Muslim Brotherhood Election Success Threatens Israel

The Muslim Brotherhood's success in the first round of elections doesn't mean that the group is prepared to drop its militancy, despite promises of new rights for women and minorities in a broad political coalition. In an Arabic-language speech on May 17, the MB's General Guide Mohammed Badie called for Arab forces to take on Israel and not to forget the sacrifices that his group had made to destroy the Jewish state.

Badie referred to the West as the "colonial powers" that were "allied to forces of evil and world aggression," and explained that their complicity empowered the "Zionist enemy and its racial project, aimed at emptying Palestine of its people."

"As we salute the struggle, battle and Jihad of those who bear upon their shoulders their support of the Palestinian cause … let us reaffirm our adherence to all the constants of the Palestinian cause," he stated.

MB founder Hassan al-Banna "spent a large part of his life defending the cause of Palestine and the homeland, with his pen, his tongue, his wealth and himself," Badie said. The Brotherhood "expended through their history – and still does – self, money, effort, sweat and blood in support of Palestine and its people." He also rewrote history to claim that the Brotherhood had been suppressed by the Egyptian regime largely as a "penalty for their jihad and their martyrdom seeking for the sake of Palestine."

The message of the Arab revolutions is that the people can topple "corrupt regimes which knelt at the feet of the Zionists, and were subject to their orders," Badie said. "We have succeeded in toppling the most repressive regimes with will and determination; and you will succeed, with Allah's permission, in supporting the Palestinian cause," he added, calling Israel "the source of terrorism and true instability, not just in the region but in the whole world."

Related Topics: Daniel E. Rogell, Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammed Badie
