
Publication Author Date

Exploring the Nature of Muslim Groups and Related Gang Activity in Three High Security Prisons: Findings from Qualitative Research

Beverly Powis, UK Ministry of Justice June 6, 2019

The Threat from Radical Islam: A Transition from Physical to Virtual Caliphate

IPT News November 28, 2017

Iranian Participation in the Liberation of Fallujah

Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center Dr. Raz Zimmit May 30, 2016

Muslim Brotherhood Review: Main Findings

Ordered by the House of Commons December 17, 2015

America's Refugee, Asylum, and Visa Waiver Programs: Our Entire Access System is Broken

IPT News December 7, 2015

Special Report: Hamas' Illegal Use of Civilian Infrastructure During 'Op. Protective Edge'

Israel Defense Forces August 19, 2014

Reports from foreign correspondents in the Gaza Strip vis-à-vis the limitations Hamas placed on media coverage of the military aspects of the fighting

Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center August 10, 2014

Hamas War Tactics: Attacks from Civilian Centers

Israel Defense Forces Planning Directorate August 2014

Denying the Link between Islamist Ideology and Jihadist Terrorism: "Political Correctness" and the Undermining of Counterterrorism

Perspectives on Terrorism; Volume 7, Issue 5 Jeffrey M. Bale November 27, 2013

The Future of Al-Qaeda: Results of a Foresight Project

Canadian Security Intelligence Service July 8, 2013

Should Terrorists be Tried in Military or Civil Courts: A Dilemma for Democratic Countries

Brig. General (Ret.) Dov Shefi, (M.Jur.), Lecturer on the Laws of War School of Law, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. May 6, 2013

American Jihadist Terrorism: Combating a Complex Threat

Congressional Research Service Jerome P. Bjelopera January 2, 2013

The Role of Hamas in the Formation of Global Jihadi Networks in Sinai

Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs Lt. Col. (ret.) Jonathan D. Halevi August 15, 2012

Ten Years On:Saudi Arabia's Textbooks Still Promote

Hudson Institute Center for Religious Freedom September 11, 2011

Al Shabaab: Recruitment and Radicalization within the Muslim American

House Committee on Homeland Security House Homeland Security Committee Majority Staff July 27, 2011

The Influence of Islamic Law on Law Enforcement and Intelligence

Wm Gawthrop February 23, 2011

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

American Jewish Committee Yehudit Barsky February 9, 2011

A Ticking Time Bomb: Counterterrorism Lessons from the U.S. Government's Failure to Prevent the Fort Hood Attack

Senate Committee On Homeland Security And Governmental Affairs February 3, 2011

Building Bridges to U.S. Law Enforcement

IPT News Marilyn Stern November 22, 2010

Nov 2010 Special Edition of Inspire

November 22, 2010

The Rise of Lashkar-e Tayyiba

IPT News June 30, 2010

Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project

IPT News Stephen Landman February 19, 2010

Al Ja'abari Bursts into Haniyeh's Office and Steals Documents and Files Concerning Huge Amounts of Money

Voice of Palestine January 19, 2010

U.S. Agencies Report Progress Countering Terrorism and Its Financing in Saudi Arabia

United States Government Accountability Office September 2009

The United States and Israel's Conflict with Iran: The Role of Hezbollah

Johny Woodward August 26, 2009

Decoding the Language of Jihad

Middle East Quarterly Brig Barker July 20, 2009

Fact Sheet: Prosecuting and Detaining Terror Suspects in the U.S.

Department of Justice June 9, 2009

Islamism and Totalitarianism

Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions, Vol. 10, No. 2, 73–96 Jeffrey Bale June 2009

2008 Report on Terrorism

National Counterterrorism Center April 30, 2009

Hezbollah Makes Clear Outreach Will Not Change it

Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center (IICC) Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center March 30, 2009

Hamas and Human Shields: Additional Evidence

Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center (IICC) Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center March 25, 2009

Anti-Semitism on Arab media

Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center (IICC) Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center March 19, 2009

The use of mosques for military and political purposes by Hamas and other terrorist organizations

Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center March 1, 2009

Excerpts from Justice Denied: Waste & Mismanagement at the Department of Justice

U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn October 2008

Report on the Roots of Extremism and Efforts to Counter it: The Muslim Brotherhood

Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs Steven Emerson July 10, 2008

Canadian Coalition for Democracies Report on "Islamophobia"

Iacobucci Internal Inquiry David Harris June 19, 2008

Combating Terrorism: The US Lacks Comprehensive Plan to Destroy the Terrorist Threat and Close the Safe Haven in Pakistan's FATA

GAO April 17, 2008

The Radical Dawa in Transition

AIVD AIVD October 8, 2007

National Strategy for Homeland Security

Homeland Security Council October 1, 2007

Securing, Stabilizing, and Rebuilding Iraq: Iraqi Government Has Not Met Most Legislative, Security, and Economic Benchmarks

GAO David M. Walker September 7, 2007

Securing, Stabilizing, and Rebuilding Iraq: Iraqi Government Has Not Met Most Legislative, Security, and Economic Benchmarks

GAO Joseph Christoff September 4, 2007

Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat

NYPD Intelligence Division Mitchell D. Silber August 15, 2007

Coordination Between FBI and ICE on Investigations of Terrorist Financing

Department of Homeland Security Office of the Inspector General, Department of Homeland Security July 15, 2007

Review of the Relisting of Hizballah's External Security Organization

Australian Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security July 15, 2007

Combating Terrorism: Law Enforcement Agencies Lack Directives to Assist Foreign Nations to Identify, Disrupt, and Prosecute Terrorists

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Jess T. Ford June 25, 2007

Disrupting Threat Finances: Utilization of Financial Information to Disrupt Terrorist Organizations in the 21st Century

School of Advanced Military Studies, United States Army Command and General Staff College Major Wesley J.L. Anderson June 15, 2007

AIVD Annual Report 2006

AIVD June 15, 2007

Terrorist Precursor Crimes

Congressional Research Service Siobhan O'Neil May 24, 2007

Screening Tax-Exempt Organizations' Filing Information Provides Minimal Assurance That Potential Terrorist Related Activities Are Identified

Treasury Inspector General For Tax Administration Michael R. Phillips May 21, 2007

Screening Tax-Exempt Organzations' Filing Information Provides Minimal Assurance That Potential Terrorist Related Activities Are Identified

Inspector General for Tax Administration, Treasury Department May 1, 2007

EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report

Europol March 1, 2007

Jihadis and the internet

National Coordinator for Counterterrorism, The Netherlands February 1, 2007

Islamic Religious Schools, Madrasas: Background

Congressional Research Service Christopher M. Blanchard January 23, 2007

9/11 Commission Recommendations: Implementation Status

Congressional Research Service Richard F. Grimmett December 4, 2006

Weapons of Mass Destruction: Trade Between North Korea and Pakistan

Congressional Research Service Sharon A. Squassoni November 28, 2006

Favorable Situations for the Jihadist Recruitment (Cueta, Spain)

Jihad Monitor Occassional Paper #3 Javier Jordan and Humberto Trujillo November 27, 2006

UN Report of the Monitoring Group on Somalia 2006

United Nations Security Council November 22, 2006

Iranian Nuclear Sites

Congressional Research Service Hussein D. Hassan November 13, 2006

Afghanistan: Post-War Governance, Security, and U.S. Policy

Congressional Research Service Kenneth Katzman November 3, 2006

From Radicalization to Jihadization

Canadian Security Intelligence Service October 24, 2006

U.S.-EU Cooperation Against Terrorism

Congressional Research Service Kristin Archick October 16, 2006

Critical Infrastructure Protection

Government Accountability Office (GAO) October 2006

Out of the Shadows: Getting Ahead of Prison Radicalization

George Washington University, Homeland Security Policy Institute; University of Virginia, Critical Incident Analysis Group Frank Cilluffo and Gregory Saathoff September 19, 2006

Jihad Ideology in Light of Contemporary Fatwas

Center on Islam, Democracy, and the Future of the Muslim World, Hudson Institute Shmuel Bar August 1, 2006

al Qaeda: The Many Faces of an Extremist Threat

U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence June 28, 2006

The Islamist Dilemma

Congressional Research Service Jeremy M. Sharp June 15, 2006

Africa: The Gold Mine of Al Qaeda and Global Jihad

The Project for the Research of Islamist Movements (PRISM) Reuven Paz and Moshe Terdman June 2006

International Financial Crime: Treasury's Roles and Responsibilities Relating to Selected Provisions of the USA Patriot Act

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Richard M. Stana May 12, 2006

Militant Jihadism: Radicalization, Conversion, Recruitment

Canadian Security Intelligence Service Integrated Threat Assessment Centre (ITAC) April 2006

Country Reports on Terrorism 2005

U.S. State Department April 2006

Palestinian Education and the Debate Over Textbooks

Congressional Research Service Aaron D. Pina March 7, 2006

Violent Jihad in the Netherlands

AIVD (General Intelligence and Security Service, Netherlands) March 2006

Harmony and Disharmony

Combatting Terrorism Center, Department of Social Sciences, United States Military Academy February 14, 2006

Assessment of Threats, Challenges, and Opportunities for the United States in Today's World

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence John D. Negroponte February 2, 2006

The Islamic Traditions of Wahhabism and Salafiyya

Congressional Research Service Christopher M. Blanchard January 25, 2006

Combating Terrorism: Determining and Reporting Federal Funding Data

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Paul L. Jones January 17, 2006

Islamic Religious Schools, Madrasas: Background

Congressional Research Service Christopher M. Blanchard January 10, 2006

Jihadism Online

Norwegian Defence Research Establishment Hanna Rogan January 2006

Paths to Global Jihad

Norwegian Defence Research Establishment Laila Bokhari January 2006

U.S. Money Laundering Threat Assessment

Money Laundering Threat Assessment Working Group December 1, 2005

India, Pakistan and Terrorism

European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center Dimitri Delaliue November 28, 2005

UK Transport Security – preliminary report

U.K. House of Commons Transportation Committee November 23, 2005

Muslims in Europe: Integration Policies in Selected Countries

Congressional Research Service Paul Gallis November 18, 2005

Muslims in Europe: Integration Policies in Selected Countries

Congressional Research Service Paul Gallis November 18, 2005

Terrorist Financing: Better Strategic Planning Needed to Coordinate U.S. Efforts to Deliver Counter-Terrorism Financing Training and Technical Assistance Abroad

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Loren Yager October 24, 2005

Terrorist Financing

Government Accountability Office (GAO) October 2005

Countering Islamist Radicals In Eastern Europe

Conflict Studies Research Centre, Advanced Research and Assessment Group (ARAG), United Kingdom Defence Academy Gyorgy Lederer September 2005

Terrorism in South Asia

Congressional Research Service K. Alan Kronstadt and Bruce Vaughn August 31, 2005

Al Qaeda: Profile and Threat Assessment

Congressional Research Service Kenneth Katzman August 17, 2005

Islamist Extremism in Europe

Congressional Research Service Kristin Archick July 29, 2005

Islamic Terrorism and the Balkans

Congressional Research Service Steven Woehrel July 26, 2005

Al Qaeda: Statements and Evolving Ideology

Congressional Research Service Christopher M. Blanchard June 20, 2005

Inspector General Report on CIA Accountability WIth Respect to the 9/11 Attacks

Office of the Inspector General, Central Intelligence Agency June 15, 2005

Terrorism and National Security: Issues and Trends

Congressional Research Service Raphael Perl June 8, 2005

September 11: Recent Estimates of Fiscal Impact of 2001 Terrorist Attack on New York

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Nancy R. Kingsbury March 30, 2005

The National Counterterrorism Center

Congressional Research Service Tod M. Masse March 16, 2005

Three Years After Sept. 11: Keeping America Safe

U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology, and Homeland Security March 1, 2005

Islamic Religious Schools, Madrasas: Background

Congressional Research Service Christopher M. Blanchard February 10, 2005

Information Bulletin: The Union of Good

Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center February 2005

Gun Control and Terrorism: FBI Could Better Manage Firearm-Related Background Checks Involving Terrorist Watch List Records

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Laurie E. Ekstrand January 19, 2005

Recruitment of Islamist Terrorists in Europe

Centre for Cultural Research, University of Aarhus Michael Taarnby January 14, 2005

Terrorism: Background on Chemical, Biological, and Toxin Weapons

Congressional Research Service Dana A. Shea December 1, 2004

A Review of the Use of Stolen Passports

Inspector General, Department of Homeland Security Clark Kent Ervin December 2004

Canadian Security Guide Book, 2005 Edition

Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence December 2004

From Dawa to Jihad; The various threats from radical Islamto the

AIVD (General Intelligence and Security Service, Netherlands) December 2004

Terrorism in Southeast Asia

Congressional Research Service Mark Manyin August 13, 2004

DHS Challenges in Consolidating Terrorist Watch List Information

Inspector General, Department of Homeland Security Clark Kent Erven August 2004

9/11 Commission Report

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States July 26, 2004

Technology Assessment: Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure Protection

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Keith A. Rhodes and Joel Willemssen May 28, 2004

Sons of the Father: The Next Generation of Islamic Extremists in

Canadian Security and Intelligence Service April 16, 2004

Jihad in Europe

Norwegian Defence Research Establishment Petter Nesser April 13, 2004

Combating Terrorism: Evaluation of Selected Characteristics in National Strategies Related to Terrorism

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Randall A. Yim March 3, 2004

Two Years After 9/11: Keeping America Safe

U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology, and Homeland Security March 1, 2004

Islam: Sunnis and Shiites

Congressional Research Service Febe Armanios February 23, 2004

Saudi Influences in the Netherlands

AIVD (General Intelligence and Security Service, Netherlands) January 2004

Terrorist Financing: U.S. Agencies Should Systematically Assess Terrorists' Use of Alternative Financing Mechanisms

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Loren Yager November 14, 2003

Terrorist Financing

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Loren Yager November 13, 2003

September 11: Overview of Federal Disaster Assistance to the New York City Area

Government Accountability Office (GAO) JayEtta Z. Hecker October 31, 2003

Combating Bioterrorism: Actions Needed to Improve Security at Plum Island Animal Disease Center

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Lawrence J. Dyckman September 19, 2003

Progress in the War on Terrorist Financing

U.S. Department of the Treasury September 11, 2003

Nuclear Security: Federal and State Action Needed to Improve Security of Sealed Radioactive Sources

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Robert A. Robinson August 6, 2003

Bioterrorism: Information Technology Strategy Could Strengthen Federal Agencies' Abilities to Respond to Public Health Emergencies

Government Accountability Office (GAO) David A. Powner May 30, 2003

Combating Terrorism: Interagency Framework and Agency Programs to Address the Overseas Threat

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Raymond J. Decker May 23, 2003

Nuclear Nonproliferation

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Robert A. Robinson May 16, 2003

Smallpox Vaccination: Implementation of National Program Faces Challenges

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Marcia Crosse April 30, 2003

Information Technology: Terrorist Watch Lists Should Be Consolidated to Promote Better Integration and Sharing

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Randolph C. Hite April 15, 2003

Homeland Security: Justice Department's Project to Interview Aliens After September 11, 2001

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Richard M. Stana April 11, 2003

Bioterrorism: Preparedness Varied across State and Local Jurisdictions

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Janet Heinrich April 7, 2003

Islam: A Primer

Congressional Research Service Clyde Mark February 19, 2003

Potential Terrorist Attacks: Additional Actions Needed to Better Prepare Critical Financial Market Participants (part 2)

Government Accountability Office (GAO) D'Agostino February 12, 2003

Potential Terrorist Attacks: Additional Actions Needed to Better Prepare Critical Financial Market Participants (part 1)

Government Accountability Office (GAO) D'Agostino February 12, 2003

Small Business Administration: Response to 9/11 Victims and Performance Measures for Disaster Lending

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Davi M. D'Agostino January 29, 2003

September 11: More Effective Collaboration Could Enhance Charitable Organizations' Contributions in Disasters

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Cynthia M. Fagnoni December 19, 2002

Terrorism Financing

United Nations Jean-Charles Brisard December 19, 2002

Combating Terrorism: Funding Data Reported to Congress Should Be Improved

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Raymond J. Decker and Paul L. Posner November 26, 2002

Combating Terrorism: Actions Needed to Guide Services' Antiterrorism Efforts at Installations

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Raymond J. Decker November 1, 2002

Combating Terrorism: Actions Needed to Improve Force Protection for DOD Deployments through Domestic Seaports

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Raymond J. Decker October 22, 2002

Combating Terrorism: Department of State Programs to Combat Terrorism Abroad

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Jess T. Ford September 26, 2002

September 11: Interim Report on the Response of Charities

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Cynthia M. Fagnoni September 3, 2002

Diffuse Security Threats: Technologies for Mail Sanitization Exist, but Challenges Remain

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Keith A. Rhodes April 23, 2002

European Security: U.S. and European Contributions to Foster Stability and Security in Europe

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Joseph A. Christoff November 28, 2001

Bioterrorism: Federal Research and Preparedness Activities

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Janet Heinrich September 28, 2001

Combating Terrorism: Selected Challenges and Related Recommendations

Government Accountability Office (GAO) David M. Walker September 20, 2001

Combating Terrorism: Accountability Over Medical Supplies Needs Further Improvement

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Linda M. Calbom March 30, 2001

Combating Terrorism: FEMA Continues to Make Progress in Coordinating Preparedness and Response

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Raymond J. Decker March 20, 2001

State Department: Serious Problems in the Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Kwai-Cheung Chan December 13, 2000

Combating Terrorism: Federal Response Teams Provide Varied Capabilities; Opportunities Remain to Improve Coordination

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Raymond J. Decker November 30, 2000

Combating Terrorism: How Five Foreign Countries are Organized to Combat Terrorism

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Norman J. Rabkin April 7, 2000

Combating Terrorism: Need to Eliminate Duplicate Federal Weapons of Mass Destruction Training

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Norman J. Rabkin March 21, 2000

Afghanistan: Connections to Islamic Movements in Central and South Asia and Southern Russia

Congressional Research Service Kenneth Katzman December 7, 1999

Combating Terrorism: Chemical and Biological Medical Supplies Are Poorly Managed

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Cynthia A. Bascetta October 29, 1999

Combating Terrorism: Need for Comprehensive Threat and Risk Assessments of Chemical and Biological Attacks

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Norman J. Rabkin September 7, 1999

Combating Terrorism: Analysis of Federal Counterterrorist Exercises

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Mark E. Gebicke June 25, 1999

Combating Terrorism: Use of National Guard Response Teams is Unclear

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Mark E. Gebicke May 21, 1999

Combating Terrorism: Issues to be Resolved to Improve Counterterrorism Operations

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Henry L. Hinton May 13, 1999

Terrorism and Drug Trafficking: Testing Status and Views on Operational Viability of Pulsed Fast Neutron Analysis Technology

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Norman J. Rabkin April 13, 1999

Combating Terrorism: FBI's Use of Federal Funds for Counterterrorism-Related Activities (FYs 1995-98)

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Norman J. Rabkin November 20, 1998

Combating Terrorism: Opportunities to Improve Domestic Preparedness Program Focus and Efficiency

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Richard Davis November 12, 1998

Combating Terrorism: Federal Agencies' Efforts to Implement National Policy and Strategy

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Richard Davis September 26, 1997

Terrorism and Drug Trafficking: Responsibilities for Developing Explosives and Narcotics Detection Technologies

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Louis J. Rodrigues April 15, 1997

Terrorism and Drug Trafficking: Technologies for Detecting Explosives and Narcotics

Government Accountability Office (GAO) John H. Anderson Jr. and Louis J. Rodrigues September 4, 1996

Passports and Visas: Status of Efforts to Reduce Fraud

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Jess T. Ford May 9, 1996

Terrorism and Drug Trafficking: Threats and Roles of Explosives and Narcotics Detection Technology

Government Accountability Office (GAO) John H. Anderson Jr. and Louis J. Rodrigues March 27, 1996

Chemical Weapons: Physical Security for the U.S. Stockpile

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Richard Davis May 15, 1991

International Terrorism: FBI Investigates Domestic Activities to Identify Terrorists

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Lowell Dodge September 7, 1990

Counterterrorism: Role and Interpol and the U.S. National Central Bureau

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Arnold P. Jones June 25, 1987

Terrorism: Laws Cited Imposing Sanctions on Nations Supporting Terrorism

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Joan M. McCabe April 17, 1987

Obstacles to U.S. Ability to Control and Track Weapons-Grade Uranium Supplied Abroad

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Charles A. Bowsher August 2, 1982