Egyptian Islamist Promises Jerusalem-Based Caliphate

An independent Islamist promised that the Muslim Brotherhood would destroy Israel and form a new Caliphate with its capital in Jerusalem, reports the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). The speech, given May 1 before thousands of Muslim Brotherhood members and leaders at Cairo soccer stadium, including MB presidential candidate Mohamed Mursi, contradicts assurances of political pragmatism and moderation by the Islamist group.

"We can see how the dream of the Islamic Caliphate is being realized, Allah willing, by Dr. Mohamed Mursi, and his brothers, his supporters, and his political party. We can see how the great dream, shared by us all … The United States of the Arabs will be restored, Allah willing," said Safwat Higazi, a self-acknowledged anti-Semite with ties to the Brotherhood.

Higazi also announced that the newly established Islamic state would not have its capital in Egypt's seat of government in Cairo, or in the Islamic holy cities of Mecca or Medina. Rather, it will be in Jerusalem.

"Our cry shall be 'Millions of martyrs march toward Jerusalem," he said, echoing other speeches he has given on Egyptian television stations for years. Another speaker then led the crowd in a chant of "Banish the sleep from the eyes of the Jews, come on, you lovers of martyrdom, you are all Hamas… Brandish your weapons, say your prayers, and pray to the lord."

The clip should come as a surprise to no one, Raymond Stock, an American translator and academic who spent two decades in Egypt, told the Jerusalem Post.

"This is what the Muslim Brotherhood really stands for: the extermination of Israel – and Jews everywhere – as well as the spread and control of radical Islam over the world," he said. "How anyone can fail to see this boggles the mind – yet its denial is virtual dogma in the global mainstream media, US government and Western academia today."

Related Topics: Daniel E. Rogell, Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood, MEMRI, Safwat Higazi
