Palestinian Attacks Continue Amid Report Abbas Ordered Shift to West Bank

Palestinian violence against Jews continues, as a terrorist stabbed and injured an Israeli man in Jerusalem on Friday, reports the Times of Israel.

Israeli police shot and critically wounded the terrorist; however a second Israeli man was accidentally injured by police gunfire.

The stabbing was the first in Jerusalem since Oct. 17, and comes amid analyses that the Palestinian violence has shifted primarily from the Israeli capital to the West Bank.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas issued a directive 11 days ago to cease attacks in Jerusalem in order to increase attacks in the West Bank, emphasizing the areas of Gush Etzion and Hebron, the Jerusalem Post reported.

The clear difference in Israeli authorities' ability to prevent attacks in eastern Jerusalem versus the West Bank shows the extent of the PA's influence over the Palestinians in the capital. However, today's events show that not all Jerusalem Arabs are heeding to Abbas' call to divert attacks, suggesting that broader societal Palestinian incitement continues to play a major role in driving violence against Jews.

Meanwhile, two Palestinian attackers attempted to stab Border Police officers at the Tapuah Junction in the West Bank and were subsequently shot by Israeli authorities – one terrorist died as a result.

Palestinians rioted in the West Bank city of Ramallah, leading Israeli police to shoot an assailant who was ready to throw a Molotov cocktail. As Israeli first responders administered first aid to the wounded Palestinian, another Palestinian terrorist approached the medical officers wielding a sharp object. Seeking to prevent another terrorist attack, an Israeli commander in a jeep ordered his driver to approach the terrorist. The driver hit the second Palestinian and moderately wounded him.

These incidents mark more than 60 separate terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians and security personnel in the last month, killing 10 Israelis and injuring dozens more.

Related Topics: , Palestinian incitement, Palestinian Authority, stabbing attacks, Mahmoud Abbas, Fatah, Gush Etzion, Hebron, Tapuah Junction
