Articles by IPT

Publication Date

Disgruntled Lebanese Citizens Bash Hezbollah for Bringing War to Their Country

Special to IPT News August 30, 2024

U.S. Intelligence Community Now Prioritizes 'Hurt Feelings' Over Counterterrorism

Special to IPT News August 18, 2024

Israel Must Not Allow Hamas to Survive Gaza War

Special to IPT News August 12, 2024

Media Bias Threatens Israel's Survival

Special to IPT News July 2, 2024

What Do The European Elections Results Tell Us?

Special to IPT News June 26, 2024

Forty Years After Foucault's Death, His (Mis)Understanding of Islamism Lives On

Special to IPT News June 23, 2024

The Toddler Diplomats – Spain, Norway, and Ireland

Special to IPT News June 9, 2024

Recognizing a Palestinian State: A Reward for Terrorism?

Special to IPT News May 26, 2024

My Grandfather's Journey From The Holocaust To Israel And My Promise To Him

Special to IPT May 14, 2024

Post 10/7 Looks a Lot Like Post 9/11, Only Worse

Special to IPT News March 15, 2024

Tehran's shadow over failed Hezbollah attacks in Latin America

Special to IPT News March 12, 2024

Countering Pro-Palestine Propaganda Part 6: Palestinian Refugees' Right of Return

Special to IPT News March 3, 2024

Countering 'Pro-Palestine' Propaganda Part 5: Gaza is an Open-Air Prison

Special to IPT News February 23, 2024

Countering 'Pro-Palestine' Propaganda Part 4: Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing

Special to IPT News February 5, 2024

Countering 'Pro-Palestine' Propaganda Part 3: Israel is an Apartheid State

Special to IPT News January 29, 2024

Countering 'Pro-Palestine' Propaganda Part 2: Israel is a Settler-colonial State

Special to IPT News January 26, 2024

IPT Series on Countering 'Pro-Palestine' Propaganda

Special to IPT News January 23, 2024

Tom Friedman's Soft Jihad Against Israel

Special to IPT News January 11, 2024

Israel Can Trust Hamas

Special to IPT News January 5, 2024

You Probably Beat Harvard's Moral IQ

Special to IPT News December 4, 2023

Is the Brazilian President Interfering in the Hezbollah Terrorist Investigation?

Special to IPT News November 16, 2023

A Rajapaksa Plan for the Total Destruction of Hamas

Special to IPT News November 10, 2023

IPT Exclusive: Joint Mossad-Brazilian Police Op Foils Hezbollah Attacks on Jewish Community in Brazil

Special to IPT News November 9, 2023

Why Hamas is an Unreliable Source and How Many Reporters Fail to Disclose This

Special to IPT News November 6, 2023

Unethical Gaza Reporting Cuts Crucial Context

Special to IPT News November 5, 2023

Stop Calling Them 'Pro-Palestine' Rallies

Special to IPT News October 31, 2023

In Israel's Darkest Hour Turkey Supports Hamas

Special to IPT News October 30, 2023

Columbia University Professor Cheers Hamas Barbarity

Special to IPT News October 10, 2023

Are 'Palestine Scholars' Really Denied Academic Freedom?

Special to IPT News October 5, 2023

How the 34-Year-Old Fatwa Against Salman Rushdie Marks the Timelessness of the Islamist War Against the West

Special to IPT News September 11, 2023

George Washington University Still Has an Anti-Semitism Problem

Special to IPT News August 23, 2023

Central Asian Islamic State terrorists become the latest threat to Germany

Special to IPT News August 21, 2023

Biden's Feckless Policies Enabled a Shoddy Saudi-Iranian Reconciliation

Special to IPT News August 1, 2023

Middle East Studies Association Expelled from George Washington University

Special to IPT News July 24, 2023

John Esposito, Part 2: Palestinian Terrorism's Best Friend

Special to IPT News July 13, 2023

Islamists Gloat and Applaud Rioting and Vandalism in France

Special to IPT News July 12, 2023

John Esposito, Part 1: A Terrorist's Best Friend

Special to IPT News July 11, 2023

A Decade After Egypt's June 30th Revolution, the Ripple Effects Still Felt Across the Middle East

Special to IPT News July 3, 2023

Investigative Project on Terrorism's New Book Exposes CAIR's Long Antisemitic Track Record

Focus on Western Islamism June 23, 2023

Examining Islamic Group's Ties to Hamas

Algemeiner June 22, 2023

Does the Jihadist Threat Still Exist?

IPT News June 21, 2023

American Islamists Propagate Myths of "Nazification of India" to Boycott Indian Prime Minister's Joint Address to Congress

IPT News June 20, 2023

CAIR's Antisemitism Unmasked

IPT News June 16, 2023

IPT Series on Christianity in the Middle East: Persecution of Christians in Syria

IPT News May 25, 2023

IPT Series on Christianity in the Middle East: Persecution of Christians in Lebanon

IPT News May 24, 2023

IPT Series on Christianity in the Middle East: Persecution of Christians in Iran, Part Two

IPT News May 23, 2023

IPT Series on Christianity in the Middle East: Persecution of Christians in Iran, Part One

IPT News May 22, 2023

Presidential Elections Place Turkey's Future at Stake

IPT News May 10, 2023

"Salafist Police" Targeting Westernized European Muslims

IPT News April 25, 2023

Fencer and CAIR "Clearly Don't Care About the Truth" Asserts N.J. Teacher in New Court Filing

IPT News April 14, 2023

All Evidence Points to Iran in Thwarted Greece Terror Plot

IPT News March 31, 2023

Turkish Fury Over 6-Year-Old Bride Could Change Country's Future

IPT News March 30, 2023

Another Fact-Free "Intersectional" Attack on Israeli Police Exchanges

IPT News March 29, 2023

Breaking News: Greek Police Arrest Two in Imminent Iranian-Coordinated Terrorist Plot

IPT News March 28, 2023

Nomani: Combating Islamist Agenda "An Existential Fight" for America's Future

IPT News March 27, 2023

"Woke Army" Exposes Red-Green Alliance's Pernicious Goal to Silence Radical Islam Critics

IPT News March 26, 2023

Israel's Targeted Counter-Terror Raids Contrasted by Wanton Palestinian Attacks

IPT News March 19, 2023

Another Gaping Hole in the Islamist Antisemitism Con

IPT News March 9, 2023

Evasive, Late, and Confused State Department Report Finally Released

Special to IPT News March 6, 2023

Erdogan's "Fate" May Hinge on Poor Earthquake Response

IPT News February 27, 2023

CAIR's Shoot First, Ask Questions Never Defamation Defense

IPT News February 22, 2023

Europe Grapples with Independent Quran Schools Radicalizing Students

IPT News February 17, 2023

Hizballah Leader Provokes Friction with Egypt

IPT News February 10, 2023

U.S. "Palestinian Youth Movement" Rallies to Glorify Jenin Terrorists

IPT News February 2, 2023

Jenin, Jerusalem and Intentional False Equivalence

IPT News January 31, 2023

Is 2023 the Year of Jihad's Resurgence?

IPT News January 30, 2023

Iranian Navy Expands Operations in Latin American Waters

Special to IPT News January 26, 2023

Anti-Israeli Bias Continues Unabated in UN Agencies

IPT News January 25, 2023

Who Will Celebrate World Hijab Day This Year?

Special to IPT News January 24, 2023

On its 35th Anniversary, Hamas Promises More Violence

IPT News January 18, 2023

American Islamists Continue Attacks on India's "Hindutva" Ideology

IPT News December 28, 2022

Exclusive: IPT Story on Al-Arian Panel Prompts Indiana University Dean's Apology

IPT News December 27, 2022

Qatari Islamization of the World Cup Backfires

IPT News December 21, 2022

Deported Palestinian Islamic Jihad "Master Manipulator" Among Indiana University's "Distinguished" Panelists

IPT News December 20, 2022

Victim Jihad: The Strategy Behind the Jailed Terrorists' Complaints

IPT News December 16, 2022

New Leila Khaled Talks Remain on YouTube Despite Her Praise for Terrorism

IPT News December 14, 2022

Iranian Regime Intensifies Violence Against Protesters

IPT News December 12, 2022

Muslim Brotherhood Succession Crisis Deepens

IPT News December 7, 2022

The Istanbul Bombing and Middle Eastern Women's Demand for Freedom

IPT News December 1, 2022

Turkey Continues to Tolerate Hamas' Operations Against Israel

IPT News November 30, 2022

Venezuela Seeks to Leverage U.S. Energy Needs to Free Iran's Super-Influencer

Special to IPT News November 29, 2022

"Rightwing Zionists" Tainted "Our" Elections, Islamist Group's Antisemitic Report Says

IPT News November 28, 2022

Qaradawi's Equally Radical Successor

IPT News November 16, 2022

Iran's Missiles Keep Russian Invasion of Ukraine Alive

IPT News November 15, 2022

Mohsen Rabbani's Latin American Comeback Drives Iran's Operations

Special to IPT News November 9, 2022

Kanye West Becomes Part of CAIR's Antisemitism Con

IPT News October 27, 2022

Rashida Tlaib: Terrorist-Affiliated Charities "Inspire Me Every Single Day"

IPT News October 24, 2022

AMP Events Feature Jew-Hating Extremist Cleric's Former Acolyte as Speaker

IPT News October 21, 2022

Iran's Deadly Drones Support Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

IPT News October 19, 2022

How Iran's Hijab Protesters Are Fighting for Muslim Women Everywhere

IPT News October 12, 2022

Iranian Dissident: "The least we can do here is to be their voice"

IPT News October 12, 2022

Muslim Brotherhood Silent Over Improving Qatari-Egyptian Relations

IPT News October 7, 2022

American Islamists Mourn MB Cleric Who Defended Hitler and Called for Murdering Jews

IPT News September 29, 2022

Why Haven't Linda Sarsour, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib Even Mentioned Iran's Hijab Protests?

IPT News September 26, 2022

Will Rashida Tlaib Get Away with Her Antisemitic Comments?

IPT News September 23, 2022

Turkey's Aggression and Cultural Islamism Push Continue Unabated

IPT News September 21, 2022

The New York Times, Linda Sarsour, and Misinformation

IPT News September 20, 2022

Persecuted at Home, Iran's Christian Converts Finding Europe's Doors Closed

IPT News September 15, 2022

Iranian Oppression Causes a Backlash

Special to IPT News September 13, 2022

A Desperate Erdogan Cozies Up to Iran and Russia

IPT News September 12, 2022

Inherently Pro-Violence Message Dominates Anti-Israel Events

IPT News September 2, 2022

Dozens of Kurdish Civilians Die as Turkish Onslaught Continues

IPT News August 18, 2022

Black Market Repatriation of ISIS Families Fosters New Threats

IPT News August 16, 2022

The Loud Message from CAIR's Relative Silence on the Rushdie Attack

IPT News August 15, 2022

Iranian Hardliners and Media Praise the Attack on Salman Rushdie

Special to IPT News August 14, 2022

American-based Israel Haters Hail Slain Terrorist

IPT News August 12, 2022

CAIR Loses Appeal on Suit Aimed at Muzzling Arizona Professor

IPT News August 11, 2022

Iran's Long Reach Threatens Israeli Gas Drilling and American Troops

Special to IPT News August 10, 2022

Israel Bashers Jump on Gaza Fighting While Giving a Pass to Palestinian Islamic Jihad

IPT News August 8, 2022

Turkish High School Textbooks Praise Jihad

Special to IPT News August 3, 2022

An Egyptian Woman's Brutal Killing Sparks Renewed Hijab Debate

IPT News July 27, 2022

Iran Vows Revenge After U.S.-Israel Declaration on its Nuclear Program

Special to IPT News July 21, 2022

Islamists Try to Renew Push for Ilhan Omar's Flawed "Islamophobia" Bill

Special to IPT News July 13, 2022

In Molenbeek: Jihadists, Guns and (Drug) Money

IPT News July 6, 2022

Islamist Terrorism Resurfaces in Scandinavia

Special to IPT News July 5, 2022

Iran's Infiltration of Latin American Politics Complicates "Aeroterror" Flight Investigations

Special to IPT News June 29, 2022

Dissident Journalist in Turkey the Latest Target of Iran's Global Plotting

IPT News June 28, 2022

Nexus Between "Vicious Antizionism" and Spiking Antisemitism Motivates Author

IPT News June 27, 2022

The Obvious Answer to Dana Milbank's Question

IPT News June 23, 2022

Iran Descends into Outright Piracy and Confrontation with the West

Special to IPT News June 23, 2022

IPT Video: Recent Nakba Protest Showcases Raw Hatred and False Narratives

IPT News June 22, 2022

American Islamists Push Blasphemy Narrative in India's Prophet Controversy

IPT News June 17, 2022

Iranian "Aeroterror" Flights Reborn in Latin America

Special to IPT News June 16, 2022

UK Theater Chain Pulls Movie After Muslims Protest

IPT News June 8, 2022

Secular Turks Fear Immigrant-Fueled Islamist Wave

IPT News June 7, 2022

Egyptians Shocked by U.S. Decision to Delist Gama'a Islamiyya

IPT News June 2, 2022

Iranian Cyberwar Grows Aggressive With Russia and Hizballah's Help

IPT News May 31, 2022

(Do) Cry for Me, Palestina

IPT News May 24, 2022

Social Media Giants Stifle Iranian Protesters

IPT News May 19, 2022

Judge Finds Sufficient Evidence Linking AMP to Hamas Supporters for Lawsuit to Proceed

IPT News May 19, 2022

Erdogan's Temporary, Souring Relations with Hamas

IPT News May 18, 2022

American Islamists Continue to Spin Tales of Indian Muslim Victimhood

IPT News May 16, 2022

Iran Caught Off Guard by Surging Economic Protests

IPT News May 13, 2022

Iranian Assistance Boosts Venezuela's Oil Industry, Posing a Threat to the United States

Special to IPT News May 10, 2022

An Unlikely Dissident in Iran

IPT News May 6, 2022

Erdogan's Islamist Slide Puts Turkish Women at Risk

IPT News April 28, 2022

Al Jazeera Anchors Continue Tradition of Praising Terrorist Attacks

IPT News April 26, 2022

UK's De-Radicalization Program Continues to Flounder

IPT News April 25, 2022

Captagon Drug Trade Booms with Hizballah's Help

Special to IPT News April 22, 2022

New York Rally's Transparent Support for Terrorism

IPT News April 21, 2022

SJP Forum Hypes Palestinian "Genocide" While Advocating for Israel's Elimination

IPT News April 19, 2022

Zahra Billoo's Antisemitism Unleashed with CAIR's Backing

IPT News April 12, 2022

Tunisia's Political Crisis Widens as the War on Terrorism Intensifies

IPT News April 11, 2022

Erdogan's Political Changes Rile Islamists

IPT News March 31, 2022

The Increasing Danger Facing Women in Turkey

IPT News March 25, 2022

Webinar Renews Calls to Pardon "Holy Land Five," Whitewashes Palestinian Terror

IPT News March 23, 2022

The Hate That CAIR Loves to Defend

IPT News March 21, 2022

Sweden Challenged by Islamist Rumors of Kidnapped Muslim Children

IPT News March 18, 2022

Antisemitic Cop Killer to Speak at University

IPT News March 17, 2022

Italy's Problem with Palestinian Terrorist Financing

Special to IPT News March 15, 2022

The Strange Alliance Between Russia and Chechen Jihadists

IPT News March 11, 2022

American Islamists Stoke India's Hijab Controversy Misinformation Campaign

IPT News March 8, 2022

Anti-Israel Voices Push All the Wrong Lessons on Ukraine

IPT News March 6, 2022

IPT Exclusive: Unapologetic, Antisemitic CAIR Executive Back on the Job

IPT News February 25, 2022

ISIS Resurrection a Cause for Alarm

IPT News February 24, 2022

Extensive Malaysian Propaganda and Fundraising Network Enables Hamas Plots Targeting Jews

IPT News February 22, 2022

Can The UK's First Terrorist Prison Unit Succeed?

IPT News February 14, 2022

Erdogan Jails Critics to "Show Them Their Boundaries"

IPT News February 10, 2022

AMP Chief Eulogizes Jordanian Who Predicted "Palestinians Will Rid the World of the Jews"

IPT News February 8, 2022

Emirati Rapprochement with Iran Causes Concern

IPT News February 7, 2022

Afghan Feminists Torture-Murdered, President Biden Unconcerned

IPT News February 4, 2022

Egyptian Islamic Reformers Still Face Prison Sentences

IPT News January 26, 2022

CAIR Revives its Campaign to Free Aafia Siddiqui

IPT News January 20, 2022

Aafia Siddiqui and the Misguided Support for Women of Jihad

IPT News January 19, 2022

The American Islamist Campaign to Free Aafia Siddiqui

IPT News January 15, 2022

Getting Away with Murder: The Campaign to End Kuwait's Honor Crimes Law

IPT News January 12, 2022

CAIR Drops Lawsuit Against Whistleblower

IPT News January 10, 2022

Afghan Women Chronicle Daily New Horrors

IPT News January 7, 2022

Democracy Summit Snub Follows Erdogan's Cozying Up to Iran, Russia

IPT News January 3, 2022

The Eternal Life of Blood Libels Against the Jews

IPT News December 29, 2021

JVP Joins CAIR on Wiesenthal Center's Global Anti-Semites List

IPT News December 28, 2021

Report: CAIR to be Named Among Wiesenthal Center's Top Global Anti-Semites

IPT News December 27, 2021

Dutch Consider Sending Funds to Terror-Linked NGOs

IPT News December 27, 2021

Why CAIR Merits Attention from All of Us

IPT News December 22, 2021

Memoir Spotlights Israel's Duty to Bring Missing Soldiers Home

IPT News December 20, 2021

Bataclan Trial Highlights France's Ongoing Security Challenges

IPT News December 16, 2021

Fact-Checking the CAIR, ADL Flame War

IPT News December 14, 2021

Winter Presents New, Dire Challenges for Afghanistan's Women

IPT News December 10, 2021

CAIR's Antisemitism Ignored or Embraced by Elected Officials

IPT News December 9, 2021

CAIR's Antisemitism Fails to Draw Media Scrutiny

IPT News December 8, 2021

The Iranian Weapons Triangle that Drives Tehran's Regional Entrenchment

IPT News December 7, 2021

Europe's Jewish Students Face Antisemitic Onslaught

IPT News December 6, 2021

Terrorists in Prison – A Con's Game

IPT News December 2, 2021

IPT Exclusive: CAIR's Awad Considers Tel Aviv "Occupied," Prays for its Liberation

IPT News December 1, 2021

U.S. Vote on Palestinian Refugees Raises Discomfort in Israel

IPT News November 29, 2021

Erdogan Fosters Anti-Western Sentiment in Turkey

IPT News November 23, 2021

Taliban Closes In As Desperate Afghan Women Await Rescue

IPT News November 17, 2021

Allies Step Up Confrontation with Iran as U.S. Looks to Scale Back from the Middle East

IPT News November 14, 2021

Hamas's Growing Role in Iran's Scheme to Encircle Israel

IPT News November 4, 2021

Conference Speakers Whitewash Islamist Terror Post 9/11 and Paint Muslims as Victims

IPT News November 2, 2021

Divisions Strike the Muslim Brotherhood

IPT News October 29, 2021

Iran's Atrocious Human Rights Record Must Be Addressed Before New Nuclear Talks

IPT News October 28, 2021

UK Had Hoped New Counter-Terrorism Law Would Deter Terrorists – It Didn't

IPT News October 27, 2021

A Police Chief's Israel-Inspired Innovation Eviscerates "Deadly Exchange" Narrative

IPT News October 26, 2021

Israel's Shadow War Dented Iran's Takeover of Syria, But Only Temporarily

IPT News October 25, 2021

Palestinian Islamist Jihad Terrorists Aligning with Hamas's Interests in Gaza – For Now

IPT News October 19, 2021

How the IDF's Counter-Terrorism Raids Keep the PA Afloat

IPT News October 15, 2021

Al-Arian Finds a Kindred Spirit in Israel-Bashing Retired U.S. Army Colonel

IPT News October 14, 2021

How the Media's 9/11 Anniversary Coverage Shifted from a Critical Look at al-Qaida to Attacking America

IPT News October 6, 2021

Hamas Building a Second Front Against Israel in Lebanon

IPT News October 5, 2021

Colombia Uncovers Another Iranian Foreign Assassination Campaign

IPT News October 1, 2021

Iran's New Interest in Nuclear Talks is Nothing to Celebrate

IPT News September 30, 2021

Continuing to Try to Save Afghan Women "the Only Thing We Can Do"

IPT News September 30, 2021

Battered Afghan Women and Divided Loyalties

IPT News September 28, 2021

We May Have Left Afghanistan, Mr. President, But We Are Still at War

IPT News September 23, 2021

American Islamists Pay Tribute to bin Laden Sympathizer

IPT News September 17, 2021

Selective Memory: The Carefully Excised "WHY" of the 9/11 Attacks

Special to IPT News September 15, 2021

Western Islamists Appear Content to Bask in Afghanistan's Sharia from Afar

IPT News September 14, 2021

'If we cannot name our enemy, how can we ever expect to defeat it?'

Israel Hayom September 9, 2021

CAIR's Islamist 9/11 Opportunism

IPT News September 9, 2021

Speakers at "Hinduphobic" Conference Have History of Anti-Israel Activism

IPT News September 8, 2021

Awad and Abuirshaid Bring the Blind Hate to Israeli Prime Minister's Visit

IPT News September 3, 2021

Hamas Escalates Again as it Plays the Long, Radical Game

IPT News August 26, 2021

Throughout August, Israel Faced Terrorist Attacks on All Fronts

IPT News August 24, 2021

CAIR Lectures Media About Accurately Quoting Jihadists

IPT News August 19, 2021

Afghanistan's Fall "is a Message for U.S. Allies"

IPT News August 18, 2021

Jihadists Rejoice Over Taliban's Afghanistan Victory

IPT News August 17, 2021

Russia Signals Displeasure Over Israel's Campaign Against Iranian Axis in Syria

IPT News August 16, 2021

Speakers Compare India to "Nazi Regime" at Kashmir Webinar

IPT News August 13, 2021

Hamas's Radical Ideology Runs into the Daily Government Grind

IPT News August 12, 2021

Saving Just One Afghan Woman

IPT News August 9, 2021

Europe Continues Releasing Jihadis Despite Warnings

IPT News August 6, 2021

Coordination Among IDF Air, Ground Forces Key as Terror Armies Become Better Armed

IPT News July 27, 2021

CAIR's Sloppy Smear of an Israeli Police Exchange Program

IPT News July 22, 2021

New Nuclear Deal Would Empower the Iranian Regime

IPT News July 21, 2021

Iran Using Raisi's "Election" to Pressure U.S. to Re-enter Nuclear Deal

IPT News July 19, 2021

Iran Redux

Special to IPT News July 16, 2021

With Rising Influence, Hizballah Stands Ready to Exploit Chaos in Lebanon

IPT News July 15, 2021

Chesler: Learning Afghanistan's Lessons

IPT News July 14, 2021

Dutch Journalist's Shooting Presents Another Rap-Radicalization Link

IPT News July 13, 2021

IG Finds Jailed Terrorists Preaching in Prison Chapels

IPT News July 12, 2021

A Rally Against Antisemitism Is Welcome, But Is it Enough to Slow America's Tsunami of Antisemitism?

IPT News July 9, 2021

After Guns Go Quiet, Hamas Works with Hizballah and Iran to Learn Lessons for Next War

IPT News July 1, 2021

Bassem Eid: It's Time Ilhan Omar and "the Squad" Learned the Truth About Israel and Hamas

Special to IPT News June 30, 2021

Ex ISIS Brides Further Link IHH Aid Organization to Terrorists

IPT News June 29, 2021

Sued by CAIR, Ex-Employee Releases Evidence of Discrimination and Hush Money Payouts

IPT News June 28, 2021

Pakistan Struggles to Contain the Radicalism It Fostered

IPT News June 25, 2021

American Scholars Feature Prominently in Ex PIJ Official's Conference

IPT News June 24, 2021

Banning American Zionists Changes Nothing, Increases Hate

IPT News June 23, 2021

Iran's Sham Election

IPT News June 17, 2021

New Report Exposes Shadowy Network of Hizballah's "Weapons Point Man"

IPT News June 16, 2021

Baseless Israel Bashing Permeates Science, Medicine, and Education Unions

IPT News June 15, 2021

Saudi Crown Prince's Decision May End his Country's Support for Wahhabism

IPT News June 10, 2021

ICNA Attempts to Rewrite Jamil Al-Amin's Violent History

IPT News June 8, 2021

Hizballah's German Presence Grows Despite Terrorist Designation

IPT News June 7, 2021

Ayaan Hirsi Ali's "Guilty Secret"

IPT News June 4, 2021

As Gaza Truce Holds, Preventing Hamas from Re-Arming Takes Center Stage

IPT News June 3, 2021

Psychologists Hope to Combat Antisemitism as an Illness

IPT News June 2, 2021

From "Defund the Police" to "Defund Israel"

Special to IPT News June 1, 2021

Amid a Spate of Antisemitic Attacks, Orange County Muslim Leader Incites More Hatred

IPT News May 25, 2021

Academics Use Propaganda, Not Expertise, to Bash Israel

IPT News May 24, 2021

In News and Film, the Anti-Israel Bias Pervades

IPT News May 21, 2021

Jew Hatred Soars as Hamas-Israel Fighting Rages

IPT News May 20, 2021

Bassem Eid: An Open Letter to My Palestinian Brethren

Special to IPT News May 19, 2021

"Hamas Achieved Nothing but Ruining Gaza"

IPT News May 18, 2021

Turkey Remains the Main Supporter of Hamas Hostility

Special to IPT News May 17, 2021

Hamas's Decisions Again Drag Gazans into War

Special to IPT News May 14, 2021

Hamas's Missile Threat to Israel

IPT News May 13, 2021

Yet Again, the Media Blames Israel for a Conflict Hamas Started

IPT News May 12, 2021

Practicing Feminism While White

IPT News May 5, 2021

France Joins UK in Seeking Tighter Security Measures on Released Terrorists

IPT News May 3, 2021

Erdogan's Rapprochement Efforts with Egypt Met with Skepticism

IPT News April 30, 2021

Zarif Recordings Illustrate the IRGC's Dominance Over Iranian Policy

Special to IPT News April 29, 2021

Report: Brothers Use Monopoly Over Lebanon's Fuel to Benefit Hizballah, Assad

Special to IPT News April 27, 2021

"Wokeism" Energizes Antisemitism

IPT News April 26, 2021

France: A Battleground between Secular Values and Turkish Islamism

Special to IPT News April 22, 2021

Report: Zoom Again Backs Away from Hosting PFLP Terrorist

IPT News April 21, 2021

Minnesota Military Linguist Ensnared in Honeypot "Abandoned Her Country" for Hizballah

Special to IPT News April 20, 2021

Militia Build-Up Seen as Key to Iranian "Sovereignty" in Southern Syria

Special to IPT News April 19, 2021

Accused of Abuse, Ex-CAIR Florida Leader Admits to Multiple Religious Marriages

IPT News April 16, 2021

Upon Leaving the Wild, Wild East in Afghanistan

IPT News April 15, 2021

San Francisco State Again Tries to Host PFLP Terrorists

IPT News April 14, 2021

Swiss Ban on Full Veil Riles Islamists

IPT News April 13, 2021

Erdogan's Frightening Retreat from Convention Protecting Women

Special to IPT News April 12, 2021

Reformers Launch Group Aimed at Challenging Muslim Anti-Semitism

IPT News April 8, 2021

CBP Removes Press Release About Migrants on the U.S. Terror Watch List Who Crossed the Southern Border

Special to IPT News April 7, 2021

UK Prisons' Downward Spiral to Becoming Radicalization Havens Continues

IPT News April 6, 2021

Does a Third Lebanon-Israel War Lie Ahead?

Middle East Forum Webinar April 1, 2021

Germany's Radical Islamists Present a Major Security Challenge

IPT News March 29, 2021

Change of Command Brings Focus to IDF's Gaza Defense Plans

Special to IPT News March 26, 2021

Israel's Daily Battle to Block Iran's Infiltration and Attack Schemes

Special to IPT News March 18, 2021

The Afrasiabi Affair: Media Outlets Silent About Publishing Alleged Covert Iranian Agent

Special to IPT News March 16, 2021

British Court's Asylum Grant to a Convicted Terrorist Stokes Controversy

Special to IPT News March 12, 2021

Turkish-Dutch Writer's Culture-Challenging Novel Triggers Threats

Special to IPT News March 10, 2021

Tehran on My Mind

IPT News March 9, 2021

Hamas Going Through Elections Motions as it Awaits Possible West Bank Chaos

Special to IPT News March 8, 2021

Macron is Right. Islamo-Leftism is a Threat

Special to IPT News March 5, 2021

IPT Video: Marc Lamont Hill's Duplicitous New Book

IPT News March 4, 2021

Will Black Lives Matter Foundation's Donation Surge Fuel Anti-Semitism?

IPT News March 2, 2021

Assassinations Continue to Target Hizballah's Critics in Lebanon

Special to IPT News March 1, 2021

Israel Bashers' Straw Man Argument Targets Facebook's Rumored Anti-Zionist Policy Change

IPT News February 24, 2021

Jewish Voice for Peace Fights to Preserve Anti-Zionist Hatred Online

IPT News February 23, 2021

New Data Shows Outsized Islamist Terrorist Threat in Europe

IPT News February 19, 2021

Tlaib Speaks at Kashmir Event Featuring Jihad Supporters

IPT News February 17, 2021

Hizballah's Advanced Missile Targets Israeli Drone as Israel Rethinks Purpose of Future War

Special to IPT News February 16, 2021

Biden's Mixed Signals Over Iran Stoke Middle East Wariness

Special to IPT News February 10, 2021

Report Highlights Iran's Worldwide Terrorist Modus Operandi

IPT News February 5, 2021

Palestinian Ambassador Draws Harvard Invite Despite a Sketchy Record on Anti-Semitism

IPT News February 3, 2021

Stealthy F-35's Play a Lead Role in Israel's Shadow War on Terror

Special to IPT News January 29, 2021

Terrorists in Prison, UK Fails to Isolate the Infected

IPT News January 27, 2021

An Honor Killer and His Accomplices Finally Face Justice

IPT News January 26, 2021

Islamists Still Seek Power a Decade After Arab Spring Revolutions

Special to IPT News January 25, 2021

When Conservative Islam and Fashion Collide

Special to IPT News January 22, 2021

IDF Beefs Up Battle Procedures Against Hizballah as Tensions Remain High

Special to IPT News January 12, 2021

How Israel is Adapting to the Growing Threat of Terror Armies

Special to IPT News January 5, 2021

Illinois Democrats Line Up to Help CAIR Fundraise

IPT News January 4, 2021

European Union Seeks Stricter Measures Against Islamism

Special to IPT News December 29, 2020

Al-Arian Renews Calls for Israel's Destruction at Turkish Conference

IPT News December 28, 2020

Opposition to UAE Arms Deal Plays into Iran's and Turkey's Strategy

Special to IPT News December 23, 2020

UK Finally Acknowledges the Obvious

IPT News December 21, 2020

New Study Shows Islamist Violence Remains Top Terror Threat

IPT News December 18, 2020

Raphael Warnock's Pro-Israel Statement Can't Erase His Anti-Israel Record

IPT News December 17, 2020

Iran's Global Terror Network Lurks Behind its Threats of Vengeance

Special to IPT News December 16, 2020

Reforming EU Imam Training Easier Said Than Done

Special to IPT News December 15, 2020

U.S. Mainstream Media Siding with the Islamists

Special to IPT News December 11, 2020

Europe Hunts Erdogan's Gray Wolves

Special to IPT News December 7, 2020

Guatemala's Terrorist Designation of Hizballah Explained

Special to IPT News December 4, 2020

Palestinian Leaders Want Israel Destroyed – Until They Need a Doctor

IPT News December 3, 2020

An Extremely Puzzling Assassination

IPT News December 1, 2020

Palestinian Authority Deceives American Audiences

IPT News December 1, 2020

Hamas Laments Resumption of PA-IDF Security Coordination in the West Bank

Special to IPT News November 30, 2020

Ending Trump Travel Ban Portends Return to Immigration Security Challenges

Special to IPT News November 23, 2020

The Ayatollah's Men in Europe: Part 1

IPT News November 22, 2020

Macron and al-Sisi Face Uphill Battles for Religious Reform

Special to IPT News November 20, 2020

Hizballah's Precision Strike Missile Program Forms an Explosive Regional Threat

Special to IPT News November 18, 2020

Radical Middle East Actors Increasingly Turn to Drones

Special to IPT News November 12, 2020

New Study Highlights Why Some Terrorist Groups Spark Insurgencies

IPT News November 10, 2020

FBI Renews Activity on Forgotten '94 Panama Plane Bombing

Special to IPT News November 9, 2020

Turkey Is the Center of the New Islamist International

Special to IPT News November 8, 2020

Another Terrorist Released Early, Another Deadly Terror Attack

IPT News November 5, 2020

Blaming the Victim: Theo van Gogh, Charlie Hebdo, the Media and End of Free Speech

Special to IPT News November 4, 2020

New York Mosques to Protest Macron's "Blatant Disrespect of the Prophet"

IPT News October 30, 2020

Islamists Rage at Macron's Integration Strategy, Support for Prophet Muhammad Cartoons

Special to IPT News October 29, 2020

The Joint Arab List in Israel – A Bridge to Hell

Special to IPT News October 26, 2020

As Turkey's Lira Tumbles, Erdogan Pursues neo-Ottoman Visions

Special to IPT News October 23, 2020

Play Glamorizing ISIS Member Epitomizes "Jihadi Cool"

Special to IPT News October 20, 2020

Iran Threatens Gulf Countries Making Peace with Israel

Special to IPT News October 16, 2020

American Muslims for Palestine Pushes Debunked Israeli Police Exchange Narrative

IPT News October 15, 2020

Iran Creates an Anti-Regime Martyr by Executing Popular Wrestler

IPT News October 14, 2020

Turkey Dispatches Syrian Jihadists in the Caucasus to Aid Azerbaijan

Special to IPT News October 13, 2020

Infidel - A movie review by Steven Emerson

IPT News October 9, 2020

Chased from Three Platforms, Leila Khaled Still Finds a Way to Call for Terrorism

IPT News October 9, 2020

Part 2: House of Lies – the Baseless Campaign to Smear Israeli Police Exchanges

IPT News October 8, 2020

IPT Video Investigation: House of Lies – The Baseless Campaign to Smear Israeli Police Exchanges

IPT News October 7, 2020

Arrest Sheds New Light on Joint Hizballah/Quds Force Terror Unit

Special to IPT News October 1, 2020

Coercion, Violence Threaten Middle East, Asian, and African Christians

Special to IPT News September 24, 2020

Released Terrorist Returned to Jail

IPT News September 22, 2020

Turkey Could Use Syrian Islamists Against Fellow NATO Ally Greece

Special to IPT News September 21, 2020

A Win for Freedom of Speech Against Islamist "Cancel Culture"

IPT News September 17, 2020

Annexation or Not, Fatah Still Calls for Intifada Against Israel

IPT News September 15, 2020

9/11 Remembered

IPT News September 11, 2020

Dad's Arrest Exposes Support Network Behind Alleged Honor Killers

Special to IPT News September 11, 2020

Acting Brotherhood General Guide's Arrest a Major Blow to the Group

Special to IPT News September 10, 2020

CAIR's "Exposed" Series Exposes CAIR's Terrorist Sympathies

IPT News September 9, 2020

Israel Targets Hamas Financiers as Hamas Targets Israeli Civilians

Special to IPT News September 8, 2020

AMP Leader Abuirshaid Gushes Over Latest Meeting with Hamas-Supporting Erdogan

IPT News August 28, 2020

Released Terrorist Returns to Scene of the Crime

IPT News August 25, 2020

UAE-Israel Peace Deal Challenges Iranian, MB Camps

Special to IPT News August 24, 2020

Anti-Peace Alliance Rallies Against Emirati-Israeli Treaty

Special to IPT News August 21, 2020

Who is Supporting Molotov-Tossing Attorney Urooj Rahman?

IPT News August 18, 2020

Hizballah Played with the Lives of Lebanese People

Special to IPT News August 17, 2020

Prioritizing Violence Over Development, Hamas Resumes Arson Attacks to Coerce Concessions

IPT News August 14, 2020

Outrage Grows During a Summer of Honor Killings

Special to IPT News August 11, 2020

Erdogan's Neo-Ottoman Aspirations Inspire Islamists

Special to IPT News August 7, 2020

California Census Partners with CAIR Radical

IPT News August 5, 2020

Miami Protester's Arrest: CAIR Gets It Wrong...Again

IPT News August 4, 2020

Video: Five Things You Should Know About Osama Abuirshaid

IPT News August 3, 2020

Hamas Prioritizing Naval Attack Force Build-Up

Special to IPT News July 31, 2020

Palestinian Authority Prefers Conflict with Israel Over COVID-19 Mitigation

IPT News July 23, 2020

More Countries Ban Muslim Brotherhood

Special to IPT News July 21, 2020

Hamas Courts Iran and Terrorist Allies to Fight Israel

IPT News July 16, 2020

New Report Confirms Al Jazeera's Role as Qatari Agent

IPT News July 14, 2020

Are Madkhali Salafists an Islamist Trojan Horse?

Special to IPT News July 9, 2020

Erdogan Rallies Islamists Over Converting the Hagia Sophia to a Mosque

Special to IPT News July 7, 2020

Fatah Threatens Terrorist Uprising, Seeking Unity with Hamas

IPT News July 6, 2020

"Death to America," Love for North Korea and Hate for Israel at Brooklyn Rally

IPT News July 2, 2020

Hamas Takes Opportunistic View of Potential Annexation

Special to IPT News July 1, 2020

Breaking News: Fox Streaming Service Cancels Farrakhan Program

IPT News June 29, 2020

Palestinian Rams a Checkpoint: Death, Lies and Videotape

IPT News June 26, 2020

Senior Saudi Cleric's Criticism of Anti-Semitism Draws Islamists' Ire

Special to IPT News June 24, 2020

Sarsour Group Backs "No Zionists" Juneteenth Rally

IPT News June 23, 2020

Israeli Navy Intercepts Hamas-bound Arms Shipment From Sinai

IPT News June 19, 2020

Abolishing the Police – A Terrorist's Dream Come True

IPT News June 17, 2020

CAIR Sues to Muzzle Arizona Community College Professor

IPT News June 16, 2020

Iran's Plans for the Disintegration of the West

IPT News June 15, 2020

Urooj Rahman: Molotov-Lobbing Attorney

IPT News June 12, 2020

Iran Trying to Return to 'Business as Usual' in Syria

Special to IPT News June 11, 2020

Misselling Tunisia's Salafis

Special to IPT News June 10, 2020

IPT Video: The Virus of Hate

IPT News June 9, 2020

U.S. MB-Linked Activist Salutes Libyan Jihadists in Greeting

IPT News June 7, 2020

Is Ignorance About the Holocaust Connected to Soaring Anti-Semitism?

Special to IPT News June 4, 2020

Minneapolis Cop Kills Unarmed Black Man. Palestinian Advocates Blame Jews

IPT News June 3, 2020

Recent Developments Highlight Enduring Jihadist Threat to the United States

IPT News June 2, 2020

American Islamists Again Embrace Erdogan's Authoritarianism

IPT News May 31, 2020

Corpus Christi Shooter Inspired by Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaida Sources

IPT News May 28, 2020

American Islamists' Hypocrisy on Religious Persecution

IPT News May 27, 2020

New Study Evaluates Major Drivers of Palestinian Terrorism

IPT News May 20, 2020

Iranian Government Touts Virtual Quds Day Hatred

IPT News May 19, 2020

Washington Lobbyists Duke It Out Over Libya's Civil War

IPT News May 15, 2020

"Turn the Infidels' Joy Into Funerals" – Recent Terror Arrests Reinforce Jihadists' Ongoing Menace

Special to IPT News May 13, 2020

Facebook Brings an Islamist to its Oversight Board

Special to IPT News May 12, 2020

Terrorist Challenges New UK Anti-Terrorism Law

IPT News May 7, 2020

Hizballah and Iran Rage Against Germany's Ban

Special to IPT News May 6, 2020

Supposed Muslim LGBT "Allies" Silent as Muslim Attacks on Gays Increase

IPT News May 4, 2020

The Real Threats Behind Iran's Military Satellite Launch

IPT News May 1, 2020

Coronavirus Lockdowns Haven't Slowed Jihadists

Special to IPT News April 29, 2020

Israel Arrests Hamas-linked Cell Plotting Numerous Bombings

IPT News April 28, 2020

London Mayor Silent on Praise for Iran's Coronavirus Response

Special to IPT News April 27, 2020

Palestinian Lies Never Die; Wikipedia and Google Keep Them Alive

Special to IPT News April 24, 2020

COVID-19 Crisis Exposed U.S. Weaknesses to Bioterrorists

IPT News April 23, 2020

Dingell, AMP, Craft Hamas-Free Narrative About Gaza Challenges

IPT News April 22, 2020

Coronavirus Presents a Formidable Challenge to Hizballah

Special to IPT News April 20, 2020

German Authorities Disrupt Terrorist Cell Targeting U.S. Military Bases

IPT News April 17, 2020

Congresswomen to Speak at Anti-Israel Group's "Online Gala"

IPT News April 16, 2020

Palestinian Authority Joins Islamist Extremists in Spreading COVID-19 Conspiracies

IPT News April 15, 2020

"We Can't Even Count Anymore" – How Iran and the WHO Let Coronavirus Proliferate

Special to IPT News April 14, 2020

Investigation Exposes Terror Ties Behind Islamist Charity's Humanitarian Facade

IPT News, Middle East Forum April 6, 2020

Ignoring All Others, Anti-Israel Campus Groups Use Coronavirus to Attack Israel

IPT News April 3, 2020

How Middle Eastern Extremist Groups Use Europe as Their Battleground

Special to IPT News April 1, 2020

BOP Audit Finds Security Lapses in Handling of Terrorists

IPT News March 31, 2020

German Ricin Bomb Plot Conviction Highlights Non-Conventional Terror Threats

IPT News March 30, 2020

As Islamists Spread Conspiracies, ISIS Seeks to Exploit Coronavirus Crisis

IPT News March 25, 2020

Coronavirus Delivers the Latest Devastating Blow to Iranian Regime

Special to IPT News March 24, 2020

Islamists Call Coronavirus a Zionist-American Conspiracy

Special to IPT News March 16, 2020

Findings on ISIS Refugees Further Complicate Europe's Dilemma

Special to IPT News March 11, 2020

Defense Contractor's Arrest Exposes Another Element in Hizballah's U.S. Infrastructure

IPT News March 9, 2020

Hating Israel Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry

IPT News March 6, 2020

Linda Sarsour's Book Reviews Cover Up Her Anti-Semitism

IPT News March 5, 2020

Iran Works to Overcome Losing Soleimani

Special to IPT News February 28, 2020

Attacks Prompt Swift UK Legislation Blocking Terrorists From Early Prison Release

IPT News February 27, 2020

USCIRF's Biased Advocacy on India's Citizenship Law Tarnishes Its Image

IPT News February 26, 2020

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Provoking Israel to Spark an Armed Conflict

IPT News February 25, 2020

Al Jazeera Anchor's Call for Assassinating Arab Leaders Goes Unpunished

Special to IPT News February 24, 2020

Dutch Museum Debates Censoring Degas Work to Avoid Muslim Offense

Special to IPT News February 18, 2020

CBP Questions Detroit-area Imam Who Mourned Soleimani

IPT News February 13, 2020

Western Governments Play a Key Role in Successful Honor Killing Escapes

Special to IPT News February 11, 2020

New Realities in Africa Open Diplomatic Opportunities for Israel

Special to IPT News February 10, 2020

The Islamic State Threatens Jews in Israel and Abroad

IPT News February 7, 2020

Protests Pose New Challenges to Iranian Regime's Future

IPT News February 6, 2020

UK Scrambles for Sentencing Reforms After Another Released Jihadist's Stabbing Spree

IPT News February 5, 2020

IPT Video: Peace Plan Protesters Echo Hamas Views of Israel

IPT News February 5, 2020

The Anti-Islamist Muslim Challenging Ilhan Omar

Special to IPT News February 4, 2020

Arrests Show How Hamas Exploits Humanitarian Channels for Terrorism

Special to IPT News February 3, 2020

IPT Exclusive Video: Bernie Sanders - Magnet for Anti-Semites

IPT News January 31, 2020

Tunisia's Islamist Parliament Speaker in Hot Water Over Erdogan Meeting

Special to IPT News January 28, 2020

Who is Responsible for Palestinian Honor Killing?

Special to IPT News January 27, 2020

U.S. Islamists Paint Apocalyptic Scenarios for Indian Muslims over Citizenship Law

IPT News January 24, 2020

Iran's Regional Terrorism and Nuclear Activities Grow with its Distress

Special to IPT News January 23, 2020

Government Continues Turning a Blind Eye to Radical Islamist Grant Recipients

IPT News January 22, 2020

Investigations Show How Sunni and Shi'a Extremism Plague Germany

IPT News January 22, 2020

Islamic State Has a Major Opportunity in Libya

Special to IPT News January 21, 2020

Iranian Regime-Linked Cleric Protests Soleimani Killing with CAIR and NIAC

IPT News January 15, 2020

Europe Appeasing Iran After Soleimani's Killing

Special to IPT News January 10, 2020

IPT Report: Prosecutions Expose Extensive Iran-Hizballah Operations Network Inside U.S.

IPT News January 9, 2020

Western Feminists AWOL in Supporting Abused and Dissident Muslim Women

Special to IPT News January 8, 2020

Pakistani Blasphemy Case Exposes Islamist Free Speech Hypocrisy

IPT News January 7, 2020

Islamist Convention Features anti-Israel Disinformation, Caliphate Dreams

IPT News January 6, 2020

Black on Jewish Violence Marks the New New Anti-Semitism

Special to IPT News January 3, 2020

Israel Leads Operations Against Iran From the Levant to Iraq

IPT News January 2, 2020

Monsey Attacker Praised Black Hebrew Israelite Movement

IPT News December 31, 2019

Is Europe Facing Another Decade of Jihad?

Special to IPT News December 30, 2019

Israeli Intelligence Continues to Help Thwart Terrorist Attacks Abroad

IPT News December 26, 2019

Egyptian Government Cracks Down on Radical Schools

Special to IPT News December 23, 2019

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Elements Trying to Outflank Hamas

Special to IPT News December 20, 2019

Grim CAIR-NY Banquet Raises Fear for Muslims in America

IPT News December 18, 2019

New York Democrat: Sanders Campaign Legitimizes Anti-Semites

IPT News December 17, 2019

An American Citizen Was Poisoned in Iceland and American Media Doesn't Care

Special to IPT News December 16, 2019

Jersey City Terror Attack Mirrors Another

IPT News December 15, 2019

Mona Haydar's "Hijabi Cool" Feminism Embraces the Islamist Patriarchy

Special to IPT News December 11, 2019

London Terror Attack Exposes Deradicalization Programs' Failures

IPT News December 9, 2019

Amnesty International Teams with Radicals to Blast Israel, India

IPT News December 6, 2019

CAIR Chapter Leader: "F*** Zionism"

IPT News December 5, 2019

Fighting for Control & Concessions: Hamas Pauses Border Riots to Quell Dissent

IPT News December 4, 2019

Linda Sarsour Thinks You Can't Hear or Read

IPT News December 3, 2019

Trump Administration Engaging with U.S. Islamists

IPT News December 3, 2019

A Weekend with American Muslims for Palestine: Awad Says CAIR Fights Zionism "On a Daily Basis"

IPT News December 2, 2019

Dutch Court Case Reignites Europe's Focus on ISIS Children

Special to IPT News November 26, 2019

Egypt's Blasphemy Law Remains Useful Islamist Weapon

Special to IPT News November 25, 2019

Prison Radicalization a Recurring Global Threat

IPT News November 22, 2019

America's Top Islamist Network Pledges Support to Pro-Jihad Kashmir Leader

IPT News November 21, 2019

Omar Celebrates Islamist Electoral Wins with U.S. MB Supporters

IPT News November 20, 2019

Boston Marathon Bomber's Friend Confessed to 2011 Triple Murder Before Being Killed

IPT News November 19, 2019

Exclusive IPT Video: Blind Hate Against Israel Displayed at Times Square Rally

IPT News November 19, 2019

Lawmakers Ask State Department to Investigate Jamaat-e-Islami's U.S. Affiliate for Terror Financing

IPT News November 18, 2019

Tenured Columbia Professor Endorses Terrorism Against Israel

IPT News November 15, 2019

Foiled Terrorist Plots: Accurately Portraying the Threat to Israeli National Security

IPT News November 14, 2019

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Seeks Revenge for Slain Chief by Targeting Israeli Civilians

Special to IPT News November 14, 2019

Book Review: "Unveiled" Traces Yasmine Mohammed's Path From Horror to Hope

Special to IPT News November 13, 2019

IPT Exclusive: CAIR's Awad Describes His "Formula" for Islamist Political Power

IPT News November 12, 2019

N.J. Mayor Who Complained About DHS Questioning Supported Al-Qaida-Linked Syrian Jihadis

IPT News November 7, 2019

Islamist Wins Virginia School Board Seat

IPT News November 6, 2019

Twitter Unintentionally Helps Turkey Silence Erdoğan's Critics

Special to IPT News November 4, 2019

New Study Analyzes Hizballah's Online Recruitment of Palestinian Terrorists

IPT News November 1, 2019

Syria Upheaval Opens New Door for Tehran's Attack Plans

Special to IPT News October 31, 2019

State Department Official Demanded Kurds Capitulate to Islamists

IPT News October 30, 2019

Five Things You Should Know About The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

IPT News October 28, 2019

Neutral Switzerland's Growing Islamist and Jihadist Challenge

Special to IPT News October 25, 2019

Islamists' Power Expected to Rise with New Tunisian President

Special to IPT News October 23, 2019

Turkey's Web of Islamist and Terror Support Only Magnifies India's Kashmir Challenge

IPT News October 21, 2019

Convicted American Al-Qaida Terrorist Tries to Parlay Khashoggi Murder into Freedom

IPT News October 17, 2019

Turkey's Assault on Kurds: The Silence of the Islamists

IPT News October 11, 2019

Released Terrorist Protests Court-Imposed Restrictions

IPT News October 10, 2019

Top Indian Muslim Group's Support for Kashmir Policy Challenges Islamists' Religious Narrative

IPT News October 7, 2019

Al Jazeera Caught Hyping a Revolution That Wasn't

Special to IPT News October 4, 2019

Attack on Saudi Oil Facilities Underscores Iranian Weapons Proliferation Threat

Special to IPT News October 2, 2019

While Erdogan Slammed Israel At U.N., Turkish Support For Terror Was Revealed

Daily Wire October 1, 2019

IPT Exclusive: Jihadist's Prison Release Shows Just How Unprepared We Are

IPT News September 25, 2019

U.S. Islamists Effusively Praise Erdogan in New York Meeting

IPT News September 24, 2019

The Orwellian Universe of Linda Sarsour

IPT News September 20, 2019

Breaking News: Women's March Dumps Zahra Billoo

IPT News September 19, 2019

Reconciliation Offer Exposes a Muslim Brotherhood Generational Divide

Special to IPT News September 18, 2019

Confusing Narratives 18 Years After 9/11

IPT News September 16, 2019

Muslim Reformers: Ilhan Omar, Islamists, Don't Speak for Islam

IPT News September 12, 2019

Iran's Radical Axis Intensifies Efforts to Build a War Machine Against Israel

Special to IPT News September 11, 2019

Sanders Doubles Down on Anti-Semite Sarsour

IPT News September 10, 2019

Iranian, Hizballah Escalations Force Israel to Rewrite Self-Defense Rules

Special to IPT News September 9, 2019

CAIR's Research Director Endorsed Jihadist Supporting Charity

IPT News September 5, 2019

Census Bureau Drops CAIR Partnership After IPT Report

IPT News August 30, 2019

Breaking News: CAIR Touts Partnership with Census Bureau

IPT News August 28, 2019

American Islamists' Double Standards on Kashmir

IPT News August 27, 2019

Tunisian Islamists Aim for Power After President's Death

Special to IPT News August 21, 2019

Omar and Tlaib Use News Conference to Push Anti-Israel Propaganda

IPT News August 20, 2019

Minor League Owner Rejects Connecticut Democrats' Demand to Meet CAIR

IPT News August 19, 2019

IPT Exclusive: Tlaib Meets with Another Terror Supporter

IPT News August 15, 2019

Jerusalem Bomb Plot Underscores Ceaseless Hamas Terror Efforts

Special to IPT News August 13, 2019

NY Imam Active in Interfaith Work Disseminates Extremist Propaganda on the Side

IPT News August 9, 2019

Blind Hate Drives Campaign to Fire Jake Tapper

IPT News August 7, 2019

Maryland Aims to Dismiss Suit Challenging its Anti-BDS Rule

IPT News August 6, 2019

Islamists Gear Up to Defy New Dutch Burqa Ban

Special to IPT News August 1, 2019

CAIR Slams Pro-Israel Saudi Blogger

IPT News July 30, 2019

Kanter: Kids Basketball Camp Scrubbed After Turkey Threatened Long Island Mosque

IPT News July 26, 2019

Nasrallah's Latest Rocket Boast Underlines Threat to Israeli Cities and Sensitive Sites

Special to IPT News July 25, 2019

IPT Exclusive: CAIR Leader's Consequence-Free Anti-Semitism

IPT News July 23, 2019

Radical Anti-Israel Group to Host Capitol Hill Briefing

IPT News July 22, 2019

Brotherhood Turns to Retired Egyptian Soccer Icon in Rebranding Effort

Special to IPT News July 19, 2019

CAIR Joins Anti-Semitic Palestinian Advocacy Groups to Protest NJ BDS Bill

IPT News July 17, 2019

Report: American Islamist Charities Funding Terror in Gaza

IPT News July 12, 2019

French Judge Rules Murdering Terrorist Has a Right to Privacy

IPT News July 11, 2019

IPT Releases "CAIR in a Nutshell" Report

IPT News July 10, 2019

Documentary Details Muslim Brotherhood Effort to Dominate America

IPT News July 8, 2019

Iran Preparing a Worldwide Terror Network

Special to IPT News July 2, 2019

Are Prisons Actually Fueling Jihad?

Special to IPT News July 1, 2019

Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas: No Peace as Long as Israel Exists

IPT News June 28, 2019

Pennsylvania Officials Join Bigoted CAIR for "Islamophobia" Events

IPT News June 27, 2019

Video: American MB Supporters Make Morsi's Memorial About Israel

IPT News June 26, 2019

Pakistan Presses U.N. to Crack Down on Anti-Islamic Speech

IPT News June 21, 2019

Charitable Organization Spotlights Radical CAIR Activists

IPT News June 20, 2019

Muslim Brotherhood Supporters, Jihadists, Label Morsi a "Martyr"

IPT News June 19, 2019

Study: Radical Muslim Inmates Rule UK Prisons

IPT News June 18, 2019

IPT Report Exposes ICNA's Radical Domestic Agenda

IPT News June 17, 2019

CAIR Oddly Silent About Hamas-linked Activist's Deportation Fight

IPT News June 14, 2019

CAIR Targets Disney With Odd Islamophobia Accusations

Special to IPT News June 13, 2019

Alleged Israeli Strike a Reminder of Hizballah's Syrian Terror Operations

Special to IPT News June 12, 2019

Terrorism Forgotten: Why America Lacks Interest in the Ongoing Jihad Threat

Special to IPT News June 11, 2019

MB-linked American Muslim Leaders Embrace Virginia School Board Candidate

IPT News June 5, 2019

IPT Exclusive Video: Anti-Semitism on Display in Brooklyn

IPT News June 4, 2019

Brotherhood Designation Requires a Chapter-Based Approach

IPT News May 30, 2019

The Naked Hypocrisy of CAIR's Hussam Ayloush

IPT News May 20, 2019

"Cherry Picked and Out of Context" – Deception Dominates ICNA Co-Sponsored "Inventing Terrorists" Report

IPT News May 20, 2019

ICNA Solicits Donations for Prison Program

IPT News May 17, 2019

Why Iran Objects to a Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation

Special to IPT News May 16, 2019

Dutch Struggle to Rein In State-Funded Salafist School

Special to IPT News May 14, 2019

Omar Suleiman's Invocation Triggers Textbook "Islamophobia" Deflection

IPT News May 12, 2019

Support for Maduro, Angela Davis Has Critics Calling Omar Congress' Most Left-Wing Member

IPT News May 10, 2019

Israel-Hating, Gay-Bashing, Sexist Imam Gives Invocation to U.S. House

IPT News May 9, 2019

Iran's Arrowhead in Gaza Tries to Drag Israel into a New Conflict

Special to IPT News May 9, 2019

IPT Exclusive: MAS Lied About School in Jihad Video Being a "Separate Entity"

IPT News May 8, 2019

U.S.-Based Sheikh Calls on University Students to "Fight Zionism"

IPT News May 7, 2019

Muslim Anti-Semitism Increases the Threat Facing Europe's Jews

Special to IPT News May 7, 2019

Muslim American Society's History Belies Its Concern Over Kids' Jihad Video

IPT News May 6, 2019

From Philasteen to Philadelphia: Muslim Youth Indoctrination on Full-Display in America

IPT News April 30, 2019

Child Marriage in Yemen Seen As a Means of Survival

Special to IPT News April 29, 2019

Ilhan Omar's Allies Mum Following 'Black Hawk Down' Controversy

IPT News April 26, 2019

Terrorists Continue Exploiting Children for Suicide Attacks

Special to IPT News April 25, 2019

IPT Exclusive: CAIR's Billoo Blasts SPLC Over "Black Civil Rights Groups" Criticism

IPT News April 24, 2019

Another Terrorist Gets Early Prison Release

IPT News April 23, 2019

Ilhan Omar Slammed U.S. Soldiers Involved in 'Black Hawk Down' Incident

IPT News April 22, 2019

Next Israeli Government Could Soon Face New Iranian Terrorist Challenges

Special to IPT News April 15, 2019

AOC, Tlaib Met with AMP Members During Palestine Advocacy Day

IPT News April 12, 2019

U.S. Blocks BDS Co-Founder Barghouti from Entering the Country

IPT News April 11, 2019

BDS Co-Founder, Who Calls for Israel's Destruction, Leads Annual Anti-Israel Conference

IPT News April 10, 2019

Supposedly "Deradicalized," They're Sending Money to ISIS Smugglers

Special to IPT News April 9, 2019

IPT Exclusive: Turkish Prosecutor's Document Suggests Turkey Spying on U.S. Soil

IPT News April 8, 2019

CAIR Anti-Semites Fight "Anti-Semitism Awareness" Bill

IPT News April 5, 2019

Revised Complaint Bolsters AMP's Ties to Old Hamas-Support Network

IPT News April 5, 2019

Rashida Tlaib Praises Her Islamist Entourage

IPT News April 3, 2019

U.S. MB Supporters Lobby Congress for Third Straight Year

IPT News April 2, 2019

Pitzer College President's Principled Boycott Rejection

IPT News April 2, 2019

Fear of Isolation and Collapse Driving Hamas's Violent Extortion Racket

Special to IPT News March 29, 2019

New Islamist Group in Chicago Dominated by Radical Voices

IPT News March 28, 2019

Linda Sarsour's NYU Makeover

IPT News March 26, 2019

John Walker Lindh Should Not Be Released Early

IPT News March 26, 2019

Islamists Silent on Hamas' Brutal Repression of Gaza Protests

Special to IPT News March 25, 2019

llhan Omar Speaks at CAIR Fundraiser

IPT News March 22, 2019

The Campaign to Make Omar's Anti-Semitism Unassailable

IPT News March 22, 2019

A Tale of Two Protests: Hamas Crushes Internal Dissent While Fueling Violent Border Riots

IPT News March 18, 2019

New Hizballah Terror Network in Syria Exposed

Special to IPT News March 18, 2019

Jewish Activists Protest in Pelosi's Office Over Anti-Semitism Concerns

IPT News March 14, 2019

New Jersey Pols Blind to Travel Agent's Radical Connections

IPT News March 13, 2019

CAIR's Damaging Influence Evident in Ilhan Omar Controversy

Special to IPT News March 12, 2019

IPT Exclusive: Anti-Israel AMP's Inadvertent "Truth"

IPT News March 6, 2019

Ilhan Omar Has Company Pushing Dual Loyalty Narrative

IPT News March 5, 2019

Hamas's Systematic Use of Civilians to Promote Terrorism

Special to IPT News March 4, 2019

Lull in Terrorism Masks a Deepening Jihadist Threat, Dutch Report Warns

Special to IPT News March 1, 2019

Why Egypt Works to Curb Hamas' Influence in Gaza

Special to IPT News February 27, 2019

IPT Concludes Two-Part Video Series About Anti-Semitism on the Left

IPT News February 26, 2019

IPT Launches Two-Part Series About Anti-Semitism on the Left

IPT News February 25, 2019

Immigrant Muslim Youth Being Lured, Abandoned in Homelands

Special to IPT News February 21, 2019

Vetting Muslim Prison Chaplains a Global Problem

IPT News February 19, 2019

IPT Exclusive: Virginia Democratic Candidate's Anti-Semitic Diatribe Has a Radical Past

IPT News February 18, 2019

Hamas's Terror Recruiters Rely on Mix of Old and New Media

Special to IPT News February 15, 2019

The Rushdie Fatwa Chilling Speech 30 Years Later

Special to IPT News February 14, 2019

Radicals Rally to Support Ilhan Omar's Anti-Semitic Tweets

IPT News February 13, 2019

CAIR, Sarsour Erroneously Plead Religious Rights of a Murderer

IPT News February 12, 2019

Looking on the Bright Side of Ilhan Omar's Anti-Semitism

IPT News February 11, 2019

Twitter Gives Islamist Anti-Semites a Pass but Suspended MB Critic

IPT News February 1, 2019

#NoHijabDay Campaign Fights Women's Subjugation, Indoctrination

Special to IPT News January 30, 2019

Iran's Violent Influence Threatens Israel and its Arab Neighbors

Special to IPT News January 29, 2019

Turkey's Islamist Push into South Asia Aided by American Proxies

IPT News January 24, 2019

IPT Video: The Washington D.C. Women's March 2019 - Hypocritical Leadership Disrespects Many Voices

IPT News January 22, 2019

U.S. Islamists Who Rallied to Khashoggi's Case Silent About NBA Star Threatened by Turkey

IPT News January 17, 2019

Report Sheds Light on Hamas's Sinai Arms Smuggling

Special to IPT News January 17, 2019

Rahaf Alqunun's Escape Spotlights Abuses Saudi Women Endure

Special to IPT News January 15, 2019

How a Bigoted Organization Finagled Taxpayer Funds

IPT News January 14, 2019

Muslim Brotherhood Affiliate Suspected in Tourist Bus Bombing

Special to IPT News January 10, 2019

Foundations Indifferent to CAIR Leaders' Anti-Semitic & Pro-Terrorist Rhetoric

IPT News January 8, 2019

In Syria, Iran Sees a New Opportunity to Build a War Machine

Special to IPT News December 31, 2018

Glenn Greenwald's Web of Propaganda

IPT News December 19, 2018

Hamas-Driven West Bank Violence Targets Israel and the PA

Special to IPT News December 18, 2018

The Strasbourg Terror Attack - Only the Names Have Changed

IPT News December 17, 2018

Iran's European Hit Men

Special to IPT News December 14, 2018

Tunisian Gender Equality Reforms Condemned by Egypt's Al Azhar

Special to IPT News December 12, 2018

Thank You, Zahra Billoo

IPT News December 10, 2018

Thousands of American Girls At Risk As Judge Strikes Down Federal FGM Ban

Special to IPT News December 6, 2018

Extraditing Gulen Would Betray American Values

IPT News December 3, 2018

IPT Video: Anti-Semites Unchecked

IPT News November 28, 2018

Budding West Bank Hamas Cell Aimed for Major Bloodshed

Special to IPT News November 28, 2018

CAIR Official Mocks Muslims in U.S. Military After Praising Terrorists

IPT News November 27, 2018

Ben & Jerry's Untimely Women's March Endorsement

IPT News November 19, 2018

CAIR Continues Building Its "Wall of Resistance" Against Law Enforcement

IPT News November 16, 2018

Islamist Terror Threat As Strong As Ever, Dutch Intelligence Warns

Special to IPT News November 14, 2018

CAIR Official Who Slams Muslim Facilitators of Interfaith Dialogue Wins Community Award

IPT News November 13, 2018

Tunisian Ennahda's 'Secret Apparatus' Draws Comparisons to Brotherhood Origins

Special to IPT News November 9, 2018

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Rocket Assault a Reminder of Iran's Long Reach

Special to IPT News November 8, 2018

With Asia Bibi's Lawyer, Dutch Combat Pakistani Blasphemy Laws

Special to IPT News November 6, 2018

Recommendation Letter Flap Illustrates Increasingly Hostile Campus Climate for Israel Supporters

IPT News November 5, 2018

IPT Exclusive: IPT Obtains Letters of Support to Hamas Front Group From 101 Elected Lawmakers

IPT News November 1, 2018

Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre Exposes Sarsour's Two-Faced Opportunism

IPT News October 29, 2018

SPLC-Touted Terrorism Study Casts a Wide Net to Downplay Islamic Extremism

Special to IPT News October 26, 2018

Israel Keeps a Wary Eye on Iranian Entrenchment as Syrian Border Crossing Reopens

Special to IPT News October 24, 2018

Latest Attack, Travel Warning, Expose Depth of Netherlands' Terror Threat

Special to IPT News October 22, 2018

Time to Break the Barriers to Researching Prison Radicalization

IPT News October 19, 2018

French Say "Non" to Islamist Performer at Bataclan

Special to IPT News October 11, 2018

Rumors Stoke Islamist Attacks on Egyptian Copts

Special to IPT News October 9, 2018

IPT Exclusive: Leading American BDS Group's Conference Minimizes Nonviolence

IPT News October 5, 2018

CAIR Proves Irony is Not Dead

IPT News October 3, 2018

IPT Exclusive: Linda Sarsour's Blood Libel

IPT News September 25, 2018

Hizballah's Growing Partnership with Lebanon's Army Provides Operational Cover

Special to IPT News September 20, 2018

'Muslim UN' Highlights San Diego Lawsuit Against Islamophobia Curriculum

IPT News September 18, 2018

Investigation Finds Dutch Program Aided Terror-Tied Groups

Special to IPT News September 17, 2018

For Islamic Terrorists, Jihad Does Not Stop When Jailed

IPT News September 14, 2018

Pew Skews Study on Muslim Girls' Education

Special to IPT News September 12, 2018

ISNA Speaker Decries Focus on Palestinian Incitement as "a Form of Islamophobia"

IPT News September 10, 2018

Ex-Spy Slams Brennan's 'Freedom of Speech' Hypocrisy

IPT News September 6, 2018

Islamists Smear Egyptian Actress for Removing Hijab

Special to IPT News September 4, 2018

ISNA Convention Uses Shame, Fear to Stir Muslims Politically

IPT News September 3, 2018

West Bank Power Struggle Could Be Opportunity for Hamas

Special to IPT News August 31, 2018

Interview with "Smarter Bombs" Author Anat Berko

Special to IPT News August 30, 2018

Iran's North American Supporters Continue Pushing Pro-Regime Propaganda

IPT News August 24, 2018

Canadian Arabic-language Newspaper Publishes Article Inciting Violence

IPT News August 21, 2018

Canadians Need the Truth About Toronto's Danforth Avenue Terrorist Attack

Special to IPT News August 17, 2018

The Gray Lady Once Again Sanitizes Radical Islam

IPT News August 15, 2018

Israel's Unsung Humanitarian Mission Saved Thousands of Syrian Lives

Special to IPT News August 13, 2018

Are Prisons Conveyor Belts to Jihad?

IPT News August 3, 2018

How Quiet Islamization Threatens Secular States

Special to IPT News August 1, 2018

Media Enables CAIR's Empty Entrapment Spin

IPT News July 30, 2018

Michigan's Regressive "Progressive" Gubernatorial Candidate

IPT News July 27, 2018

Sisters in Hate: Sarsour and Billoo Team Up in Fundraiser

IPT News July 23, 2018

The Terrorist Semi-States of Hamas and Hizballah

Special to IPT News July 18, 2018

IDF: Hamas Plans to Strike Israel with Exploding Drones

IPT News July 16, 2018

Reading, Writing and Jihad: Child Soldiers and a Lost Generation

Special to IPT News July 11, 2018

Egypt's Islamist Televangelists Lose Clout

Special to IPT News July 9, 2018

Canada is Funding and Supporting Terrorism Front Groups with Taxpayers' Money

Special to IPT News July 5, 2018

Inside the Iran Protests: An IPT Exclusive Video Report

IPT News July 2, 2018

Why Are Elected Politicians Legitimizing Terrorist Front Group?

IPT News June 29, 2018

U.S. Islamists Ignore Erdogan's Authoritarianism, Celebrate Win

IPT News June 26, 2018

Israeli Security Services Turn to Data Mining to Anticipate "Unorganized Threats"

Special to IPT News June 22, 2018

IPT Exclusive: PR Firm Tied to CAIR Linked to Sliming of Maajid Nawaz

IPT News June 20, 2018

SPLC Agrees to $3.4 Million Settlement for Smearing Maajid Nawaz

IPT News June 18, 2018

The Horrors of Honor Violence: Terrorism At Home

Special to IPT News June 18, 2018

Former Jihadi Jason Walter Speaks

Nieuw Israelietisch Weekblad June 15, 2018

IPT Exclusive: U.S. and Turkish Ties to Malaysia's Hamas Lobby

IPT News June 13, 2018

When Mental Illness Becomes an Excuse for Terrorists

Special to IPT News June 11, 2018

Blind Hate Drives a Wedge Among "Islamophobia" Hunters

IPT News June 8, 2018

Another Terrorist Sues the Bureau of Prisons

IPT News June 6, 2018

The SPLC is Indifferent to Muslim Anti-Semitism

IPT News June 5, 2018

Gaza's Economy is Hostage to PA-Hamas Rift as Israel, Egypt Weigh Easing Restrictions

Special to IPT News June 4, 2018

Belgium Terror Attack Mirrors an All Too Familiar Pattern

IPT News May 31, 2018

Photos Show IRUSA Chairman's Muslim Brotherhood Support

IPT News May 29, 2018

CAIR's Ayloush Races Past Hate, Goes Straight to Idiotic

IPT News May 25, 2018

Why Egypt Supports U.S. Withdrawal From Iran Nuclear Deal

Special to IPT News May 22, 2018

Alarming Revelations in Diab Extradition Case Confirm the Need for Changes

Special to IPT News May 18, 2018

American Islamists Celebrate an Avowed Anti-Semite's Election

IPT News May 16, 2018

How Hamas Sabotages Gaza's Economy to Advance Terror Aims

Special to IPT News May 15, 2018

Egyptian Terror Supporters Canvass Capitol Hill

IPT News May 15, 2018

Anti-Semites, Terror Apologists Hide Behind Civil Rights Rhetoric on Capitol Hill

IPT News May 15, 2018

Iran May Bank on EU Support After U.S. Leaves Nuclear Deal

Special to IPT News May 10, 2018

Cloak and Fashion: When a Museum Becomes a Tool for Islam

Special to IPT News May 8, 2018

The Divisive, Hateful People Among CNN's Influential American Muslim List

IPT News May 7, 2018

Threats to Apostates "Most Severe" in Muslim Countries and Beyond

Special to IPT News May 4, 2018

Sen. Murphy's Misguided "Anti-Muslim" Smear

IPT News May 1, 2018

Tensions Intensify As Israel Endeavors To Keep Iran From Growing A Second Proxy State On Its Border

Special to IPT News April 27, 2018

Behind The Civil Rights Masks Of The Women's March Leaders

Special to IPT News April 24, 2018

Qatari Ambassador Plays Semantics With Definition of Terrorism

IPT News April 23, 2018

IPT Exclusive: U.S.-based Imam Advocates Violence Against Israel in Anti-Semitic Sermon

IPT News April 20, 2018

90 Years In, The Muslim Brotherhood Faces An Uncharted Future

Special to IPT News April 19, 2018

Emerging Islamist Political Clout Accelerates Europe's Self-Islamization

Special to IPT News April 17, 2018

Hamas's Re-Entry Into Iran's Orbit Contributes To Its Isolation

Special to IPT News April 12, 2018

Hatem and Ahmed's Ironic Islamophobia Adventure

IPT News April 10, 2018

Syrian American Council Learns How to Pressure Washington

IPT News April 3, 2018

New Book Exposes Depth of Anti-Israel Hate on American Campuses

Special to IPT News March 28, 2018

Freeing a Terrorist: At What Cost?

IPT News March 27, 2018

What Exactly Is Terrorism? Why Words Matter

Special to IPT News March 26, 2018

Israel Prepares For Hizballah's South Lebanon Military Fortress

Special to IPT News March 23, 2018

Southern Libya: Terrorists' Next Frontier

Special to IPT News March 21, 2018

Radicalization in The Classroom: A Continuing Problem in Europe's Schools

Special to IPT News March 20, 2018

IPT Exclusive: Government-Tied Turkish Organizations Support Global Jihadists and Islamists

IPT News March 19, 2018

Al-Arian Tries To Play #MeToo With Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theorist

IPT News March 16, 2018

Erdogan Allies Lobbied Congress Against Kurds

IPT News March 9, 2018

Islamists Scheme to Disrupt Egyptian Presidential Elections

Special to IPT News February 27, 2018

Protecting Afghan Women Is A National Security Issue

Special to IPT News February 23, 2018

Emails Expose CAIR's Ongoing Influence in San Diego Schools

IPT News February 21, 2018

Shin Bet Investigation Exposes Depth of Turkey's Hamas Support

Special to IPT News February 15, 2018

The West Embraces the Hijab as Muslim Women Risk Their Lives for the Right to Choose

Special to IPT News February 13, 2018

Islamists Endorse Deadly Turkish Assault on Kurds

Special to IPT News February 12, 2018

Macramé for Terrorists

IPT News February 9, 2018

Questions Abound as Suspected Terrorist Hassan Diab Returned to Canada

Special to IPT News February 6, 2018

Al-Arian Calls U.S. 'Our Enemy' At Turkish Conference

IPT News February 5, 2018

Syrian Opposition Leader Offers Non-Islamist Alternative Plan for Syria

IPT News February 1, 2018

Google Partners with Anti-Semitic Islamists

IPT News January 30, 2018

The Unrepentant Terrorist

IPT News January 26, 2018

Hizballah Helps Hamas Enhance Terrorist Infrastructure on Israel's Northern Border

IPT News January 25, 2018

Jerusalem Issue Sends Abbas Into Madness

IPT News January 24, 2018

Young But Dangerous: Still No Answer to Handling Europe's Children of ISIS

Special to IPT News January 22, 2018

Joshua Boyle: The Taliban-Admiring Freed Hostage's Case Keeps Getting Stranger

Special to IPT News January 18, 2018

Analysis: Why the Muslim Brotherhood Declared U.S. an Enemy State

Special to IPT News January 16, 2018

As Attacks On Jews Rise in Europe, Anti-Semitism is the New Cool

Special to IPT News January 11, 2018

IPT Video: What BDS Really Wants

IPT News January 10, 2018

Iran's Ongoing Attempt to Set Up a West Bank Terrorist Outpost Exposed

Special to IPT News January 9, 2018

Judge Reinstates Hamas/AMP Lawsuit

IPT News January 8, 2018

Foolishness at the BOP: Allowing a Terrorist to Radicalize Others

IPT News December 29, 2017

Palestinian Hostility to Peace Overlooked Following Trump Jerusalem Decision

IPT News December 28, 2017

Rethinking "Radicalization": Dutch Researcher Discusses What Makes a Homegrown Terrorist

Special to IPT News December 26, 2017

Review: "Unveiling Jerusalem" Beautifully Showcases Archaeology to Rebut Historical Revisionism

Special to IPT News December 21, 2017

A Disappointing, Muted Response to Imams Calling for Violence

IPT News December 20, 2017

Countering Christmas Jihad

Special to IPT News December 19, 2017

"Islamophobia" Gets the Headlines Despite Trailing Anti-Semitic Violence

Special to IPT News December 18, 2017

D.C. Transit Cop's Trial Details Ties Between Neo-Nazism and Islamist Terrorism

IPT News December 17, 2017

Federally Funded U.S. Institute for Peace Hosts Pro-Hamas Tunisian Group

IPT News December 15, 2017

NYPD: Fighting Terrorism on Three Sides

IPT News December 14, 2017

Iran Looks to Seize Opportunity as Rivals Fall

Special to IPT News December 13, 2017

Ibrahim Munir, the Man Who Keeps the Muslim Brotherhood Alive

Special to IPT News December 12, 2017

Decrying False Genocide, Palestinian Advocates Call for Genocide

IPT News December 11, 2017

Jailhouse Jihadi: The Intriguing Case of Casey Charles Spain

IPT News December 8, 2017

U.S.-Based Israel Bashers' Fury and Disapproval Over Trump's Jerusalem Recognition

IPT News December 7, 2017

IPT Investigation Reveals ICNA Partner's Close Ties to Kashmiri Jihadists

IPT News December 5, 2017

Why is Canada Cutting Checks to Suspected Terrorists?

Special to IPT News December 4, 2017

ISIS's Fall Means Fewer Terror Deaths As Jihadis Adjust, IPT Analysis Shows

IPT News November 28, 2017

AMP Convention Sees Opportunities in U.S. Elections

IPT News November 27, 2017

Terrorists, Victims, or Both? The Children of ISIS Return

Special to IPT News November 20, 2017

Hijab Barbie And Social Coercion

IPT News November 17, 2017

Belgium Takes a Stand Against Palestinian Terrorist Glorification

Special to IPT News November 15, 2017

Hizballah's Firm Grip Over Lebanon Fuels Region's Sectarian Strife

Special to IPT News November 14, 2017

National Service Again Calls IPT's Hoekstra

IPT News November 13, 2017

Egyptian Islamist Uses New Jersey Base to Stoke Christian Hatred

Special to IPT News November 9, 2017

Canadian Judge in Marital Sexual Assault Case Places Cultural Practices Above the Law

Special to IPT News November 8, 2017

American Islamists' Silence on Tariq Ramadan Rape Allegations Speaks Volumes

IPT News November 7, 2017

Tariq Ramadan's Fans Insist He's Not A Rapist: It's The Women's Fault. And the Jews'

Special to IPT News November 6, 2017

Council on Foreign Relations Suddenly Cancels Presentation by Terrorist-Linked Charity Leader After IPT Inquiry

IPT News October 31, 2017

Rape Accusations Rip the Mask Off Tariq Ramadan's "Pose"

Special to IPT News October 30, 2017

Trump Administration Vows to Aid Mideast Christians

IPT News October 27, 2017

Hamas Rejoins Iran's Terrorist Axis

Special to IPT News October 26, 2017

Underwear Bomber Sues to Make Hard Time Easier

IPT News October 25, 2017

Can Bin Laden Heir Salvage Jihad in Syria?

Special to IPT News October 24, 2017

Returning ISIS Jihadists Pose Long, Uncharted Challenge

Special to IPT News October 16, 2017

CAIR Conducted Sensitivity Training for Philadelphia Teachers

IPT News October 11, 2017

Is Austria's Burqa Ban an Example for America?

Special to IPT News October 10, 2017

Hizballah's Nasrallah Escalates Threats as Syria Turns Into Iranian Base

Special to IPT News October 8, 2017

CAIR Chief Among American Islamists Eulogizing Brotherhood Leader

IPT News September 27, 2017

Bin Laden Heir Breathes New Destructive Energy Into Al Qaeda

Special to IPT News September 25, 2017

Tunisian Religious Reforms Challenge Egypt's Al Azhar

Special to IPT News September 19, 2017

European Attacks Show the Difficulty in Tracking Soaring Terror Suspect Numbers

IPT News September 18, 2017

IDF's Gaza Wall May Change Hamas Terror Strategies

Special to IPT News September 15, 2017

Al-Arian and the Georgetown Gang Ride Again – Now in Turkey

IPT News September 14, 2017

Canada Moves to 'Modernize' its Anti-Terrorism Legislation

Special to IPT News September 11, 2017

U.S. Islamists Claim Win Over Legislation Banning Funding to Terror-Tied Charity

IPT News September 8, 2017

A Lesson in Democracy for Turkey's Islamist President

IPT News September 5, 2017

It's Time for Qatar to Stop Its Regional Meddling

IPT News August 31, 2017

Expensive Bride Price May Offer Another Lure to Jihad

Special to IPT News August 25, 2017

Barcelona Terror Imam's Familiar Path From Prison to ISIS Soldier

IPT News August 23, 2017

Goodbye and Good Riddance to Rasmieh Odeh

IPT News August 17, 2017

MB Groups Increasingly Open in Endorsing Anti-Sisi Violence

IPT News August 16, 2017

IPT Video: Cornell Prof Dissects the Many Lies of Rasmieh Odeh

IPT News August 15, 2017

Charlottesville Attack Was Domestic Terrorism

IPT News August 14, 2017

Malaysia Kills a Talking Point

IPT News August 11, 2017

UK's Flawed Solution to Prison Radicalization – Terrorist Group Therapy

IPT News August 7, 2017

Al Jazeera: The Terrorist Propaganda Network

IPT News August 4, 2017

Sophisticated Australian Airplane Bombing Plot a Warning To the West

Special to IPT News August 3, 2017

Deadly False Narratives Drove the Temple Mount Crisis

Special to IPT News August 2, 2017

U.S. Islamists Promote Nationwide Protests Despite Israeli Concessions

IPT News July 28, 2017

CAIR Loses San Diego Schools Partnership

IPT News July 26, 2017

Lessons from Europe's Immigrant Wave: Douglas Murray Cautions America

Special to IPT News July 24, 2017

IPT Video: Islam in America As Described by Three Leading Voices

IPT News July 21, 2017

Iran's Lebanese Missile Factories in "New and Very Dangerous Phase"

Special to IPT News July 18, 2017

Converts and Jihad

Special to IPT News July 17, 2017

The Real Jihadist Threat No One Is Watching

Special to IPT News July 17, 2017

Ousting Pro-Gay Muslim Group Exposes ISNA's Hypocrisy

IPT News July 14, 2017

U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal's CAIR Ally Posts al-Qaida Leader's Video

IPT News July 13, 2017

Linda Sarsour's All-Star Team of Radical Theologians

IPT News July 11, 2017

Paranoid Terrorist Apologism Dominates ISNA Convention in Chicago

IPT News July 7, 2017

IPT Exclusive: Updated Suit Against San Diego Schools Highlights CAIR's Radical Ties

IPT News June 28, 2017

Fox in the Hen House: Allowing Terrorists to Re-enter Prisons

Special to IPT News June 28, 2017

Terror-Tied Qatari Think Tank's Anti-Israel, Pro-BDS Stance

IPT News June 26, 2017

DHS Denies Grant to Islamic Radicalization Enabler MPAC

IPT News June 23, 2017

A Tale of Two Terror Attacks and The New York Times

Special to IPT News June 23, 2017

Iran Missile Strike Escalates War Between Radical Shi'ites and Sunnis

Special to IPT News June 20, 2017

Russia's Terrorist Double Game

IPT News June 16, 2017

Leaders Try to Squelch Dar al-Hijrah Female Genital Mutilation Debate

IPT News June 14, 2017

Libyan Security Committee Calls U.S. Muslim Leader a Terrorist

IPT News June 12, 2017

Pakistani Law Makes Ramadan a Dangerous Time for Religious Minorities

Special to IPT News June 9, 2017

The Identity Crisis Fueling European Muslim Radicalization

Special to IPT News June 7, 2017

Washington Post "Yeah, Buts" Female Genital Mutilation

IPT News June 6, 2017

Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Iran's 'Preferred Proxy,' Arming in Gaza

Special to IPT News June 5, 2017

Admitting When You're Wrong

IPT News June 2, 2017

Jordan Intensifies Anti-Israel Rhetoric Despite Security Challenges

Special to IPT News June 1, 2017

For Some, Sex Appeal is Part of Jihad's Lure

Special to IPT News May 30, 2017

Religious Liberty Group Suing San Diego Schools Over CAIR-backed 'Islamophobia' Program

IPT News May 25, 2017

CAIR Ups the Ante on its Shameful Smear Campaign

IPT News May 23, 2017

When Political Correctness Places Girls in Harm's Way

Special to IPT News May 23, 2017

Banned Islamist Movement Plotted New Attacks on Israelis

Special to IPT News May 19, 2017

A Disappointing Silence on Erdogan's Excesses

IPT News May 18, 2017

MB Backers Hide Terror Support During Capitol Hill Visits

IPT News May 15, 2017

Spinning a Terrorist into a Victim: Justice, At Last, for Rasmieh Odeh

IPT News May 12, 2017

Sarsour's Anti-Semitism Campaign Minimizes Anti-Semitism

IPT News May 9, 2017

Palestinians Use Deception for Greater Acceptance

Special to IPT News May 8, 2017

Bazian Uses Islamist Convention to Push "Islamophobia" Scare

IPT News May 5, 2017

Ex-CIA Case Officer Sabrina DeSousa, IPT's Hoekstra, Describe Her Brush With Italian Prison

IPT News May 3, 2017

Charismatic Islamist Seeks to Shake Up Belgian Politics

Special to IPT News May 3, 2017

Syrian Regime Held Liable for Americans' Murders

IPT News May 2, 2017

Hamas Wants Quiet As It Prepares For Next Assault on Israel

Special to IPT News April 27, 2017

Rasmieh Odeh's Guilty Plea Accepted

IPT News April 25, 2017

Karim Cheurfi: From the Cauldron of Prison to the Streets of Paris

IPT News April 24, 2017

New Filings Show Odeh Case Remains Contentious Despite Pending Plea

IPT News April 21, 2017

Europe's Rising Islam-Based Political Parties

Special to IPT News April 21, 2017

Islamist Attacks on Holidays

Special to IPT News April 20, 2017

How Erdogan's Victory Might Be Europe's Defeat

Special to IPT News April 17, 2017

Palm Sunday Bombing Underscores Depth of Egypt's Anti-Christian Bigotry

IPT News April 12, 2017

Radical Iran-led Axis Confronted with U.S. Deterrence for First Time

Special to IPT News April 11, 2017

Should the Muslim Brotherhood Debate Include Another Rogue Islamist Party?

IPT News April 7, 2017

BDS Contributes to Palestinians' Plight

IPT News April 6, 2017

Palestinians Exploiting Children to Fight Israel

Special to IPT News April 5, 2017

Odeh Claims "Torturous Ordeal" Led to Guilty Plea

IPT News April 3, 2017

Panelists Prove Jewish Voice for Peace is Neither

IPT News April 1, 2017

After Surviving Evin Prison, She Works To Free Others

Special to IPT News March 31, 2017

CAIR Smears and Tries to Silence an IPT Fellow

IPT News March 30, 2017

Georgetown University and Radical Islamists: It's a Family Affair

IPT News March 28, 2017

London Terrorist Followed the Jihadist's Twisted Path From Prison to Terrorist

IPT News March 27, 2017

Breaking News: Rasmieh Odeh Reportedly Accepts Plea Deal

IPT News March 23, 2017

In Iran's Women's Prisons, Injustice and Atrocity

Special to IPT News March 23, 2017

Hamas Again Caught Exploiting Charities to Fund Terror

IPT News March 21, 2017

World Shrugs as Hizballah Prepares Massive Civilian Deaths

Special to IPT News March 21, 2017

In-House Hizballah Missile Factories Could Add to Massive Arms Buildup

Special to IPT News March 17, 2017

Ex-CIA Officer's Case Shows How to Get Things Done in D.C.

IPT News March 16, 2017

Israel Targets Palestinian Gun Makers

Special to IPT News March 10, 2017

IPT Examines J Street's Unusual "Support" for Israel

IPT News March 9, 2017

Kurdish Factions Turn Guns on Each Other in Yazidi Homeland

IPT News March 8, 2017

New York Cedes Ground in the Fight Against Terrorism

IPT News March 7, 2017

Media Misfeasance Exposed in "Eyeless in Gaza" Documentary

Special to IPT News March 3, 2017

'Explanatory Memorandum' Detractors Ignore Evidence About MB in America

IPT News March 1, 2017

Erdogan Critics Beware: Turkey Probably is Watching

IPT News February 27, 2017

How Pakistani Law Enshrines Extremism and Weakens Counter-Terror Efforts

Special to IPT News February 24, 2017

A Muslim Woman's Fight Against Radical Islam

Special to IPT News February 23, 2017

"Moderate" Muslim Brotherhood Mourns Terrorist's Death

IPT News February 21, 2017

Venezuela: State Sponsor of Terrorism?

IPT News February 17, 2017

New Hamas Leader, a Vicious Killer, Portends New Rounds of Violence

Special to IPT News February 16, 2017

Advocates: Kurds Keeping Christians and Yazidis From Going Home

IPT News February 14, 2017

Prof's Slavery/Sexual Consent Comments Become Georgetown's Latest Outrage

IPT News February 13, 2017

U.S. Ill Prepared for Convicted Jihadis Ending Their Prison Sentences

IPT News February 8, 2017

Sunni States' Military Spending Sprees Could Fall to Radical Islamists

Special to IPT News February 7, 2017

Raheel Raza Hopes To Be The Muslim Extremists Hate Most

Special to IPT News February 6, 2017

Guest Column: Washington Finally Designates Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps

Special to IPT News February 3, 2017

Palestinians Turn Jerusalem Into a Tool of Terror

Special to IPT News February 2, 2017

IPT Video: On National TV, Keith Ellison Ducks Anti-Israel Statement

IPT News January 31, 2017

They Teach Our Children, Advise Our Government, And Support Jihad

Special to IPT News January 27, 2017

Sarsour's Defenders Choose to Ignore March Organizer's Liberal Critics

IPT News January 25, 2017

The Left Lost Its Logic On Israel

Special to IPT News January 24, 2017

The Inside Story of How John Kerry Secretly Lobbied to Get CAIR Removed From UAE's Terrorist Organization List

IPT News January 19, 2017

My Journey Out of Radical Islam

Special to IPT News January 19, 2017

U.S. Refusing to Intervene as Ex-CIA Agent Faces Extradition, Prison, in Italy

IPT News January 13, 2017

A Last, Desperate Plea to Excuse Hamas Support

IPT News January 12, 2017

Hamas, ISIS Affiliates, See Opportunity in Terror Truck Attack

Special to IPT News January 11, 2017

Beyond ISIS: Europe's Salafists Nurturing Jihad

Special to IPT News January 3, 2017

The New Axis of Evil (or Comedy): CAIR, JVP and the Huffington Post

IPT News December 29, 2016

New Middle East Forum Manual Spotlights Islamist Apologists

IPT News December 28, 2016

Information Not Used is Useless

IPT News December 27, 2016

Is National Guilt Making Germany More Vulnerable To Terrorism?

Special to IPT News December 23, 2016

Amazon Video Overlooks Muslim Partners' Radical Dogma

IPT News December 22, 2016

Why the UK's Sharia Courts Should Be Banned

Special to IPT News December 20, 2016

Muslim Scholar: Group That Sponsored Ellison's Hajj a 'National Security Threat'

IPT News December 19, 2016

Aleppo's Fall Signals Rise of Emboldened Radical Shi'ite Axis

Special to IPT News December 16, 2016

IPT EXCLUSIVE: DHS Hires CAIR to Train French Officials

IPT News December 14, 2016

"Hate Spaces" Film Exposes Campus Intolerance

Special to IPT News December 13, 2016

White House "Champion" Blasts Muslims Who Talk to Any Pro-Israel Jews

IPT News December 7, 2016

Judge Grants Rasmieh Odeh a New Trial

IPT News December 6, 2016

Funding Terrorism - The Buck Stops Here

IPT News December 6, 2016

Democrats Express Solidarity with Islamic Extremists in Wake of Election

IPT News December 5, 2016

Keith Ellison's Disinformation Campaign

IPT News December 2, 2016

Women Form A Growing Threat To West In New ISIS Strategy

Special to IPT News December 1, 2016

Arrest Breaks Up PIJ Recruitment Scheme

Special to IPT News November 30, 2016

IPT Exclusive: In Private Fundraiser, Ellison Blasted Israeli Influence Over U.S. Policy

IPT News November 29, 2016

Breaking News: Pivotal Odeh Hearing Canceled

IPT News November 28, 2016

One Year After Paris, What The West Still Needs To Learn About Islamic Terror

Special to IPT News November 25, 2016

Sporadic Attacks Reveal Fragility of Israel-PA Security Cooperation

Special to IPT News November 22, 2016

Ottawa Muslim Outreach Includes Islamists Only

IPT News November 21, 2016

Prosecution: Odeh's PTSD Defense a Product of Untested Theory, Her Own Unreliable Claims

IPT News November 15, 2016

Hamas Funding Sources Drying Up

Special to IPT News November 14, 2016

CAIR Whips Pre-Election Hysteria and Fear Against FBI

IPT News November 7, 2016

The Hostility and Hypocrisy of Left-Wing Israeli NGOs

Special to IPT News October 31, 2016

France's De-radicalization Program Deemed a Failure

IPT News October 28, 2016

Europe Gambles on De-Radicalization Programs As Terror Threat Rises

Special to IPT News October 27, 2016

Europe's Terror Challenges: The Returnee Threat

Special to IPT News October 19, 2016

Islamists' Double Standards on FBI's Use of Informants

IPT News October 18, 2016

Jihadist Tactics 101 - Going on the Dole

IPT News October 17, 2016

Brookings Fellow Briefs BDS Leaders

IPT News October 16, 2016

Soros Money, Muslim Advocates Leader, Helped Weaken Homeland Security Policies

IPT News October 7, 2016

The Saudi-Iran Rivalry and Sectarian Strife in South Asia

The Diplomat October 6, 2016

Israel's Resilient Decency Despite Extreme Terrorism

Special to IPT News October 5, 2016

Obama rolls dice on foreign policy in secretive presidential directive

Washington Examiner October 3, 2016

As ISIS Loses Territory, Foreign Fighters Likely to Bring Jihad Home

Special to IPT News September 28, 2016

Ill Informed House Dem Wrongly Blasts "Ill Prepared" DHS Official

(1 comment)
IPT News September 22, 2016

Video: IPT's Pete Hoekstra Testimony, "Defining the Enemy: Radical Islamist Terror"

IPT News September 22, 2016

Brotherhood Members Gather in D.C. to Blast Egyptian Government

IPT News September 21, 2016

How Some Muslim Nations are Forging a Real Peace with Israel

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News September 20, 2016

Choudary's Junk Justice Sentencing

IPT News September 14, 2016

Raids, Arrests Show 9/11's Lessons Are Global

Special to IPT News September 12, 2016

CAIR, Awad Continue Aggressively Shilling for Turkey

IPT News September 9, 2016

Women's Flotilla About Everything But Helping Gaza

IPT News September 7, 2016

With The Terror Threat Growing, Europe Changes Course

Special to IPT News August 31, 2016

Developing an Effective Counter Radicalization Strategy

Special to IPT News August 29, 2016

Anti-Israel Double Standards Enable Assad's Brutality

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News August 23, 2016

The Choudary Quandary - The Fox in The Hen House Redux

IPT News August 19, 2016

U.S. Border Security Issues Piling Up For New Canadian Government

Special to IPT News August 15, 2016

Thwarted Canadian Terrorist Attack Still Raises Questions

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News August 15, 2016

A Growing Trend: Brave Muslim Zionists

Special to IPT News August 12, 2016

Is Turkey Following Pakistan's Descent Into Islamization?

The Diplomat August 9, 2016

Erdogan-Gulen Power Struggle Divides European Turks

IPT News August 8, 2016

The First Weapon Against Lone Terrorists: Big Data Analytics

Special to IPT News August 5, 2016

Erdoğan's Coup Survival: Don't Call It Democracy

(1 comment)
IPT News August 3, 2016

Rasmieh Odeh Adds Israel-Hating Lawyer, Fights Psych Evaluation

(1 comment)
IPT News July 29, 2016

Islam, Sexual Violence, and the West

Special to IPT News July 28, 2016

Who's Teaching the Class?

IPT News July 27, 2016

How Trains Are A Prime Target for Terrorists

Special to IPT News July 26, 2016

Obama Eid Celebration Again Empowers Islamists Over Reformers

IPT News July 21, 2016

Why is Virginia a Haven for Would-be Jihadists?

Special to IPT News July 18, 2016

CAIR Chief's Reflexive Terror Denial Stands Apart

IPT News July 15, 2016

An Award-Winning Documentary About Islamic Terrorists Becomes Hate Speech

Investor's Business Daily July 15, 2016

A final footnote on Gadhafi

Washington Examiner July 12, 2016

The Case for Kurdish Statehood

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News July 11, 2016

Israel Tries Area-Based Response to Palestinian Terror Wave

Special to IPT News July 8, 2016

Will Turkey's New Diplomatic Push Reduce Its American MB Support?

IPT News July 7, 2016

No Sacred Cows? The Washington Post Continues Carrying CAIR's Water

IPT News July 5, 2016

Anger, Honor and Freedom: What European Muslims' Attack On Speech Is Really About

Special to IPT News June 30, 2016

CAIR Hilarity: We Welcome "Significant, Healthy Debates" Among Muslims

IPT News June 23, 2016

Disconnecting the Dots: Blurring the Lines

IPT News June 22, 2016

IPT Exclusive: Document Reveals Omar Mateen's Father Tied to Radical Islamist Groups

IPT News June 20, 2016

Obama administration's absurd priorities

(3 comments) June 17, 2016

European States Seek Israeli Defense Solutions in Combating ISIS Threat

Special to IPT News June 16, 2016

Islamists Tighten Grip in Africa

Newsmax June 15, 2016

CAIR Offers Terror Sympathizers and Misleading Rhetoric to Condemn Orlando Tragedy

IPT News June 14, 2016

Why can't Obama just tell Americans the truth about the Orlando attack and radical Islam?

(8 comments) June 13, 2016

Arrests Show Jihadists Infiltrating Syrian Refugees

Special to IPT News June 8, 2016

Absurdity Reigns: Of Want Ads and Counter-Radicalization

IPT News June 2, 2016

Antwerp Terror Arrests Underscore Growing Threat to Europe and America

Special to IPT News June 1, 2016

Syrian Quagmire Delays Hizballah's Pursuit of Ultimate Objective

Special to IPT News May 27, 2016

Erdogan Critic Unfazed by Threats of Prosecution, Violence

Special to IPT News May 25, 2016

ICNA's Selective Condemnation Over Bangladesh Bloodshed

(1 comment)
IPT News May 13, 2016

BDS Spreads Anti-Semitism Across U.S. Campuses

Special to IPT News May 12, 2016

Another Democrat's Willful Blindness Toward CAIR

(1 comment)
IPT News May 10, 2016

Portrait of a Despotic Islamo-Fascist: Turkish President Erdoğan May 9, 2016

Israel's Tunnel-Detection Success Poses Hard Choice for Hamas

Special to IPT News May 6, 2016

Canada's Sorely Needed Enhanced National Security Oversight and Review May Be Near

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News May 4, 2016

Erdogan Expands His Assault on Journalists Beyond Turkish Borders

(1 comment)
IPT News May 3, 2016

Emails Show Clinton Was Told About MB-AQ Links

(1 comment)
IPT News May 2, 2016

Where Have All the "Good Boys" Gone?: Effective Handling of Captured Terrorists

IPT News April 28, 2016

Dutch Intelligence: Competition Could Fuel Jihadi Plots

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News April 27, 2016

Make or Break Moment for Palestinian Violence

Special to IPT News April 21, 2016

Social Media Emerges as a Valuable Terrorist Fundraising Tool

IPT News April 20, 2016

How Radicalization Was Allowed to Fester in Belgium

Special to IPT News April 19, 2016

IPT Video Report: Bernie Sanders' Bad Adviser

IPT News April 14, 2016

Pompeo Correct to Speak out about Islamic Speaker

The Wichita Eagle April 12, 2016

Islamic University of Minnesota a Hotbed of Extremism

IPT News April 8, 2016

How to Dismantle ISIS' Global Terror HQ in Raqqa

Special to IPT News April 7, 2016

Europe's Young ISIS Recruits: Should They Stay or Should They Go?

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News April 6, 2016

Deconstructing Nathan Lean's "Islamophobia Industry"

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News April 4, 2016

The unfair media bias

Israel Hayom April 3, 2016

ISIS Caliphate in Libya Spreading Terror throughout Africa

IPT News April 1, 2016

NYT Acknowledges Findings on Rise of ISIS in Europe

(1 comment)
IPT News March 30, 2016

The Gaza Time Bomb

Special to IPT News March 30, 2016

Special Report: What the Alarming Increase in Lethal Islamist Terror Means Going Forward

IPT News March 28, 2016

Global Islamist Terror Surges in Lethality, Focus March 28, 2016

Islamist Terror Growing in Lethality and Geography, IPT Analysis Finds

IPT News March 28, 2016

The Terror Threat To Europe Is America's, Too

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News March 25, 2016

Brothers, Prison, and the Reign of Terror

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News March 24, 2016

How Recent European Terror Wins Led to Abdeslam's Capture

Special to IPT News March 20, 2016

Islamist Activist Asks Obama to Support Libyan AQ Group

(1 comment)
IPT News March 18, 2016

Bassem Tamimi is Lying About his Visa Revocation

(1 comment)
IPT News March 17, 2016

Terrorist Groups Intensify Targeting of Children for Jihad

IPT News March 10, 2016

U.S. Tourist Killed, Dozen Israelis Wounded in Palestinian Attacks

IPT News March 8, 2016

Study Shows ISIS' Emphasis on Child Soldiers

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News March 8, 2016

How Would You React to a Terror Attack?

Special to IPT News March 7, 2016

Connecticut College Anti-Semitism Continues; Some Faculty Speak Out

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News March 4, 2016

Security Priorities of the New Canadian Government Are Emerging

Special to IPT News March 3, 2016

Dems Balk at MB Bill Terror Findings

IPT News March 3, 2016

The Next Syrian Refugee Crisis: Child Brides

Special to IPT News February 26, 2016

Appellate Court Ruling Could Revive Rasmieh Odeh's PTSD Defense

IPT News February 25, 2016

Plans That Lead Astray: Closing Guantanamo

Special to IPT News February 24, 2016

IDF Racing to Restructure Itself for New Middle East Warfare

Special to IPT News February 23, 2016

Hamas Dances With the Devil

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News February 19, 2016

ISIS Leader Moves to Libya

(1 comment)
IPT News February 16, 2016

Tunisian MB Leader's 'Time' Column Glosses Over Tunisia's Jihadi Problem

IPT News February 11, 2016

Canada's Liberal ISIS Strategy Revealed: Politics Trumps Pragmatism

Special to IPT News February 10, 2016

Plenty of Palestinian Passes

Special to IPT News February 9, 2016

Assessing Obama's Mosque Speech on Islam

Special to IPT News February 8, 2016

Dutch Intelligence Report Exposes Horrors of Daily Life Under ISIS

Special to IPT News February 4, 2016

Obama's Dubious Mosque Choice

IPT News February 2, 2016

IDF Preparing for Arrival of ISIS on Syrian Border

Special to IPT News January 29, 2016

Rotten Academia: Professor Who Praises Jihadis Still Teaches, Jihad Critic Doesn't

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News January 27, 2016

Israel Sees Short and Long-term Repercussions in Iranian Sanctions Relief

Special to IPT News January 25, 2016

The Inside Track From Israel's Gaza Border Defenders

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News January 21, 2016

Pessin Affair Exposes Connecticut College Anti-Semitism

Special to IPT News January 20, 2016

We Could Have Seen Europe's Muslim Rape Crisis Coming

Special to IPT News January 19, 2016

The New Terror Threat: Organized Rape

Special to IPT News January 15, 2016

DNC Chair Dismisses Questions About CAIR Invites to Obama Speech

IPT News January 13, 2016

Guest Column: NYPD Caves to Political Correctness

Special to IPT News January 8, 2016

"Ikhwan-101" – Georgetown Profs Team Up With Suspected MB Front

IPT News January 7, 2016

After Paris, a Global Wave of Terror Arrests

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News December 30, 2015

Obama White House Turns To Islamists Who Demonize Terror Investigations

IPT News December 28, 2015

IPT's 20th Anniversary

December 24, 2015

Convicted HLF Chief Rewrites Hamas Charity's History

IPT News December 21, 2015

#ExMuslimBecause Trend Stands Up To Extremists

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News December 18, 2015

UK Investigation Prompts Visa Ban for Muslim Brotherhood Members

IPT News December 17, 2015

To Strike or Not to Strike, That is the Question

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News December 16, 2015

Two Glaring NYT Displays of Ignorance About CAIR in One Day

IPT News December 15, 2015

FOIA Exposes Deported CAIR Official's Support for Jihad

IPT News December 14, 2015

IPT Exclusive: Witnesses Say CAIR's Hamas/MB Links Cemented From Start

IPT News December 14, 2015

Islamic State Manifesto Details Paris Attacks, Describes Expansion Plans

IPT News December 11, 2015

IPT White Paper - Our Refugee, Asylum, and Visa Waiver Programs: A Broken System

(1 comment)
IPT News December 7, 2015

ISIS Credits Itself on Twitter for San Bernardino Massacre, Threatens More

IPT News December 4, 2015

San Bernardino Murders Expose Failure to Address Radical Islam

IPT News December 4, 2015

NYT, Sputnik Agree with Hoekstra's 'Architects of Disaster'

(1 comment)
IPT News December 3, 2015

Islamic State Manifesto: Sleeper Cells Sent To Europe Posing As Refugees

IPT News December 1, 2015

Mali: Radisson Blu Hotel Attack Meant to Thwart Peace Accord

Special to IPT News November 30, 2015

Belgian Breeding Ground Fuels New Terror Wave

Special to IPT News November 23, 2015

Wolf Encouraged by Reported Administration Plans to Label ISIS Atrocities 'Genocide'

(1 comment)
IPT News November 19, 2015

Guest Column: Calling It What It Is – Islamic Terrorism

Special to IPT News November 17, 2015

The Façade in CAIR's Paris Attacks Condemnation

IPT News November 16, 2015

Why Turkey's Erdogan Won A Surprise Election Victory

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News November 12, 2015

New Islamic State Document Shows U.S. Still In the Crosshairs

IPT News November 9, 2015

Israel's unheralded Syrian humanitarian project

Special to IPT News November 2, 2015

Palestinian Institutions Continue Vicious Incitement Against Israelis

(1 comment)
IPT News October 26, 2015

ISIS Rapes Women Toward Allah

Special to IPT News October 23, 2015

Coverage of Palestinian "Stabbing Intifada" Sets New Lows

IPT News October 22, 2015

European Influx of Militiamen Loyal To Iran Could Pose Problems

(1 comment)
IPT News October 19, 2015

Opportunistic Erdogan Tries to Leverage EU Membership From Refugee Crisis

Special to IPT News October 9, 2015

Shariah Incompatible With the Constitution

IPT News October 6, 2015

Women Also Kill For Honor: Phyllis Chesler Study

Special to IPT News October 1, 2015

Former Congressman Frank Wolf: Indict Baghdadi & Jihadi John for Genocide

IPT News September 25, 2015

Deleted Facebook Posts Jeopardize Major Dutch Terror Trial

Special to IPT News September 23, 2015

Refugee Crisis Demands Coherent Foreign Policy

IPT News September 22, 2015

Khamenei: No Deal If Sanctions Remain

IPT News September 18, 2015

The Iran Nuclear Deal's Islamist Supporters

(1 comment)
IPT News September 11, 2015

Canadian "Hate Speech" Proposal Threatens Free Speech

Special to IPT News August 27, 2015

Pa. Lawmaker Demands Punishment For Professor Who Defended Killing Blasphemers

IPT News August 24, 2015

Charlie Who? Dutch Muslim Actor Threatened For Playing Jesus

Special to IPT News August 19, 2015

Iranian Officials Ratchet Up Genocidal Anti-Israel Rhetoric After Nuclear Deal

(1 comment)
IPT News August 18, 2015

DOJ May Intervene in Terror Judgment Against Palestinian Authority

IPT News August 4, 2015

A Call to Formally Label ISIS Attacks on Christians, Yezidis as Genocide

Special to IPT News July 29, 2015

How ISIS Makes Money From The Art Market

Special to IPT News July 27, 2015

Washington Post and David Cole Try to Bury History

(1 comment)
IPT News July 22, 2015


IPT News July 19, 2015

A Pointless Argument Over the Bigger Terror Threat

IPT News July 17, 2015

Did We Hit a Nerve, Ms. Deek?

IPT News July 13, 2015

More Blind Hate Toward Israel From a CAIR Official

IPT News July 9, 2015

Is the Obama Administration Forfeiting IAEA Inspections of Iranian Military Sites?

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News June 25, 2015

Investigation Exposes AMP Leaders' Ties to Former U.S-Based Hamas-Support Network

IPT News June 24, 2015

Islamist Groups Join Forces to Lobby Congress

IPT News June 24, 2015

Israel Hopes to Use Current Lull to Prepare for Radical Islamic Storm

Special to IPT News June 12, 2015

Gauging UNRWA's Purpose on its 65th Anniversary

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News June 11, 2015

Abuse Victim's Fine Exposes Turkish Women's Harsh Reality

Special to IPT News June 9, 2015

Islamists Continue to Push the Wrong Questions in Boston Shooting

(1 comment)
IPT News June 4, 2015

In Boston Shooting, Islamists Damn First, Ignore Facts Later

IPT News June 3, 2015

Islamists Use Boston Shooting to Sow Hatred of Law Enforcement

IPT News June 2, 2015

Erdogan vs. the New York Times, and Democracy

Special to IPT News May 28, 2015

Hamas-Loving Canadian Islamist Baffled by Suspension

IPT News May 20, 2015

Hamas Using Truce to Prepare for Next Clash with Israel

Special to IPT News May 18, 2015

Beheaded Christian Doesn't Regret Faith

The Daily Caller May 15, 2015

Study Exposes the Ugly Depth of European Muslim Anti-Semitism

Special to IPT News May 12, 2015

The Shooting in Garland, Texas

IPT News May 4, 2015

New Details From Israeli Intelligence on Planned Hamas Mega Attack in Gaza War

IPT News May 1, 2015

Threatened Dutch-Iranian Dissident: Attacking Free Speech A Core of Terrorism

Special to IPT News May 1, 2015

Taking Jihad to School – French Programs Emphasize Secularism

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News April 22, 2015

Free Speech Losing to Campus Thought Police

IPT News April 17, 2015

Guest Column: President Obama's Passover Seder

Special to IPT News April 16, 2015

Iran Deal Frees Up New Financing to Carry Out Terrorism

Special to IPT News April 9, 2015

Guest Column: No Let-Up in Attacks On Europe's Jews

Special to IPT News March 30, 2015

Documentary Exposes Hamas Indoctrination, Training of Child Soldiers

IPT News March 25, 2015

Guest Column: Radicalization of Europe's Muslims Hits a Crisis Point

Special to IPT News March 23, 2015

Rasmieh Odeh Sentenced to 18 Months In Prison, Then Deportation to Jordan

IPT News March 12, 2015

Guest Column: Disturbing Questions Lurk Behind Dutch "Jihad Galas"

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News February 27, 2015

Rasmieh Odeh Prosecution: Justice Demands Extraordinary Sentence

(1 comment)
IPT News February 25, 2015

Betting National Security on a Theory

IPT News February 24, 2015

Guest Column: Just Who Has to Adjust in the Name of Tolerance?

Special to IPT News February 19, 2015

Blind Hate Drives Islamists to Absurdity

IPT News February 17, 2015

Guest Column - Radical Islam Exists: Islamism IS the New Totalitarianism

Special to IPT News February 12, 2015

Guest Column: Europe on Edge One Month After Charlie Hebdo

Special to IPT News February 9, 2015

Al-Arian Saves One Last Lie for the Road

IPT News February 5, 2015

Report: Al-Arian to be Deported Wednesday

IPT News February 3, 2015

Hamas-Supporting MB Figures Meet With Congress, State Dept.

IPT News January 29, 2015

Islamist Panel Approaches Self-Parody in Hebdo/Radicalization Talk

IPT News January 23, 2015

Guest Column - Europe's Radical Muslims: What's True And What's Not

Special to IPT News January 20, 2015

PA Documents Detail Payments to Terrorists

IPT News January 15, 2015

Victims' Attorney: PA Supported Terror Attacks in Policy, Deeds and Words

IPT News January 13, 2015

Terror Victims Take Palestinian Authority to Court

IPT News January 12, 2015

Guest Column: Another Ex-Con, Another Terrorist Attack - The Danger in Closing Gitmo

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News January 9, 2015

Guest Column: Nicholas Kristof & the Spirit of Charlie Hebdo

Special to IPT News January 9, 2015

Will we ever learn? Obama White House can't admit Paris attacks 'Islamic terrorism'

Fox January 7, 2015

Charlie Hebdo: Martyrs for the Truth

Special to IPT News January 7, 2015

Guest Column: Erdogan Grooms a New Jihad Generation

Special to IPT News January 6, 2015

Guest Column: "Palestine" and the ICC

Special to IPT News December 31, 2014

Guest Column: Europe's Year of the Jihadist

Special to IPT News December 29, 2014

Turkey-based Hamas Leader Well Known to US Law Enforcement

IPT News December 19, 2014

Hamas's International Triangle of Bases: Gaza, Turkey and Qatar

Special to IPT News December 18, 2014

Muslim Scholar Blames Porn for Jihad

IPT News December 17, 2014

The Terrorist Attack in Australia: Coming to a Theater Near You

IPT News December 15, 2014

Iran and US Fighting On Same Side Rattles Israeli Defense Officials

Special to IPT News December 11, 2014

ISIS's Stay-at-Home Radicals

Special to IPT News December 9, 2014

White House Statement Ignores Brotherhood's Continuing Hamas Support

IPT News December 5, 2014

Guest Column: The Disturbing Heroes of Dutch Muslim Youth

Special to IPT News November 25, 2014

Canadian Watchdog Report Chastises RCMP for Islamist Engagement

IPT News November 24, 2014

Days Before UAE Terror Designation, CAIR Awards PIJ Board Member

IPT News November 20, 2014

Palestinian Incitement, Attacks, Glorification

(1 comment)
IPT News November 18, 2014

Spinning a Terrorist Into a Victim – Part 6 – The Spin Strategy Unravels

IPT News November 14, 2014

Israel Tries to Contain Surge in Deadly Palestinian Violence

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News November 12, 2014

Rasmieh Odeh Guilty of Naturalization Fraud

IPT News November 10, 2014

Prosecutor: Odeh's "Amazing Series of Coincidences" Indicate Guilt

(1 comment)
IPT News November 7, 2014

Prosecution Witness Contradicts Key Rasmieh Odeh Defense Argument

IPT News November 6, 2014

Odeh Jury Hears Wildly Differing Theories

(1 comment)
IPT News November 5, 2014

Guest Column: Going Dutch - The Psychometric Tool Against Jihadism in the West

Special to IPT News November 3, 2014

Brookings Scholars Hawk Qatar's Hamas Talking Points

IPT News October 31, 2014

Spinning a Terrorist Into a Victim - Part 5 - A Spin Strategy Larger Than Rasmieh Odeh Herself

IPT News October 31, 2014

Brookings Takes Both Sides of the Issue on Islamist Censorship

(1 comment)
IPT News October 30, 2014

Spinning a Terrorist Into a Victim - Part 4 - Rasmieh Odeh's Changing Story

IPT News October 30, 2014

IPT Exclusive: Terror Enablers Join Global Elite at Brookings Forums

IPT News October 29, 2014

Spinning a Terrorist Into a Victim - Part 3 - Rasmieh Odeh's Path From Terrorist to American Citizen

(1 comment)
IPT News October 29, 2014

Spinning a Terrorist Into a Victim - Part 2 - Rasmieh Odeh's Victims

(1 comment)
IPT News October 28, 2014

IPT Exclusive: Qatar's Insidious Influence on the Brookings Institution

IPT News October 28, 2014

Spinning a Terrorist Into a Victim - Part 1 - Who is Rasmieh Odeh?

IPT News October 27, 2014

Guest Column: Peace According to Radical Islam

Special to IPT News October 24, 2014

An Open Letter to Haaretz on America and a Missing Israeli Soldier

The Algemeiner October 22, 2014

Death and Terror in Ottawa

IPT News October 22, 2014

Comment: How the US first agreed and then refused to help locate a missing IDF soldier

IPT News October 17, 2014

Guest Column: The Road from Qatar to the Gaza Strip

Special to IPT News October 15, 2014

Israel Prepares For When Syrian Jihadis Turn Their Guns South

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News October 13, 2014

Analysis: Does the Islamic State Really Have 'Nothing to Do with Islam'?

Special to IPT News October 10, 2014

Guest Column: Terror's Virus on the Northern Border

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News October 7, 2014

Did Iran's Crackdown on Dissidents Include Nuclear Scientists?

Special to IPT News October 2, 2014

Guest Column: Hidden Terror in Europe

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News October 1, 2014

Israel Warns of Iranian Sweet Talk; Says Nothing's Changed

Special to IPT News September 19, 2014

Syrian Brotherhood Stands Nearer to ISIS Than to U.S.

IPT News September 16, 2014

Guest Column: Where Did IS Come From?

Special to IPT News September 12, 2014

Muslim Leaders Insist Islamic State Not Islamic

(1 comment)
IPT News September 10, 2014

Guest Column: Israel is the Safest Place for an Arab in the Middle East

Special to IPT News September 3, 2014

ISIS a Jewish Plot? Propaganda and Islamic Jihad

Special to IPT News August 22, 2014

Aggressive Propaganda Helps Islamic State Lure Followers Away From Al-Qaida

IPT News August 20, 2014

War Leaves Hamas Battered as Israel Gives Diplomacy a Chance

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News August 19, 2014

Op-Ed: The President's True Colors Finally Revealed

Jerusalem Online August 17, 2014

Who watches the watchers?

(1 comment)
The Jerusalem Post August 16, 2014

Europe's Jihadist Girls: Teen Rebellion That Kills

Special to IPT News August 14, 2014

CAIR's Identity Crisis: Defending Civil Rights or the Palestinian (Hamas) Struggle?

IPT News August 11, 2014

Dutch Jewish Advocate: Rising Anti-Semitism a "Crisis"

Special to IPT News August 6, 2014

Guest Column: Daniel Pomerantz from Kfar Azar, Rest in Peace

Special to IPT News August 5, 2014

In Europe, They Call For Death To Jews. Again.

Special to IPT News August 4, 2014

Anti-Semitic European Incidents Since May 2014

Special to IPT News August 4, 2014

Obama and Kerry behind one of most strategic mistakes in military history

Fox August 1, 2014

Hamas Defenders: Don't Call Them Terrorists

IPT News August 1, 2014

Emerson to Kerry-Obama: It's Terrorism, Stupid

IPT News July 28, 2014

Hamas Claims Rockets Only Target Jews

(1 comment)
IPT News July 25, 2014

Democratic Congressman Calls Out Qatar's Hamas Support on Al-Jazeera America

IPT News July 18, 2014

Israel Watching Hizballah While Fighting a Cautious Battle With Hamas

Special to IPT News July 17, 2014

Hamas-Israel Cease Fire? It's Déjà vu All Over Again

IPT News July 16, 2014

Guest Column: The Double Standard of Proportionality

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News July 15, 2014

Latest Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Exposes Surreal Reality

IPT News July 10, 2014

Greenwald's Underwhelming Surveillance Scoop

(1 comment)
IPT News July 9, 2014

Deporting Al-Arian May Be Easier Said Than Done

IPT News July 2, 2014

As ISIS Threatens Europe, Dutch Cut Intelligence Funding

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News July 1, 2014

Breaking News: Al-Arian Contempt Case Dropped

(1 comment)
IPT News June 27, 2014

Emboldened ISIS Threatens Americans

IPT News June 26, 2014

European Reports Show NSA's Successes

Special to IPT News June 24, 2014

Syrian Brought to US for Democracy Training Endorses Jihadis

IPT News June 20, 2014

West Bank Kidnapping Triggers Massive Crackdown on Hamas

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News June 17, 2014

Guest Column: Jesus Recrucified

Special to IPT News June 16, 2014

Why is Josh Ruebner standing by a killer?

IPT News June 13, 2014

Criticizing Islam Becomes "Incitement to Imminent Violence"

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News June 11, 2014

New York Times Censors Ad Decrying Islamist Censorship

IPT News June 5, 2014

The French Jihadist Killings in Belgium: This is Just the Beginning

Special to IPT News June 2, 2014

Guest Column: Pakistan's Frightening Blasphemy/Apostasy Laws

Special to IPT News May 30, 2014

Israel's Defense Establishment Unmoved by Palestinian Unity Agreement

Special to IPT News May 28, 2014

Proving Our Point

IPT News May 23, 2014

Guest Column: Palestinian TV Teaches Kids The Way to 'Jihad Street'

Special to IPT News May 20, 2014

9/11 Museum Film's Critic Says Jews Killed Jesus

IPT News May 14, 2014

The New York Times: Making the World Safe for Terrorism

IPT News May 13, 2014

Scurrilous NYT Informant Story Ignores Successes

Special to IPT News May 12, 2014

Deceptive Islamist Support for Nigerian Girls

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News May 9, 2014

Guest Column: If Mahmoud Abbas Had a Palestinian State

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News May 8, 2014

Imam Pushing to Sanitize 9/11 Museum's Al-Qaida Film Slurs Jews

IPT News May 7, 2014

Beyond Belief: Palestinian Terrorists Smuggle Sperm Out of Israeli Jails

Special to IPT News May 5, 2014

Guest Column: CAIR's Hypocrisy At America's Schools

Special to IPT News April 30, 2014

Experts Warn More European Muslim Youth Are Radicalizing

Special to IPT News April 25, 2014

New Israeli Satellite Eyes Iran Nuke Program, Terrorist Arms Smuggling

Special to IPT News April 22, 2014

Great Idea, Ibrahim Hooper!

IPT News April 18, 2014

Chicago ABC Station, Financial Institutions Co-Sponsor CAIR Banquet

IPT News April 17, 2014

NYPD Panders to Politics

Special to IPT News April 17, 2014

Brandeis Flap Marks Another Win for Islamist Intimidation

IPT News April 10, 2014

IPT Exclusive: AMP's Telling Choice of Heroes

IPT News April 8, 2014

Bangladeshi-American Writer Censored, Threatened by Radical Islamist

(1 comment)
IPT News April 4, 2014

Va. Legislator: Dar al-Hijrah Critics Spread Fear and Hate

IPT News April 3, 2014

Israel to Go 'Deep Into Lebanon' in Future Hizballah Clash

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News April 1, 2014

Why Turkey's Local Elections May Have Global Impact

Special to IPT News March 28, 2014

Guest Column: The Palestinian Country of Lies

Special to IPT News March 27, 2014

IPT Exclusive: State Department Silent About Ayatollah's Holocaust Denial

IPT News March 26, 2014

CAIR Criticizes Independent Investigation It Requested ... Again

IPT News March 25, 2014

Isolated Hamas Contemplates Returning to Iran's Orbit

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News March 17, 2014

When Democracy and Multi-Culturalism Collide

Special to IPT News March 13, 2014

American Islamist Coalition Launches with Empty Rhetoric

(1 comment)
IPT News March 12, 2014

Iran Bent on Supporting Islamist Terror During Nuclear Talks

IPT News March 11, 2014

U.S. Funded Syrian Relief Flowed Despite Radical Elements

IPT News March 5, 2014

Children Victimized by All Sides in Syrian Conflict

Special to IPT News March 4, 2014

IDF Restructuring Syrian Border Defenses Due to Jihadi Threat

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News February 27, 2014

IPT Exclusive: An Al Jazeera Anchor's Bloody Call

IPT News February 25, 2014

NYPD Surveillance Upheld Despite AP Campaign

Special to IPT News February 24, 2014

Who Are The Women Fighting In Syria?

Special to IPT News February 14, 2014

IPT Video Report: NYC Pro-Morsi Rally Blasts Saudis as "Dirtier Than Jews"

(1 comment)
IPT News February 13, 2014

Guest Column: Dead Terrorists and Palestinian National Imagery

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News February 4, 2014

DOJ: HLF's Bid To Vacate Trial Outcome "Strains Credulity"

(1 comment)
IPT News February 3, 2014

Turkish Charity Still Not on Terror List Despite Numerous Calls

(1 comment)
IPT News January 29, 2014

Zawahiri's Servant in Gaza Orchestrated Plots for Mega Terror Attacks

Special to IPT News January 28, 2014

Guest Column: The Importance of the Jordan Valley Corridor

Special to IPT News January 27, 2014

IRS Wants Gaza Caravan-Tied Charity's Status Stripped

IPT News January 23, 2014

IPT Exclusive: Records Prove MB Delegates Skipped Airport Inspections

(1 comment)
IPT News January 17, 2014

Will Israel Risk Sharon's Counter-terrorism Achievements for Peace Deal?

Special to IPT News January 16, 2014

In Turkey, Terror Probe Infuriates Prime Minister

Special to IPT News January 15, 2014

IPT Exclusive: Radical Syrian Cleric Secures US Visa Despite Endorsing Suicide Bombings

IPT News January 14, 2014

Possible Repercussions From Turkey's Corruption Scandal

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News January 9, 2014

Guest Column: The Final Death of Lawrence of Arabia

Special to IPT News January 6, 2014

Israeli Security Sees Rising West Bank Salafi-Jihadi Threat

Special to IPT News December 23, 2013

Esman: Women are "Biggest Losers" in Arab Spring

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News December 18, 2013

IPT Exclusive: Jihad-Supporting Imam Raised Millions on U.S. Fundraising Tour

(1 comment)
IPT News December 11, 2013

IPT EXCLUSIVE: Al-Arian Resurfaces in New American Brotherhood Campaign

(1 comment)
IPT News December 9, 2013

Guest Column: Turkey's Democratic Reforms Aren't All That Democratic

Special to IPT News December 4, 2013

Bearing Witness: Survivor Describes Nigerian Islamist Terror

Special to IPT News November 27, 2013

Fears Over Iranian Deal Hasten New Regional Alliances

Special to IPT News November 26, 2013

Guest Column: UK Child Brides Victims of "Cultural Sensitivity"

Special to IPT News November 21, 2013

Obama's Soft Stance on Iran Might Force Israel to Strike

Special to IPT News November 19, 2013

CAIR's Ayloush Gives Dishonest, Bullying Answer to Hamas Question

IPT News November 18, 2013

Mehanna Ruling Draws Line Between Speech and Material Support

IPT News November 14, 2013

Guest Column: The Orient Express from Mecca to the Vatican

Special to IPT News November 12, 2013

Guest Column: Canada's Growing Islamic Radicalization a Warning Sign

Special to IPT News November 4, 2013

IPT Rebuttal to Electronic Intifida's Revisionism

IPT News November 1, 2013

Germany and Syria: A Case Study in Jihad

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News October 30, 2013

Palestinian Bomber's Chicago Arrest Triggers Misguided Anger

(1 comment)
IPT News October 23, 2013

Dar al-Hijrah Imam Affirms MB Sympathies on Facebook

IPT News October 22, 2013

The Growing Terror Threat From Radical Women Converts

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News October 17, 2013

Diary, Search History Offer Bizarre Insights Into "White Widow"

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News October 17, 2013

Hamas Tunneling Its Way to Future Clash With Israel

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News October 15, 2013

Coptic Leaders Condemn Obama Adviser's Anti-Coptic Tweets

IPT News October 11, 2013

Canadian Muslims Protest "Honor Killing" Label As Racist

Special to IPT News October 7, 2013

Israel Hopes to Avoid Third Intifada Despite Palestinian Rhetoric, Violence

Special to IPT News October 3, 2013

Guest Column: Jihad Tourism

Special to IPT News October 2, 2013

Radical Imagery at NY Muslim Day Parade

IPT News September 24, 2013

The Only Commonality is Mass Killing

Special to IPT News September 24, 2013

Wolf Demands FBI Punish Agents For CAIR Contact

IPT News September 19, 2013

Kuwait Funding Muslim Brotherhood Growth in Western Mosques

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News September 13, 2013

Princeton Professor Embraces 9/11 Conspiracy Movement

IPT News September 12, 2013

Why Israelis See Shi'ite Axis as a Greater Threat Than Syrian Jihadis

Special to IPT News September 10, 2013

European Jihad in Syria

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News September 6, 2013

Tamarod Targets Hamas Rule in Gaza

Special to IPT News September 4, 2013

Guest Column: Bombing Into Unintended Consequences in Syria

Special to IPT News August 30, 2013

Stigmatizing Their Critics - An IPT Video Report

IPT News August 28, 2013

Analysis: The Regional Implications of a U.S. Strike on Syria

Special to IPT News August 27, 2013

Christian and Muslim Egyptians Protest Obama Policies at White House

IPT News August 23, 2013

Guest Column - America and Europe: a Case of Impaired Judgment?

Special to IPT News August 22, 2013

ICNA-MAS Linked Professor Attacks Christians on Facebook

IPT News August 21, 2013

The President's New Clothes: Treachery as Diplomacy

Special to the Investigative Project on Terrorism August 20, 2013

Qatar's Risky Overreach

Special to IPT News August 15, 2013

Muslim Brotherhood Burns Churches, Scapegoats Christians Following Crackdown

IPT News August 14, 2013

IPT Video Report: Washington's Muslim Brotherhood Rally

IPT News August 12, 2013

Pro-Morsi Demonstrations Make MB Ties Harder to Hide

IPT News August 12, 2013

Rally Organizers Deny Ties with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood

(1 comment)
IPT News August 9, 2013

How American Leaks May Help Arm Israel's Enemies

Special to IPT News August 8, 2013

Guest Column: The False Religious Argument Over the Burqa

Special to IPT News August 6, 2013

Can We Say Goodbye To A Pakistani Spy?

IPT News August 5, 2013

Guest Column: Israeli Prisons, Hothouses for Breeding Palestinian Terrorists

Special to IPT News August 2, 2013

Egypt MB Protests Underscore Hypocrisy of America's Islamists

IPT News July 31, 2013

Guest Column: "Stress" from Phantom Torture Keeps Terror Suspect in Netherlands

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News July 30, 2013

Nigeria's Christians Plead for Help Against Islamist Onslaught

Special to IPT News July 29, 2013

Bangladesh War Crimes Trial Proceeds Without ICNA Official

IPT News July 24, 2013

Guest Column: Dutch Islamic School's Lies and Threats Offer Broader Lessons

Special to IPT News July 19, 2013

Inside Israel's Preparation for the Next Hizballah Conflict

Special to IPT News July 17, 2013

Iranian Nuclear Crisis Nearing a Critical Tipping Point

Special to IPT News July 16, 2013

Bin Bayyah Statements Underscore Support for Terrorism

IPT News July 12, 2013

IPT EXCLUSIVE: Pro-Morsi Rally in D.C. A Grand Deception

(1 comment)
IPT News July 11, 2013

Violent MB Rhetoric Fuels Egyptian Tension

IPT News July 10, 2013

Morsi Removed, Muslim Brotherhood Down…but is it out?

IPT News July 3, 2013

American Islamists Rally Behind MB Amid Egypt Protests

IPT News July 2, 2013

Egyptian Protesters Criticize MB Rule and Obama Administration

IPT News July 1, 2013

Exclusive: Banned Cleric's Outspoken Deputy Visits White House

IPT News June 26, 2013

Judge Ends Imam's Lawsuit Triggered by IPT Report

IPT News June 25, 2013

"Grand Deception" Wins Special NYC Film Festival Honor

IPT News June 24, 2013

Guest Column: The 'Sex Jihad'

Special to IPT News June 18, 2013

The Shi'ite crescent holds its ground

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News June 13, 2013

Arab Spring Egypt's 'Legal' Persecution of Christians

Special to IPT News May 29, 2013

Media Analysts Dodge Jihad Connection in Boston, London

IPT News May 24, 2013

Hamas in Gaza Sending Out Tentacles to the West Bank

Special to IPT News May 23, 2013

"Grand Deception" Documentary by Steven Emerson Racks Up Film Festival Honors

IPT News May 17, 2013

A Risky Alliance: The Danger of Arming Syrian Rebels

(1 comment)
IPT News May 16, 2013

Analysis: Air strikes in Syria - A calculated risk

Special to IPT News May 15, 2013

Keeping Our Heads in the Sand After Boston

IPT News May 14, 2013

CAIR Testimony Reinforces Fringe Ideology

IPT News May 14, 2013

Qatar's Duplicitous Game

Special to IPT News May 9, 2013

Radical Cleric Swears to 'Pop America's Eye' if Moderate Morsi Threatened

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News May 7, 2013

Illinois AG Fights CAIR in Court, Lauds it in Public

IPT News May 2, 2013

Iran/Hizballah's Global Shi'ite Terror Network

Special to IPT News April 30, 2013

Being Had For Dinner In Ottawa

Special to IPT News April 26, 2013

Guest Column: Countering Terrorism

Special to IPT News April 24, 2013

Boston Bomber Exposes Islamist Secret

IPT News April 23, 2013

The Boston Bombing and the Case for FBI Stings

IPT News April 22, 2013

Rough Translation of Video Posted by Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

(1 comment)
IPT News April 19, 2013

Bombing Suspects Lauded Jihad

IPT News April 19, 2013

Guest Column: Islam's Collective Punishment of Christians

Special to IPT News April 18, 2013

Obama Supporters Criticize Administration's Muslim Brotherhood Policy

IPT News April 12, 2013

IPT Report on Saudi Travel Benefit Prompts Congressional Questions

IPT News March 29, 2013

Hudson Panel: U.S. Ignoring Increasing Christian Persecution

IPT News March 28, 2013

Troubling Times for Once Mighty Hizballah

Special to IPT News March 27, 2013

Little Outcry as Saudis Bulldoze Islam's Holiest Shrines

IPT News March 25, 2013

Special Travel Benefit for Saudis a "Slap in the Face"

IPT News March 20, 2013

Israel Closely Monitoring Jihadis Moving into the Golan

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News March 19, 2013

Judge Clears Path for Trial Against French Bank's Hamas Accounts

Special to IPT News March 5, 2013

Coptic Activist: U.S. Needs to Stand for Freedom in Egypt

(1 comment)
IPT News February 28, 2013

CAIR's Walid: Silent on Jihad, Sows Fear of Law Enforcement

IPT News February 22, 2013

The Truth About Hamas' Smuggling Tunnels

Special to IPT News February 15, 2013

The New 'Silk Route;' Weapons to Gaza and Beyond

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News February 7, 2013

Obama CIA Nominee John Brennan Wrong for the Job

IPT News February 5, 2013

Additional Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood Anti-Semitic Statements Found

IPT News January 25, 2013

Cables Show State Department Disregarded Muslim Brotherhood Threat

(1 comment)
IPT News January 8, 2013

Guest Column: Will Egypt become a totalitarian state?

Special to IPT News January 7, 2013

Islamist Group Tries to Kill Use of "Islamist"

IPT News January 4, 2013

CAIR Protests Saudi Radical's Exclusion From U.S.

IPT News December 27, 2012

Obama Gives Cold Shoulder to Egyptian Secular Democrats

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News December 21, 2012

Guest Column: Justin Trudeau's Islamist Revival

Special to IPT News December 20, 2012

Press TV's Obscene Anti-Semitism

IPT News December 19, 2012

State Department's Continued Outreach to Radicals

IPT News December 18, 2012

Opposition Leader: Constitution Would Turn Egypt Into New Iran

(1 comment)
IPT News December 7, 2012

CAIR Targets Morsi/Brotherhood Critics

IPT News December 5, 2012

10 Lies About the Israel-Hamas Conflict

IPT News December 3, 2012

Ayman Zawahiri and Egypt: A Trip Through Time

Special to IPT News November 30, 2012

The Obama Administration's PR Campaign for Morsi and the MB

IPT News November 29, 2012

Video: Following Gaza's Ceasefire, Cleveland Rally Calls For the Destruction of Israel

IPT News November 26, 2012

Little Lives and Big Lies

(1 comment)
IPT News November 19, 2012

Beware of 'Pallywood' Magic

(1 comment)
IPT News November 16, 2012

Rockets? What Hamas Rockets?

IPT News November 15, 2012

Guest Column: What's in a Name?

Special to IPT News November 9, 2012

Dems Tap Radical Islamists for Cash

IPT News November 1, 2012

More Radicalism From Another White House Guest

IPT News November 1, 2012

Guest Column: Humanitarian Hypocrisy

Special to IPT News October 26, 2012

Jihad in America: Grand Deception - Discussion Panel Webcast

(10 comments) October 25, 2012

A Red Carpet for Radicals at the White House

IPT News October 21, 2012

Sting Foils Bangladeshi Man Intent on Jihad at Federal Reserve

IPT News October 17, 2012

Guest Column: The Rape and Murder of Pakistan's Christian Children

Special to IPT News October 17, 2012

Muslim Brotherhood's Lies Reach Ridiculous New Depth

(1 comment)
IPT News October 16, 2012

Al-Marayati's Dangerous "Diplomatic" Ideas

IPT News October 11, 2012

Guest Column: Egypt's Christians - Distraught and Displaced

Special to IPT News October 4, 2012

Morsi's Election Can't Erase Radical Record

IPT News September 25, 2012

Committee Chairs Want Answers on Blind Sheikh Release

IPT News September 20, 2012

CAIR Rep: Violence Shows It's America That Needs to Change

IPT News September 18, 2012

Change in Tone or Tactic?

IPT News September 12, 2012

Guest Column: The Tip of the Iceberg of Christian Persecution

Special to IPT News September 10, 2012

PA, Islamists Push Blood Libel Against Israel

IPT News September 6, 2012

Guest Column: Crucifixions, Not Fictions

IPT News September 4, 2012

CAIR's Next Generation Radical

(1 comment)
IPT News August 29, 2012

Guest Column: Ramadan: Islam's 'Holy Month' of Christian Oppression

Special to IPT News August 24, 2012

Guest Column: The Dangerous Lie Of The Hijab

Special to IPT News August 21, 2012

Israel, America Bashed at Iranian-Inspired DC Rally

IPT News August 20, 2012

Guest Column: Muslim Brotherhood 'Crucifies' Opponents, Attacks Secular Media

Special to IPT News August 15, 2012

Ex Brotherhood Official Showcases Islamist Doublespeak

IPT News August 10, 2012

Obama Administration's War on Persecuted Christians

Special to IPT News August 2, 2012

ICNA Embraces America's Favorite Salafi Preacher

IPT News August 1, 2012

On Death and Palestinian Culture

(1 comment)
IPT News July 31, 2012

Exclusive: ADC's Misleading Sob Story on Elashi Brothers

IPT News July 13, 2012

Guest Column: Muslims Combating Islamism

Special to IPT News July 11, 2012

Muslim Brotherhood 'Democracy': Slapping, Stabbing, and Slaying for Sharia

Special to IPT News July 9, 2012

Rahm Emmanuel's Confounding CAIR Appointment

IPT News July 3, 2012

Exclusive: Muslim Brotherhood Preaching Israel Destruction After Election

IPT News June 27, 2012

Brotherhood Victory Opens Door for Islamists

IPT News June 26, 2012

The Evils of the Muslim Brotherhood: Evidence Keeps Mounting

Special to IPT News June 25, 2012

Long "South Park" Sentence a Win for Free Speech

IPT News June 22, 2012

Little Movement in Latest Radicalization Hearing

IPT News June 20, 2012

No Honor Among Thieves: Infighting Dooms New Hamas Convoy

IPT News June 14, 2012

Chelsea's Got Talent – Flacking for the Islamophobia Industry

IPT News June 12, 2012

Terror Victim's Family "Resolved to Fight Injustice"

(1 comment)
IPT News June 6, 2012

Dawud Walid, the Quran and Jews

IPT News June 4, 2012

LA Top Cops Partner With Islamists

IPT News June 1, 2012

"The Reason is Religion, Mom"

IPT News May 24, 2012

"Nakba Day" Fizzles

(1 comment)
IPT News May 18, 2012

Malik Ali Brings the Crazy to Irvine Speech

IPT News May 17, 2012

"Mainstream" Islamist Group Attacks Law Enforcement and Whitewashes Jihadists

IPT News May 14, 2012

American Islamists Push Negative American Image

IPT News May 9, 2012

Jamal Badawi: Enduring Link to ISNA's Radical Past

IPT News May 8, 2012

Awlaki Acknowledges His Radical Past

(1 comment)
IPT News May 4, 2012

The End of the Inspire Era

(1 comment)
IPT News May 3, 2012

ICNA Relief Promotes Jihad Donations

(1 comment)
IPT News May 2, 2012

White House Walks Back NYPD Support

(1 comment)
IPT News April 27, 2012

ICNA's Radicalization Continues

(1 comment)
IPT News April 25, 2012

Islamist Fellow Traveler: Rep Bill Pascrell

IPT News April 23, 2012

Al-Arian Surfaces With Self-Serving Skype

(1 comment)
IPT News April 20, 2012

MPAC Reposts Pro-Terrorist Article

(1 comment)
IPT News April 19, 2012

IPT Exclusive: Jihadis' New Toulouse Inspiration

IPT News April 18, 2012

British Lord Puts Bounty on American Presidents

IPT News April 16, 2012

Brotherhood Too Tame for Egyptian Presidential Contender

(1 comment)
IPT News April 13, 2012

Islamists Victimize Alawadi a Second Time

IPT News April 12, 2012

IPT Exclusive: State Department Barred Inspection of Muslim Brotherhood Delegation

IPT News April 9, 2012

MB Charm Offensive Courts Washington

IPT News April 9, 2012

The Myth of Self-Radicalization

Special to IPT News April 4, 2012

Egyptian Liberals Speak Out Against Brotherhood

IPT News April 3, 2012

Jasser's Appointment Riles Islamists

IPT News March 30, 2012

Hamas' Parent Comes to America

IPT News March 28, 2012

Islamist Fellow Travelers: An IPT Series

IPT News March 26, 2012

French Killings Show the Path from Crime to Prison to Jihad

Special to IPT News March 23, 2012

Report Claims ICNA Imam Facing Indictment

IPT News March 22, 2012

IPT Exclusive: Under Oath, Alamoudi Ties MAS To Brotherhood

(1 comment)
IPT News March 14, 2012

American Islamist Groups Mum on Iranian Repression

IPT News March 8, 2012

Past Plots Help Explain New Concerns Over Jewish Targets

IPT News March 7, 2012

Chicago Police Dept. Embraces Hamas Front

(1 comment)
IPT News March 2, 2012

Why Muslim Student Group Concerned the NYPD

IPT News February 24, 2012

Latest NC Terror Report Offers More Baseless Conclusions

(1 comment)
IPT News February 21, 2012

Emails Disclose Galloway's Syrian Support

(1 comment)
IPT News February 13, 2012

South Park Plea Exposes Network of Homegrown Radicals

(1 comment)
IPT News February 9, 2012

Of Mosques and Men

(1 comment)
IPT News February 7, 2012

Planting Trees is Racist?!

IPT News February 3, 2012

The New York Times Collaborates with Hamas Front Group to Suppress the Truth

IPT News January 25, 2012

Ohio Fire Illuminates CAIR's Inconsistency

IPT News January 20, 2012

U.S. May Release Senior Taliban Terrorists

IPT News January 18, 2012

CAIR-FL Director Defends Terror Suspect…Again

IPT News January 11, 2012

CAIR's Manipulation Tactics in Tampa

(1 comment)
IPT News January 11, 2012

Terror in Tampa- CAIR Denial

(1 comment)
IPT News January 9, 2012

Muslim Brotherhood Realities New and Old

(1 comment)
IPT News January 5, 2012

Egypt's Winds of Change Give Way to Dark Clouds

(1 comment)
IPT News December 29, 2011

Hizballah Fundraising and Operations in the US and Latin America

IPT News December 27, 2011

State Department 'Panders' to Islamists on Free Speech

IPT News December 22, 2011

University Mum on Radical Chaplain

IPT News December 21, 2011

Massachusetts Man Convicted of Terror Support

IPT News December 20, 2011

Raising Money for "Lady Al-Qaida"

(1 comment)
IPT News December 19, 2011

American Muslims for Palestine's Web of Hamas Support

(1 comment)
IPT News December 14, 2011

House Report: Islamists Targeting the Military

IPT News December 7, 2011

Prosecutor Warns Not to Ignore al-Shabaab Threat

IPT News December 6, 2011

Time for Domestic Anti-Radicalization Program

IPT News December 5, 2011

Conspiracies, Terrorist Defense Videoed at Anti NYPD Rally

(1 comment)
IPT News December 1, 2011

SJP's "Dialogue" Goes Nowhere

IPT News November 30, 2011

Is the Occupy Wall Street Movement Occupied?

IPT News November 29, 2011

The Ideas Behind the Alleged Bomber

IPT News November 21, 2011

Protesting Hate by Promoting Anti-Semitism

IPT News November 18, 2011

Tunisian Pledges a New Caliphate

IPT News November 16, 2011

American Islamists and Iranian Propaganda

(1 comment)
IPT News November 16, 2011

CAIR Slams Muslim Foes of al-Shabaab

IPT News November 15, 2011

Top CAIR Fundraiser Aids Florida Incumbent

IPT News November 8, 2011

Rice: Abbas Rejected Olmert Peace Plan

IPT News November 1, 2011

Media Whitewash Ghannouchi's Radical Islamist Views

IPT News October 31, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas Committed to Terror

IPT News October 26, 2011

The FBI, CAIR and Subterfuge in Connecticut

IPT News October 24, 2011

CAIR's Odd Stand on Iranian Assassination Plot

IPT News October 19, 2011

Minimizing the Threat, Ignoring the Facts

Special to IPT News October 18, 2011

Israel Braces for Schalit Return, Terrorist Release

IPT News October 17, 2011

Schalit Swap Will Put More Terrorists on the Streets

IPT News October 13, 2011

Indictment Alleges Syrian Plot to Silence U.S. Protestors

IPT News October 12, 2011

ACLU and Islamists vs. the FBI...Yet Again

IPT News October 12, 2011

Iran-tied Assassination, Bombing Plot Disrupted

IPT News October 11, 2011

Abbas Could Be Next Domino to Fall

IPT News October 7, 2011

Making Martyrs of the Irvine 11

IPT News October 3, 2011

Exclusive: The Inside Story Behind the Awlaki Assassination

IPT News September 30, 2011

Breaking News: Awlaki, Samir Khan Reportedly Dead

IPT News September 30, 2011

Turkey's Diplomatic War on Israel

IPT News September 28, 2011

DOJ Releases Islamic Bank Agreement

IPT News September 25, 2011

Ten Convicted in "Irvine 11" Case

IPT News September 23, 2011

Spreading the Message: Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb

IPT News September 16, 2011

Al-Qaida in Iraq: Jihadists in Decline

IPT News September 15, 2011

Hearing: U.S. Must Respond if UN Declares Palestinian State

IPT News September 15, 2011

Al-Qaida's Arabian Branch

IPT News September 14, 2011

Al-Shabaab: A Jihadist Threat to America

(1 comment)
IPT News September 13, 2011

Al-Qaida in Pakistan: Down, But Not Out

IPT News September 12, 2011

Terror's Evolving Threat: The Al-Qaida Network in 2011

IPT News September 11, 2011

ICNA Still Promotes Radical Texts

IPT News September 9, 2011

IPT Special Report: Terror Threat Against U.S.

(1 comment)
IPT News September 8, 2011

Ten Years Later, Radical Islam Still a Taboo Subject

IPT News September 8, 2011

UN Flotilla Report Backs Israeli Policy

IPT News September 2, 2011

HLF Defense Argues to Overturn Convictions

IPT News September 1, 2011

Terrorist Prison Blues

(1 comment)
IPT News August 30, 2011

Intelligence vs. Evidence Gathering: Knowing the Difference

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News August 29, 2011

Wolf: DOJ Needs to Release Terror Finance Information

IPT News August 26, 2011

DOJ Keeping Islamic Bank Settlement Secret

IPT News August 25, 2011

Mother Jones Report Scrubs Facts of Terrorists' Predisposition

IPT News August 25, 2011

Hamas in Political, Financial Squeeze

IPT News August 24, 2011

Zawahiri: Co-opting Syria's Revolution

IPT News August 19, 2011

Lawsuit Details Depth of Berkeley Jewish Student Harassment

IPT News August 12, 2011

Hizballah, Damascus Under Siege

IPT News August 11, 2011

Group Claims to Hoist al-Qaida Flag in Sinai

IPT News August 5, 2011

Vast Majority of Muslim Americans Don't Identify with CAIR

IPT News August 3, 2011

Justice Elusive for Americans Killed in Gaza

IPT News August 1, 2011

Fort Hood Targeted for Second Terrorist Attack

IPT News July 28, 2011

House Panel: al-Shabaab Poses "Direct Threat" to U.S.

IPT News July 27, 2011

The Tragedy in Norway

Special to IPT News July 27, 2011

Pakistan's Double Cross

(1 comment)
IPT News July 26, 2011

Little Rock Jihadist Sentenced to Life

IPT News July 25, 2011

Shabaab Essay Boasts of Western Recruits

IPT News July 20, 2011

Pakistan's Alleged American Influence Campaign

IPT News July 19, 2011

Latest al-Qaida Magazine Touts Gains and Losses

IPT News July 19, 2011

The Life of a Jihadi Internet Post

(1 comment)
IPT News July 18, 2011

Poll Exposes Palestinians' Peace Opposition

IPT News July 15, 2011

CAIR Spokesman Turns Blind Eye to "War on Islam" Rhetoric

IPT News July 11, 2011

Hizb ut-Tahrir: Islam Has Replaced Communism as Top U.S. Enemy

IPT News July 11, 2011

House Hearing: Hizballah Threat Looms in U.S. Backyard

IPT News July 8, 2011

"War on Islam" Fuels Plots on Military Recruiting Centers

IPT News July 7, 2011

Radical Islamist Group Tries to Branch Out

(1 comment)
IPT News July 6, 2011

Radical Flotilla Roster Portends Another Violent Clash

(1 comment)
IPT News June 30, 2011

Men Convicted in Synagogue Bomb Plot Sentenced to 25 Years

IPT News June 29, 2011

Brotherhood Assurances Not Backed by Track Record

IPT News June 28, 2011

Revised FBI Guidelines Will Aid Terrorism Fight

IPT News June 24, 2011

CAIR Loses IRS Status

IPT News June 22, 2011

MAS' Activist Wing Closes Shop

(1 comment)
IPT News June 21, 2011

CAIR Taps Hizballah Apologist for Tampa Office

IPT News June 20, 2011

Al-Qaida Leadership Reborn

IPT News June 16, 2011

Hearing Addresses Inmate Conversions to "Prislam"

IPT News June 15, 2011

Al-Qaida Issues New Mail Bombing Threat

IPT News June 15, 2011

Hearing Offers Eyewitness Accounts of Prison Radicalization

IPT News June 14, 2011

Jihadi Media Joins Facebook

(1 comment)
IPT News June 10, 2011

NYU's Superficial Entrapment Study

IPT News June 9, 2011

Jury Deliberates Chicago Businessman's Ties to Mumbai, Denmark Plots

IPT News June 8, 2011

Ghadry: Assad Will Fall, But the Brotherhood May Follow

IPT News June 6, 2011

Flotilla Organizers Vow to Defy International Pressure

IPT News June 2, 2011

The World According to Amir Mertaban

(1 comment)
IPT News June 1, 2011

Jihad in the Digital Age

IPT News May 31, 2011

Trial's First Week Reinforces Pakistani Intelligence Suspicions

IPT News May 27, 2011

FBI Official: Illinois Imam Wouldn't Pass Background Check

IPT News May 27, 2011

Galloway Meets With Another Terrorist Group

IPT News May 26, 2011

Defense Attorneys Challenge Headley's Credibility

IPT News May 26, 2011

Islamists Target Egypt's Christians

IPT News May 25, 2011

Testimony Details Mumbai, Denmark Plots

IPT News May 25, 2011

Hamas' New Social Media Push

IPT News May 23, 2011

Post Bin Laden, Pakistan's Actions Yet to Show Commitment to Al-Qaida Fight

IPT News May 20, 2011

Al-Qaida: New Leader or New Path?

IPT News May 19, 2011

Trial Poses New Challenge to U.S.-Pakistani Relations

IPT News May 17, 2011

South Florida Imams Accused of Taliban Support

IPT News May 16, 2011

Egypt's Transition Emboldens Brotherhood

(1 comment)
IPT News May 16, 2011

The Next Bin Laden

(1 comment)
IPT News May 13, 2011

NYPD Handles Synagogue Terror Plot

(1 comment)
IPT News May 12, 2011

CAIR's Great FBI Scare Lecture

IPT News May 10, 2011

TV Networks Promote Evangelical Islamists

IPT News May 9, 2011

MAS Official: Bin Laden a "Visionary"

IPT News May 6, 2011

Homeland Security Hearing Casts Doubts on U.S. Relations with Pakistan

IPT News May 4, 2011

Al-Qaida's New Battle Hardened, Difficult Leader

(1 comment)
IPT News May 3, 2011

Why We're No Safer Today

(1 comment)
IPT News May 2, 2011

Intel Community Warns of Imminent Threat of Retaliatory Attacks

IPT News May 2, 2011

Visa Security Program Plagued by Discord, Confusion

IPT News April 29, 2011

Somali Human Smuggler Sentenced to 10 Years

IPT News April 29, 2011

Human Smuggling Case Evokes South America's Terror-Linked History

IPT News April 26, 2011

The Case Against Omar Ahmad

IPT News April 25, 2011

Orange County's Misguided Award

IPT News April 21, 2011

Reconsidering the Brotherhood's Inevitability

IPT News April 20, 2011

IPT Profiles Hamza Yusuf

IPT News April 18, 2011

The Making of an American Jihadist: Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad

(1 comment)
IPT News April 15, 2011

Keith Ellison's Slurs

IPT News April 13, 2011

D.C. Metro Bomb Plotter Pleads Guilty

(1 comment)
IPT News April 11, 2011

Hizballah Targets Tel Aviv

(1 comment)
IPT News April 8, 2011

Mueller Talks Budget Challenges, Reaffirms CAIR Ban

(1 comment)
IPT News April 6, 2011

Turning the Revolution Islamist

IPT News April 1, 2011

Chavez Embraces Gaddafi and Tehran

IPT News March 31, 2011

New al-Qaida Magazine Lauds Arab Revolutions

IPT News March 30, 2011

Senate Hearing Juggles Rights, Terror Concerns

IPT News March 29, 2011

Durbin's Flawed Hearing

IPT News March 28, 2011

Prosecutors: Somali Smuggled Jihadists into U.S.

IPT News March 25, 2011

No Holds Barred at Islamist Confab

IPT News March 23, 2011

CAIR Officials Sought Gaddafi Money

(1 comment)
IPT News March 22, 2011

NYT Profile: Qadhi a Peaceful Radical

(1 comment)
IPT News March 18, 2011

Al-Shabaab Plagued by Defeats, Desertion

IPT News March 17, 2011

Ex-CAIR Official Faces Sentencing

IPT News March 16, 2011

New Magazine Aims to Push Jihadi Women

IPT News March 14, 2011

Next Panel Must Hear Activists

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News March 11, 2011

Compelling Testimony, Political Theater at Radicalization Hearing

IPT News March 10, 2011

Islamists Dominate DOJ's List of Terror Prosecutions

IPT News March 9, 2011

Witness List Set for King Hearing

IPT News March 7, 2011

Attacks, Attempts Show Cost of Radicalization

IPT News March 4, 2011

Hearing: Yemen's Instability is al-Qaida's Gain

(1 comment)
IPT News March 2, 2011

Bylaws Disappear from Brotherhood's English-language Site

IPT News February 28, 2011

Another Brick in CAIR's Wall of Resistance

IPT News February 25, 2011

In Libya, an al-Qaida Ally Lurks in the Shadows

IPT News February 24, 2011

Administration Deliberately Vague on Brotherhood

IPT News February 22, 2011

Documents Show Jihadists Seek Mass-Destruction Weapons

IPT News February 18, 2011

Qaradawi's Ominous Return to Egypt

(1 comment)
IPT News February 17, 2011

Brotherhood Not Extremist, Intel Leaders Say

IPT News February 16, 2011

AlMaghrib Institute: Sharia for Egypt and the West

IPT News February 14, 2011

Mubarak Out, Brotherhood Remains Primed

IPT News February 11, 2011

FBI Chief: Muslim Brotherhood Supports Terrorism

IPT News February 10, 2011

On Capitol Hill, MPAC Panel Seeks to Whitewash Jihadist Threat

IPT News February 9, 2011

N.C. Man Pleads Guilty to Terrorism Charges

(1 comment)
IPT News February 9, 2011

CAIR's Self-Serving Third Jihad Complaint

IPT News February 8, 2011

America and the Brotherhood

IPT News February 7, 2011

Brotherhood Statements Foster Confusion

IPT News February 4, 2011

Investigation Spotlights Pakistan's Continuing Role in Protecting Jihadists

IPT News February 4, 2011

Senate Fort Hood Report Blasts Defense Timidity

IPT News February 3, 2011

Government Rebuts Convicted Hamas Charity's Appeal

IPT News February 2, 2011

Egypt's Future and the Chameleon Muslim Brotherhood

IPT News January 31, 2011

Flotilla Violence Was Self Defense, Panel Finds

IPT News January 25, 2011

IPT Profiles Zaid Shakir

IPT News January 24, 2011

The Tug of War for Tunisia

IPT News January 23, 2011

CAIR's Deceptive Spin on FBI Support

(1 comment)
IPT News January 21, 2011

Hariri Indictment Spikes Lebanese Tensions

IPT News January 20, 2011

Gov. Christie's Strange Relationship with Radical Islam

IPT News January 19, 2011

Inspire Issue 4: An Open Front Jihad

(1 comment)
IPT News January 16, 2011

The Middle East's Christian Onslaught

(1 comment)
IPT News January 14, 2011

How Tehran/Damascus Terror Axis Targets Israel

IPT News January 13, 2011

CAIR Imagery Makes Obstructionist Goal Clear

IPT News January 12, 2011

A New Role for Jihadi Media

(1 comment)
IPT News January 11, 2011

Disappointing Silence on Pakistani Blasphemy Murder

(1 comment)
IPT News January 7, 2011

Swedish Terror Suspect's "Tourism" Dodge

(1 comment)
IPT News January 4, 2011

Islamists Blame Jews for Coptic Church Bombing

IPT News January 3, 2011

Conferences Make AMP's Destructive Ambition Clear

IPT News December 30, 2010

Terror Threat in Spain Continues

IPT News December 27, 2010

Dawud Walid Unhinged

IPT News December 23, 2010

Jihadi Adjustments Seen as U.S. Gears for Holiday

(1 comment)
IPT News December 22, 2010

Wikileaks: Arab Resistance to Fighting Terror

IPT News December 21, 2010

MPAC Whitewashes Terror Threat While Condemning Law Enforcement

IPT News December 20, 2010

Missing Sweden's Bomber

IPT News December 17, 2010

International Al-Qaida Plots Include U.S. as Target

IPT News December 16, 2010

Accused Bomb Plotter's Mosque Tied to Radical Group

IPT News December 16, 2010

MPAC Conference Features Radicals

IPT News December 15, 2010

The Jihadist Social Network Underworld

IPT News December 10, 2010

State Cables Reflect North Africa Concern

IPT News December 10, 2010

An IPT Investigation: Islamic Group's Database Found to be Fraudulent

(1 comment)
IPT News December 9, 2010

Baltimore Terror Plot Disrupted

IPT News December 8, 2010

Judge Dismisses al-Awlaki Suit

IPT News December 7, 2010

Hand Book Shows ICNA's True Goals

IPT News December 6, 2010

UC, Irvine's Toothless Suspension

IPT News December 3, 2010

Al-Shabaab's New Recruitment Video

(1 comment)
IPT News December 2, 2010

US Ambassador Visits UK Mosque With Radical Ties

IPT News December 1, 2010

The Empty Entrapment Argument

IPT News December 1, 2010

Tree-Lighting Plot Not Portland's First Terrorism Activity

(1 comment)
IPT News December 1, 2010

CAIR Rep's Right Idea, Wrong Message

(1 comment)
IPT News November 30, 2010

Hamas and Palestinian Suffering

(1 comment)
IPT News November 29, 2010

State Department Docs Shed New Light on Peace Efforts

IPT News November 28, 2010

Worldwide Response to Mumbai Attacks

IPT News November 24, 2010

Awlaki's Ubiquitous Online Presence

(1 comment)
IPT News November 23, 2010

Al-Qaeda's Inspire Magazine – Special Edition

IPT News November 22, 2010

Federal Judge Agrees: CAIR Tied to Hamas

IPT News November 22, 2010

New Details Show Islamic "Charity" Funded Chechen Militants

(1 comment)
IPT News November 19, 2010

America's Surprisingly Rich History of Hizballah Prosecutions

IPT News November 19, 2010

Hizballah's Brash U.S. Supporters

IPT News November 18, 2010

Hizballah's American Operations

(1 comment)
IPT News November 17, 2010

Executive Summary: LA Law Enforcement Conference on "Radicalization" Features Islamist Radicals who have Impeded U.S. Counterterrorism Efforts

IPT News November 17, 2010

LA Law Enforcement Conference on "Radicalization" Features Islamist Radicals who have Impeded U.S. Counterterrorism Efforts

(1 comment)
IPT News November 17, 2010

The Awlaki Effect

(1 comment)
IPT News November 15, 2010

Targeted Killing of Awlaki Debated in Federal Court

IPT News November 9, 2010

"Moderate" Qaradawi Defends Hitler and Nuclear Terror

IPT News November 9, 2010

CAIR Double Standard Alert

IPT News November 8, 2010

A "Greater Understanding" of NPR's Kid-Glove Approach to Islamists

(1 comment)
IPT News November 5, 2010

Revolution Muslim Threatens British Parliamentarians

(1 comment)
IPT News November 4, 2010

Virginia Imam's Long Radical Record

IPT News November 4, 2010

Somali Indictments Tied Together

IPT News November 3, 2010

Revolution Muslim Shifting from Ideological to Operational

(1 comment)
IPT News November 2, 2010

Cargo Bomb Maker Discovered

IPT News November 1, 2010

National Security and the Media

IPT News October 30, 2010

Viva Palestina's Gleeful PIJ Meeting

(1 comment)
IPT News October 29, 2010

Alleged DC Terror Plotter Had At Least One Associate

IPT News October 28, 2010

Judge Cancels Al-Arian Hearing Again

IPT News October 28, 2010

Arrests Seen as Part of a Wider Plot

IPT News October 27, 2010

'Tennessean' report unfair to anti-terror organization

Nashville Tennessean October 26, 2010

Note to Readers on Tennessean Story

IPT News October 25, 2010

Juan, I Know Just How You Feel

(1 comment)
IPT News October 22, 2010

ICNA Sponsors Fundamentalist's Roadshow

IPT News October 22, 2010

HLF Defendants Appeal Convictions

IPT News October 20, 2010

The Fact-Free World of Dawud Walid

(1 comment)
IPT News October 18, 2010

Groups' Reflexive Rhetoric Ignores Facts

(1 comment)
IPT News October 15, 2010

Awlaki Suit Reveals Targeting Methods

(1 comment)
IPT News October 13, 2010

Latest al-Qaida Magazine Stokes Homegrown Terror

IPT News October 12, 2010

Illinois Imam Misrepresented Role With Hamas Front Under Oath

IPT News October 7, 2010

CAIR, Academic Scheme to Inflate Book Sales

IPT News October 6, 2010

Moderate Muslims Speak Out on Capitol Hill

IPT News October 1, 2010

GZM Imam Filed False Tax Form

(1 comment)
IPT News October 1, 2010

MPAC's One-Way Street on Cooperation

IPT News September 30, 2010

IPT Testifies on Trends in Terror Financing

IPT News September 30, 2010

US Islamists Take Issue with Bangladesh's Crackdown on Radicals

IPT News September 29, 2010

Washington's Schizophrenic Approach Toward the Muslim Brotherhood

IPT News September 28, 2010

GZM Imam's Malaysia Connections

IPT News September 24, 2010

Rauf's Group Claims Credit for 'Training' NY Times Reporter

(1 comment)
IPT News September 20, 2010

Convoy Still Rolls As Aid Flows

IPT News September 17, 2010

Field Trip Prayer Prompts Apology

(1 comment)
IPT News September 16, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque Group Includes 9/11 Denier

IPT News September 13, 2010

Founder of Islamic Charity Convicted

(1 comment)
IPT News September 10, 2010

Trial Exposes Charity Abuse

(1 comment)
IPT News September 8, 2010

Another Islamist Rally for Hate in D.C.

IPT News September 4, 2010

Questions Raised About Rauf's Nonexistent Mosque

IPT News September 1, 2010

Bronx Trial Shows how Prisons Breed Terrorists

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News August 30, 2010

The State Department's Poor Choices of Muslim Outreach Emissaries

IPT News August 27, 2010

The Tangled Web of the GZM Imam's Organizations Raises Questions

IPT News August 26, 2010

The Ground Zero Mosque's Muslim Opponents

IPT News August 25, 2010

Rauf Lecture Reveals Radicalism

IPT News August 23, 2010

Jihad's Ugly American Face

IPT News August 20, 2010

MAS Ducks IPT Questions

(1 comment)
IPT News August 17, 2010

Promoting Radical Ideas – What ICNA Demands of its Members

IPT News August 10, 2010

Minneapolis Somalis Played Key Role in al-Shabaab Investigation

IPT News August 6, 2010

The New York Times' Grand Deception

(1 comment)
IPT News August 5, 2010

IPT Unveils Updated Interactive Terror History Map

IPT News August 2, 2010

CAIR – Suspected and Supported by the Federal Government

IPT News July 30, 2010

Awlaki's U.S. Sermons Foreshadow Role as Terrorist Mentor

(1 comment)
IPT News July 26, 2010

Prosecutions Show Awlaki's Continuing Influence in the United States

IPT News July 21, 2010

ISNA on the FBI: Friend or Foe?

IPT News July 19, 2010

Hizb ut-Tahrir in America: Lessons from Great Britain

IPT News July 16, 2010

Why We Should Care About Hizb ut-Tahrir in the United States

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News July 14, 2010

Al Qaida's English-language Terrorism Blueprint

IPT News July 13, 2010

Why the Death of Israel Wouldn't Slow Anti-U.S. Terrorism

IPT News July 12, 2010

ICNA's Rhetoric Doesn't Match its Books

IPT News July 8, 2010

ISNA Conference Again Features Conspiracy Theories

IPT News July 6, 2010

An Open Letter to Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

Special to IPT News July 1, 2010

Pakistani Terror Group Lashkar-e Tayyiba Extends Tentacles in United States

(1 comment)
IPT News June 30, 2010

MPAC Denounces Hamas…In Words Only

IPT News June 28, 2010

Illinois Police Rescind Chaplain Offer to HLF Fundraiser

(1 comment)
IPT News June 23, 2010

Ilyas Kashmiri - Pakistan's Frankenstein

(1 comment)
IPT News June 22, 2010

Supreme Court Upholds Material Support Law

IPT News June 21, 2010

Mansur: Ignoring Muslim-on-Muslim Violence Undercuts U.S. Interests

IPT News June 15, 2010

MSU Suspended Over Oren Protest

IPT News June 14, 2010

Mahdi Bray's Slippery Evasions

IPT News June 10, 2010

IHH's Deep, Longstanding Terror Ties

IPT News June 9, 2010

The Administration's Misguided Outreach to MPAC

(1 comment)
IPT News June 7, 2010

Law Enforcement Fears Shabaab Infiltration

IPT News June 4, 2010

Double Standards on Hamas Action Against Palestinians

IPT News June 2, 2010

Violence and Humanitarian Aid

IPT News June 1, 2010

UPDATED: Confrontation Looms Over Gaza Flotilla

IPT News May 26, 2010

Brennan Seeks Non-Existent Hizballah Moderates

IPT News May 24, 2010

Hearing Verifies Reports on Times Square Bomb Plotter

IPT News May 19, 2010

CAIR's Emerging News Network

IPT News May 17, 2010

Government Outreach with Terror-tied Mosque Continues

IPT News May 14, 2010

Government Pays Mosque it Considers Radical

IPT News May 10, 2010

Note to Readers on our Redesign

IPT News May 7, 2010

Concerns Grow Over Shifting Terror Targets

IPT News May 7, 2010

Berman Book Showcases Intellectual Double Standards on Islamists

IPT News May 5, 2010

CAIR's Shrill Attack on the IPT

IPT News April 30, 2010

CAIR's Irresponsible Dismissal of the "South Park" Threat

IPT News April 28, 2010

ICNA's Radical Reading List

IPT News April 27, 2010

From Jihadi to Victim: Ramy Zamzam's Shifting Narrative

IPT News April 23, 2010

Keith Ellison's Muslim Brotherhood Support

IPT News April 22, 2010

Fighting Terrorist Financing in the Palestinian Territories

IPT News April 16, 2010

Dalia Mogahed: A Muslim George Gallup or Islamist Ideologue?

IPT News April 15, 2010

Tariq Ramadan's Underwhelming U.S. Tour

IPT News April 14, 2010

CAIR's Great Responsibility Dodge

IPT News April 9, 2010

The MSU Plot to Silence Israel's Ambassador

IPT News April 7, 2010

Federal Court's Ruling Poses Threat to Terror-Finance Investigation

IPT News April 1, 2010

The Growing Threat from Female Suicide Bombers

IPT News March 29, 2010

From Radical Islamist Ally to Superhawk: The Transformation of Tom Campbell

(1 comment)
IPT News March 26, 2010

The Arrogance of L.A.'s Sheriff

IPT News March 24, 2010

Judge Brinkema's Pocket Veto

IPT News March 23, 2010

The Price of CAIR's "Cooperation"

IPT News March 19, 2010

Defensiveness Dominates Homeland Security Session

(1 comment)
IPT News March 17, 2010

House Hearing on Extremism Caters to Islamists

IPT News March 16, 2010

Combating Lawfare

IPT News March 15, 2010

DOJ: CAIR's Unindicted Co-Conspirator Status Legit

IPT News March 12, 2010

Virginia House Opens to Radical Cleric

IPT News March 11, 2010

Challenging the Islamists: The "Other Muslims" Demand Their Say

IPT News March 8, 2010

The Letter Dogging Tom Campbell

IPT News March 5, 2010

The UK and the Future of Islamist Subversion

(1 comment)
IPT News March 4, 2010

CAIR's Ayloush Dupes MSU Audience

(1 comment)
IPT News March 2, 2010

CAIR Targets Washington State Prisons

IPT News February 25, 2010

Cheap Shots Target Religious Freedom Commission

IPT News February 22, 2010

Material Support at the Supreme Court

IPT News February 19, 2010

Questions for America's New OIC Envoy

IPT News February 18, 2010

The War of Ideas Ends in Bizarro World

IPT News February 17, 2010

MPAC Staunchly Defends Terrorists and the "Charities" That Fund Them

IPT News February 11, 2010

Hate Speech Long an MPAC Specialty

IPT News February 10, 2010

MPAC Pursues Islamist Ideology in Guise of Civil Rights Defender

(1 comment)
IPT News February 9, 2010

George Galloway Returns to the U.S. Amid Allegations of Terrorism Support

IPT News February 8, 2010

How the Christmas Bomber Spent his Summer in the United States

IPT News February 5, 2010

Fear and Loathing in Detroit

(1 comment)
IPT News February 3, 2010

How al-Shabaab Targets Western Youth

IPT News January 29, 2010

Jihadist Recruitment's Human Toll: One American Family's Experience

IPT News January 29, 2010

Intelligence Community to Congress: Failed Christmas Day Bombing a 'Systematic Failure'

IPT News January 28, 2010

Internationalizing the Jihadist Threat from Pakistan-Afghanistan

IPT News January 25, 2010

The FBI's Meeting of the (Closed) Minds?

IPT News January 21, 2010

Radical Yemeni Cleric's Extensive American Contacts a Source of Major Concern

IPT News January 19, 2010

Continuing on the path of Qutb: Dr Mohamed Badei, the new Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood?

IPT News January 15, 2010

Fr0m Th3 Cyb3r Battle L1nes: Who Should Lead the Charge?

IPT News January 14, 2010

Little to Learn from Duke/UNC Study of Anti-Terror Lessons

IPT News January 11, 2010

Hamas Leaders Warmly, Repeatedly Greet Viva Palestina Convoy

(1 comment)
IPT News January 8, 2010

Screening must include religion, ethnicity

(2 comments) January 5, 2010

Will Smart Screening Aid Airports Against Terrorists?

(1 comment)
Interview on World News on ABC December 30, 2009

Confronting the Reality of Homegrown Jihadist Terror in 2009

IPT News December 28, 2009

Law Enforcement Vigilance Thwarts Jihadist Terror Plots

(1 comment)
IPT News December 28, 2009

The Democratic Brotherhood?

IPT News December 23, 2009

Balance Isn't Always the Same as Accuracy

IPT News December 22, 2009

MPAC's Flawed Prescription for Fighting Homegrown Terror

IPT News December 18, 2009

ICNA's Search for Radicalism Should Start Within

IPT News December 15, 2009

Suspicions Follow Third Viva Palestina Convoy

(1 comment)
IPT News December 11, 2009

The Missed Signal on American Muslim Radicalization

IPT News December 10, 2009

Breaking News: Pakistan Reportedly Detains Five D.C.-Area Muslims on Suspicion of Terror

IPT News December 8, 2009

New Charges Tie Chicago Man to Mumbai Terror Attacks

(1 comment)
IPT News December 7, 2009

Radical Movement's Leader Forecasts America's Demise

IPT News December 4, 2009

Grand Jury Seeks CAIR Records

IPT News December 1, 2009

The Fight Over HLF's Millions

IPT News November 30, 2009

Global Lessons from the Mumbai Terror Attacks

(1 comment)
IPT News November 25, 2009

Rep. Keith Ellison, the Islamists' Man on Capitol Hill

(1 comment)
IPT News November 23, 2009

Detecting Military Radicalism in the Wake of Fort Hood

IPT News November 19, 2009

Dar Al-Hijrah Official's Deception on Awlaki

(1 comment)
IPT News November 18, 2009

When "Zealous Advocacy" Crosses the Line

(1 comment)
IPT News November 17, 2009

When a Warrant Isn't Warranted

IPT News November 16, 2009

Treasury, Justice Target Iranian Regime Assets

IPT News November 13, 2009

Hasan and the Big Lie: U.S. "War" Against Islam

IPT News November 10, 2009

IPT Executive Director Steven Emerson on the Fort Hood Attacks

IPT News November 6, 2009

Introspection, Not Rationalization, Needed in Wake of Fort Hood Slaughter

IPT News November 6, 2009

Exploiting the Luqman Abdullah Shooting

(1 comment)
IPT News November 3, 2009

It's Radical Islam, Stupid

The Hudson Institute November 2, 2009

Islamists Urge Government to Keep Imam's Faith Out of Detroit Case

(1 comment)
IPT News October 29, 2009

Imam Killed, 10 Others Arrested in Detroit Case

IPT News October 28, 2009

More Anti-Semitism From an ISNA Outlet

IPT News October 23, 2009

Terror Cases Share Desire to Kill Americans

IPT News October 21, 2009

Book Exposes CAIR's Exaggerations, Efforts to Stymie Law Enforcement

IPT News October 15, 2009

Treasury: Al Qaida in "weakest financial condition in years"

IPT News October 14, 2009

Delivering Aid to Terrorists a "City Purpose" in New York?

(1 comment)
IPT News October 8, 2009

IPT Report Documents Viva Palestina's Hamas Support

IPT News October 8, 2009

Salam Al-Marayati: The Anti-Anti-Terrorist

IPT News October 5, 2009

Jasser Challenges Congressman on Reform's Value

IPT News October 2, 2009

The Troubling Background of Geneva Interfaith Conference Participants

IPT News October 1, 2009

John Esposito: Reputation vs. Reality

IPT News September 30, 2009

Probing the PATRIOT Act and More Misadventures

(1 comment)
IPT News September 25, 2009

Whittier Dean Targets Student After Darwish Visit, IPT News Story

(1 comment)
IPT News September 24, 2009

Al-Quds Day – Celebrating Hate and Supporting Terror

IPT News September 23, 2009

Controversy on Campus over Sharia Lecture

IPT News September 22, 2009

Al-Qaradawi Center for "Moderation"

IPT News September 17, 2009

State Department Website Panders To Radical Islamists

(1 comment)
IPT News September 14, 2009

For CAIR, Duplicity Is the Best Defense

IPT News September 10, 2009

Judge's Ruling Won't Clear KindHearts

IPT News September 8, 2009

California Pols Break Fast with Hamas Front

IPT News September 1, 2009

Conspiracy Theories, Terror Support Found in ISNA Convention Literature

IPT News August 27, 2009

Youssef Megahed--The Question is Why?

IPT News August 25, 2009

Armed to the Teeth, N.C. Terror Cell Members Talked of Jihad

IPT News August 20, 2009

The Roots of Radical Islam in Prison

(1 comment)
IPT News August 14, 2009

Guilty Plea Reveals Extent of Minnesota Man's Involvement with Somali Terror Group

IPT News August 13, 2009

Zogby's Free Pass

(1 comment)
IPT News August 12, 2009

The Enemy of My Enemy

IPT News August 7, 2009

U.S. Taxpayers Fund Pro-Hamas Propaganda

(1 comment)
IPT News August 6, 2009

Carolina Jihad Suspect Talked of Domestic Attacks

IPT News August 4, 2009

The Creeping Homegrown Threat

The Daily Beast August 2, 2009

Behind the Convoy, Hamas Lurks

(1 comment)
IPT News July 31, 2009

House Dems Carry Islamists' Water

(1 comment)
IPT News July 28, 2009

Anti-Semitic, Anti-Christian Propaganda on Display at Caliphate Conference

IPT News July 24, 2009

Library Association Abandons Principle, Allows Censorship

IPT News July 21, 2009

Hizb Ut-Tahrir: Shariah Takes Precedence over U.S. Constitution

IPT News July 20, 2009

Select Quotes from Historic 1994 Hizb ut-Tahrir Rally in London's Wembley Arena

July 17, 2009

Hizb ut-Tahrir In America: Preaching Hate, Building A Caliphate

IPT News July 17, 2009

Ptech Officials Indicted for Allegedly Concealing Terror Financier's Assets

IPT News July 16, 2009

ISNA's Non-Apology Apology

IPT News July 13, 2009

Pro-Terror Group to Meet in Chicago Suburb

IPT News July 10, 2009

"Mainstream" Islamist Convention Features Hate Speech and Hezbollah Defense

IPT News July 8, 2009

Soraya's Warning to the Mullahs

(1 comment)
The Daily Beast July 6, 2009

ISNA's Reform Hasn't Shed It of Radical Ideologues

IPT News July 2, 2009

Saudi Hate Film Draws (Private) State Department Fire

IPT News June 29, 2009

FBI Replaces Brotherhood-Tainted Liaison with Brotherhood-Tainted Liaison

IPT News June 25, 2009

ACLU Recommendations Would Mean "More Money for Hamas"

(1 comment)
IPT News June 22, 2009

"Birds of Paradise" – Martyrdom Recruitment as Children's Entertainment

IPT News June 19, 2009

The Selective Outrage of American Islamists

(1 comment)
IPT News June 17, 2009

Ramifications of a Possibly Armed Muslim Brotherhood

IPT News June 16, 2009

RCMP Outreach Follies?

IPT News June 12, 2009

A Muslim Woman's Stand in the "War of Ideas"

IPT News June 11, 2009

9/11 Families: Obama Favors Saudi Terror Financiers Over Victims

IPT News June 9, 2009

Clinton Call on Obama's Speech Includes Jihad Advocate

(1 comment)
IPT News June 4, 2009

Arkansas Shooter Studied Under Yemeni Radicals

IPT News June 2, 2009

Covering for the Radicals: The Mainstream Media's "Usual Bunch"

(1 comment)
IPT News May 29, 2009

HLF Founders Sentenced to Long Prison Terms

IPT News May 27, 2009

Radicals in Our Prisons

New York Post May 24, 2009

Stop Protecting the Jihadists

(1 comment)
The Daily Beast May 22, 2009

Call the Terrorists What They Are

(1 comment)
The Daily Beast May 21, 2009

State Department Continues Islamist Outreach

IPT News May 17, 2009

Jordanian Brotherhood Chief Tied to Virginia Islamist Think Tank

(1 comment)
IPT News May 15, 2009

Arizona Man Admits Lying About HLF Support

IPT News May 8, 2009

FBI Explains Its CAIR Cut Off

IPT News May 7, 2009

Is This Who We Want Representing U.S. Interests Abroad?

(1 comment)
Hudson New York May 5, 2009

MAS' Esam Omeish Seeks Virginia Office

IPT News May 1, 2009

Fact-checking the Mosque Infiltration Kerfuffle

IPT News April 24, 2009

Megahed on ICE

IPT News April 10, 2009

Al-Arian's "Extraordinary" Claim Unproven

(1 comment)
IPT News April 8, 2009

Mahdi Bray: Voting With Conviction

IPT News March 27, 2009

Mahdi Bray's Secret, Checkered Past

IPT News March 25, 2009

Extremists use 'civil rights' group front to push agenda

The Desert Sun (Palm Springs) March 24, 2009

Heritage Canukistan?

(1 comment)
IPT News March 23, 2009

CAIR's War on Truth

(1 comment)
IPT News March 13, 2009

Al-Arian Offered Cooperation After Unexpected Sentence

IPT News March 9, 2009

FBI's Embarrassing Response to CAIR Questions

IPT News March 9, 2009

Questions for Florida Lawmakers to Ask Ex-CAIR Leader

IPT News March 6, 2009

What We Don't Read in America

(1 comment)
IPT News March 4, 2009

Mueller's In-Box Draws More Praise for CAIR Cutoff

IPT News March 2, 2009

"New" Hampshire Support

IPT News March 2, 2009

Are Acts of Staged Controversy an Islamist Strategic Tactic?

IPT News February 27, 2009

Senators Praise FBI's CAIR Freeze

IPT News February 24, 2009

Hamas Takes Advantage of U.S. Diplomacy

IPT News February 24, 2009

Prosecutor Argues Al-Arian Judge's Order Redundant and Invasive

IPT News February 17, 2009

University Officials Struggle to Explain Israeli Divestment Moves

IPT News February 13, 2009

King Urges Protection for U.S. Authors in "Libel Tourism" Hearing

IPT News February 12, 2009

Qaradawi's Extremism Laid Bare

IPT News February 6, 2009

Virginia Congressman Wants Details on FBI Freeze of CAIR

IPT News February 2, 2009

CAIR's True Colors

IPT News January 30, 2009

FBI Cuts Off CAIR Over Hamas Questions

IPT News January 29, 2009

National Security Court? We Already Have One

IPT News January 26, 2009

President Obama's Message to the Muslim World: Walk the walk and then we'll talk the talk

IPT News January 23, 2009

Obama and Muslim Autocratic Regimes

IPT News January 23, 2009

What Obama Should Tell the Muslim World

IPT News January 23, 2009

U.S. Army War College Publishes Apologia for Hamas

IPT News January 21, 2009

ISNA's Mattson to Speak at Inaugural Prayer Service

IPT News January 20, 2009

Al-Arian Contempt Case Survives Challenges

IPT News January 16, 2009

Gaza War Protests or Pro-Hamas Hate Rallies?

IPT News January 14, 2009

Ex-Texas Imam Urges Muslims to Join the Gaza Battlefield

IPT News January 12, 2009

CAIR's Silence on Hamas

(1 comment)
IPT News January 7, 2009

Why Does The New York Times Love Hamas?

The Daily Beast January 6, 2009

Terrorism Challenges Facing The Obama Administration

December 24, 2008

Five Radical Islamists Convicted Of Conspiring To Kill U.S. Soldiers

(1 comment)
IPT News December 22, 2008

Sob Stories for Terrorists

IPT News December 17, 2008

New Danish Book Draws Jihadist Ire

(1 comment)
IPT News December 5, 2008

Court Upholds $156 Million Judgment Against Hamas Supporters

IPT News December 3, 2008

CAIR "Lawyer" Has Own Legal History

IPT News December 3, 2008

CAIR's Make or Break Moment

(1 comment)
IPT News December 2, 2008

They're Winning

IPT News December 1, 2008

Digging Deeper Into the HLF Trial

IPT News November 25, 2008

HLF Officials Convicted on All Counts

IPT News November 24, 2008

A Simple Solution for Piracy

(1 comment)
IPT News Guest Contributor November 24, 2008

CAIR: Big on the Gimmes

(1 comment)
IPT News November 20, 2008

Senator Pushes DOJ on Islamists

IPT News November 19, 2008

HLF Redux: Streamlined, With More Punch

IPT News November 12, 2008

HLF Redux: The Philadelphia Meeting

IPT News November 12, 2008

HLF Case in Jury's Hands

IPT News November 11, 2008

Purpose of HLF's Charity Debated in Closing Arguments

IPT News November 10, 2008

Misplaced Criticism of U.S. Immigration Security Efforts

IPT News November 7, 2008

Ex-Diplomat Defends Zakat Committees, HLF Defense Rests

IPT News November 7, 2008

Bookkeeper Defends HLF Accounting

IPT News November 6, 2008

HLF Defense Expert Offers Alternate Interpretations

IPT News November 4, 2008

Israeli Official Details Zakat Committee Links to Hamas

IPT News October 30, 2008

MSA Chapter Official: Don't Vote; Destroy

(1 comment)
IPT News October 28, 2008

Israeli Official Links Hamas Social Work to Political Power

IPT News October 27, 2008

Expert Witness: Social Support a Staple of Terrorist Groups

IPT News October 23, 2008

HLF Prosecution Offers Jurors a Guide to Evidence

IPT News October 21, 2008

HLF Judge Admits Palestinian Evidence

IPT News October 20, 2008

HLF Insider Ties Charity to Hamas

IPT News October 17, 2008

Congress Cozying Up to CAIR

IPT News October 17, 2008

A Security-Conscious Charity

IPT News October 14, 2008

Report from the Northern Front: Montreal Redux

Special to IPT News October 14, 2008

HLF's Hamas Fundraisers Don't Add Up

(1 comment)
IPT News October 9, 2008

Hamas Leaders Dominate HLF Speakers List

IPT News October 7, 2008

Supreme Court Rejects Al-Arian Appeal

IPT News October 6, 2008

HLF Defense: Volume, Volume, Volume

(1 comment)
IPT News October 4, 2008

"It is time for you to pledge death"

IPT News October 2, 2008

Hamas Deputy Chief Settled U.S. Funding Dispute

IPT News September 30, 2008

Holy Land Evidence Establishes Hamas Link

(1 comment)
IPT News September 29, 2008

CAIR: Names Will Always Hurt You

IPT News September 26, 2008

Enter the Brotherhood

IPT News September 25, 2008

Digging in the Dirt

(1 comment)
IPT News September 24, 2008

HLF Jury Schooled on Hamas Terror

(1 comment)
IPT News September 23, 2008

HLF Prosecutor: Think Like a Terrorist Organization

IPT News September 22, 2008

Washington Post Reporter Puts Target on Prosecutor's Back

(1 comment)
IPT News September 19, 2008

CAIR Exec's Telling Interview

(1 comment)
IPT News September 17, 2008

Hamas Retrial Faces Challenges

IPT News September 15, 2008

ICE: "Intelligent, Competent, Enforcement?" Not Quite

IPT News September 9, 2008

American Brotherhood: Sami's Our Man

IPT News September 5, 2008

Telling Half the Story

(1 comment)
IPT News September 2, 2008

Surprisingly Candid Answers From the Muslim Brotherhood

(1 comment)
IPT News August 27, 2008

Of Democrats and Co-Conspirators

(1 comment)
IPT News August 25, 2008

Zogby Then and Now

(1 comment)
IPT News August 18, 2008

The Heckler's Veto

IPT News August 14, 2008

Judge Postpones Al-Arian Contempt Trial

IPT News August 8, 2008

Commentary: Suspend Saudi Arabia's Olympic Team

IPT News August 8, 2008

Spinning the Asbahi Resignation

IPT News August 7, 2008

Ex Presidential Candidate Advocates Stalking Prosecutor

IPT News August 5, 2008

Forgotten Investigation, Emails Offer Insight into IIIT Probe

IPT News August 3, 2008

Emerson Exposes Radical Ties of State Department Outreach Partners

IPT News July 31, 2008

Ignorance about the Enemy's Ideology is the Problem

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News July 29, 2008

ISNA Admits Hamas Ties

IPT News July 25, 2008

More Perils of Interfaith Dialogue

IPT News July 23, 2008

New Disclosures Tighten ISNA-Muslim Brotherhood Bonds

IPT News July 22, 2008

U.S. Brotherhood's Boomerang Effect

IPT News July 18, 2008

Appeasement Politics - Again

IPT News Guest Contributor July 17, 2008

Uncommon Senate Hearing Discusses Islamist Group Agendas

IPT News July 17, 2008

Organizer's Past Raises Questions About Madrid Interfaith Conference

(1 comment)
IPT News July 15, 2008

Guest Column: Ingrid Mattson vs. Freedom of Speech

IPT News July 11, 2008

Judge Orders Al-Arian's Release on Bond

IPT News July 10, 2008

Al-Arian Trial Set for August

IPT News June 30, 2008

Prior Rulings Could Crimp Al-Arian Defense

IPT News June 27, 2008

Al-Arian Indicted for Contempt

IPT News June 26, 2008

A Pact With the Devil

IPT News June 26, 2008

State Dept. Stands Alone on Virginia Saudi School

(1 comment)
IPT News June 26, 2008

Kristof: Never Mind the Terrorists

IPT News June 24, 2008

ISNA, NAIT Seek to Edit History

IPT News June 19, 2008

Bedier Reaches New Low on USF Plea

IPT News June 16, 2008

U.N. Rapporteur Turns to Usual Suspects on "Islamophobia"

IPT News June 13, 2008

Muslim Brotherhood: Friend or Foe – New IPT Profile

(1 comment)
IPT News June 11, 2008

Commentary: The Last Year of the Pig

(1 comment)
IPT News Guest Contributor June 9, 2008

The Tyranny of Ignorant Authors

IPT News June 5, 2008

A Call to Duty at UCI

IPT News May 30, 2008

Commentary: The Saudi Design on Lebanon

IPT News May 28, 2008

CAIR's "Reject and Renounce" Hypocrisy

(1 comment)
IPT News May 23, 2008

CAIR-Tampa Update: Which is it?

IPT News May 21, 2008

Myrick Urges President to Press Saudi Reform

IPT News May 15, 2008

The Latest "Interfaith" Leader With Terror Ties

IPT News May 12, 2008

Fairfax Cop Who Tipped Terror Suspect Helped Kill Training Program

IPT News May 9, 2008

The Mystery at CAIR-Tampa

IPT News May 7, 2008

Kind Words for Co-Conspirators

IPT News May 5, 2008

Investigative Project Releases Gov't Memos Curtailing Speech in War on Terror

IPT News May 2, 2008

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad's "Education Wing"

IPT News May 1, 2008

Commentary: The Universal War on Terror

IPT News Guest Contributor April 27, 2008

Dangerous Word Games

IPT News April 25, 2008

Do Hamas Columnists Get Paid?

IPT News April 24, 2008

Anatomy of a Papal Snub

IPT News April 19, 2008

What about Sami?

IPT News April 18, 2008

U.S. Rep Calls for Revocation of Carter's Passport

IPT News April 17, 2008

Fighting Global Islamist Ideology the Key to War on Terror

(1 comment)
IPT News April 10, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 10: CAIR Pushes Phony Charges of Anti-Muslim Hysteria, Hate Crimes

IPT News April 4, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 9: Leaders' Statements Illustrate CAIR's Extremism, Anti-Semitism

(1 comment)
IPT News April 3, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 8: CAIR Has Backed Islamist Meetings, Denigrated Muslim Moderates

IPT News April 2, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 7: CAIR Seeks To Define Away Threat Posed by Radical Islamists

IPT News April 1, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 6: CAIR Portrays "War on Terrorism" as Malicious "War on Islam"

IPT News March 31, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 5: Quick To Defend Alleged Terrorists, CAIR Even Questioned Al Qaeda 9/11 Role

IPT News March 28, 2008

Exclusive Photos Show Al-Hanooti's Political Clout

IPT News March 27, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 4: CAIR Remains Apologist for Terrorist Hamas, Seeks To Silence Critics

IPT News March 27, 2008

Another Ex-CAIR Official in Legal Trouble

IPT News March 26, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 3: Some CAIR Officials Convicted of Crimes, More Tied to Extremist Groups

(1 comment)
IPT News March 26, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 2: Funding Ties With HLF and Foreign Donors Show CAIR's True Agenda

IPT News March 25, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 1: CAIR's Origins

IPT News March 24, 2008

When Everyone is Wrong: Politics and the War on Terror

IPT News March 19, 2008

Who Will Stand Against Terrorism?

IPT News March 7, 2008

Ex-Sailor Found Guilty of Leaking Ship Movements

IPT News March 3, 2008

Georgetown to Congressman: Don't Worry About Our Petrodollars

IPT News February 29, 2008

The ABC's of Radical Islam

IPT News February 27, 2008

Soft Pedaling Radical Islam: The New York Times Discovers the MSA

IPT News February 21, 2008

Wolf to Georgetown: Detail Use of Saudi Millions

IPT News February 15, 2008

Looking Under a Rock: FBI and CIA Hit New Low in Recruitment Drive

(1 comment)
IPT News February 8, 2008

Paper of CAIR

National Review Online February 8, 2008

Pentagon Aide's Invitations Contradicted U.S. Policy

IPT News February 4, 2008

Former IAP President Indicted For Naturalization Fraud

(1 comment)
IPT News January 30, 2008

Al-Arian's Third Strike

IPT News January 28, 2008

The Terror Apologist in the Edwards Camp

IPT News January 15, 2008

Strange Bedfellows on the Campaign Trail

IPT News January 14, 2008

Silva's World and Schickel's Fantasy World

IPT News January 2, 2008

The Tripartite Threat of Radical Islam to Europe

inFocus January 2, 2008

New IPT Profile: Muzammil Siddiqi

(1 comment)
IPT News December 21, 2007

Terrorism and the Times: What's Not Fit To Print

(1 comment)
IPT News December 18, 2007

Ex-CAIR Member Takes on Free Speech

IPT News December 17, 2007


(1 comment)
IPT News December 10, 2007

Duped Again: Interfaith Leaders Accept Fatwa Against Terrorism From Terrorist Sympathizers

IPT News December 5, 2007

Marine Captain Joins FBI Agent in Admitting Immigration Frauds

IPT News December 4, 2007

Ashqar Gets 11 Years for Contempt

IPT News November 21, 2007

Cannistraro, Apologist: Then and Now

IPT News November 20, 2007

What Islamophobia?

IPT News November 19, 2007

Former FBI Agent, and CIA Employee, an FBI Mole?

IPT News November 13, 2007

Jersey's Counterterror Farce

New York Post November 12, 2007

FBI's Latest Outreach Outrage

IPT News November 7, 2007

Evidence on Red-Green Alliance in Italy

IPT News November 6, 2007

From HLF to Hamas: A Modern Parallel

IPT News November 5, 2007


New York Post October 29, 2007

Silver Linings: Trial Exposed Secrets

IPT News October 26, 2007

Second HLF Trial Could Bring Changes

IPT News October 23, 2007

MASterful Lies

IPT News October 23, 2007

Confusion Clouds HLF Verdicts

IPT News October 22, 2007

The HLF Trial In Review

IPT News October 19, 2007

Holy Land Verdict In; Announcement Must Wait for Judge

IPT News October 18, 2007

A Common Word Between Us and You is a Call for Conversion

IPT News October 15, 2007

HLF's Financial Support of CAIR Garners New Scrutiny

(1 comment)
IPT News October 12, 2007

Denials Carry a Familiar Ring

IPT News October 10, 2007

Hamas Indoctrinates Children…Again

IPT News October 4, 2007

When Islamists Get Caught: MAS Edition

IPT News October 2, 2007

Omeish Says He's the Victim of a Smear

IPT News September 28, 2007

Siddiqi and Simon

IPT News September 28, 2007

IPT Footage Takes Down Omeish

IPT News September 27, 2007

Affidavit Shines More Light on USF Case

IPT News September 27, 2007

Suspect Accused in Oregon Jihad Training Plot Extradited from Czech Republic

IPT News September 26, 2007

Cleveland Rock: "There is a Jew Hiding Behind Me"

IPT News September 26, 2007

CAIR's Friends in the Media

IPT News September 25, 2007

Muslim Scouts Political Program Raises Eyebrows

IPT News September 23, 2007

Hizballah Sympathizer Arrested on Gun Charge

IPT News September 20, 2007

A Monster with Chutzpah

New York Post September 20, 2007

Jury Set to Deliberate HLF Case

IPT News September 19, 2007

BREAKING NEWS: Jury Deliberations to Begin in HLF Trial

IPT News September 19, 2007

Hearing on Saudi Arabia Weapons Sale Cites Kingdom's Terror Ties

IPT News September 19, 2007

First Amendment, Alternate Theories Highlight HLF Defense Arguments

IPT News September 18, 2007

Worst Approach to Counter-terrorism Yet

IPT News September 18, 2007

Introducing the Muslim American Society

IPT News September 18, 2007

"Deception" Dominates HLF Closing Arguments

IPT News September 17, 2007

USF Suspect Produced Video on Remote Controlled Explosives

IPT News September 14, 2007

Italy's Left-Wing Terrorists Flirt with Radical Islamists

Global Terrorism Analysis, The Jamestown Foundation September 13, 2007

Remembering 9/11

IPT News September 11, 2007

Former Dallas Congressman Testifies at HLF Trial

IPT News September 7, 2007

MacFarquhar Strikes Again

National Review Online September 6, 2007

HLF Witness Doesn't Accept Evidence Linking Charity to HAMAS

IPT News September 6, 2007

HLF Prosecution: CAIR "affiliated with" Hamas

IPT News September 4, 2007

Former Ambassador Defends HLF

IPT News September 4, 2007

HLF Case Heavy on Detail

IPT News September 3, 2007

Indicted USF Student has Terror Past in Egypt - update*

IPT News August 31, 2007

Prosecution Rests in Holy Land Case

IPT News August 31, 2007

Government Lays Out Financial Connections in HLF Case

IPT News August 29, 2007

Members of Congress in Letter to DOJ: Don't Co-Sponsor Radical Conference

August 29, 2007

Hamas Leaders Demand Apology from CBS

August 28, 2007

"Weapons, Weapons, our Brothers"

Counterterrorism Blog August 28, 2007

HLF and CAIR, a Supplement to Mainstream Reporting

Counterterrorism Blog August 25, 2007

Fearing the Law They Face

Counterterrorism Blog August 23, 2007

HLF Overseas Speakers Dominated by Hamas

Counterterrorism Blog August 21, 2007

CAIR's Reputation and Incredibly Fluctuating Membership Roll

Counterterrorism Blog August 21, 2007

An Unexpected Guest

Counterterrorism Blog August 20, 2007

New York Times Covers for CAIR, Again

Counterterrorism Blog August 17, 2007

HAMAS Propaganda Discovered In Offices Of HLF Beneficiaries

Counterterrorism Blog August 16, 2007

HLF Trial Update: 2nd Israeli Witness Takes the Stand

Counterterrorism Blog August 15, 2007

Muslim Brotherhood Phonebook Confirms that MAS is Brotherhood's Baby

Counterterrorism Blog August 14, 2007

CAIR: Youngest Member of Hamas Family Tree

Counterterrorism Blog August 11, 2007

ISNA's Lies Unchallenged Again

Counterterrorism Blog August 11, 2007

Terrorism Trial Continues in Dallas

Counterterrorism Blog August 10, 2007

Cross examination of FBI agent begins in HLF trial

Counterterrorism Blog August 9, 2007

CAIR Identified by the FBI as part of the Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee

Counterterrorism Blog August 8, 2007

War Is Deception

Counterterrorism Blog August 7, 2007

A Review of Doug Farah and Steve Braun's New Book

Counterterrorism Blog August 3, 2007

Hamas Underground

Counterterrorism Blog August 3, 2007

CAIR Executive Director Placed at HAMAS Meeting

Counterterrorism Blog August 2, 2007

The Muslim Brotherhood's "Military Work" in the US

Counterterrorism Blog August 2, 2007

HLF Trial Exposes Close Financial Ties Between HLF and Marzook

Counterterrorism Blog August 1, 2007

Buried Videos and Documents in Backyard of Co-Conspirator Show HAMAS Links

Counterterrorism Blog July 31, 2007

Muzammil the "Moderate"

Counterterrorism Blog July 30, 2007

Buried Videos Surface in HLF Trial

Counterterrorism Blog July 26, 2007

Counterterrorism Blog Expert, Matthew Levitt, Takes the Stand in Dallas HAMAS Trial

Counterterrorism Blog July 25, 2007

Criminal Trial Begins for US Charity Accused of Funneling Money to HAMAS

Counterterrorism Blog July 25, 2007

Tribune's Former Public Editor: Hamas Operative Is An Asset To Chicago Community

Counterterrorism Blog July 24, 2007

Holy Land Foundation Trial Opens in Dallas

Counterterrorism Blog July 23, 2007

HLF's P.R. Blitz: "Islamophobia" and Apple Pie

Counterterrorism Blog July 17, 2007

Hamas' Mystery Media Representative in the U.S.

Counterterrorism Blog July 12, 2007

The White House, CAIR and the OIC

Counterterrorism Blog July 5, 2007

HLF Trial Update: Muslim Brotherhood on the Witness Stand

Counterterrorism Blog June 29, 2007

Radical Outreach

National Review June 28, 2007

MPAC: Who's Changing the Subject?

Counterterrorism Blog June 8, 2007

Ms. Lekovic...A Dozen Printing Mistakes?

Counterterrorism Blog May 30, 2007

MPAC in Denial About Radicalization of Muslim Youth?

Counterterrorism Blog May 23, 2007

Kurdish network behind Germany threat warning?

Counterterrorism Blog May 12, 2007

Finding partners in Islam

The Boston Globe May 9, 2007

Lessons from Madrid and London

Counterterrorism Blog April 30, 2007

The Muslim Brotherhood in Holland

Counterterrorism Blog April 6, 2007

Italy: the strange Islamist/Communist alliance

Counterterrorism Blog March 28, 2007

Unfit Print

The New Republic March 28, 2007

Threatened by the Jihad March 14, 2007

Islamic American Relief Agency-USA--Indictments Issued

Counterterrorism Blog March 7, 2007

Blood Money

The American Legion Magazine March 1, 2007

Top al Taqwa officers and Ibrahim El Zayat on trial in Egypt?

Counterterrorism Blog February 9, 2007

Iranian call for the "convergence of Islamic movements"

Counterterrorism Blog January 24, 2007

Alleged Tunisian plot & GSPC's influence in N. Africa

Counterterrorism Blog January 17, 2007

After the Danish Cartoon Controversy

Middle East Quarterly Winter 2007

Chicago Hamas Trial Update

Counterterrorism Blog December 7, 2006

More on Chicago Hamas Trial

Counterterrorism Blog November 17, 2006

Compelling Wire Taps and Documents Introduced at Chicago Hamas Trial

Counterterrorism Blog November 15, 2006

Judy Miller Testifies At Chicago Hamas Trial

Counterterrorism Blog November 14, 2006

What is Sami Afraid Of?

Counterterrorism Blog November 14, 2006

Hamas in the New York Times

Counterterrorism Blog November 3, 2006

Aims and Methods of Europe's Muslim Brotherhood

(1 comment)
Hudson Institute November 1, 2006

Chicago Hamas Trial: Former Israeli Security Agent Takes the Stand

Counterterrorism Blog October 31, 2006

Hamas Trial in Chicago - Week 1

Counterterrorism Blog October 26, 2006

Matthew Levitt, Treasury Official and Former CT Blog Expert, Testifies at Chicago Hamas Trial

Counterterrorism Blog October 26, 2006

Muslim Brotherhood Member Barred from United States

(1 comment)
Counterterrorism Blog October 20, 2006

The Danger of Homegrown Terrorism to Scandinavia

Counterterrorism Blog October 19, 2006

Sami Al-Arian: A Valuable Witness?

Counterterrorism Blog September 26, 2006

Democracy in the Muslim world

The Boston Globe September 24, 2006

Speech Tape Compounds Questions on Hathout's Human Relations Award

Counterterrorism Blog September 15, 2006

Report: 3 Spanish Muslims Recruited for Jihad Every Month

Counterterrorism Blog September 9, 2006

The Danish Mohammed Cartoons and the Failed German Train Bombings

Counterterrorism Blog September 4, 2006

A Hezbollah apologist wins an award for tolerance

The New Republic Online August 31, 2006

Italian government's pardons free terrorists

Counterterrorism Blog August 6, 2006

Al-Mabarrat – A Hezbollah Charitable Front in Dearborn, MI?

Counterterrorism Blog July 22, 2006

Lost in Translation – Misunderstanding or Marketing?

Counterterrorism Blog May 12, 2006

Is al Qaeda playing politics in Europe again?

Counterterrorism Blog May 5, 2006

Judge Calls Al-Arian PIJ Leader, Hands Down Maximum Sentence

Counterterrorism Blog May 1, 2006

The Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic law in Europe

Counterterrorism Blog April 30, 2006

Islamists' message to Israel at New York City rally: "The mushroom cloud is on its way!"

Counterterrorism Blog April 21, 2006

Europe's 'Muslim' hoods; Where jihad and criminality converge

Washington Times April 21, 2006

State Department's flirting with the Muslim Brotherhood

Counterterrorism Bog April 20, 2006

Sami Al-Arian Admits His Terrorist Connections

Counterterrorism Blog April 17, 2006

There Is No Evidence to Support Moussaoui's Claims

Counterterrorism Blog March 28, 2006

Dutch Get Tougher onTerror

The Washington Times March 15, 2006

CAIR Supports Imam Jalil's Hateful Views

(1 comment)
Counterterrorism Blog March 10, 2006

Tolerance Must have Limits

The Boston Herald February 20, 2006

Danish cartoons: new political tool

Counterterrorism Blog February 18, 2006

Recruting for Iraq: Not a Crime

Counterterrorism Blog February 16, 2006

Creating Outrage

National Review February 6, 2006

More lies from Danish Imams

Counterterrorism Blog February 4, 2006

Fabricated cartoons worsened Danish controversy

Counterterrorism Blog February 2, 2006

Records Show Terrorist Ties of Khalil Shikaki, Self-Proclaimed "Moderate"

Counterterrorism Blog February 2, 2006

Jihad from Europe

Journal of International Security Affairs September 27, 2005

Major Terrorism Financier's Hotel Finally Under Pressure

Counterterrorism Blog September 9, 2005

Spanish authorities ignored tip

Counterterrorism Blog August 15, 2005

Finally, Madrid's mastermind

Counterterrorism Blog August 8, 2005

The American Islamic Leaders' "Fatwa" is Bogus

Counterterrorism Blog July 28, 2005

CIA agents wanted by Italy for kidnapping of radical imam

Counterterrorism Blog June 24, 2005

Forceful Reason

National Review Online June 10, 2005

Al Arian Trial Day 1 Notes

June 6, 2005

How Chechnya Became a Breeding Ground for Terror

Middle East Quarterly Summer 2005

Germany acting against Turkish radical group

Counterterrorism Blog May 19, 2005

Training Imams in Europe: Italy Chooses the Wrong Partner

Counterterrorism Blog May 17, 2005

Tariq Ramadan: The Case of the Grand Deception

(1 comment)
Counterterrorism Blog April 1, 2005

CAIR's Radical Nexus March 10, 2005

The enemy within

Armed Forces Journal January 13, 2005

The enemy within; Islamic terrorists infiltrate opposing forces

Armed Forces Journal January 1, 2005

The Muslim Brotherhood's Conquest of Europe

Middle East Quarterly Winter 2005

Credible Threat

New York Sun August 5, 2004

Suri State of Affairs

National Review Online May 21, 2004

Exploiting Abu Ghraib

National Review Online May 12, 2004

Happy (Anti-Imperialist) Campers

National Review Online April 21, 2004

Al Qaeda's Death Train?

National Review Online March 15, 2004

Along Came Sharia

National Review Online February 19, 2004

Kingdom Cover

National Review Online February 11, 2004

Dutch Terror Treat

National Review Online January 7, 2004

The Saudi Hate Machine

In the National Interest December 17, 2003

Operation Support-System Shutdown

National Review Online September 4, 2003

Dutch Lessons

Wall Street Journal Europe August 7, 2003

Trails Lead to Saudis

National Review Online May 21, 2003

Wanting to Stay Sealed

National Review Online March 19, 2003

Terrorism Trial Ends with a Whimper

National Review Online February 11, 2003

"Axis of Evil"

National Review Online January 2, 2003

The Roots of Terror

National Review Online December 5, 2002

Rolling Back the Forces of Terror

Wall Street Journal August 13, 2001

Terrorism on Trial

Wall Street Journal May 31, 2001

Trying Usama bin Ladin in absentia

Middle East Quarterly Spring 2001

Osama bin Laden's Special Operations Man

(1 comment)
Journal of Counterterrorism and Security International September 1, 1998

Inside the Osama bin Laden Investigation

Journal of Counterterrorism and Security International September 1, 1998

How to Really Fight Terrorism

Wall Street Journal August 24, 1998

Friends of Hamas in the White House

Wall Street Journal March 13, 1996

The Other Fundamentalists

The New Republic June 12, 1995