Islamist Groups Condemn US Support for Israel

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Press conference and sit-in at the State Department with Shaker Elsayed (imam at the Dar Al Hijrah Mosque outside Washington), Mahdi Bray (then of MPAC, now of MAS), Nihad Awad (Executive Director of CAIR), Khalid Turanni, Aly abu-Zaakouk, Hassan Ibrahim, and Abdurrahman Alamoudi who would plead guilty in 2004 to illegal financial transactions with Libya, and, according to court documents, provided financial support to Hamas and Al Qaeda. Here, Elsayed justifies suicide bombings.


Elsayed: We also have to remind everybody here that the so-called Israeli settlers are not civilian population. They are military reserves; they are armed, trained and dangerous. They invade the Palestinian neighborhoods at night and they squander everything. They brutalize the people. They kill, maim, they destroy homes. And when they fail, they call the military to come for the support. What do we expect from anybody who wants to defend his family to do? If I were there, I would use every power in my hand to defend my family.
