Obama Supporters: President's Re-election Means 'No More Israel'

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Several Obama supporters told conservative blogger Anne Sorock of RebelPundit.com on video election night following President Obama's re-election that they hope that it means the end of Israel.

Sorock captured the video as a group of pro-Obama revelers as the gathered along State Street in downtown Chicago to celebrate and posted it on the Rebel Pundit blog.

"I'm here tonight for Obama," a man told Sorock. "What does it mean to me? No more Israel."

He then went on to mock Mitt Romney and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for threatening to use force against Iran to keep it from getting nuclear weapons, contrasting it with his belief that Obama will not intervene to protect the Jewish state.

"Obama said f*** that sh*t. Kill those mother f***ers," the man said referring to Israel.

The comments were completely unsolicited, and Sorock told the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) that they caught her by total surprise.

"I was surprised," Sorock said. "It was the first time that somebody mentioned foreign policy."

She had expected the man to tell her that he was glad Obama was re-elected for domestic reasons.

His response prompted her to ask others in the crowd who were primarily college students what they thought about Israel and Iran's nuclear weapons quest. The responses surprised her.

Two other individuals she caught on video, including one claiming to be of Jewish heritage, objected to Israel's very existence.

One man said on camera that Israel was "being unfair to Palestine."

"Palestine was there first, and Israel moved in in the 1940s and that's an unfair attack," the man said.

The self-described individual of Jewish extraction agreed, accusing the Israelis of "taking advantage of the misfortune that the Palestinians have had."

"I really do not think that us being with Israel is a good choice for us or the world," he said.

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