Administration Pushes False Claim on Winning against ISIS

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Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General: All NATO allies contribute to the U.S.-led efforts to degrade and destroy ISIL. And just last week we started training over Iraqi officers. And we will continue to support the efforts of the United States and other countries to fight ISIL.

JD Hayworth: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg during a meeting with President Obama yesterday discussing the fight against ISIS. He explained the next steps NATO plans to take to fight the terror group. But there is more trouble brewing here at home for the Obama administration over cooked intelligence concerning ISIS. A report in The Daily Beast cites two officials at CENTCOM who say they were forced out of their jobs for reporting skeptical information regarding ISIS, and not towing the administration narrative concerning victories over ISIS. That's why we're going to call on our next panel. And I am very pleased to point out that right here on the anchor desk is my good friend and former colleague on Capitol Hill, likewise, the former Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Pete Hoekstra. Pete, good to have you in studio tonight.

Pete Hoekstra: OK, good to be here. Thank you.

Hayworth: And at Newsmax Washington, two other gentlemen who we want to hear from. First, yet congressional colleague, Michael Patrick Flanagan, the gentleman from Illinois; and also at Newsmax Washington, retired U.S. Army Colonel Patrick Murray, who served in Iraq and Russia and at the United Nations. He also, once upon a time, was a candidate for Congress in the great Commonwealth of Virginia. It's good to have you all here tonight on our special election coverage, as we await the closing of the polls in Madison, Wisconsin. Pete, first to you on this whole question: Just sacrificing honest intelligence to tow the political line, is that the bottom line with this administration?

Hoekstra: I think everything that we've seen over the last seven years, that's exactly what's happened. We, you know this is what, the third or fourth time that this has been reported. Some of the statements that this administration has made about you know – ISIS is the JV team, and these types of things, what happened in Benghazi, the narrative of you know it's all about the video – it's one thing after another. They're pushing this narrative that says we are winning. And we are not.

[End transcript]

Related Topics: , Pete Hoekstra, Investigative Project on Terrorism, ISIS, JD Hayworth, NewsmaxTV, Patrick Murray, IPT, JV team, Benghazi, The Daily Beast
