Monitor June 10, 2009

Emerson on Fox News: How Real is the Threat of Homegrown Terror in the US?

Fox News - Red Eye June 10, 2009

Clinton Invites Controversial Muslim Leader on Conference Call

Fox News June 9, 2009

Obama's Message To Muslims

Interview on MSNBC June 4, 2009

New Osama Bin Laden Recording Slams President Obama's Mideast Trip

Interview on MSNBC June 3, 2009

Detailed List of Sensitive Nuclear Sites Mistakenly Posted Online

Interview on MSNBC June 3, 2009

New Bin Laden Recording Accuses Obama of Planting Seeds of Hatred Across America

Interview on MSNBC June 3, 2009

Mainstream Media Are On The Side Of The Terrorists

(1 comment)
The Advocate (Philadelphia) May 27, 2009

New Focus On Muslim Prison Outreach

(1 comment)
New York Jewish Week May 27, 2009

United States, West Still Under Assault By Jihadists

The Bulletin (Philadelphia) May 26, 2009

Emerson on Fox News: Law Enforcement Focuses on Threat of Homegrown Terrorism

(1 comment)
Fox News May 25, 2009

State Department's love affair with Islamists

Jerusalem Post May 24, 2009

Emerson on MSNBC: Gitmo Effect - More Terror?

Interview on MSNBC May 23, 2009

Emerson on CNN: Obama vs. Cheney

CNN: Campbell Brown, No Bias, No Bull May 22, 2009

Terror Suspects Could Have Acquired Missiles Elsewhere, Analysts Say

Fox News May 22, 2009

4 nabbed in plot to bomb New York synagogue

The Jerusalem Post May 22, 2009

Comments dog Va. candidate Omeish called for 'jihad way'

Washington Jewish Week May 11, 2009

Glossy Internet Magazine Targets Americans for Jihad Training

Fox News May 3, 2009

Cyberspies Threatening U.S.?

Interview on MSNBC April 8, 2009

Life And Death Lessons The US Still Needs To Learn For Survival

The Bulletin (Philadelphia) March 30, 2009

Steven Emerson and the Grand Deception: The Islamic Threat

Canada Free Press March 9, 2009

The Normalization Of Murder, Genocide And Terrorism

The Bulletin (Philadelphia) February 20, 2009

Australian Wildfires Could Fuel 'Forest Jihad' Terrorists, Experts Say

Fox News.com February 10, 2009

Exclusive: FBI Severs CAIR Ties – Group's Credibility Takes a Hit from Holy Land Terror Trial

Family Security Matters, Adnan el Shukrijumah February 9, 2009

Terrorists, Their Organizations Are All Around, Yet We Slumber

The Bulletin (Philadelphia) February 5, 2009

Government, FBI, Media Years Behind Understanding Radical Islam

The Bulletin (Philadelphia) February 4, 2009

Al-Jowari to be Released from Prison

Interview on FOX 5 News February 1, 2009

FBI Severs Ties With Islamic Group

Human Events.com January 30, 2009

Obama criticized for associating with Ingrid Mattson

Los Angeles Times January 25, 2009

U.S. Official: Bin Laden Video Tape is Authentic

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News January 14, 2009

New Audio Tape Purportedly from Osama bin Laden Released This Morning

Interview on MSNBC January 14, 2009

Emerson v. Aslan: A Daily Beast Debate

The Daily Beast January 9, 2009

Pro-HAMAS Rallies Billed as "Anti War" Protests

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News January 9, 2009

Is The Media Fair In Its Portrayal Of The Israeli-Hamas Conflict?

Interview on Fox News January 7, 2009

Terrorism specialist says security lax against jihadist militants

South Florida Sun-Sentinel December 10, 2008

The State of American Law Enforcement Chapter 9: Stopping the Next 9/11

Police Magazine September 18, 2008

Terrorism Attacks on Yemen: Is Al Qaeda trying to influence the election while everyone is so focused on the economy?

(1 comment)
FOX 5 News September 17, 2008

9/11: Seven Years Later

CNBC September 11, 2008

Book Based on Prophet Muhammad's Child Bride Yanked At 11th Hour

FOX News.com August 19, 2008

Al Qaeda Website Posts Call To Attack Water Supply

Fox News August 19, 2008

Former Presidential Candidate Mike Gravel Advocates Stalking Federal Prosecutor on Al-Arian Case

(1 comment)
Fox News August 5, 2008

Terrorism Expert: Karen Hughes Gave Money to Bad Guys

(1 comment)
Newsmax.com August 3, 2008

Countering Islamism

(1 comment)
American Thinker August 2, 2008

Jihadi Group to Run Ad on Subways in New York

(1 comment)
Fox News July 21, 2008

First terrorism trial begins at Guantanamo Bay

CBC July 21, 2008

The First Detainees at Gitmo Charged with War Crimes Go on Trial

Fox News July 20, 2008

Israel's Awful Terrorist Pacts

New York Post July 16, 2008

Jihad and Outreach to Islamic Supremacist Groups

Counterterrorism Blog July 11, 2008

Experts Debate Efficacy of FBI Outreach to CAIR

CQ Homeland Security July 11, 2008

Islamism and the So-called `Muslim Voting Bloc': Shades of Theocracy

July 4, 2008

Israeli Military Held Large-scale Excercise in May

Fox News June 20, 2008

Times Imposes Security Measures After Climbers' Stunts

The New York Times June 7, 2008

How The American Media And National Muslim Political Organization Support Terrorism, Murder And Genocide

The Bulletin (Philadelphia) May 30, 2008

The Government's Jihad on Jihad

National Review Online May 13, 2008

Saudis' secret agenda

The Australian May 3, 2008

Report: Jimmy Carter to Meet With Hamas Leader in Syria

FOX News April 8, 2008

How real is the threat of homegrown terror in the US?

Fox News March 29, 2008

Al Qaeda 2.0

Fox News March 27, 2008

Passport case fuels terror fear

San Antonio Express-News March 22, 2008

CAIR trains FBI agents as new report cites links to terror

Insight March 18, 2008

Caught in the Act: Smear Attempt on Steven Emerson Boomerangs

Counterterrorism Blog March 13, 2008

Islamic Charities Draw More Scrutiny

Wall Street Journal February 23, 2008

A PC-Plagued Pentagon


Al-Qaeda Recruiting Videos Show Boys in Terror Training

(1 comment)
Fox News February 6, 2008

Questions for the Pentagon

National Review Online January 25, 2008

Are Islamist Groups Trying to Influence the White House Race?

Fox News January 16, 2008

Islamism and Challenges to Resources for U.S. Strategic Planning Against Jihad

(1 comment)
Counterterrorism Blog January 12, 2008

Expert on Radical Islam Fired from Pentagon

Fox News January 11, 2008

Holy Land Foundation Juror Breaks Her Silence

Fox News December 20, 2007

Jury Nullification for Terrorists

Investor's Business Daily December 18, 2007

After Guantanamo, 'Reintegration' for Saudis

Washington Post December 10, 2007

Chavez Still a Threat Despite Referendum Defeat

Fox News December 3, 2007

The Point: Is U.S. Next for Violent Protests?

CNN Headline - Glenn Beck November 28, 2007

FBI Hoped to Follow Falafel Trail to Iranian Terrorists Here

CQ Politics November 6, 2007

Ohio No Stranger to Radical Islam

CBN News October 22, 2007

Mistrial declared for 5 of 6 in Holy Land Foundation Trial

Fox News October 22, 2007

The Dangerous Denial of Jihad's Threat

Counterterrorism Blog October 15, 2007

U.S. Weighs Options on Iran After Israeli Strike on Syria

MSNBC October 15, 2007

Tensions from Israeli Strike on Syrian Nuke Site

MSNBC October 15, 2007

Al Qaeda intensifying efforts to get operatives within U.S. borders

MSNBC October 14, 2007

White House Predicts Al-Qaeda Wants to Send Terrorists Here

MSNBC October 13, 2007

HAMAS Teaching Kids to Kill

Fox News October 12, 2007

A SLAPP Against Freedom

City Journal October 10, 2007

Ramadan revisionism

Washington Times October 5, 2007

Muslim group touts local political clout

Washington Times October 1, 2007

FBI reaching out to jihadist-linked group

Washington Times September 28, 2007

Omeish Says He's 'Victim of Smear Campaign'

Washington Post September 28, 2007

"Controversial Muslim Resigns from Virginia Commission"

Fox News September 27, 2007

Va. appointee resigns after videos

Associated Press September 27, 2007

Emerson Interview Part II

The Conservative Beacon September 27, 2007

Confronting the terror threat

Jerusalem Post September 25, 2007

Emerson Assesses Al Qaeda Resurgence in Interview

The Conservative Beacon September 25, 2007

Terror on Campus

National Review Online September 11, 2007

Tale of the Tape

CNN Headline September 10, 2007

Homeland Security Chief: We Are Unequivocally Safer Post 9/11

MSNBC September 6, 2007

Suspects Allegedly Belong to Cell of Islamic Jihad Group

Fox News September 6, 2007

"Terror Handbook Gives Advice on How to Form Jihad Cells"

Fox News August 31, 2007

"Two Florida Students Indicted on Explosives Charges"

MSNBC August 31, 2007

A Modest Prediction

Counterterrorism Blog August 29, 2007

"Concerns Raised Over D.O.J. Sponsorship of Islamic Convention"

Fox News August 29, 2007

"Jose Padilla"

MSNBC August 16, 2007

U.S. Tracks Saudi Bank Favored by Extremists

The Wall Street Journal July 26, 2007

"Holy Land Foundation Trial"

Fox News July 18, 2007

"Resurgence of Al-Qaeda"

Fox News July 16, 2007

"U.K. Attempted Car Bombings"

CNN Headline - Glenn Beck July 6, 2007


Fox News June 17, 2007


The Straits Times (Singapore) June 16, 2007

The Islamists Are Coming!

The Weekly Standard June 11, 2007

Commentary: Rights, passions collide

Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly June 11, 2007

Be Careful What You Sue For

Wall Street Journal June 10, 2007

Islamists in the courtroom

The Jerusalem Post June 6, 2007

"JFK Terror Plot"

NBC June 4, 2007

Islamic Groups Named in Hamas Funding Case

The New York Sun June 4, 2007

MPAC, CAIR, and Praising Osama bin Laden

(1 comment)
FrontPageMagazine.com June 1, 2007

"Adam Gadahn Video"

CNN Headline - Glenn Beck May 30, 2007

"New Poll on U.S. Muslim Youth"

CNBC May 23, 2007

"Ties Between Al-Qaeda and Iran"

CNN Headline - Glenn Beck May 22, 2007

"Fort Dix Islamist Terrorist Plot"

MSNBC May 12, 2007

"Muslim-American Society: American Friend or Foe?"

Fox News April 15, 2007

"Muslim Brotherhood at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and Al-Sadr's Threat"

Fox News April 9, 2007

"New Textbook Reportedly Teaching Palestinian Children to Fight Israel"

Fox News April 4, 2007

"Hamas TV Showing 4 Year Old Girl Vowing Suicide Bombing"

Fox News March 23, 2007

"The Truth About CAIR"

Fox News March 14, 2007

'American Jihad' author makes waves at JCC

Arizona Daily Star December 12, 2006

Suspicion about imams grows as terror links pile up

Minneapolis Star Tribune December 11, 2006

"Omar Shaheen"

CNBC December 1, 2006

Analysts say fundraising for terrorists went on without notice

(1 comment)
Telegram and Gazette September 11, 2006

Officials remember the day, look to the future

Pittsburgh Tribune Review September 11, 2006

"Tunnel Terror: Are We Safe?"

CNN August 11, 2006

"Terror Threat on Transit Systems"

NBC August 11, 2006

"The Playboy Terrorist"

MSNBC July 10, 2006

New profile of the home-grown terrorist emerges

The Christian Science Monitor June 26, 2006

"Terror Arrests: Plot to Attack Buildings"

NBC June 23, 2006

Terrorists Trained by Zarqawi Went Abroad, Jordan Says

The New York Times June 11, 2006

"Terrorism out of Canada"

MSNBC June 5, 2006

A Special Interview with Steve Emerson

Journal of Counterterrorism and Security International June 1, 2006

Islamic Thinkers Society Called 'Destructive'

The New York Sun April 26, 2006

"Jihadists in New York"

Fox News April 24, 2006

"Guilty of Conspiracy: Sami Al-Arian"

Fox News April 17, 2006

"A Free Pass to Radical Islam"

MSNBC March 15, 2006

Mayor's Decision To Suspend, Not Fire Imam Is Criticized by Some

The New York Sun March 15, 2006

Top Jail Imam in Hate Tirade

The New York Post March 9, 2006

Steven Emerson

The Bulletin (Australia) March 7, 2006

"Is Bush Safe in Pakistan?"

NBC March 3, 2006

Muhammad Cartoon Unrest had been Simmering

The Philadelphia Inquirer February 7, 2006

"Al Qaeda Speaks"

Fox News January 21, 2006

Islamists in court

Washington Times January 20, 2006

Islamists see opportunity with unrest in France

The Washington Times November 9, 2005

US Urges Saudis to do More to Halt Terror Funding

Voice of America News November 8, 2005

Teen may have visited mom here in 2000

Cleveland Plain Dealer July 16, 2005

Young, fanatical British Muslims among prime suspects

Ottawa Citizen July 8, 2005

Trying to stay one step ahead of jihadists

Ottawa Citizen July 8, 2005

Al-Qaeda thrives despite body blow

The Scotsman May 29, 2005

MPAC on Steven Emerson and Me

Daniel Pipes Weblog July 12, 2004

Hard-liners won battle for Bridgeview mosque

(1 comment)
Chicago Tribune February 8, 2004

One Man's War on Terror

Brown Alumni Magazine December 1, 2002

U.S. Trails Va. Muslim Money, Ties

Washington Post October 7, 2002

Foiling the Next Attack

Wall Street Journal May 21, 2002

Raids Seek Evidence of Money-Laundering

New York Times March 21, 2002

N.Va. Sites Raided in Probe of Terrorism

Washington Post March 21, 2002

Steven Emerson and the NPR blacklist

Boston Globe February 7, 2002

More Assets Frozen in Terrorism Fight; Treasury Adds 39 Organiza

Washington Post October 14, 2001

Honey Trade Said to Provide Funds and Cover to bin Laden

New York Times October 11, 2001

U.S.-based charities face scrutiny in terrorism probes

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution September 30, 2001

Canadian web site tied to Hamas

National Post September 8, 2001

EXCLUSIVE: Ressam's target was L.A. airport

National Post May 29, 2001

The Blacklisting of an investigative journalist

Boston Globe August 31, 1998

Steven Emerson: Get Ready for Twenty World Trade Center Bombings

Middle East Quarterly June 1997

Paper trail leads to Hamas

Dallas Morning News August 4, 1996

Muslims, ex-FBI official clash on documentary

Dallas Morning News November 11, 1994