Swedish FM and Fatah See Israeli Roots in Paris Attacks

Sweden's Foreign Minister Margot Wallström attributed Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris to Muslim frustrations in the Middle East and Palestinian anguish in particular, in an interview with Sweden's SVT2T network and reported by the Times of Israel.

"To counteract the radicalization we must go back to the situation such as the one in the Middle East of which not the least the Palestinians see that there is no future: we must either accept a desperate situation or resort to violence," Wallström said on Swedish television shortly after the Islamic State's terrorist attacks in Paris which killed an estimated 129 people.

Israel's foreign ministry issued a swift rebuttal, arguing that the Swedish FM's statements are "appallingly impudent" and that anyone who attempts to create a link between the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and radical Islamist attacks around the world is deceiving the international community.

"The Swedish foreign minister has consistently demonstrated bias against Israel and exhibits genuine hostility when she indicates a connection of any kind between the terrorist attacks in Paris and the complex situation between Israel and the Palestinians," the Israeli Foreign Ministry statement said.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Fatah party – led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas – posted cartoons on its official Facebook page accusing Israel of planning the terrorist attacks in Paris, reports Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).

One of the cartoons shows a conniving Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu overlooking Paris with a telescope beside a smiling ISIS terrorist wielding an assault rifle.

Israel's Mossad was also blamed for orchestrating the Paris attacks, according to an op-ed featured in the Palestinian Authority's official daily newspaper, reports PMW.

Blaming Israel for radical Islamist terrorist attacks is nothing new, particularly from conspiratorial Palestinian elite and societal circles. However, baseless statements from a senior European official like Wallström suggesting Israel's treatment of the Palestinians are a root cause of the latest terrorist attacks is especially concerning and needs to be condemned by the international community.

Related Topics: , Paris attacks, Margot Wallstrom, anti-Israel rhetoric, Fatah, Palestinian Authority, Palestinian Media Watch
