Spinning a Terrorist Into a Victim - Part 4 - Rasmieh Odeh's Changing Story

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On her immigration forms to come to America and later to become a naturalized citizen, Rasmieh Odeh swore she had no criminal background. No arrests, no convictions and no prison time. Her attorney says that's not a lie, despite the 10 years she spent in an Israeli prison after being convicted of bombing a Jerusalem grocery store in 1969. In Part 4 of our series examining Odeh's pending immigration fraud case, we see her memory is much clearer when she's among friends.

To see part 1, "Who is Rasmieh Odeh?"
click here.

To see Part 2, "Rasmieh Odeh's Victims,"
click here.

To see part 3, "From Terrorist to American Citizen" click here.

To see part 5, "A Spin Strategy Larger Than Rasmieh Odeh Herself" click here.

To see part 6, "The Spin Strategy Unravels"
click here.

To see part 7, "Justice, At Last, for Rasmieh Odeh"
click here.

Related Topics: , Rasmieh Odeh, immigration fraud, Arab American Action Network, CAIR, American Muslims for Palestine, Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee, Michael Deutsch
