Report: PA TV Teaching Kids to Hate Jews

A report by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) shows a recent pattern of anti-Semitic messages aimed at children on the Palestinian Authority's official TV station as recently as last week.

On July 3, the Palestinian Authority's official TV station broadcast an interview with a little girl who invoked Quranic language to describe Jews as "barbaric monkeys" and "wretched pigs," the Palestinian Media Watch report shows. She told the interviewer that she "did not fear the rifle," implying her willingness to die fighting Israel.

The Palestinian Authority received billions in U.S. foreign aid since signing the 1994 Oslo Accord – including $500 million this year – yet it has been a major culprit when it comes to indoctrinating Palestinian children to hate Jews and support terrorism.

Despite the Palestinian Authority's recognition of Israel's right to exist under the Oslo Accord, a February segment of its children's program "The Best Home" featured the host promising children they would eventually recover all of Israel from the Jews.

"And of course we will never forget that we have land that was occupied in 1948 (the establishment of the State of Israel), which will return to us one day," the host said.

The PMW report cites other examples of Palestinian Authority propagandizing Palestinian children against the Israelis, including on its Facebook page, which ran a pictures of children holding automatic rifles calling them to fight against Israel.

Hamas's Al-Aqsa TV also features segments showing small children singing about or celebrating "martyrdom." Back in 2009 the Hamas channel featured a slickly produced music video of children singing a song titled "When We Seek Martyrdom" produced by an outfit called "Birds of Paradise." The song's video even showed child actors carrying out simulated terrorist attacks on other children dressed as Israeli soldiers.

Saudi writer Fauzia Naseer al-Neem warned: "It encourages the use of arms, killing, explosives, shedding blood and terrorism with all its synonyms. Our children parrot what they hear, and it enters their minds."

In May, Hamas's Al-Qassam Brigades posted a photo of three children playing "Martyrdom" on its Twitter feed. One child is shown playing dead on a stretcher draped with the Palestinian flag being held aloft by his playmates.

"Like this our children play, they love Shahada 'martyrdom,'" the photo's caption said.

Related Topics: John Rossomando, Palestinian Media Watch, Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Al- Qassam Brigades
