Daniel Pipes

Daniel Pipes is an American historian, writer and political commentator. He is the president of the Middle East Forum and publisher of its Middle East Quarterly journal. His writing focuses on the American foreign policy and the Middle East.

After graduating with a PhD from Harvard and studying abroad, Pipes taught at a number of universities. He then served as director of the Foreign Policy Research Institute before founding the Middle East Forum.

He can be reached at daniel.pipes@gmail.com.

Writings by Daniel Pipes

Publication Date

Assessing Obama's Mosque Speech on Islam

Special to IPT News February 8, 2016

Chris Christie's Islam Problem

National Review Online May 1, 2012

Lion's Den: Americans wake up to Islamism

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Jerusalem Post September 6, 2010

Replacing the U.S. Constitution with the Koran

Daniel Pipes Blog July 24, 2009

Islamists in the courtroom

The Jerusalem Post June 6, 2007

MPAC, CAIR, and Praising Osama bin Laden

(1 comment)
FrontPageMagazine.com June 1, 2007

MPAC on Steven Emerson and Me

Daniel Pipes Weblog July 12, 2004

Rolling Back the Forces of Terror

Wall Street Journal August 13, 2001

Terrorism on Trial

Wall Street Journal May 31, 2001