A.J. Caschetta

Chief IPT Political Correspondent A.J. Caschetta is a principal lecturer at the Rochester Institute of Technology and a fellow at Campus Watch, a project of the Middle East Forum where he is also a Milstein fellow.

Writings by A.J. Caschetta

Publication Date

U.S. Intelligence Community Now Prioritizes 'Hurt Feelings' Over Counterterrorism

Special to IPT News August 18, 2024

Israel Must Not Allow Hamas to Survive Gaza War

Special to IPT News August 12, 2024

Forty Years After Foucault's Death, His (Mis)Understanding of Islamism Lives On

Special to IPT News June 23, 2024

The Toddler Diplomats – Spain, Norway, and Ireland

Special to IPT News June 9, 2024

Post 10/7 Looks a Lot Like Post 9/11, Only Worse

Special to IPT News March 15, 2024

Countering Pro-Palestine Propaganda Part 6: Palestinian Refugees' Right of Return

Special to IPT News March 3, 2024

Countering 'Pro-Palestine' Propaganda Part 5: Gaza is an Open-Air Prison

Special to IPT News February 23, 2024

Countering 'Pro-Palestine' Propaganda Part 4: Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing

Special to IPT News February 5, 2024

Countering 'Pro-Palestine' Propaganda Part 3: Israel is an Apartheid State

Special to IPT News January 29, 2024

Countering 'Pro-Palestine' Propaganda Part 2: Israel is a Settler-colonial State

Special to IPT News January 26, 2024

IPT Series on Countering 'Pro-Palestine' Propaganda

Special to IPT News January 23, 2024

Tom Friedman's Soft Jihad Against Israel

Special to IPT News January 11, 2024

Israel Can Trust Hamas

Special to IPT News January 5, 2024

A Rajapaksa Plan for the Total Destruction of Hamas

Special to IPT News November 10, 2023

Stop Calling Them 'Pro-Palestine' Rallies

Special to IPT News October 31, 2023

Columbia University Professor Cheers Hamas Barbarity

Special to IPT News October 10, 2023

Are 'Palestine Scholars' Really Denied Academic Freedom?

Special to IPT News October 5, 2023

George Washington University Still Has an Anti-Semitism Problem

Special to IPT News August 23, 2023

Middle East Studies Association Expelled from George Washington University

Special to IPT News July 24, 2023

John Esposito, Part 2: Palestinian Terrorism's Best Friend

Special to IPT News July 13, 2023

John Esposito, Part 1: A Terrorist's Best Friend

Special to IPT News July 11, 2023

Evasive, Late, and Confused State Department Report Finally Released

Special to IPT News March 6, 2023

Who Will Celebrate World Hijab Day This Year?

Special to IPT News January 24, 2023

CAIR's Media Enablers

National Review February 11, 2022

Media Attack Investigative Reporter for Investigating and Reporting on CAIR

National Review January 29, 2022