IPT's 'Grand Deception' Airing Sunday on NewsmaxTV

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NewsmaxTV will air "The Grand Deception" – a film produced by the Investigative Project on Terrorism that traces the roots of radical Islam inside the U.S. – on Sunday, June 26, at 9pm ET.

"The Grand Deception" probes the covert structure and increasing influence of the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamist groups, which masquerade as apolitical religious associations or civil rights organizations.

These subversive organizations are infiltrating or intimidating major societal institutions from Congress to Hollywood, from the mainstream news media to federal law enforcement, from the publishing industry to museums.

"The Grand Deception" contains startling, never-before-seen interviews with Muslim leaders, former FBI agents and federal prosecutors, a prominent Hollywood director, journalists and even a top official of the worldwide Muslim Brotherhood.

It features Brotherhood founding documents, unsealed federal documents and secretly recorded audio and video of what these Islamist groups say behind closed doors.

NewsmaxTV airs on DirecTV channel 349 and Verizon Fios 115, via OTT devices, as a free app on iPhone (iOS), Android and other smartphones, and at NewsmaxTV.com.

CLICK HERE to learn more.

Related Topics: , Muslim Brotherhood, Islam, IPT, Investigative Project on Terrorism, Jihad, NewsmaxTV, CAIR, FBI
