Rally at Lafayette Park: Alamoudi

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Jailed former leader of the American Muslim Council (AMC), Abdurahman Alamoudi, expressing his support for Hamas and Hizballah. Standing beside Alamoudi and cheering along is Mahdi Bray, former national political director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council and current executive director of the Muslim American Society's Freedom Foundation.


Alamoudi: I have been labeled by the media in New York to be a supporter of Hamas, anybody supports Hamas here?
[Crowd cheers, "Yes!"].
Anybody is a supporter of Hamas here?
[Crowd cheers, "Yes!". Mahdi Bray on stage nods and raises his arms in approval].
Anybody is a supporter of Hamas here?
[Crowd cheers, "Yes!"].
Hear that, Bill Clinton, we are all supporters of Hamas, Allahu Akbar. [Crowd responds].
I wish they added that I am also a supporter of Hizballah. Anybody supports Hizballah here?
[Crowd cheers, "Yes!"]
Anybody supports Hizballah here?
[Crowd cheers, "Yes!"]
[Crowd: "Allahu Ahkbar!"].
[Crowd: "Allahu Ahkbar!"]
