Al-Asi Reaffirms Views on Suicide Bombing

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Muhammad Al-Asi, a radical cleric based in Washington, D.C., attended an event held by the Muslim Students' Union at UC-Irvine, the most radical Muslim student organization in the country. During the Q & A session after the speech, he was asked if he supports suicide bombings. His response, in which he affirmed his support for such terrorist acts, was not surprising. His comments after, in which he blamed a lack of progress in the Middle East process on interrupting people when they speak, were ridiculous coming from someone who just endorsed suicide bombings.

Questioner: Do you support suicide bombing, yes or no?

Al-Asi: You phrase the question and then you want the answer to be phrased according to the way you want it. That's not the way things go. Give a person the right to respond in his own way. I am telling you. These people who are strapped with explosives, they are seeking military targets. These military targets are located in civilian areas. Therefore, they're collateral damage. Can we understand this simple fact?

Questioner: The suicide bomber that blew himself up in a yeshiva, killing 8 people, that are mostly under 20 years old, is that a military base?

Al-Asi: Did you know that a yeshiva is a recruitment center for those who are steeped in Zionist (interrupted)... Are you going top let me .. you ask a question but you don't want me to give a full answer. This is a learning experience. Those of you who are around, you can see why the Middle eastern issue doesn't get anywhere. He asked a question, or the other person asked a question, we try to answer them – we're about half way through and then they cut us off. How are we going to get anywhere?
