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Publication Date

Men who bullied Cineworld over The Lady of Heaven don't speak for British Muslims like me

The New Statesman June 10, 2022

CAIR Not Only Inspires Terrorists. It's Historically Linked to Them

Newsweek January 23, 2022

A Terror Supporter Goes to Washington

National Review November 15, 2021

A call to censure and remove Abrar Omeish

Fairfax County Times September 17, 2021

CAIR's 9/11 Tips to Teachers Whitewash Islamist Role in Attack

The American Spectator September 17, 2021

'There is an attempt to placate security prisoners'

Israel Hayom September 16, 2021

Don't woke-wash 9/11

Fairfax County Times September 10, 2021

Parents fuming over controversial commencement speech

Fairfax County Times June 18, 2021

Pakistani court acquits formerly convicted killers of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl

Pursuit of Truth April 2, 2020

Islamist extremism remains dominant UK terror threat, say experts

The Guardian December 10, 2019

The terrifying reaction to a panel debate on Islamophobia

The Spectator October 28, 2019

Radical Mosques and Jihad

The Levant October 23, 2019

Why Israelis should support the Iraqi protesters

Republished with permission from Israel Hayom October 4, 2019

How to prevent USAID to terrorists

Washington Examiner September 24, 2019

Africa's Gathering Storm

The Hill September 21, 2019

Islamists in the House

Jewish Journal March 13, 2019

HispanTV, a Propaganda Arm of the Shi'ite Islamist regime in Iran, Threatens all of Latin America, Spain, and Latinos in the United States

El Latino Digital.com October 26, 2018

Charity and Security Network: Useful Idiots or Advocates for Hate?

Middle East Forum September 11, 2018

Terrorist and warrior, traitor and hero: The double agent who looked bin Laden in the eyes and returned to tell about it

Walla September 6, 2018

Time to Rethink Our Attitudes to Middle East Refugees

The Tablet July 18, 2018

Iftar and City Hall: Separation of Mosque and State?

American Greatness July 7, 2018

Canada: Trudeau's Support for Islamists a Warning to America

Gatestone Institute January 9, 2018

Time to modernize immigration and refugee systems

Frontline Security September 13, 2017

The metal detectors of Islam

Sandbox (Martin Kramer blog) July 25, 2017

Montasser AIDe'emeh: Muslims, Free Yourself From Hypocrisy

The Volkskrant June 20, 2017

Washington Post Whitewashes Hater Of Women, Gays, And Jews Because He's A Muslim Convert

The Federalist February 15, 2017

Islamist moderates, Swedish hardliners and Islamist Islamophobia

Jerusalem Post February 14, 2017

What Drives - And Deters - The Domestic Terrorist? (Part Two)

Uncommon Journalism February 8, 2017

What Drives - And Deters - The Domestic Terrorist? (Part One)

Uncommon Journalism February 1, 2017

U.S. should partner with Egypt to fight terror and protect Christians

Foreign Policy News January 4, 2017

Yasmin Seweid and the trouble with crying 'Islamophobia'

New York Daily News December 15, 2016

As a Muslim Woman, I Support Angela Merkel's Ban on Niqabs in Germany

The Daily Beast December 9, 2016

Mr. Trump, you have a unique opportunity to defeat Islamism. As a Muslim I'm ready to collaborate

Fox News December 5, 2016

Should Family Affiliations with Foreign Islamist Movements Prevent a Security Clearance?

Counterjihad.com October 5, 2016

How can we alert Jews and Gentiles to the danger of BDS?

Arutz Sheva August 31, 2016

Keep Iran at arm's length

National Post (Canada) August 22, 2016

Sanders Democrats Are Dead Wrong to Blame Israel for Conditions in Gaza

Observer.com July 18, 2016

Robbins: Europe turns blind eye to hatred

Boston Herald April 12, 2016

The lost years: the state has failed to combat terrorism

Dutch News April 4, 2016

Double Games Of The UK Muslim Brotherhood

(1 comment)
Standpoint Magazine March 2016

Critics are now bashing Israel's pro-democracy efforts

New York Post January 24, 2016

Robbins: Clinton email shows diplomat's Mideast delusions

Boston Herald January 14, 2016

Robbins: U.S. credibility sinks as prez caves

Boston Herald January 5, 2016

How Do We Lower Risk in America of Islamist Terror?

Bill Bennett.com December 9, 2015

Muslim "No-go Zones" in Europe?

DanielPipes.com December 2, 2015

Turks Blackmailing the European Union While Jihadists Pose As Refugees

Pipelinenews.org November 9, 2015

To This Secular Muslim, Ben Carson Had a Point

The Daily Beast September 24, 2015

Islamism Is Not Islam

National Review September 11, 2015

Huffington Post Attack on Admiral Lyons is Based on Willful Ignorance

Accuracy in Media September 2, 2015

For Obama, winning is not enough

Israel Hayom August 16, 2015

Islamophobia: Fact or Fiction?

Gatestone Institute August 15, 2015

The Smartest Guys in the Room Are the Ones Getting It Wrong

Jewish Exponent August 13, 2015

The Boston Globe's Paean To Boston's Jihad Enablers

The Daily Caller August 4, 2015

'In Israel, you can't help but become a Zionist'

Israel Hayom June 27, 2015

Rasmea Odeh Appeal has fundamental inconsistency

Legal Insurrection June 22, 2015

Beware of the Muslim Brotherhood, expert warns

Ottawa Citizen May 17, 2015

Editorial: President Obama Must Not Complete a Disastrous Deal With Iran

New York Observer March 31, 2015

Photoshopping Rasmea Odeh

Times of Israel March 14, 2015

The four Saudi princesses: Obama mum on plight of Muslim women

New York Post January 27, 2015

What Was "Mentally Unstable" About the Perpetrator of the Sydney Lindt Café Terror Attack? - An Interview with Dr. Michael Welner

New English Review January 2015

In the Company of Prophets

National Review Online October 15, 2014

To stop the next U.S. beheading

New York Post October 5, 2014

In The Wake Of The Israel-Hamas War, Islamist Anti-Semitism Emerges A Winner

(1 comment)
The Daily Caller October 2, 2014

Oklahoma Beheading Raises Questions About Prison Conversions and American Muslim Leadership: an Interview with Dr. Michael Welner

New English Review October 2014

Would I lie to you?

Toronto Sun August 30, 2014

Obama's Hypocrisy on Hamas, ISIS, and Iran

Algemeiner August 24, 2014

Hamas Lies And the media believed it.

U.S. News and World Report August 12, 2014

Holy War Arrives in Germany

Gatestone Institute August 10, 2014

Stop the Surprise - It is War!

Family Security Matters July 28, 2014

The child soldiers of Jihad

TarekFatah.com July 28, 2014

CAIR-Affiliated Protest: "We Are Hamas!"

(1 comment)
Breitbart.com July 25, 2014

Palestine occupied by Islamism as much as Israel: Column

USA Today July 18, 2014

How The Media Distorts Radical Islam's Record

Breitbart May 28, 2014

Special Panel on Benghazi Needed for Answers

AmbassadorJohnPrice.com May 12, 2014

Nigeria's Boko Haram shows radical Islam is growing in Africa – Heard on Fox News

(1 comment)
AmbassadorJohnPrice.com May 8, 2014

Should Israel release more Palestinian terrorists?

JNS.org March 25, 2014

Bipartisan pressure is needed to force the CIA to obey the law

(1 comment)
Washington Examiner March 16, 2014

Canadians' stake in stopping Iran

Ottawa Citizen November 25, 2013

The Persecution of Christians: "Turn the Other Cheek"

Philadelphia Daily News September 27, 2013

Kurly's Kommentary: Hateful Speech in the Heartland – Anti-Semitism vs. Anti-Israeli Advocacy

The Florida Squeeze September 23, 2013

Original Thinking: Will Israel be in close combat with al-Qaida in 2014?

(1 comment)
Jerusalem Post September 9, 2013

Castrate Islamism: Column

(1 comment)
USA Today September 4, 2013

Obama Acts Like 'Muslim Godfather' With His Approach To Muslim Brotherhood In Egypt

The Blaze September 2, 2013

Opinion: No Mystery About the 'Why' in Boston

U.S. Naval Institute April 26, 2013

Radicalization in America

(1 comment)
Selous Foundation for Public Policy Research April 24, 2013

Is There Room For Agreement Between The Obama Administration And Tehran In Nuclear Talks?

Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) February 28, 2013

Alberta gave $250,000 to Islamists who financed HAMAS' fund collector and invites promoters of sharia in Edmonton

Point de Bascule February 11, 2013

Israel's jihad is mine

Times of Israel January 10, 2013

Egypt Pursues Hezbollah

Radicalism.org December 29, 2012

Will Islamists Trump Democracy?

International Policy Digest November 29, 2012

Why can't Islam apologize?

MercatorNet October 12, 2012

You Broke Mideast, Mr. President, Now You Own It

(1 comment)
Investor's Business Daily September 21, 2012

Face the Iranian Reality

Family Security Matters September 4, 2012

U.S. Abandons Israel as Iran Crosses into 'Zone of Immunity'

Radicalism.org September 3, 2012

Understanding the Muslim Brotherhood

National Review Online August 25, 2012

'Rehabilitating' Jihadis with Cage-Fighting?

Front Page Magazine August 15, 2012

In Rebel Syria: Summary Execution, Torture and al-Qaeda Flags

(1 comment)
August 14, 2012

Our Government and the Muslim Brotherhood

August 9, 2012

The United States: Error after Error - On the election of Muhammad Mursi to the Presidency of Egypt

ICT - International Institute for Counter-Terrorism June 25, 2012

A nat'l day of celebrating ... Terror

New York Post June 4, 2012

Dr. Qanta Ahmed: Debunking the Fallacy of Muslim Victimhood

Radicalism.org June 3, 2012

Jersey Roar

Washington Free Beacon June 1, 2012

Toulouse Shootings Show France Mishandling Radical Islamists

Langley Intelligence Group Network March 27, 2012

Free Speech vs. Islamists: Why the West Is Losing

PJ Media March 12, 2012

Should Police Monitor Muslim Student Groups?

Minding the Campus March 5, 2012

Dutch Holocaust Survivor - "I Saw How The Mufti Of Jerusalem Paid A Visit To Auschwitz-Monowitz"

(1 comment)
Pipeline News March 5, 2012

Hidden roots of Boko Haram...Why security agencies are worried about South-West

Nigerian Tribune February 17, 2012

Islamist Lobbies' Washington War on Arab and Muslim Liberals

The Cutting Edge News February 16, 2012

New York Times Backs Islamist Movement Without Even Looking at It

Stonegate Institute February 2, 2012

Taqiyya for Kids

American Thinker January 15, 2012

Rebuttal: (Tony Rackauckas) Drawing a line against organized thuggery

Orange County Register September 27, 2011

Of Mafiosi and Mullahs

(1 comment)
National Review Online September 10, 2011

PIPES: White House mischief

DanielPipes.org August 16, 2011

10 Most Terrifying Airplane Hijackings of All Time

Criminaljusticedegreesguide.com April 27, 2011

Nihad Awad, Co-founder of CAIR Unplugged: Portrait of an Anti-Semite

Family Security Matters April 5, 2011

Obama's "Stealth" Egyptian Dilemma

Family Security Matters February 3, 2011

Egypt, 'Ummah Duniyah', Roars: Hear Me Muslim Arabs, We Are All Qahirene!

Huffington Post February 1, 2011

Muslims vs. French School System

Hudson New York November 24, 2010

Offensive Jihad: The One Incontrovertible Problem with Islam

Middle East Forum October 28, 2010

Top 10 Movies Banned in the Middle East

Newsreal Blog October 7, 2010

How Muslims can help defeat terrorism

Ottawa Citizen September 8, 2010

Whether or not Ground Zero mosque is built, U.S. Muslims have access to the American Dream

NY Daily News September 5, 2010

MYRICK: Hezbollah car bombs on our border

Washington Times September 1, 2010

This is Our Future

Ottawa Citizen August 28, 2010

From an Actual Moderate Muslim, a Memo to the MSM on Imam Rauf

(1 comment)
Pajamas Media August 24, 2010

Security officials are afraid to look out for our safety

Ottawa Citizen August 11, 2010

Resurgence of Anti-Semitism in Turkey and Amsterdam

Militant Islam Monitor July 19, 2010

Canada Feeds the Haters

The National Post July 9, 2010

A New Jihad Flotilla initiative to Gaza

International Institute for Counter-Terrorism July 4, 2010

Blue Suede Jihad: Major Hamas Fundraiser Welcomed in the Land of Elvis

Pajamas Media July 1, 2010

The Jihad "Istanbul declaration" and the Gaza Flotilla

International Institute for Counter-Terrorism June 27, 2010

Bon Jovi Islam

National Review Online June 17, 2010

John Brennan's Polysemous Jihad

markdurie.com blog June 2, 2010

The Mosque at Ground Zero, a Muslim View: Planting a Flag on an Islamic Conquest

Hudson New York May 27, 2010

Paul Berman and Islam — A Bridge Too Far?

chromatism.net May 16, 2010

After Times Square: The Media's Refusal to Discuss Islamism Surpasses Satire

Rubin Reports May 8, 2010

Islamists Respond to Terror Cases with Denial

American Thinker March 14, 2010

Failing at force protection: The misguided Pentagon report on the Ft. Hood massacre

The Daily Caller February 8, 2010

Political Correctness, Ft. Hood, and Hollywood

Big Hollywood November 17, 2009

Too scared to recognize terrorism

Washington Times November 9, 2009

Closing Guantanamo: The Inconvenient Legal Truth

The Counter Terrorist November 2009

Misconceptions About International Terrorism and its Roots

Seminar on Human Rights and Terrorism October 8, 2009

France: Islamization in prison

Islam in Europe Blog August 18, 2009

A Stone's Throw

Written By August 14, 2009

The Whitewashing of Soraya M.

Big Hollywood August 3, 2009

Terrorists Behind Bars

American Jails August 2009

Fronts, Dupes and Doublespeak

Point de Bascule (Canada) July 15, 2009

It's time lily-livered Europe stood up to Muslim bigots

The First Post May 13, 2009

Liberal Gulf Writers: Muslim Groups in Europe Are Exploiting Europeans' Openness

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) April 10, 2009

Hampshire Divests from Israel, So Contributors Should Divest from Hampshire

February 13, 2009

Menino's mosque

(1 comment)
Boston Phoenix November 24, 2008

Fractured Fairytales about Jihad on Capitol Hill

Anti-Jihad League of America September 28, 2008

Jihad and the Growing Surrender of American Counterterrorism

(1 comment)
Anti-Jihad League of America September 18, 2008

When It Comes to Islamism, the DNC Still Doesn't Get It

Family Security Matters September 1, 2008

British Government Efforts against "Extremists" Ignores Jihad and Islamic Supremacism

Anti-Jihad League of America August 31, 2008

Pan Am 103, Revisited

The World Policy Blog August 28, 2008

The Muslim Brotherhood Shows its Cards

(1 comment)
Family Security Matters August 14, 2008

Magazine publisher Levant wins Danish cartoon dispute

National Post (Canada) August 6, 2008

Islam, Islamism and Jihadism in Italy

Hudson Institute Center on Islam, Democracy and the Future of the Muslim World August 4, 2008

The Enemy Within

Ottawa Citizen June 26, 2008

A U.N. Khan Job

Investor's Business Daily June 19, 2008

Islam in America's public schools: Education or indoctrination?

SFGate (San Francisco Chronicle online) June 11, 2008

Army Colonel Says U.S. Needs Better Focus in the War on Terror

Congessional Quarterly May 15, 2008

Deconstructing Islamaphobia

Counterterrorism Blog May 6, 2008

Strategic Collapse in the War on Terror

American Thinker May 4, 2008

Still Willfully Blind After All These Years

National Review Online April 30, 2008

To see Jimmy Carter's true allegiances, just follow the money

New York Daily News April 27, 2008

Myrick Aces, D.C. Flunks 'Jihadism 101'

Townhall.com April 25, 2008

Roadmap to Disaster

National Review Online April 24, 2008

The War of Ideas

Family Security Matters April 11, 2008

When free speech offends Muslims

The Christian Science Monitor April 10, 2008

Facing the truth about jihadist violence

The Boston Globe April 2, 2008

Islam and Free Speech

The Wall Street Journal March 26, 2008

Have Terrorists Crossed?

ToddBensman.com March 25, 2008

The Muslim Brotherhood's US Network

Current Trends in Islamist Ideology, Vol. 6 February 27, 2008

Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi Barred from U.K.

February 20, 2008

Finally, Some Sanity (and Accuracy) in Assessing DOJ Terrorist Financing Efforts

Counterterrorism Blog February 16, 2008

The War at Home: When will we open our eyes?

February 6, 2008

Wrong Decision By Dutch Appeals Court In Hofstad Group Terror Case

PipeLineNews.Org January 31, 2008

Foul play

The Washington Times January 11, 2008

Why the Boim Ruling is a Pyrrhic Victory for the Islamic Charities

Counterterrorism Blog January 2, 2008

Bernard Goldberg Was Right

FamilySecurityMatters.org December 31, 2007

Savage vs. CAIR: The battle over free speech

San Francisco Chronicle December 19, 2007

Fatwa Fraud?

FrontPageMag December 6, 2007

Response to Open Letter and Call from Muslim Religious Leaders to Christian Leaders

Barnabas Fund November 28, 2007


National Review Onlne November 26, 2007

Congressional Paul Revere Warns Nation About Islamofascist Threat

Investor's Business Daily November 19, 2007

Islamism on Trial

Family Security Matters October 26, 2007

Ideological Standards Needed to Confront Militant Islam: What Are They?

Family Security Matters October 2, 2007

Anti-al Qaeda base envisioned

The Washington Times September 26, 2007

The Islamist Fifth Column In America

Investor's Business Daily September 21, 2007

How The Mainstream Media And Political Correctness May Cause Us To Lose The War On Terror

The Bulletin (Australia) September 19, 2007

Homeland Security Implications of the Holy Land Foundation Trial

American Thinker September 18, 2007

How Mecca Uprising Helped Give Birth to al Qaeda

Wall Street Journal September 18, 2007

Looking for love in all the wrong places

OC Register September 16, 2007

Which Islam? Whose Islam? All Muslims Own Interpretation of the Koran (Part 4 of 4)

Family Security Matters September 14, 2007

Which Islam? Whose Islam? All Muslims Own Interpretation of the Koran (Part 3 of 4)

Family Security Matters September 13, 2007

Which Islam? Whose Islam? All Muslims Own Interpretation of the Koran (Part 2 of 4)

Family Security Matters September 12, 2007

Peace or Jihad? Abrogation in Islam

Middle East Quarterly Fall 2007

CAIR Terror Fatwa Signatories Attend Conference Honoring HAMAS Terror Cleric Qaradawi

Family Security Matters September 12, 2007

What the Muslim Brotherhood means for the U.S.

Dallas Morning News September 11, 2007

A New Designation Points to an Independent Zarqawi Financial Network

DouglasFarah.com September 11, 2007

The "Salvador Option" for Iraq

DouglasFarah.com September 11, 2007

More Overlooked History: Muslim Employment Discrimination

Counterterrorism Blog September 8, 2007

The Importance and Unimportance of Bin Laden Videos

DouglasFarah.com September 7, 2007

More Overlooked History: The Muslim Libel Cases

Counterterrorism Blog September 2, 2007

Yassin Qadi and the International Failure of the Sanctions Regime

DouglasFarah.com August 30, 2007

Which Islam? Whose Islam? All Muslims Own Interpretation of the Koran (Part 1 of 4)

Family Security Matters August 24, 2007

CAIR's Amicus Brief and Due Diligence

DouglasFarah.com August 17, 2007

More Overlooked History: Muslim Charities, Propaganda and Foreign Policy

Counterterrorism Blog August 17, 2007

More Overlooked History: Black Violence

Counterterrorism Blog August 13, 2007

Fascism Spares No One

Family Security Matters August 10, 2007

Overlooked History: Islam, Warrantless Wiretaps, and Organized Violence

Counterterrorism Blog July 27, 2007

A Review of Campbell and O'Hanlon's "Hard Power"

Counterterrorism Blog July 18, 2007

Shari'ah Courts in America?

Counterterrorism Blog July 15, 2007

An Interesting Historical Mystery

Counterterrorism Blog July 12, 2007

The History of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. Courts

Counterterrorism Blog July 9, 2007

The Muslim Brotherhood for Beginners

Counterterrorism Blog July 2, 2007

Going Global on the Muslim Brotherhood

FrontPageMag May 10, 2007

George Bush goes wobbly

The Jerusalem Post May 5, 2007

Showdown on the Muslim Brotherhood, Part III

FrontPageMag April 20, 2007

Showdown on the Muslim Brotherhood, Part II

FrontPageMag April 17, 2007

Showdown on the Muslim Brotherhood

FrontPageMag April 16, 2007

Hometown Jihad: The Return of Salah Sultan

FrontPageMag March 29, 2007

Mainstreaming the Muslim Brotherhood

FrontPageMag March 26, 2007

It's the Demography, Stupid

WSJ.com Opinion Journal January 4, 2006

The Need to Maintain a Focus on Terrorist Finances

DouglasFarah.com January 6, 2005

A rare look at secretive Brotherhood in America

Chicago Tribune September 19, 2004

Counter Terrorism in Democracies

Lecture delivered at West Point Military Academy, New York December 8, 1999

How CAIR Put My Life in Peril

Middle East Forum Winter 2002