Bill West

Bill West is a federal law enforcement veteran who served 29 years, 25 with the Investigations Division of the U.S. Immigration & Naturalization Service. He retired in May 2003 as the Chief of the National Security Section for the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, ICE, (the INS prior to March 1, 2015) in Miami, Fla., where he supervised and managed investigative efforts in counter-terrorism, counterespionage and human rights persecutor.

West initiated the criminal investigation into the Tampa Palestinian Islamic Jihad cell which operated under the direction of USF professor Sami Al-Arian, who pleaded guilty to terrorism-related crimes stemming from the investigation.

West currently resides in Palm Beach County, Fla., where he runs his own private investigation and security consulting business, and has written several articles related to national security matters that have been published in nationally recognized media.

Writings by Bill West

Publication Date

Megahed on ICE

IPT News April 10, 2009

National Security Court? We Already Have One

IPT News January 26, 2009

HLF Convictions - Immigration Collateral

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 4, 2008

HLF Verdicts - Collateral Interest

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 24, 2008

MAS' Immigration Advice - Commit a Federal Felony?

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 7, 2008