Five Things You Should Know About The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

"Five Things You Should Know About The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)" looks at one of the most deceptive radical Islamist groups, which masquerades as a "civil rights" group, and breaks down key takeaways we believe the public should know about it.

From its terrorist roots in Hamas to its current apologia of Islamist terrorist groups to its ubiquitous current of anti-Semitism, CAIR is a group that has become legitimized in many circles by a compliant mainstream media, from The New York Times to The Washington Post to PBS. Moreover, CAIR has increasingly enjoyed the support of many local and federal politicians, as well as government agencies.

In this new nine-minute video, the IPT presents five documented, undisputed facts about CAIR. Please share it with as many people as you can.

Related Topics: , CAIR, Hamas, Hamas front, unindicted co-conspirator, Muslim Brotherhood, Palestine Committee, Holy Land Foundation, anti-Semitism, Nihad Awad, Dawud Walid, Hussam Ayloush, Zahra Billoo, Rasmieh Odeh, Sami Al-Arian
