Writings by Frank Spano

Publication Date

IPT EXCLUSIVE: Pro-Morsi Rally in D.C. A Grand Deception

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IPT News July 11, 2013

Brotherhood Incitement Increases After Deadly Clashes

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 8, 2013

Morsi Removed, Muslim Brotherhood Down…but is it out?

IPT News July 3, 2013

Al-Nusra Executes Syrian Soldiers in the Name of Sharia Law

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 17, 2013

A Risky Alliance: The Danger of Arming Syrian Rebels

(1 comment)
IPT News May 16, 2013

IN HIS OWN WORDS: Boston Bomber Ties Attacks to His Faith

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 16, 2013