Amazon Selling "Make Israel Palestine Again" T-Shirts

Update: Reader complaints to Amazon prompted the online retail giant to stop selling the shirts. Read more here. is selling T-shirts that say "Make Israel Palestine Again," a not so subtle endorsement of ending the State of Israel. The shirts are listed as "In Stock. Ships from and sold by" This stands in contrast with some merchandise Amazon sells that comes from third-party sources.

Similar shirts are available on

The slogan "Make Israel Palestine Again" is used often on social media, including a Twitter page and an Instagram account. An image on the Twitter feed shows President Trump wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat Photoshopped to say "Make Israel Palestine Again."

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activist Miko Peled used the Trump-style "Make Israel Palestine Again" hat as his Twitter avatar and in a November 2016 post. Peled linked to a petition that calls Israel's existence into question.

The BDS movement aims to isolate Israel politically and economically using sanctions and boycotts of Israeli goods., a website that allows people to create items with their own messages and sell them, hosts a store belonging to the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR). Its store lets people buy merchandise emblazoned with the USCPR's logo.

Tax records show the USCPR acts as the U.S.-based financial agent for the BDS National Committee – the group responsible for coordinating the BDS movement worldwide. The BDS National Committee counts a group called the Council of National and Islamic Force in Palestine –a coalition that includes representatives from Hamas and other terrorist groups – as a member organization.

Amazon corporate communications did not respond to an email seeking comment.

Related Topics: John Rossomando,, anti-Israel messaging, Miko Peled, social media, BDS, U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights
