Archive Documents

Author Date

CAIR National Legal Defense Fund 990 (2022)

May 15, 2024

Brazilian Police Documents - Operation Trapiche

March 12, 2024

Audit of the Federal Bureau of Prisons' Monitoring of Inmate Communications to Prevent Radicalization

DOJ Office of the Inspector General March 2020

Teaching Hate, Inspiring Terrorism: Saudi Arabia's Educational Curriculum

Hon. Frank Wolf July 19, 2017

Senator Ted Cruz Bill to Designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Foreign Terrorist Organization

November 4, 2015

Letter from MPAC to John Kerry

Salam Al-Marayati November 19, 2014

Wiesenthal Letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon

Rabbi Marvin Hier and Rabbi Abraham Cooper August 13, 2014

Letter to FBI Director Comey Re FBI/CAIR Interactions

U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf September 19, 2013

Review of FBI Interactions with the Council on American Islamic Relations

DOJ Inspector General September 19, 2013

Interim Progress Report for the Members of the House Republican Conference on the Events surrounding the September 11, 2012 Terrorist Attacks in Benghazi, Libya

April 23, 2013

Moro National Liberation Front Letter to Al-Kifah dated October 27, 1992

March 21, 2013

Al-Hussam (Newsletter of CARE International dated April 16, 1993)

March 21, 2013

Al-Kifah Check to Islamic Association for Palestine Dated April 20, 1992

March 21, 2013

Al-Kifah Boston Advertisement

March 21, 2013

Al Hussam February 1993 Issue (Newsletter of Al-Kifah Refugee Center)

March 21, 2013

Ikwanonline Translation

November 21, 2012

George Selim Participation in 2010 Georgetown Conference

November 19, 2012

'Trotsky and the Totalitarian Dialectic Revisited: Whether You Are Interested In Islamism or Not, Islamism Is Interested In You'

Judge Michael Mukasey October 30, 2012

Letter to Holder, Clinton re Blind Sheikh's Possible Release

House Committee Leaders September 19, 2012

Check for $5,000 from International Relief Organization to CAIR

July 23, 2012

Grover Norquist's Relationship Should Give People Pause

Press Release by Rep. Frank Wolf's Office October 5, 2011

Statement of Conscience Re Grover Norquist

U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf October 4, 2011

DOJ Letter to U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf re IICG Agreement

September 23, 2011

Non-Prosecution Agreement Islamic Investment Company of the Gulf

Department of Justice August 12, 2011

Aviation Security: TSA is Taking Steps to Validate the Science Underlying Its Passenger Behavior Detection Program

United States General Accountability Office April 6, 2011

DOJ Terror Convictions 2001-2010

March 9, 2011

Documents Showing Awlaki Dined at the Pentagon After 9/11

Department of Defense January 27, 2011

Documents Showing Awlaki Dined at the Pentagon After 9/11

FBI (Obtained by FOX News) January 27, 2011

PLO Ambassador's Letter to Yale University

August 30, 2010

Letter from U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf to FBI Director Robert Mueller re Anwar Al-Awlaki's 2002 Arrest

May 24, 2010

FBI Director Robert Mueller Protests Scotland's "Inexplicable" Release of Lockerbie Conspirator

August 21, 2009

Mumbai Terror Attacks: Dossier of Evidence

Government of India July 6, 2009

DOD Memo: Saudi Charity Served as Conduit for Arms Shipments into Somalia

U.S. Department of Defense June 29, 2009

2008 Report on Terrorism

National Counterterrorism Center April 30, 2009

Freedom of Speech in Jihad Analysis: Debunking the Myth of Offensive Words

U.S. Central Command Red Team August 8, 2008

Words that Work and Words that Don't: A Guide for Counterterrorism Communication

Counterterrorism Communications Center March 14, 2008

Terminology to Define the Terrorists: Recommendations from American Muslims

Department of Homeland Security Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties January 2008

FBI memo on "Muslims of America, Inc., A.K.A. Fuqra, Jamaat Al Fuqua [sic]," December 6, 2007,

FBI Memo December 6, 2007


Stephen Coughlin September 7, 2007

Zaid Naman on the Brotherhood in America

Zaid Naman, a.k.a. Zeid al-Noman Early 1980s

Bylaws of the Palestine Committee of the Muslim Brotherhood

Palestine Committee Date Unknown

Treasury Department Designation of KindHearts

U.S. Treasury Dept. February 19, 2006

Treasury Department Designaton of Islamic African Relief Agency

Treasury Dept. October 13, 2004

Martyr in a Wheelchair?: The Life & Death of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin

Ahmad Rashad March 29, 2004

Treasury Department Designaton of Benevolence International Foundation

U.S. Treasury Dept. November 19, 2002

Treasury Department Designaton of Global Relief Foundation

U.S. Treasury Dept. October 18, 2002

Treasury Department Designaton of the Holy Land Foundation

U.S. Treasury Dept. December 4, 2001

1998 Anatomy of National Public Radio's Blacklist

Steven Emerson October 22, 2001

Jihad Camp

ICNA Young Muslims August 20, 2001

IAP Fourth Annual Convention Program

Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) November 1, 2000

Jose Padilla's Rap Sheet

Sunrise Police Department September 20, 2000

USAID Cancels HLF Registration

USAID September 4, 2000

Text of World Islamic Front's Statement Urging Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders

Osama bin Laden February 23, 1998

Declassified State Dept. Cable on Bin Laden's Brother-in-Law

State Department January 1994

HLF News

Holy Land Foundation (HLF) June 1, 1993

MNLF Letter Asking Al-Kifah for Mujahideen Support

Abu Manshawi Abumohaymen November 24, 1992

MNLF Letter of Support to Al-Kifah

Aleem Said Omar, MNLF November 21, 1992

MNLF Fax on Funds to Al-Kifah

Abu Manshawi Abdulmohaymen October 27, 1992

Internal memo of the IAP

Islamic Association for Palestine October 1, 1992

Peshawar Mujahideen Office Fax to Al-Kifah

April 21, 1992

Al-Kifah Check to Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)

Al-Kifah April 20, 1992

Peshawar Mujahideen Office Fax to Al-Kifah

April 20, 1992

ICC Letter to Al-Kifah

Ahmad Elkadi December 17, 1991

Shura Council Report on the future of the Group

Muslim Brotherhood Shura Council October 25, 1991

ISNA Release Supporting Al-Kifah

ISNA August 8, 1991

An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America

Mohamed Akram May 19, 1991

Suggested Amendments to the Bylaws of the Palestine Committee

Unknown April 2, 1991

The Muslim Brotherhood "Project"

December 1, 1982


Sayyid Qutb January 1964

Al Qaeda Manual Found in Manchester (Translation)

Al-Kifah Release Condemning U.S. Humanitarian Intervention in Somalia