Fawaz Damra Fundraising for Jihad

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Imam Fawaz Damra of Cleveland, Ohio fundraising for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Sami Al-Arian's organization, the Islamic Committee for Palestine in 1991. Damra called the ICP "the active arm of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine" while introducing Al-Arian. Click here for the full transcript.


Damra:person can come forward and donate. We are offering the opportunity. Anyone who has the wish can come forward and donate. We put then on the floor, God willing. Would anyone like to donate for the Intifada? For Islamic Jihad, I say it frankly: for Islamic Jihad.

This Jihad, which is still blazing in Palestine, from village to village. I am telling you: not for the organizations or anything else, with due respect for everyone. But only for Jihad.

One of them goes out of his house with a knife to stab the Jews. Twelve Jews, after the Gulf events. O brothers, the Intifada is calling upon you. $500.00. Who is going to top the $500.00? Who is going to top the $500.00 for this medal?

And whoever wants to write a check, he can write it in the name of the Islamic Committee for Palestine, "ICP" for short. ICP, whoever likes to write a check. Is anyone going to top the $500.00 Haj Ahmad?
