Elbarasse Search-32 Video F

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Video Recording

003-0074 Video F

Group: There is no God but God.
UM: Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
Group: Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
UM: Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
Group: Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
UM: Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
Group: Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
UM: In the Name of God, God is Most Great.
Group: In the Name of God, God is Most Great.
UM: In the name of God, Kaiber has come.
Group: In the name of God,Khaiber has come.
UM: In the Name of God, God is Most Great.
Group: In the Name of God, God is Most Great.
UM: In the name of God, Khaiber has come.
Group: In the name of God, Khaiber has come.
UM: Khaibar, Khaibar, O Jews.
Group: Khaibar, Khaibar, O Jews.
UM: The army of Muhammad will be back.
Group: The army of Muhammad will be back.
UM: Khaibar, Khaibar, O Jews.
Group: Khaibar, Khaibar, O Jews.
UM: The army of Muhammad will come back.
Group: The army of Muhammad will come back.
UM: O Jew, watch out, watch out.
Group: O Jew, watch out, watch out.
UM: O Jew, watch out, watch out.
Group: O Jew, watch out, watch out.
UM: O Jew, watch out, watch out.
Group: O Jew, watch out, watch out.
UM: Abdel Qader is one of us.
Group: Abdel Qader is one of us.
UM: Abdel Qader is one of us.
Group: Abdel Qader is one of us.
UM: Sheik Yasin is one of us.
Group: Sheik Yasin is one of us.
UM: O Jew, watch out, watch out.
Group: O Jew, watch out, watch out.
UM: Sheik Yasin is one of us.
Group: Sheik Yasin is one of us.

[Caption on the screen]
Sheik Ahmad Yasin
[End of caption].

UM: O Jew, O coward.
Group: O Jew, O coward.
UM: The Islamic people do not get humiliated.
Group: The Islamic people do not get humiliated.
UM: O Jew, O coward.
Group: O Jew, O coward.
UM: The Islamic people do not get humiliated.
Group: The Islamic people do not get humiliated.
UM: No matter how much time it takes.
Group: No matter how much time it takes.
UM: The Islamic people do not get humiliated.
Group: The Islamic people do not get humiliated.
UM: The Palestinian people say.
Group: The Palestinian people say.
UM: The peaceful solution is not acceptable.
Group: The peaceful solution is not acceptable.
UM: The Palestinian people say.
Group: The Palestinian people say.
UM: The peaceful solution is not acceptable.
Group: The peaceful solution is not acceptable.
UM: Not in any way, shape or form.
Group: Not in any way, shape or form.
UM: Not in any way, shape or form.
Group: Not in any way, shape or form.
UM: It is not acceptable; it is not acceptable.
Group: It is not acceptable; it is not acceptable.
UM: Shake, O ground, shake.
Group: Shake, O ground, shake.
UM: Shake, O ground, shake.
Group: Shake, O ground, shake.
UM: From Akko to Gaza.
Group: From Akko to Gaza.
UM: Shake, O ground, shake.
Group: Shake, O ground, shake.
UM: From Mecca to Gaza.
Group: From Mecca to Gaza.
UM: Shake, O ground, shake.
Group: Shake, O ground, shake.
UM: From our Jordan to Gaza.
Group: From our Jordan to Gaza.
UM: From our Jordan to Gaza.
Group: From our Jordan to Gaza.
UM: The Palestinian people say.
Group: The Palestinian people say.
UM: The peaceful solution is not acceptable.
Group: The peaceful solution is not acceptable.
UM: The peaceful solution is not acceptable.
Group: The peaceful solution is not acceptable.
UM: O, martyr, rejoice, rejoice.
Group: O, martyr, rejoice, rejoice.
UM: O, martyr, rejoice, rejoice.
Group: O, martyr, rejoice, rejoice.
UM: My God is promising you paradise.
Group: My God is promising you paradise
UM: My God is promising you paradise.
Group: My God is promising you paradise
UM: O, martyr, rejoice, rejoice.
Group: O, martyr, rejoice, rejoice.
UM: My God will provide for you in paradise.
Group: My God will provide for you in paradise
UM: No [UI] and no surrender.
Group: No [UI] and no surrender.
UM: No [UI] and no surrender

Group: No [UI] and no surrender.
UM: No [UI] and no surrender.
Group: No [UI] and no surrender.
um: No [UI] and it is not talk
Group: No [UI] and it is not talk.

Group: God is great.

[Caption on the screen]
I am from Hamas
[End of caption]

Munzir: I am from Hamas and have never cheered for
anyone else besides her.
I am from Hamas and have never cheered for anyone
else besides her, she is the way to reciprocate
the deceit of the attacker.
And she is the one which marches with the light
of Muhammad, and it is the one which marches with
the light of Muhammad, with the light of Muhammad
towards Jihad, towards Jihad, towards Jihad,
towards Jihad by its renewed determination.

[Caption on the screen]
A continuous revolution
[End of caption]

Chorus: I am from Hamas and have never cheered for
anyone else besides her. she is the way to
reciprocate the deceit of the attacker.
I am from Hamas and have never cheered for anyone
besides her, she is the way to reciprocate the
deceit of the attacker.

[Caption on the screen]
The Islamic Resistance Movement congratulates...[IL]
on their return
[End of caption]

Group: She is the way to reciprocate the deceit of the
She is the way to reciprocate the deceit of the
And she is the one which marches with the light
of Muhammad towards Jihad with its renewed
And she is the one who advances with the light
of Muhammad towards Jihad with its renewed
Towards Jihad with its renewed determination.
Towards Jihad with its renewed determination.
Towards Jihad with its renewed determination.
Towards Jihad with its renewed determination.
Towards Jihad with its renewed determination.
Fawaz: So, Hamas will not accept submission and
its humiliation.
It would be a shameful for her in the Sharia
of Ahmad.
And Hamas refuses peace with its enemies, and
her slogan is to forever fight the attacker.
