Select Quotes from Historic 1994 Hizb ut-Tahrir Rally in London's Wembley Arena

International Khilafa Conference

August 7, 1994
Wembley Arena
London, England

Omar Bakri Mohammed: "What do we want? (Crowd: Jihad!) What do we want? (Crowd: Jihad!) A man screams out: 'Fisa bil Allah' ('In the way of Allah' -meaning fighting) So we want jihad in the way of Allah for Bosnia, Palestine, Kashmir – is nobody disagree with that whenever anybody attack Muslim land, What do we want?" (Crowd: Jihad!) (video clip)

Abu Talha (Mohammed Malkawi): "We vow that we will accept nothing below Islam nothing less than Islam, and nothing else but Islam, and the full implementation of Islam, not only for us the Muslims, but for the entire world, because that's what the world needs today." (audio clip)

Sajjad Khan: "You see, what these examples show is that the Islamic system is the only system. I'm not presenting the Islamic system as one of the alternatives – or a alternative. This is a defeatist and apologetic approach. The Islamic system is the only alternative for mankind." (video clip)

Omar Bakri Mohammed: "We as Muslims, until now, we don't realize the serious position we are – we are supposed to rule the whole world; we are not supposed to rule only small part of the world. We support as Muslims to be the witnesses of the whole mankind, not, you know, by just by racism or by certain color or by certain nationality. By Islam." (audio clip)

Omar Bakri Mohammed: "Let us fight the enemy within ourselves. There is two type of enemy. There is intellectual one, which intellectual means enemy thoughts, means the kufr (disbelieving) concept among us. Mean democracy, freedom, you know, share the power, capitalism, communism, ism ism. We want ourselves to fight. We want to use the right name [meaning Islam]." (video clip)

Abu Talha: "And today the Ummah has come to realize that there is no solution for any of its problems but Islam. The Ummah has come to denounce all the tyrants of the world. They have come to denounce socialism, nationalism, democracy. It doesn't work. It simply is not working." (audio clip)

To read the IPT's investigation into the July 2009 Chicago conference of Hizb ut-Tahrir, please click here.
