Malik Ali: Supports Hamas and Hizballah Over "New Nazis"

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Imam Abdul Malik Ali is a fixture at anti-Israel events on California campuses. On May 13, 2010, he spoke at the University of California, Irvine's "Israeli Apartheid Week." Malik Ali runs an Oakland mosque affiliated with the radical as-Sabiqun movement.

Here, he responds to a challenge to condemn terrorist groups by calling Zionists "the new Nazis." The questioner is Roz Rothstein, founder of the pro-Israel group Stand With Us.


Rothstein: Let me ask you this. Do you... I know you'll say that Hamas is
democratically elected, but so was Hitler.
Malik: Oooooh!
Rothstein: Do you Oooh. Do you, do you believe, Malik Ali, being brought here
here after year, HAMAS, the terrorist group Hezzbollah, Islamic Jihad,
do you believe that they are terrorist groups? Do you support Hamas?
Malik: Uh, Yes.
Rothstein: Do you support Hizballah?
Malik: Uh, Yes.
Rothstein: Do you support Islamic Jihad?
Malik: Uh, uh, uh Yes.
Rothstein: Do you support Jihad on this campus?
Malik: Jihad on this campus?
Rothstein: Yes. Jihad on this campus.
Malik: Uh, if it's in the form of... (mic cuts off, then back on) It's
a conspiracy! It's a conspiracy!
Rothstein: Do you support Jihad on this campus?
Malik: As long as its in the form of speaking truth to power, yes.
And, and and the reason why I said do not sit down, that it's not a good
idea to sit down with Zionists is, because, when you sit down with
Zionists for cookies and cake, and talk about issues and that kind of
thing, right? It gives the impression that Zionism is, like, its OK.
It's OK. Now, you Jews, in all due respect, you wouldn't sit down with
Nazis for tea and cake. No you wouldn't. If a Nazi came up to you and
said 'Look, look, look, we're the Third Reich, we're the Third Reich,
you're Jews, lets sit down for tea and crumpets. You would say "Get out
of here! I'm a Jew! I ain't sittin' down with no Nazi for tea and
crumpets!" Y'all are the new Nazis! So we're sayin' we're not sittin'
down with y'all for tea and crumpets.
