George Galloway in Jordan speaking on behalf of Viva Palestina

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Video opens with George Galloway being hugged and kissed by well wishers in Jordan.

He then gives a comment to a news crew from Jordan TV.

Galloway: "Uh, we're, uh, we're overwhelmed with the support of the masses in Jordan, and we have been, actually all the journey. Especially from Greece, Turkey, Syria, Jordan. And we are uh praying that uh the same welcome in Egypt and that we can cross the border."

Next is a wide shot of the crowd gathered to hear Galloway speak.

The men standing near the podium are waving flags, including the flags of Hamas and of the Izz al Din al Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military wing.

Young men standing in the stage above the speakers' platform chant a taunt to Jews reminding them of a battle in 629 AD, and that they will be slaughtered again:

"Khaybar, Khaybar, ya Yahoud, jaish Muhammad sa yaoud"


"Khaybar, Khaybar, Oh Jews, The army of Muhammad will return"

After that, Galloway is seen speaking at the podium.

"In the name of Viva Palestina in Britain, in Ireland, in the United States of America and in Malaysia. In the name of the Perdana Global Foundation and it's leader Tun Doctor Mahathir Mohamad, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, (crowd - "Takbir! Allahu Akbar") And especially in the name of the Turkish Army of Erdugan, led by my comrades Fahame Bulent the leader of I.H.H. the great Turkish organization. I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart all those in Jordan who have welcomed us and sent us on our way on a magic carpet of love and affection all the way to Gaza."

Then, another comment from Galloway:

"It's time for the Arab world to stand up to its potential, to its history, to its religion, to its culture and come to the rescue of the people of Palestine."

"Viva, viva Palestina! (Crowd replies - Viva, viva Palestina!) Viva, viva Palestina! (Crowd replies - Viva, viva Palestina!) Viva, viva Palestina! (Crowd replies - Viva, viva Palestina!) Asalam 'Alaykum, Asalam 'Alaykum."

Related Topics: , Viva Palestina, George Galloway
