Cross examination of FBI agent begins in HLF trial

Cross examination of government witness FBI Special Agent Lara Burns began Wednesday in the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) trial in Dallas, Texas. Abdulrahman Odeh's lawyer, Greg Westfall, was the first to cross examine Agent Burns. Westfall made the point that many of the 400 exhibits the government introduced into the record via Agent Burns were prior to the January 1995 designation of HAMAS by President Clinton.

Westfall attempted to illustrate that his client, who served as director of HLF's New Jersey office, had a minimal role in various aspects of the evidence brought thus far - documents Odeh's signature wasn't on, meetings Odeh did not attend.

Next to cross examine Agent Burns was Nancy Hollander, attorney for HLF President and CEO Shukri Abu Baker. Hollander pointed out that many Israelis and Palestinians opposed the Oslo Accords at the time that the HLF did the same. (One of the main discussion points at the infamous 1993 Philadelphia gatherings of HAMAS leaders was what can be done to "derail" the peace accords.) Agent Burns responded that indeed, extremists on both sides were against the 1993 peace accords.

Notably, thus far the substance of the exhibits went largely unchallenged.

An Israeli government witness will take the stand Thursday morning, amid much protest by the defense. His identity will remain anonymous for security purposes. The only spectators in the courtroom allowed will be immediate family members of the defendants.

To read more see: "Holy land defense attorney questions FBI agent" from The Dallas Morning News.

Complete IPT HLF Trial Blogs:

CAIR identified by the FBI as part of the Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee
War is Deception
HAMAS Underground
CAIR Executive Director Placed at HAMAS Meeting
The Muslim Brotherhood's Military Work in the U.S.
Buried Videos Surface in HLF Trial
Buried Videos and Documents in Backyard of Co-Conspirator Show HAMAS Links
Counterterrorism Blog Expert, Matthew Levitt, Takes the Stand in Dallas HAMAS Trial
Criminal Trial Begins for US Charity Accused of Funneling Money to HAMAS
Holy Land Foundation Trial Opens in Dallas
HLF Trial Update: Muslim Brotherhood on the Witness Stand

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