BDS Activist at JVP Conference Urges 'Guerilla Disobedience' Against Israel

Palestinian activist and Stanford University graduate Fadi Quran told the Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) conference Friday night that "guerilla disobedience" is needed against Israel. Quran, who was arrested by Israeli security forces in 2012, told his fellow participants that activism was not enough.

They must become "freedom fighters."

"We must realize that it's not enough to be organizations, to be civil society anymore. We must cross the threshold to become resistance movements. And we must realize that it's not enough to protest anymore. We must transform the equations of power," Quran said.

"Guerilla disobedience" means copying tactics used by American anarchists to shut down traffic, Quran said. In this case, Israeli army supply chains would be targeted along with the economy in order to make occupation costly for Israel.

Quran claimed these tactics would be needed to defend Palestinians from Israeli encroachment. He claimed that the Arab Bedouin town of Jabal al Baba, located east of Jerusalem, faced destruction. Israel claims the Bedouin tribe living there illegally settled on land belonging to the city of Ma'aleh Adumim.

Israel has offered the Bedouin tribe nearby land where they can legally live, but they are reluctant to move there due to pressure from the Palestinian Authority and others.

A new Nakba, or catastrophe, is underway for the Palestinians, Quran said. As a result, Palestinians need new tactics that go beyond those used in the past.

"We're going to occupy the occupation, we're gonna build barricades; we're gonna bring thousands of people there," Quran said. "And if we manage to liberate this land, if we manage to stop the plans for going forward there, we will stop them from going forward everywhere."

What is coming ahead will be difficult, but the BDS activists can overcome the obstacles, he said.

Related Topics: John Rossomando, Jewish Voice for Peace, Fadi Quran, "guerilla disobedience"
