Audio & Video Clips

Publication Date

The New York Times, Linda Sarsour, and Misinformation

IPT News September 20, 2022

Inherently Pro-Violence Message Dominates Anti-Israel Events

IPT News September 2, 2022

The Loud Message from CAIR's Relative Silence on the Rushdie Attack

IPT News August 15, 2022

American-based Israel Haters Hail Slain Terrorist

IPT News August 12, 2022

IPT Video: Recent Nakba Protest Showcases Raw Hatred and False Narratives

IPT News June 22, 2022

New York Rally's Transparent Support for Terrorism

IPT News April 21, 2022

SJP Forum Hypes Palestinian "Genocide" While Advocating for Israel's Elimination

IPT News April 19, 2022

Zahra Billoo's Antisemitism Unleashed with CAIR's Backing

IPT News April 12, 2022

IPT Exclusive: Unapologetic, Antisemitic CAIR Executive Back on the Job

IPT News February 25, 2022

AMP Chief Eulogizes Jordanian Who Predicted "Palestinians Will Rid the World of the Jews"

IPT News February 8, 2022

IPT's Patrick Dunleavy Discusses ISIS Attack on Syrian Prison

VOA International Edition January 26, 2022

The American Islamist Campaign to Free Aafia Siddiqui

IPT News January 15, 2022

Fact-Checking the CAIR, ADL Flame War

IPT News December 14, 2021

IPT Exclusive: CAIR's Awad Considers Tel Aviv "Occupied," Prays for its Liberation

IPT News December 1, 2021

A Police Chief's Israel-Inspired Innovation Eviscerates "Deadly Exchange" Narrative

IPT News October 26, 2021

Awad and Abuirshaid Bring the Blind Hate to Israeli Prime Minister's Visit

IPT News September 3, 2021

Ayaan Hirsi Ali's "Guilty Secret"

IPT News June 4, 2021

Accused of Abuse, Ex-CAIR Florida Leader Admits to Multiple Religious Marriages

IPT News April 16, 2021

Reformers Launch Group Aimed at Challenging Muslim Anti-Semitism

IPT News April 8, 2021

Does a Third Lebanon-Israel War Lie Ahead?

Middle East Forum Webinar April 1, 2021

IPT Video: Marc Lamont Hill's Duplicitous New Book

IPT News March 4, 2021

Infidel - A movie review by Steven Emerson

IPT News October 9, 2020

Part 2: House of Lies – the Baseless Campaign to Smear Israeli Police Exchanges

IPT News October 8, 2020

IPT Video Investigation: House of Lies – The Baseless Campaign to Smear Israeli Police Exchanges

IPT News October 7, 2020

9/11 Remembered

IPT News September 11, 2020

CAIR's "Exposed" Series Exposes CAIR's Terrorist Sympathies

IPT News September 9, 2020

Video: Five Things You Should Know About Osama Abuirshaid

IPT News August 3, 2020

"Death to America," Love for North Korea and Hate for Israel at Brooklyn Rally

IPT News July 2, 2020

Palestinian Rams a Checkpoint: Death, Lies and Videotape

IPT News June 26, 2020

IPT Video: The Virus of Hate

IPT News June 9, 2020

Ignoring All Others, Anti-Israel Campus Groups Use Coronavirus to Attack Israel

IPT News April 3, 2020

Hating Israel Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry

IPT News March 6, 2020

Linda Sarsour's Book Reviews Cover Up Her Anti-Semitism

IPT News March 5, 2020

IPT Video: Peace Plan Protesters Echo Hamas Views of Israel

IPT News February 5, 2020

IPT Exclusive Video: Bernie Sanders - Magnet for Anti-Semites

IPT News January 31, 2020

Pakistani Blasphemy Case Exposes Islamist Free Speech Hypocrisy

IPT News January 7, 2020

Islamist Convention Features anti-Israel Disinformation, Caliphate Dreams

IPT News January 6, 2020

IPT's Patrick Dunleavy Analyzes Jailed Jihadists December 20, 2019

Linda Sarsour Thinks You Can't Hear or Read

IPT News December 3, 2019

A Weekend with American Muslims for Palestine: Awad Says CAIR Fights Zionism "On a Daily Basis"

IPT News December 2, 2019

Exclusive IPT Video: Blind Hate Against Israel Displayed at Times Square Rally

IPT News November 19, 2019

Lawmakers Ask State Department to Investigate Jamaat-e-Islami's U.S. Affiliate for Terror Financing

IPT News November 18, 2019

Book Review: "Unveiled" Traces Yasmine Mohammed's Path From Horror to Hope

Special to IPT News November 13, 2019

IPT Exclusive: CAIR's Awad Describes His "Formula" for Islamist Political Power

IPT News November 12, 2019

Five Things You Should Know About The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

IPT News October 28, 2019

IPT Exclusive: CAIR Leader's Consequence-Free Anti-Semitism

IPT News July 23, 2019

Video: American MB Supporters Make Morsi's Memorial About Israel

IPT News June 26, 2019

Jihad in America: The Grand Deception

IPT News June 21, 2019

IPT Report Exposes ICNA's Radical Domestic Agenda

IPT News June 17, 2019

IPT Exclusive Video: Anti-Semitism on Display in Brooklyn

IPT News June 4, 2019

The Naked Hypocrisy of CAIR's Hussam Ayloush

IPT News May 20, 2019

Israel-Hating, Gay-Bashing, Sexist Imam Gives Invocation to U.S. House

IPT News May 9, 2019

U.S.-Based Sheikh Calls on University Students to "Fight Zionism"

IPT News May 7, 2019

From Philasteen to Philadelphia: Muslim Youth Indoctrination on Full-Display in America

IPT News April 30, 2019

IPT Exclusive: CAIR's Billoo Blasts SPLC Over "Black Civil Rights Groups" Criticism

IPT News April 24, 2019

Linda Sarsour's NYU Makeover

IPT News March 26, 2019

The Campaign to Make Omar's Anti-Semitism Unassailable

IPT News March 22, 2019

Jewish Activists Protest in Pelosi's Office Over Anti-Semitism Concerns

IPT News March 14, 2019

IPT Exclusive: Anti-Israel AMP's Inadvertent "Truth"

IPT News March 6, 2019

Ilhan Omar Has Company Pushing Dual Loyalty Narrative

IPT News March 5, 2019

IPT Concludes Two-Part Video Series About Anti-Semitism on the Left

IPT News February 26, 2019

IPT Launches Two-Part Series About Anti-Semitism on the Left

IPT News February 25, 2019

Emerson: Virginia Voters Need to Understand, Reject Sameerah Ibrahim's Anti-Semitism

WMAL Radio February 19, 2019

Hamas's Terror Recruiters Rely on Mix of Old and New Media

Special to IPT News February 15, 2019

IPT Video: The Washington D.C. Women's March 2019 - Hypocritical Leadership Disrespects Many Voices

IPT News January 22, 2019

Thank You, Zahra Billoo

IPT News December 10, 2018

IPT Video: Anti-Semites Unchecked

IPT News November 28, 2018

CAIR Official Mocks Muslims in U.S. Military After Praising Terrorists

IPT News November 27, 2018

Ben & Jerry's Untimely Women's March Endorsement

IPT News November 19, 2018

CAIR Official Who Slams Muslim Facilitators of Interfaith Dialogue Wins Community Award

IPT News November 13, 2018

Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre Exposes Sarsour's Two-Faced Opportunism

IPT News October 29, 2018

IPT Exclusive: Leading American BDS Group's Conference Minimizes Nonviolence

IPT News October 5, 2018

CAIR Proves Irony is Not Dead

IPT News October 3, 2018

IPT Exclusive: Linda Sarsour's Blood Libel

IPT News September 25, 2018

ISNA Speaker Decries Focus on Palestinian Incitement as "a Form of Islamophobia"

IPT News September 10, 2018

Islamists Smear Egyptian Actress for Removing Hijab

Special to IPT News September 4, 2018

ISNA Convention Uses Shame, Fear to Stir Muslims Politically

IPT News September 3, 2018

Iran's North American Supporters Continue Pushing Pro-Regime Propaganda

IPT News August 24, 2018

The Gray Lady Once Again Sanitizes Radical Islam

IPT News August 15, 2018

IPT's Patrick Dunleavy Discusses Threats From Returning Terrorists and Jihadis Soon to Complete Prison Sentences

Roy Green Show Podcast August 4, 2018

Inside the Iran Protests: An IPT Exclusive Video Report

IPT News July 2, 2018

Why Are Elected Politicians Legitimizing Terrorist Front Group?

IPT News June 29, 2018

Hamas Official: Majority of Palestinians Killed in Violent Protests are Our Men

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 16, 2018

America needs a national terrorist registry to keep us safe

Fox News May 11, 2018

The Divisive, Hateful People Among CNN's Influential American Muslim List

IPT News May 7, 2018

IPT Exclusive: U.S.-based Imam Advocates Violence Against Israel in Anti-Semitic Sermon

IPT News April 20, 2018

Hatem and Ahmed's Ironic Islamophobia Adventure

IPT News April 10, 2018

Al-Arian Tries To Play #MeToo With Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theorist

IPT News March 16, 2018

Patrick Dunleavy Discusses ISIS Opportunities in Africa

VOA Africa News Tonight March 7, 2018

The anti-Israel BDS Movement seeks the destruction of Israel, not a two-state peace with Palestinians

Fox News January 18, 2018

IPT Video: What BDS Really Wants

IPT News January 10, 2018

ISIS's Migration to Africa - IPT's Patrick Dunleavy on How to Thwart It

Voice of America January 4, 2018

Decrying False Genocide, Palestinian Advocates Call for Genocide

IPT News December 11, 2017

AMP Convention Sees Opportunities in U.S. Elections

IPT News November 27, 2017

The New York Terror Attack and the Underwear Bomber's Lawsuit - A Conversation with IPT Senior Fellow Patrick Dunleavy

Secure Freedom Radio November 13, 2017

IPT Executive Director Steven Emerson Reports on New York Terror Suspect

Larry Marino Show, AM 870, the Answer November 5, 2017

Patrick Dunleavy with Tucker Carlson: Police Practice was Sacrificed for Political Correctness

Interview on Fox News November 1, 2017

IPT Senior Fellow Patrick Dunleavy Discusses Fighting Islamist Terror

Jon Gaunt Radio Show (United Kingdom) October 16, 2017

IPT's Patrick Dunleavy Discusses Recent Spate of European Terror Attacks

Denise Simon Experience September 21, 2017

IPT Senior Fellow Patrick Dunleavy Discusses Barcelona Attack

WTMJ Radio, Milwaukee August 21, 2017

IPT's Patrick Dunleavy Discusses Prison Dawa and Radicalization

Secure Freedom Radio August 16, 2017

IPT Video: Cornell Prof Dissects the Many Lies of Rasmieh Odeh

IPT News August 15, 2017

IPT Video: Islam in America As Described by Three Leading Voices

IPT News July 21, 2017

Linda Sarsour's All-Star Team of Radical Theologians

IPT News July 11, 2017

IPT Fellow Patrick Dunleavy Discusses His Op-Ed on Edwin Lorenzo Lemmons

Secure Freedom Radio June 30, 2017

Discussion Panel: The Role of Intelligence in Today's Threat Environment

June 22, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News Discussing the Foiled Terror Attack in Belgium

Interview on Fox News June 20, 2017

Leaders Try to Squelch Dar al-Hijrah Female Genital Mutilation Debate

IPT News June 14, 2017

Emerson on Dennis Prager, about Qatar Relations, London Attacks

Interview on the Dennis Prager Show June 5, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox Business About the Significance of the Travel Ban

Interview on Fox Business Network June 5, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News: Intel Community Overwhelmed, Immigration Policies Partially to Blame

Interview on Fox News June 4, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News: Islamic Terrorists are Gaining Ground

Interview on Fox News June 4, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News discussing IPT's 2016 terrorism trends study and how the London attacks fit the trend

Interview on Fox News June 4, 2017

Steve Emerson on Sirius XM after London attacks: "A reformation of Islam is necessary"

Interview on XM Patriot 125 June 4, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News explains that evidence of increasing radical Islam is "very, very obvious"

Interview on Fox News June 4, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News: ISIS and Intel in the UK

Interview on Fox News June 3, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News: Reaction to the London Terror Attacks

Interview on Fox News June 3, 2017

Spinning a Terrorist into a Victim: Justice, At Last, for Rasmieh Odeh

IPT News May 12, 2017

Ex-CIA Case Officer Sabrina DeSousa, IPT's Hoekstra, Describe Her Brush With Italian Prison

IPT News May 3, 2017

IPT's Pete Hoekstra on Fox News on the FBI translator who married the ISIS fighter she was investigating

Interview on Fox News May 2, 2017

Rasmieh Odeh's Guilty Plea Accepted

IPT News April 25, 2017

IPT's Patrick Dunleavy Talks About CAIR's Attempt to Silence Him

Secure Freedom Radio April 6, 2017

Odeh Claims "Torturous Ordeal" Led to Guilty Plea

IPT News April 3, 2017

Steve Emerson on BBC Radio Discussing the Attack in Westminster

Interview on BBC Radio March 22, 2017

IPT Senior Fellow Patrick Dunleavy Discusses Judicial Overreach and NYPD Surveillance Abilities

Secure Freedom Radio March 16, 2017

IPT Senior Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra on WikiLeaks Release of CIA Hacking Documents

CSPAN Washington Journal March 13, 2017

IPT's Patrick Dunleavy Discusses New York City's Counter-Terror Policy

Melody Burns Radio Show March 10, 2017

IPT Senior Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra Discusses "Libya: Trauma, Healing, and Open Horizons" on Heritage Panel

IPT News March 7, 2017

Prof's Slavery/Sexual Consent Comments Become Georgetown's Latest Outrage

IPT News February 13, 2017

IPT Senior Fellow Patrick Dunleavy Discusses the Challenges of Monitoring Jihadis After Prison

Secure Freedom Radio February 10, 2017

IPT Video: On National TV, Keith Ellison Ducks Anti-Israel Statement

IPT News January 31, 2017

Sarsour's Defenders Choose to Ignore March Organizer's Liberal Critics

IPT News January 25, 2017

IPT's Patrick Dunleavy Speaks Stopping Jihadis From Infiltrating Prisons

Talk2Me Radio (UK) January 16, 2017

IPT's Patrick Dunleavy Interviewed About Recidivism and Incarcerated Terrorists.

Secure Freedom Radio January 9, 2017

White House "Champion" Blasts Muslims Who Talk to Any Pro-Israel Jews

IPT News December 7, 2016

Keith Ellison's Disinformation Campaign

IPT News December 2, 2016

IPT Story Prompts ADL to Retract Ellison DNC Endorsement

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 1, 2016

IPT Exclusive: In Private Fundraiser, Ellison Blasted Israeli Influence Over U.S. Policy

IPT News November 29, 2016

Breaking News: Pivotal Odeh Hearing Canceled

IPT News November 28, 2016

Ill Informed House Dem Wrongly Blasts "Ill Prepared" DHS Official

(1 comment)
IPT News September 22, 2016

Video: IPT's Pete Hoekstra Testimony, "Defining the Enemy: Radical Islamist Terror"

IPT News September 22, 2016

Brotherhood Members Gather in D.C. to Blast Egyptian Government

IPT News September 21, 2016

Hoekstra Calls for Clearer FBI Training on Jihadists

Fox News September 20, 2016

Next President will need to Reestablish U.S. Credibility

NewsmaxTV September 14, 2016

Iran Ransom Payment Now Funding Islamist Terror

(1 comment)
NewsmaxTV August 4, 2016

Erdoğan's Coup Survival: Don't Call It Democracy

(1 comment)
IPT News August 3, 2016

Obama Eid Celebration Again Empowers Islamists Over Reformers

IPT News July 21, 2016

Jihadists View Atrocities Committed during Ramadan as Holy Endeavors

WMAL July 6, 2016

US Must Slam the Door Shut on the Muslim Brotherhood

NewsmaxTV June 29, 2016

IPT's 'Grand Deception' Airing Sunday on NewsmaxTV

NewsmaxTV June 24, 2016

CAIR Hilarity: We Welcome "Significant, Healthy Debates" Among Muslims

IPT News June 23, 2016

Hoekstra: Orlando Not an Isolated Event

Fox News Radio June 15, 2016

Islamists Tighten Grip in Africa

Newsmax June 15, 2016

CAIR Offers Terror Sympathizers and Misleading Rhetoric to Condemn Orlando Tragedy

IPT News June 14, 2016

Hoekstra: ISIS Success Inspires Terrorists Like Omar Mateen

NewsmaxTV June 13, 2016

Hoekstra: Administration Politicized Intelligence Community

WNYM 970 AM The Answer June 12, 2016

Emerson on Fox Business: Threat from Cross-Border Terrorists a Ticking Time Bomb

Fox Business Network June 2, 2016

Palestinian Authority Media Praises Terrorist Who Killed American Tourist

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 24, 2016

Emerson on Fox: Do Trump's Comments Help Recruit Terrorists?

Interview on Fox News May 22, 2016

Hoekstra on Newsmax: Isolated by the U.S., Egypt is the Epicenter of Radical Jihad

NewsmaxTV May 20, 2016

Is It Back to Square One for Libya?

(1 comment)
U.S. News & World Report April 29, 2016

Palestinian Children Kill Israelis in Hamas "Play"

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 27, 2016

Speculation Over 28 Pages in 9/11 Report Doing More Harm Than Good

NewsmaxTV April 22, 2016

Two Administrations Protecting Something in 28 Pages of 9/11 Report

Fox News Channel April 22, 2016

Video Captures Palestinians Hailing Jerusalem Bomber

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 21, 2016

IPT's Hoekstra: 9/11 Bill Appropriate for World in Which We Live Today

SiriusXM 'POTUS' April 21, 2016

IPT's Hoekstra: Public Deserves to See Full 2002 Congressional 9/11 Report

Relevant Radio 'The Drew Mariani Show' April 19, 2016

IPT Video Report: Bernie Sanders' Bad Adviser

IPT News April 14, 2016

West Must Infiltrate Islamist Networks Before Plots Become Operational

NewsmaxTV April 8, 2016

Administration Will Leave Behind Nasty War for Successor

The Derrell Day Show -- WYOO 101.1 FM Panama City, Fla. April 6, 2016

Politically Incorrect to Talk Western Values on College Campuses

Relevant Radio 'The Drew Mariani Show' April 6, 2016

Administration Pushes False Claim on Winning against ISIS

NewsmaxTV April 5, 2016

ISIS Manufactured up to 100,000 Passports over Past Two Years

(1 comment)
Radio America 'Liberty Nation' April 3, 2016

West Offers Window for Spectacular ISIS Attack

NewsmaxTV April 1, 2016

ISIS Caliphate in Libya Spreading Terror throughout Africa

IPT News April 1, 2016

Pete Hoekstra Discusses the Dramatic Rise in Global Islamist Terror on SiriusXM's POTUS

SiriusXM 'POTUS' March 31, 2016

The IPT's Pete Hoekstra Joins Frank Gaffney on Secure Freedom Radio

Secure Freedom Radio March 29, 2016

Hoekstra: Islamists Have the Means, Will to Destabilize Gov'ts in the Middle East

(1 comment)
NewsmaxTV March 29, 2016

IPT's Pete Hoekstra analyzes the rise in global terror on Fox News March 28, 2016

Special Report: What the Alarming Increase in Lethal Islamist Terror Means Going Forward

IPT News March 28, 2016

Former Jihadist Detained by the U.S. Linked to Brussels Video

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 25, 2016

Pete Hoekstra interviewed on Fox News Channel

(1 comment)
Fox News Channel March 23, 2016

Pete Hoekstra on NewsmaxTV discussing the attacks in Brussels

NewsmaxTV March 22, 2016

Steve Emerson and Andy McCarthy on NewsmaxTV

Interview on NewsmaxTV March 22, 2016

Pete Hoekstra on BloombergTV discussing the terror attacks in Belgium

Interview on BloombergTV March 22, 2016

IPT's Pete Hoekstra discussing the terror attacks in Belgium

Interview on WMAL - Mornings On The Mall March 22, 2016

IPT's Steven Emerson discussing the terror attacks in Belgium

Interview on WMAL - Mornings On The Mall March 22, 2016

Pete Hoekstra Talks Islamist Terror Trends on WKIP

NewsRadio 1450/1370 WKIP March 7, 2016

Profane hatred blossoms on campus

Washington Times February 28, 2016

Steve Emerson on Fox Business Channel with Stuart Varney

Interview on Fox Business Network February 25, 2016

Georgetown's Nathan Lean Says Everything by Saying Nothing

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 24, 2016

Anti-Israel Protester Threatens Palestinian Activist During College Lecture

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 22, 2016

Emerson: Obama's Mosque Speech Sounded Like Muslim Brotherhood Script

Mike Siegel Show February 3, 2016

Obama's Dubious Mosque Choice

IPT News February 2, 2016

Former Intelligence Chairman Warns 'Stealth Jihad' Is Moving Through The West

Daily Caller January 17, 2016

"Ikhwan-101" – Georgetown Profs Team Up With Suspected MB Front

IPT News January 7, 2016

Hoekstra: Strong U.S. Alliance With Saudi Arabia Will Endure

Interview on RT January 6, 2016

Hoekstra: New Spying Scandal Biggest of Obama's Presidency

(1 comment)
Newsmax Prime with J.D. Hayworth December 31, 2015

IPT's 20th Anniversary

December 24, 2015

IPT's Hoekstra Rebuts Al Jazeera Talking Points

Interview on Al Jazeera America December 20, 2015

UK Investigation Prompts Visa Ban for Muslim Brotherhood Members

IPT News December 17, 2015

Emerson Tells Dennis Prager: U.S. Alone Remains Afraid of Discussing Islamic Terrorism

Dennis Prager Show December 7, 2015

Hoekstra: Better Intelligence Requires Better Whistle-Blower Protection

WJR-AM, Detroit December 2, 2015

Hoekstra on NewsmaxTV: American Concerns About Terror Threats Well Grounded

NewsmaxTV November 30, 2015

IPT's Pete Hoekstra on CNN: We Are Approaching War

CNN November 20, 2015

Hoekstra: U.S. Needs to Arm, Support Kurds in ISIS Fight

KRSO radio November 18, 2015

Hoekstra: We Must Recognize Radical Islam to Defeat It

Sirius XM POTUS Channel Morning Briefing with Tim Farley November 18, 2015

Hoekstra: Properly Vetting Refugees From a Failed State Like Syria Near Impossible

Newsmax Prime with J.D. Hayworth November 17, 2015

Hoekstra: Vetting Syrian Refugees Poses Unparalleled Challenges

Rick Jensen radio show, WDEL November 17, 2015

Hoekstra Talks Failing U.S. Policy Toward Defeating ISIS

(1 comment)
Lars Larson radio show November 16, 2015

Sharyl Attkisson interviews Steve Emerson on how the Arab Spring created an ideal environment for terrorism to grow and thrive

(1 comment)
Full Measure November 15, 2015

Hoekstra Responds to 'Bizarre' White House Attack on "Architects of Disaster"

NewsmaxTV November 12, 2015

Hoekstra: Declaration of War Against ISIS Would Clarify Enemy, How to Defeat It

NewsmaxTV November 11, 2015

IPT's Pete Hoekstra Talks Politics and Terror with Geraldo Rivera

ABC Radio November 5, 2015

IPT's Pete Hoekstra interviewed on Possible ISIS bombing of Russian Plane

(1 comment)
Newsmax November 4, 2015

Pete Hoekstra at The Heritage Foundation discussing his new book 'Architects of Disaster: The Destruction of Libya'

The Heritage Foundation November 2, 2015

IPT's Pete Hoekstra on Fox Business Network 'Varney & Co.' discussing 'Architects of Disaster.'

Interview on Fox Business Network October 21, 2015

Pete Hoekstra on Sharyl Attkisson's Full Measure discussing his new book 'Architects of Disaster: The Destruction of Libya'

Full Measure October 18, 2015

Iranian Officials Ratchet Up Genocidal Anti-Israel Rhetoric After Nuclear Deal

(1 comment)
IPT News August 18, 2015

Glazov Gang: Steve Emerson on "Obama vs. US Victims of Palestinian Terror?

The Glazov Gang August 7, 2015

Palestinian Summer Camps Preach Jihad and Train Youth to Become Terrorists

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 30, 2015

IPT Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra at the Stop Iran Rally in Times Square, NYC

IPT News July 22, 2015

IPT Executive Director Steven Emerson at the Stop Iran Rally in Times Square, NYC

IPT News July 22, 2015

IPT Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra and Amb. James Woolsey break down the Iran nuclear agreement

(1 comment)
NewsmaxTV July 14, 2015

Rasmea Odeh Appeal has fundamental inconsistency

Legal Insurrection June 22, 2015

Islamists Continue to Push the Wrong Questions in Boston Shooting

(1 comment)
IPT News June 4, 2015

Hamas-Loving Canadian Islamist Baffled by Suspension

IPT News May 20, 2015

New Details From Israeli Intelligence on Planned Hamas Mega Attack in Gaza War

IPT News May 1, 2015

Free Speech Losing to Campus Thought Police

IPT News April 17, 2015

Documentary Exposes Hamas Indoctrination, Training of Child Soldiers

IPT News March 25, 2015

IPT Shillman Fellow Hoekstra: Don't allow friction between Obama-Netanyahu to distract from Iranian threat

Interview on SiriusXM POTUS March 23, 2015

IPT Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra on SiriusXM POTUS: Get U.S. allies equipment, training to defeat ISIS

Interview on SiriusXM POTUS February 18, 2015

Blind Hate Drives Islamists to Absurdity

IPT News February 17, 2015

Al-Arian Saves One Last Lie for the Road

IPT News February 5, 2015

Islamist Panel Approaches Self-Parody in Hebdo/Radicalization Talk

IPT News January 23, 2015

IPT Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra on SiriusXM POTUS: Defeating the root causes of radical Islamism

(1 comment)
Interview on SiriusXM POTUS January 15, 2015

IPT Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra: Western leaders refuse to address enduring threat from radical Islam

Interview on Sun News Canada January 12, 2015

Emerson with Judge Pirro: No-Go Islamic Zones and Western Self-Denial

Interview on Fox News January 11, 2015

Emerson on Fox's Hannity: "No Go Zones and Sharia Courts…Europe is Finished."

Interview on Fox News January 7, 2015

Will we ever learn? Obama White House can't admit Paris attacks 'Islamic terrorism'

Fox January 7, 2015

Emerson on Fox News: Our Shameful Refusal to Call the Paris Attacks Islamic Terrorism

Interview on Fox News January 7, 2015

Emerson on Fox with Judge Jeanine: "We're embracing [Muslim Brotherhood] front groups…."

Interview on Fox News January 4, 2015

Emerson on Fox and Friends: US Vulnerability to Lone Wolf Islamic Terrorists

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News Channel December 16, 2014

IPT Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra On Fox Business: Sydney Islamist Terrorist been on Radar since 2007

Interview on Fox Business Network December 15, 2014

Emerson on Fox News on Australian Terrorist; Breaking News on his website

Interview on Fox News December 15, 2014

Judge Pirro interviews Emerson on hostage taking, Administration rescue efforts and Al Qaeda-ISIS competition

(1 comment)
December 6, 2014

Emerson on ISIS in Canada, restrictions on RCMP, and the mother of all Islamic terrorist groups; Muslim Brotherhood

December 5, 2014

Days Before UAE Terror Designation, CAIR Awards PIJ Board Member

IPT News November 20, 2014

Spinning a Terrorist Into a Victim – Part 6 – The Spin Strategy Unravels

IPT News November 14, 2014

Spinning a Terrorist Into a Victim - Part 5 - A Spin Strategy Larger Than Rasmieh Odeh Herself

IPT News October 31, 2014

Spinning a Terrorist Into a Victim - Part 4 - Rasmieh Odeh's Changing Story

IPT News October 30, 2014

Spinning a Terrorist Into a Victim - Part 3 - Rasmieh Odeh's Path From Terrorist to American Citizen

(1 comment)
IPT News October 29, 2014

Spinning a Terrorist Into a Victim - Part 2 - Rasmieh Odeh's Victims

(1 comment)
IPT News October 28, 2014

Spinning a Terrorist Into a Victim - Part 1 - Who is Rasmieh Odeh?

IPT News October 27, 2014

Emerson on Fox News America's Newsroom - Open Societies and Stopping Terrorism

Interview on Fox News October 23, 2014

Emerson on Fox News Hannity discussing the rise of radical Islam

Interview on Fox News October 22, 2014

Death and Terror in Ottawa

IPT News October 22, 2014

Emerson on Sun News Canada Byline with Brian Lilley discussing Lone Wolf Terrorists

Interview on Sun News Canada October 22, 2014

Emerson on Fox Business with Neil Cavuto - Counter Terrorist Slogans or Policies?

Interview on Fox Business Network October 21, 2014

Emerson with Judge Pirro on U.S. Counter-Terrorism Strategy

Interview on Fox News October 11, 2014

Emerson on Fox News - Justice with Judge Jeanine: The Jihadists in Oklahoma and the Obama Administration's Blinders on Islamic Extremism

Interview on Fox News September 28, 2014

Emerson on Fox News: The New Global Jihad and the Threat against the US

Interview on Fox News September 27, 2014

IPT's John Rossomando on NewsmaxTV Mid-Point discussing the domestic terror threat

Interview on NewsmaxTV September 18, 2014

Emerson on CNBC Discussing Terror Threats to West by Jihadi Veterans

Interview on CNBC September 18, 2014

Emerson on the Disappearing ISIS Coalition with Fox's Judge Pirro

Interview on Fox News September 14, 2014

Emerson on Fox with Judge Pirro on How the US is Manipulating the Truth on Radical Islam

Interview on Fox News September 13, 2014

IPT's John Rossomando on NewsmaxTV Mid-Point discussing the Islamic State

Interview on NewsmaxTV September 12, 2014

Emerson on Fox News - Justice with Judge Jeanine

Interview on Fox News September 6, 2014

Hamas Admits Deporting Foreign Journalists Who Filmed Rocket Launches

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 15, 2014

Hamas, Fatah Military Wings Produce Rockets, Threaten Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 14, 2014

CAIR's Identity Crisis: Defending Civil Rights or the Palestinian (Hamas) Struggle?

IPT News August 11, 2014

Emerson on Fox News - Justice with Judge Jeanine

Interview on Fox News August 10, 2014

Fox's Judge Jeanine Interviews Emerson: Hamas Gets Away With Murder

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News August 2, 2014

Emerson on Fox: The Obama Administration, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood

Interview on Fox News August 1, 2014

MB Cleric Qaradawi Still Loving Hamas and Hating Jews

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 31, 2014

IDF Finds Hamas Training Manual; Hospitals Used as Terrorist Bases

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 29, 2014

CAIR-Affiliated Protest: "We Are Hamas!"

(1 comment) July 25, 2014

9/11 Museum Film's Critic Says Jews Killed Jesus

IPT News May 14, 2014

Imam Pushing to Sanitize 9/11 Museum's Al-Qaida Film Slurs Jews

IPT News May 7, 2014

Great Idea, Ibrahim Hooper!

IPT News April 18, 2014

IPT Senior Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra Interviewed on NSA Spying

BlazeTV April 3, 2014

IPT Exclusive: An Al Jazeera Anchor's Bloody Call

IPT News February 25, 2014

IPT Video Report: NYC Pro-Morsi Rally Blasts Saudis as "Dirtier Than Jews"

(1 comment)
IPT News February 13, 2014

Syrian Emergency Taskforce Head Urges Support for Islamic Front

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 20, 2013

Steve Emerson interviewed on Sun News - Canadians leaving for Jihad

Sun News Canada November 20, 2013

CAIR's Ayloush Gives Dishonest, Bullying Answer to Hamas Question

IPT News November 18, 2013

Steven Emerson interviewed on Fox News discussing the theatrical release of our latest film Jihad in America: the Grand Deception

Interview on Fox News October 21, 2013

Coptic Leaders Condemn Obama Adviser's Anti-Coptic Tweets

IPT News October 11, 2013

Radical Imagery at NY Muslim Day Parade

IPT News September 24, 2013

John Rossomando on Sun News - Somali Militants Behind attack in Kenya

Sun News Canada September 23, 2013

Steven Emerson interviewed on Fox News with Sean Hannity on the terrorist attack on the Kenyan Mall

Fox News Channel September 23, 2013

Princeton Professor Embraces 9/11 Conspiracy Movement

IPT News September 12, 2013

Stigmatizing Their Critics - An IPT Video Report

IPT News August 28, 2013

Christian and Muslim Egyptians Protest Obama Policies at White House

IPT News August 23, 2013

Muslim Brotherhood Burns Churches, Scapegoats Christians Following Crackdown

IPT News August 14, 2013

IPT Video Report: Washington's Muslim Brotherhood Rally

IPT News August 12, 2013

Rally Organizers Deny Ties with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood

(1 comment)
IPT News August 9, 2013

IPT EXCLUSIVE: Pro-Morsi Rally in D.C. A Grand Deception

(1 comment)
IPT News July 11, 2013

Emerson on Fox Business with Neil Cavuto discussing the upcoming US negotiations with the Taliban

(1 comment)
Fox Business Network June 20, 2013

Steve Emerson on FoxNews with Megyn Kelly Discussing the Boston Bombing

Fox News Channel April 20, 2013

Steve Emerson on Fox Business with Lou Dobbs Discussing the Boston Bombing

Fox Business Channel April 19, 2013

Steve Emerson on Fox Business with Neil Cavuto Discussing the Boston Bombing

Fox Business Channel April 18, 2013

Steve Emerson on the Katie Couric Show

(1 comment)
April 16, 2013

Steve Emerson on C-SPAN's Washington Journal

April 16, 2013

Steve Emerson on Fox News with Megyn Kelly

(1 comment)
April 16, 2013

Emerson on Fox News with Megyn Kelly Discussing the expose by the IPT revealing Saudi Arabia's Unprecedented Role in Vetting Visa Applicants to the U.S.

Fox News Channel March 20, 2013

Coptic Activist: U.S. Needs to Stand for Freedom in Egypt

(1 comment)
IPT News February 28, 2013

CAIR's Walid: Silent on Jihad, Sows Fear of Law Enforcement

IPT News February 22, 2013

Steve Emerson on Fox Business with Lou Dobbs Discussing New Documentary Jihad in America: The Grand Deception

January 10, 2013

Fox News Showcases Emerson's New Documentary "Jihad in America: The Grand Deception"

January 4, 2013

Press TV's Obscene Anti-Semitism

IPT News December 19, 2012

The Obama Administration's PR Campaign for Morsi and the MB

IPT News November 29, 2012

Video: Following Gaza's Ceasefire, Cleveland Rally Calls For the Destruction of Israel

IPT News November 26, 2012

Obama Supporters: President's Re-election Means 'No More Israel'

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 8, 2012

John Rossomando interviewed on Sun News with Michael Coren on 'A Red Carpet for Radicals at the White House'

Sun News Canada October 25, 2012

Jihad in America: Grand Deception - Discussion Panel Webcast

(10 comments) October 25, 2012

A Red Carpet for Radicals at the White House

IPT News October 21, 2012

Al-Marayati's Dangerous "Diplomatic" Ideas

IPT News October 11, 2012

Emerson interviewed on Fox News about the growing anti U.S. sentiment in the Middle East

Interview on Fox News Channel September 23, 2012

Steve Emerson on Sun News Network with Michael Coren - Political correctness has damaged all aspects of life

September 17, 2012

CAIR's Next Generation Radical

(1 comment)
IPT News August 29, 2012

Israel, America Bashed at Iranian-Inspired DC Rally

IPT News August 20, 2012

Emerson interviewed by Canadian Anchor Michael Coren on Dire Developments in Egypt by Muslim Brotherhood

(1 comment)
Interview on Sun News Canada August 14, 2012

Ex Brotherhood Official Showcases Islamist Doublespeak

IPT News August 10, 2012

Our Government and the Muslim Brotherhood

August 9, 2012

ICNA Embraces America's Favorite Salafi Preacher

IPT News August 1, 2012

Michael Coren interviews Steve Emerson on the Muslim Brotherhood and Stealth Jihad

Sun News - Canada June 29, 2012

Little Movement in Latest Radicalization Hearing

IPT News June 20, 2012

Dawud Walid, the Quran and Jews

IPT News June 4, 2012

Emerson on Fox News discussing cyber warfare on Iranian nuclear facilities

Fox News Channel June 1, 2012

Emerson on Fox 5 discussing the death of the Lockerbie bomber

Fox 5 - WTTG May 20, 2012

"Nakba Day" Fizzles

(1 comment)
IPT News May 18, 2012

Malik Ali Brings the Crazy to Irvine Speech

IPT News May 17, 2012

Jamal Badawi: Enduring Link to ISNA's Radical Past

IPT News May 8, 2012

ICNA Relief Promotes Jihad Donations

(1 comment)
IPT News May 2, 2012

The New York Times Collaborates with Hamas Front Group to Suppress the Truth

IPT News January 25, 2012

Raising Money for "Lady Al-Qaida"

(1 comment)
IPT News December 19, 2011

Excerpt from Committee to Stop FBI Repression Press Conference

(1 comment)
December 15, 2011

Conspiracies, Terrorist Defense Videoed at Anti NYPD Rally

(1 comment)
IPT News December 1, 2011

Steven Emerson on C-SPAN - Washington Journal

(1 comment)
C-SPAN November 25, 2011

Excerpt from 'Islamist Radicalization: Myth or Reality?'

November 17, 2011

Michael Coren with Steve Emerson: Jihad In America

Sun News - Canada November 9, 2011

Emerson on CNBC discussing the Current Terror Threat

Interview on CNBC September 9, 2011

Emerson Interviewed on Fox News on Current Terror Threat

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News September 9, 2011

Emerson on Fox Business Discusses Center for American Progress Report

(1 comment)
Fox Business Channel August 30, 2011

The World According to Amir Mertaban

(1 comment)
IPT News June 1, 2011

IPT's Ari Sasson on Indian Television Debates Former Pakistani Interior Minister

Interview on Times on India May 10, 2011

Locker on Fox News Discusses the bin Laden Intelligence Haul

Interview on Fox News May 10, 2011

CAIR's Great FBI Scare Lecture

IPT News May 10, 2011

Locker on Canadian Television Discussing Pakistani Intelligence

Interview on Sun News Canada May 9, 2011

Orange County's Misguided Award

IPT News April 21, 2011

Keith Ellison's Slurs

IPT News April 13, 2011

Emerson on Fox News discussing Durbin's relationship with Radical Islamic Groups

Interview on Fox News March 29, 2011

Compelling Testimony, Political Theater at Radicalization Hearing

IPT News March 10, 2011

Locker interviewed on WUSA9 on King Hearings

Interview on WUSA March 10, 2011

Bylaws Disappear from Brotherhood's English-language Site

IPT News February 28, 2011

Emerson on Fox News Discussing Nidal Hasan's Prosecution

Fox News February 12, 2011

FBI Chief: Muslim Brotherhood Supports Terrorism

IPT News February 10, 2011

Yemen's Rising Prominence

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 19, 2011

Emerson on Fox News discussing current U.S. vulnerabilities to terrorist attacks

Interview on Fox News December 27, 2010

Emerson on CSPAN discussing Islamic terrorism in the United States

Interview on CSPAN December 27, 2010

EMERSON on CBS Early Show Discusses Terrorist Threats Faced by U.S.

(1 comment)
Interview on CBS Early Show December 24, 2010

Virginia Imam's Long Radical Record

IPT News November 4, 2010

Cargo Bomb Maker Discovered

IPT News November 1, 2010

Steve Emerson on Fox News Discussing Latest Homegrown Terror Plots

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News October 28, 2010

Steve Emerson on MSNBC discussing Imminent Islamic Terrorist Threat in Europe

Interview on MSNBC October 2, 2010

Moderate Muslims Speak Out on Capitol Hill

IPT News October 1, 2010

IPT Testifies on Trends in Terror Financing

IPT News September 30, 2010

Fox Showcases IPT Story on Rauf's "9/11 Truther" Partner

(1 comment)
Fox News September 14, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque Group Includes 9/11 Denier

IPT News September 13, 2010

IPT's Ray Locker on Fox News discussing questions surrounding the Ground Zero Mosque's financing

Interview on Fox News September 4, 2010

Another Islamist Rally for Hate in D.C.

IPT News September 4, 2010

New Questions for Imam Rauf

Fox News September 1, 2010

Emerson on Fox News Discussing the Growing Threat of al-Qaida's Affiliate Groups

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News August 28, 2010

Emerson on MSNBC Discussing Islamic Terrorist Groups

(1 comment)
Interview on MSNBC August 25, 2010

Rauf Lecture Reveals Radicalism

IPT News August 23, 2010

Ray Locker on WUSA-9 Discussing The Escalating Homegrown Terror Threat

Interview on WUSA-9 August 20, 2010

MAS Ducks IPT Questions

(1 comment)
IPT News August 17, 2010

Emerson on CNN discussing Homegrown Youth Radicalization

Interview on CNN August 9, 2010

Awlaki's U.S. Sermons Foreshadow Role as Terrorist Mentor

(1 comment)
IPT News July 26, 2010

Emerson on CNN discussing Al Qaeda's New Magazine

Interview on CNN July 20, 2010

Emerson on Fox News Discusses Mosque Controversies

Interview on Fox News July 2, 2010

Mansur: Ignoring Muslim-on-Muslim Violence Undercuts U.S. Interests

IPT News June 15, 2010

Mahdi Bray's Slippery Evasions

IPT News June 10, 2010

Law Enforcement Fears Shabaab Infiltration

IPT News June 4, 2010

Malik Ali: Supports Hamas and Hizballah Over "New Nazis"

IPT News May 13, 2010

Full Audio of Keith Ellison's Remarks at Esam Omeish Fundraiser

IPT News March 23, 2010

Who is Jihad Jamie?

(1 comment)
Interview on MSNBC March 15, 2010

Homegrown Terror: Arrests Raise Concerns of Radicalized Muslims

Interview on Fox News March 13, 2010

Threat of Homegrown Terrorism

(1 comment)
Interview on C-SPAN March 12, 2010

Who is Jihad Jane?

Interview on MSNBC March 10, 2010

PA Woman Charged with Recruiting Jihadists Killers Online

Interview on Fox News March 10, 2010

Excerpt from 'The Siege Continues, The Struggle Goes on: The Honorable George Galloway'

January 31, 2010

House Homeland Security Hearing on Christmas Day 2009 Bombing Attempt

January 28, 2010

Did Botched Terror Try Reveal Others in the Works?

MSNBC January 2, 2010

Terror Probe: How Many Warning Signs Were Missed?

MSNBC January 2, 2010

Officials Looking at Suspect's Ties with Radical Cleric Al-Awlaki

MSNBC January 1, 2010

Retracing Terror Suspect's Steps

Interview on MSNBC December 31, 2009

Report of Second Airline Bombing Attempt

Interview on Fox News December 30, 2009

Former Gitmo Detainees Behind Plot?

Interview on MSNBC December 30, 2009

Systemic Failure

Interview on The Early Show on CBS December 30, 2009

Will Smart Screening Aid Airports Against Terrorists?

(1 comment)
Interview on World News on ABC December 30, 2009

Al Qaeda Regional Group Claims Responsibility for Plane Plot

Interview on Fox News December 30, 2009

The Yemen Factor

Interview on CNN December 30, 2009

Is it Time to Start Profiling Airline Passengers?

Interview on Fox News December 29, 2009

Should Airports Use "Smart Screening"?

Interview on Good Morning America December 29, 2009

Al Qaeda Taking Advantage of Instability in Yemen

Interview on MSNBC December 28, 2009

Terror Suspect: Warning Signs Missed?

Interview on MSNBC December 27, 2009

Alleged Terrorist Attack on Passenger Jet

Interview on MSNBC December 26, 2009

Terrorist Attack Thwarted

Interview on Fox News December 26, 2009

Radical Imam Believed Dead in Yemen Airstrike

Interview on Fox News December 24, 2009

George Galloway in Jordan speaking on behalf of Viva Palestina

December 23, 2009

Five Men from DC-Area Detained in Pakistan

Interview on WTTG December 10, 2009

Pakistan Detains 5 Americans in Raid Tied to Militants

Interview on FOX News December 10, 2009

Five Men Found in Pakistan

Interview on WUSA December 10, 2009

The Threat of Homegrown Terrorism

C-SPAN November 29, 2009

Hasan Attorney: No Guilty Plea But May Use Insanity Defense

Interview on Fox News November 23, 2009

Terror Trials in the U.S.

Interview on MSNBC November 15, 2009

Who is Khalid Sheik Mohammed?

(1 comment)
Interview on MSNBC November 15, 2009

President Obama Orders Intelligence Review of Accused Fort Hood Killer

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News November 12, 2009

Could the FBI have Prevented the Fort Hood Attack?

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News November 11, 2009

FBI Investigating Possible Terror Ties of Fort Hood Suspect

Interview on Fox News November 9, 2009

IPT Executive Director Steven Emerson on the Fort Hood Attacks

IPT News November 6, 2009

Muslim Radical Slaying Victim Has Ties To Atlanta

WSB TV October 30, 2009

Jasser Challenges Congressman on Reform's Value

IPT News October 2, 2009

NY Terror Suspect Enters Not Guilty Plea

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News September 29, 2009

Uptick in Domestic Terror?

Interview on CNBC September 25, 2009

Al-Quds Day – Celebrating Hate and Supporting Terror

IPT News September 23, 2009

FBI: Investigating Several Other Suspects in U.S. & Pakistan

Interview on FOX News September 23, 2009

Al-Quds Day Rally: Washington, D.C.

September 18, 2009

Terror Arrests on the Rise

Interview on CNN July 29, 2009

Americans Planning Jihad?

Interview on CNN July 28, 2009

Hizb ut-Tahrir: Constitution Will Lose

IPT News July 19, 2009

Hizb ut-Tahrir: Spread Islam or Die Trying

IPT News July 19, 2009

Emerson on Fox News: Jihadi Convention in Chicago?

(1 comment)
Interview on FOX News July 17, 2009

Select Quotes from Historic 1994 Hizb ut-Tahrir Rally in London's Wembley Arena

July 17, 2009

Internet Video Threat Surfaces

Interview on FOX News July 10, 2009

Warith Deen Umar: Homosexuality and Hurricane Katrina

July 5, 2009

Warith Deen Umar: "There Should be More Jihad"

July 5, 2009

Warith Deen Umar: Jewish "Tricks"

July 5, 2009

Warith Deen Umar: Jews "Have Control of the World"

July 5, 2009

U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf: Who is CAIR?

June 12, 2009

Are Homegrown Terrorists More Dangerous than al Qaeda?

Interview on CNN June 10, 2009

Emerson on Fox News: How Real is the Threat of Homegrown Terror in the US?

Fox News - Red Eye June 10, 2009

Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee - surveillance at the Capitol

June 5, 2009

Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee - Pentagon night surveillance

June 5, 2009

Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee - Pentagon surveillance video

June 5, 2009

Obama's Message To Muslims

Interview on MSNBC June 4, 2009

New Osama Bin Laden Recording Slams President Obama's Mideast Trip

Interview on MSNBC June 3, 2009

Detailed List of Sensitive Nuclear Sites Mistakenly Posted Online

Interview on MSNBC June 3, 2009

New Bin Laden Recording Accuses Obama of Planting Seeds of Hatred Across America

Interview on MSNBC June 3, 2009

Emerson on Fox News: Law Enforcement Focuses on Threat of Homegrown Terrorism

(1 comment)
Fox News May 25, 2009

Emerson on MSNBC: Gitmo Effect - More Terror?

Interview on MSNBC May 23, 2009

Emerson on CNN: Obama vs. Cheney

CNN: Campbell Brown, No Bias, No Bull May 22, 2009

9/11 Aerial Slideshow

May 15, 2009

Excerpt from the CAIR-New York Annual Banquet & Fundraiser

May 9, 2009

CAIR-NY's 2009 'Safe While Free' Award

May 9, 2009

Cyberspies Threatening U.S.?

Interview on MSNBC April 8, 2009

Mahdi Bray: A Sampler

(1 comment)
March 26, 2009

Al-Jowari to be Released from Prison

Interview on FOX 5 News February 1, 2009

U.S. Official: Bin Laden Video Tape is Authentic

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News January 14, 2009

New Audio Tape Purportedly from Osama bin Laden Released This Morning

Interview on MSNBC January 14, 2009

Gaza War Protests or Pro-Hamas Hate Rallies?

IPT News January 14, 2009

Pro-HAMAS Rallies Billed as "Anti War" Protests

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News January 9, 2009

Is The Media Fair In Its Portrayal Of The Israeli-Hamas Conflict?

Interview on Fox News January 7, 2009

Digging Deeper Into the HLF Trial

IPT News November 25, 2008

Malik Ali at UC-Irvine: Obama a "Deception"

November 19, 2008

HLF Jury Schooled on Hamas Terror

(1 comment)
IPT News September 23, 2008

Terrorism Attacks on Yemen: Is Al Qaeda trying to influence the election while everyone is so focused on the economy?

(1 comment)
FOX 5 News September 17, 2008

9/11: Seven Years Later

CNBC September 11, 2008

Al Qaeda Website Posts Call To Attack Water Supply

Fox News August 19, 2008

Former Presidential Candidate Mike Gravel Advocates Stalking Federal Prosecutor on Al-Arian Case

(1 comment)
Fox News August 5, 2008

Ex Presidential Candidate Advocates Stalking Prosecutor

IPT News August 5, 2008

Jihadi Group to Run Ad on Subways in New York

(1 comment)
Fox News July 21, 2008

The First Detainees at Gitmo Charged with War Crimes Go on Trial

Fox News July 20, 2008

Israeli Military Held Large-scale Excercise in May

Fox News June 20, 2008

Al-Asi Reaffirms Views on Suicide Bombing

May 12, 2008

How real is the threat of homegrown terror in the US?

Fox News March 29, 2008

Al Qaeda 2.0

Fox News March 27, 2008

Al-Qaeda Recruiting Videos Show Boys in Terror Training

(1 comment)
Fox News February 6, 2008

Are Islamist Groups Trying to Influence the White House Race?

Fox News January 16, 2008

Expert on Radical Islam Fired from Pentagon

Fox News January 11, 2008

Holy Land Foundation Juror Breaks Her Silence

Fox News December 20, 2007

Williams Interview

December 10, 2007


(1 comment)
IPT News December 10, 2007

Chavez Still a Threat Despite Referendum Defeat

Fox News December 3, 2007

The Point: Is U.S. Next for Violent Protests?

CNN Headline - Glenn Beck November 28, 2007

Ohio No Stranger to Radical Islam

CBN News October 22, 2007

Mistrial declared for 5 of 6 in Holy Land Foundation Trial

Fox News October 22, 2007

U.S. Weighs Options on Iran After Israeli Strike on Syria

MSNBC October 15, 2007

Tensions from Israeli Strike on Syrian Nuke Site

MSNBC October 15, 2007

Al Qaeda intensifying efforts to get operatives within U.S. borders

MSNBC October 14, 2007

White House Predicts Al-Qaeda Wants to Send Terrorists Here

MSNBC October 13, 2007

HAMAS Teaching Kids to Kill

Fox News October 12, 2007

Hamas Indoctrinates Children…Again

IPT News October 4, 2007

"Controversial Muslim Resigns from Virginia Commission"

Fox News September 27, 2007

BREAKING NEWS: Jury Deliberations to Begin in HLF Trial

IPT News September 19, 2007

Tale of the Tape

CNN Headline September 10, 2007

Homeland Security Chief: We Are Unequivocally Safer Post 9/11

MSNBC September 6, 2007

Suspects Allegedly Belong to Cell of Islamic Jihad Group

Fox News September 6, 2007

"Terror Handbook Gives Advice on How to Form Jihad Cells"

Fox News August 31, 2007

"Two Florida Students Indicted on Explosives Charges"

MSNBC August 31, 2007

"Concerns Raised Over D.O.J. Sponsorship of Islamic Convention"

Fox News August 29, 2007

"Jose Padilla"

MSNBC August 16, 2007

Qatanani on Greater Syria

August 3, 2007

Imam Qatanani prays for HLF defendants

July 27, 2007

"Holy Land Foundation Trial"

Fox News July 18, 2007

"Resurgence of Al-Qaeda"

Fox News July 16, 2007

"U.K. Attempted Car Bombings"

CNN Headline - Glenn Beck July 6, 2007


Fox News June 17, 2007

Qatanani: Followers of Jesus, Hypocrites Condemned to Hellfire

June 8, 2007

"JFK Terror Plot"

NBC June 4, 2007

"Adam Gadahn Video"

CNN Headline - Glenn Beck May 30, 2007

"New Poll on U.S. Muslim Youth"

CNBC May 23, 2007

"Ties Between Al-Qaeda and Iran"

CNN Headline - Glenn Beck May 22, 2007

"Fort Dix Islamist Terrorist Plot"

MSNBC May 12, 2007

"Muslim-American Society: American Friend or Foe?"

Fox News April 15, 2007

MSA's Mertaban on Bin Laden

April 13, 2007

MSA's Mertaban on Sadr

April 13, 2007

"Muslim Brotherhood at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and Al-Sadr's Threat"

Fox News April 9, 2007

"New Textbook Reportedly Teaching Palestinian Children to Fight Israel"

Fox News April 4, 2007

"Hamas TV Showing 4 Year Old Girl Vowing Suicide Bombing"

Fox News March 23, 2007

"The Truth About CAIR"

Fox News March 14, 2007

Malik Ali: Redefining Terrorism

(1 comment)
March 3, 2007

Ayloush: Saddam Trial Illegitimate and Unjust

(1 comment)
January 5, 2007

"Omar Shaheen"

CNBC December 1, 2006

Ashraf Ismail: Islam to be preeminent

September 23, 2006

"Tunnel Terror: Are We Safe?"

CNN August 11, 2006

"Terror Threat on Transit Systems"

NBC August 11, 2006

"The Playboy Terrorist"

MSNBC July 10, 2006

"Terror Arrests: Plot to Attack Buildings"

NBC June 23, 2006

CAIR's Ayloush and Genocide

June 21, 2006

"Terrorism out of Canada"

MSNBC June 5, 2006

"Jihadists in New York"

Fox News April 24, 2006

Islamic Thinkers Society in NYC

(1 comment)
April 20, 2006

"Guilty of Conspiracy: Sami Al-Arian"

Fox News April 17, 2006

"A Free Pass to Radical Islam"

MSNBC March 15, 2006

MPAC's Maher Hathout on Al-Arian

March 12, 2006

"Is Bush Safe in Pakistan?"

NBC March 3, 2006

Parvez Ahmed, "Religious and Political Perspectives on the Cartoon Controversy", National Press Club

February 16, 2006

"Al Qaeda Speaks"

Fox News January 21, 2006

Hamud's Conspiracy Theories at CAIR

August 18, 2005

Hamud at CAIR on suicide bombings

August 18, 2005

Al Marayati Speaks Against FBI Informants

July 1, 2005

Dirty Kuffar Music Video

June 21, 2005

Islamic Thinkers Society desecrates flag

June 8, 2005

Al-Asi on Terrorism

May 18, 2005

Training Imams in Europe: Italy Chooses the Wrong Partner

Counterterrorism Blog May 17, 2005

N.Y. Muslim Police Chaplain: White House = Terrorists

April 15, 2005

Johari: Islam will be USA's First Religion

(1 comment)
November 12, 2004

CAIR's Bedier Won't Condemn PIJ

May 27, 2004

Children Reenacting Berg Beheading

May 12, 2004

Warith Deen Umar: "Be prepared to kill"

January 10, 2004

Warith Deen Umar on Terror

January 10, 2004

Imam Musa on Jihad

May 24, 2003

"Let them Burn"

December 26, 2002

Elsayed: Suicide Bombers are In-House Business

December 26, 2002

MWL's al-Turki on Suicide Bombings

July 8, 2002

Al-Muhajiroun Outside Indian Consulate in NYC

June 21, 2002

Imam Abdul Alim Musa on Suicide Bombers

June 8, 2002

Al-Asi: "We're going to use force"

May 15, 2002

Abdul Malik Ali at SF State, Part II

(1 comment)
April 9, 2002

Abdul Malik Ali at SF State, Part I

(1 comment)
April 9, 2002

Bakri Muhammad: Islam and Kufr at War

November 15, 2001

Musa defends cop-killer - threatens U.S.

September 9, 2001

Islamist Groups Condemn US Support for Israel

June 5, 2001

Al Muhajiroun demonstration in New York City

(1 comment)
April 28, 2001

Muhammad Al-Asi - Ghetto Jews

(1 comment)
February 21, 2001

Esam Omeish, Jerusalem Day Rally, 12-22-2000, Full Speech

December 22, 2000

Rasha El Dasuqi fundraising for arms

November 26, 2000

Musa Celebrates Martyrs

October 28, 2000

Muzzamil Siddiqui at Jerusalem Rally

(1 comment)
October 28, 2000

Hathout at Jerusalem Day Rally

October 28, 2000

Rally at Lafayette Park: Alamoudi

(1 comment)
October 28, 2000

Omeish congratulates those who give up their lives.

October 6, 2000

Nihad Awad, Al Awda Rally, NYC

September 16, 2000

Issa Nakhleh, IAP

November 26, 1999

Ghoneim: No to the Jews

May 24, 1998

Alamoudi: "You can be violent anywhere else..

December 28, 1996

HIzballah Recruitment Video

April 1, 1996

Hizballah Graduation Video

April 1, 1996

CAIR's Awad: In support of the Hamas Movement

March 22, 1994

Catovic: The Caliphate is our goal

December 25, 1992

Kamal Helbawy - MAYA-IAP 1992

December 1992

Siraj Wahhaj - Muslim Community Building in America - excerpt

IPT News October 1992

Siraj Wahhaj - The Muslim Agenda in the New World Order - Dallas, TX excerpt

IPT News November 15, 1991

Fawaz Damra on Jews: Sons of Monkeys and Pigs

September 29, 1991

Al-Arian: "Allah Turned the Jews into Monkeys and Pigs"

September 29, 1991

Al-Arian: "Victory to Islam, Death to Israel"

September 29, 1991

Al-Arian: "Let us damn America"

April 7, 1991

Al-Arian's "Active Arm"

(1 comment)
April 7, 1991

Fawaz Damra Fundraising for Jihad

April 7, 1991