Temple University SJP Posts Column Supporting PFLP Terrorists

The Marxist-Leninist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist group is the "most ideologically clear organization in the Palestinian liberation movement," a Temple University Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) officer wrote Thursday. in a column promoted and linked to Thursday by the group.

PFLP's goal is Israel's complete destruction.

The PFLP rejects "concessions made by the Arab misleadership class, which has supported so-called 'peace' agreements with Israel," wrote Temple SJP Vice President Brandon Do. "These agreements have allowed the forces of occupation to extend deeper into Palestine and diminished chances of Palestinian liberation."

The PFLP rose to notoriety in the 1960s and 1970s through a series of airline hijackings, including the 1976 hijacking of a Paris-bound Air France flight to Entebbe, Uganda. It also was responsible for a 1972 airport massacre that left 26 people dead. During the Second Intifada, several PFLP terrorists committed several suicide bombings.

Do also has supported PFLP terrorist Rasmieh Odeh, who played a key role in a 1969 Jerusalem supermarket bombing that killed two people. A 2016 picture posted by the Temple SJP chapter shows Do holding a sign calling for the charges against Odeh to be dropped.

In the column, Do praised PFLP founder George Habash, who has been called the "Godfather of Middle East terrorism," as an authority for "raising the Arab world's consciousness" against Israel. He attacked Palestinians who he claimed "sell out" their own people to Israel. The Palestinian Authority's establishment following the 1993 Oslo Accords, he says, created a "crypto-Zionist front."

Do's SJP chapter has praised other PFLP terrorists, including Leila Khaled, who hijacked two planes in 1970. Khaled currently is a member of the PFLP's political bureau and has been involved in fundraising for the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement. BDS aims to economically isolate Israel by encouraging the boycott of Israeli goods and divestment from the Israeli economy, and impose sanctions.

SJP is a key component of the BDS movement in the U.S.

Do attempted to link black Americans with the Palestinian fight against Israel.

"By embracing our shared destiny with Black America and those living under the degradation of imperialism worldwide, the Palestine solidarity movement in the United States will say that a free Palestine is possible, and that with struggle, we can restore humanity back to its rightful place, where the civilizations of the world are once again united and no longer living under the threat of invasion, partitioning, and mass exploitation," Do wrote.

The PFLP has repeatedly drawn the same connection in articles on its website.

Related Topics: John Rossomando, Students for Justice in Palestine, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, PFLP, Brandon Do, Temple University, George Habash, Rasmieh Odeh, Leila Khaled, Palestinian Authority
