Anti-Semitic Muslim Protesters Chant 'Heil Hitler' in London

A previously unreported video filmed last month in heart of London and posted to YouTube illustrates the anti-Semitic rage enveloping Europe since the start of the latest Gaza war.

Chants of "Heil Hitler" and "Oh Jew, you will die" could be heard from the Algerian crowd amid pro-Palestinian signs saying "End the Siege on Gaza," "Free Palestine" and "Freedom for Palestine." Others carried the Algerian and Palestinian flags.

Protesters chanted "Allahu Akbar!" – God is greatest – as they burned an Israeli flag.

These protests underscore Europe's lingering problem with anti-Semitism – this time fueled by Muslim and leftist animus against Israel.

Jews elsewhere in the United Kingdom have faced Nazi-tainted taunts from Arab or Muslims. British police and Jewish leaders have counted more than 100 hate crimes targeting Jews in July alone.

"Every time we see a conflict in the Middle East, there is an immediate increase in anti-Semitism here in the U.K.," Mark Gardner of the British anti-Semitism watchdog group Community Security Trust told the BBC. "This latest conflict between Israel and Hamas has dragged on for longer than most of them do, and the anti-Semitism therefore has built and built, and become increasingly worrying for the Jewish community."

A group of pro-Palestinian men, described as South Asian, reportedly shouted "Heil Hitler" and pelted pedestrians with cans and eggs as they drove through in a multi-car caravan through Broughton Park, a predominately Jewish suburb near Manchester on July 12.

In another UK demonstration, demonstrators carried signs saying, "Hitler you were right!" according to The Daily Mail.

Anti-Semitism in France has been more intense and occasionally turned violent.

Rioters attacked Jewish-owned stores on July 20 in the French town of Sarcelles, near Paris. Algerian demonstrators rioted in Paris, hurling chairs and other objects to protest Israel's bombing of Gaza. Protesters attacked a synagogue in Paris, and some chanted "Death to Jews."

In Germany, a Molotov cocktail was thrown through the window of the Bergische synagogue in Wuppertal, previously destroyed on Kristallnacht in 1938, last month. Slogans such as "Jew, coward pig, come out and fight alone," and "Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas" have been used by pro-Palestinian protesters in demonstrations across Germany.

"These are the worst times since the Nazi era," Dieter Graumann, president of Germany's Central Council of Jews, told The Guardian.

Dutch Jews have not fared much better. A pro-ISIS demonstration took place in The Hague on July 24 where protesters talked about killing Jews.

Related Topics: John Rossomando, anti-Semitism, Mark Gardner, Community Security Trust, Dieter Graumann
