CAIR's Bedier Won't Condemn PIJ

In a perfect example of CAIR's refusal to condemn Palestinian terrorism, Ahmed Bedier head of CAIR-Florida refuses to agree that Palestinian Islamic Jihad is a terrorist organization at a press conference in support of Sami Al-Arian in Tampa in May 2004.


Cameraman: Do you agree with the government designation of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad as a terrorist organization?

Bedier: We are not here to discuss the Palestinian Islamic Jihad or any other terrorist organization or any other group. We are here strictly to discuss the confinement conditions of this individual who is not in Palestine or in Israel. He is right here in Florida.


Bedier: We have to go.

Cameraman: Just a couple of quick questions.

Bedier: We have to go.

Cameraman: Does CAIR have a position on Palestinian Islamic Jihad?

Bedier: We haven't published one.

Cameraman: Don't you think that- You don't think that- You don't think that you are creating a perceptional problem asking for peoples understanding about mistreatment of prisons?

Bedier: That is an unrelated issue.

Related Topics: , Council on American-Islamic Relations, CAIR, Sami-Al Arian, Palestinian Islamic Jihad
