Writings by IPT News

Publication Date

Not the Onion: Women's March Taps Zahra Billoo in Wake of Anti-Semitism Issues

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 16, 2019

New Report Highlights Hizballah's Terrorist "Media Empire"

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 3, 2019

New Report Details Hizballah's Use of Sports to Indoctrinate Youth

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 29, 2019

Radical Islamists to Participate in Publicly-Funded Screening of Anti-Semitic Film

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 23, 2019

Canadian Mayor Wants Sarsour Removed From Panel

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 24, 2019

In a First, Hamas Cancels Weekly Border Riots to Avoid Escalation

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 15, 2019

Horror in New Zealand

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 15, 2019

Sarsour and Her Islamist Entourage Protect Rashida Tlaib From Critic

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 7, 2019

Israel Designates Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV as a Terrorist Organization

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 6, 2019

Ilhan Omar Spews More Anti-Semitism

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 28, 2019

UK Plans to Ban Hizballah As a Terrorist Organization

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 25, 2019

NYU to Host Sarsour Despite Her Anti-Semitic Controversies

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 21, 2019

Israel-hating Islamists Fundraise Off Ilhan Omar's Anti-Semitism

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 12, 2019

Hamas Threatens Escalation of "Spontaneous" Violent Israel-Gaza Border Protests

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 11, 2019

Amid Venezuela Chaos, Iran and Hizballah Maintain South American Foothold

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 8, 2019

Palestinian Authority Uses Foreign Aid to Pay Millions to Terrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 24, 2019

Most Palestinians Killed in Gaza Protests Have Terrorist Ties

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 22, 2019

Confident Hamas Claims Foreign Policy Independence After Tehran Visit

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 31, 2018

For Some Palestinian Factions, Christmas is Either Manipulated or Banned

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 27, 2018

Women's March Loses Donor, More Affiliates Over Anti-Semitism Concerns

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 26, 2018

Report: Muslim Brotherhood-linked Terror Group Killed 14 Egyptians Last Year

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 7, 2018

Israel Launches Operation to Destroy Hizballah Attack Tunnels

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 4, 2018

IPT Story Prompts ZOA President to Demand CAIR Fire Ayloush

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 28, 2018

CAIR Official Calls for Israel's Termination

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 26, 2018

Despite Criticism of Israel, Hamas TV Station is a Legitimate Target

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 14, 2018

Report: Hamas, Iranian Paymasters Fuel Violent Gaza Protests

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 8, 2018

Iran Reportedly Building Syrian Military Base for Pro-Regime Militias

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 5, 2018

Violence Continues as Pakistani Islamists Protest Christian Woman's "Blasphemy" Acquittal

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 2, 2018

BDS-Supporter Linda Sarsour Accepts Ben & Jerry's Donation – A Brand with Ties to Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 31, 2018

HRW Report: Palestinian Authorities Systematically Torture and Repress Dissent

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 23, 2018

Report: Hizballah Hacked into Mobile Devices Worldwide

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 11, 2018

Palestinian Leaders Dig In Over Payments to Terrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 2, 2018

Article Explores Why Somalia Deserves to be on U.S. Travel Ban List

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 17, 2018

Violent Gaza Protests Were A Diversion, Hamas Leader Admits

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 4, 2018

Senior Hizballah Officials Acknowledge Group's Presence in Syria and Beyond

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 30, 2018

IRGC-affiliated Group Spreads Radical Ideology Beyond Iran's Borders

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 9, 2018

Report: U.S. Stops Palestinian Aid Payments

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 25, 2018

"New Rules of Engagement": Hamas Provokes Israel with Incendiary Aerial Devices

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 21, 2018

Candidate to Replace Keith Ellison May Be Even More Hostile to Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 7, 2018

New Analysis Confirms Hamas Organized Violent Gaza Border Riots

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 29, 2018

Hamas Leader Acknowledges Iranian Support Amid Fall-Out From Gaza Clashes

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 23, 2018

Hamas Official: Majority of Palestinians Killed in Violent Protests are Our Men

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 16, 2018

Palestinian President Claims Jews' Behavior Caused the Holocaust

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 1, 2018

Senior Iranian Official Boasts of IRGC Presence Abroad

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 24, 2018

Iran and Hizballah Prioritize Terrorism Funding Over Societal Development

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 11, 2018

Israeli Airstrikes Target Iran's Presence, Drone Program in Syria

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 10, 2018

Hamas Mobilizes 30,000 Terrorists For Two-day Military Drill

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 28, 2018

Defiant Iran Rejects Changes to Nuclear Deal and its Missile Program

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 19, 2018

Deadly Attack Follows Palestinian Factions' Call for Violence

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 16, 2018

Hamas Continues to Steal Energy From Gaza's Residents

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 5, 2018

Iran Building Another Syrian Base to Target Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 28, 2018

Muslim Brotherhood, Hizballah, and Palestinian Groups Unite to Praise Deadly Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 6, 2018

New Study: ISIS Media Production Quality Reflects Organizational Trajectory

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 5, 2018

Palestinian President's Call for "Peaceful Popular Resistance" Defies Reality

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 18, 2018

Financial Desperation Leads ISIS to Sell its Own Coins Online

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 11, 2018

"Moderate" Palestinian Factions Praise Father's Murder as an "Operation"

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 10, 2018

Palestinian Authority Textbooks Still Demonizing Jews, Inciting Violence

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 3, 2018

Fatah Continues Promoting Violent Protests Over Jerusalem Announcement

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 14, 2017

IPT Exclusive: U.S.-Based Imam Prays That "Allah Destroy the Zionists"

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 8, 2017

Orlando "Dawah Retreat" to Feature Tariq Ramadan Despite Sexual Assault Allegations

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 4, 2017

Cultural Defense in Ontario Marital Sexual Assault Case Draws Appeal

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 24, 2017

Radical UK Mosque Leader Also Represents Hamas Abroad

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 7, 2017

Hamas Pursues Reconciliation - with Hizballah and Iran

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 1, 2017

Palestinian Factions Unite in Calls for Israel's Destruction

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 20, 2017

Hamas-Supporting CAIR Leader to Lecture Harvard Student Group

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 19, 2017

MIT MSA Alumni Protest Anti-Feminist Islamist Speaker

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 16, 2017

German Intelligence: Hizballah Fighters Posing As Refugees

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 16, 2017

New Study: Most UK Jihadists Tied to Non-Violent Islamism

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 2, 2017

Iran Quadruples Cash Flow to Hizballah Since Nuclear Deal

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 15, 2017

Belgium: 119 Islamic Institutions Investigated for Extremism in 2016

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 28, 2017

Muslim Brotherhood Leader Reaffirms "Islamic Caliphate" Ambition

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 3, 2017

Saudi Curriculum Still Promotes Radicalization, Former Congressman Testifies

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 25, 2017

Canadian Islamist Groups Lose Charity Status Over Potential Militant Financing

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 19, 2017

Muslim Brotherhood Leads Calls for "Intifada" Against Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 17, 2017

Apologists Gear Up for Rasmieh Odeh's Last Hurrah

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 12, 2017

Islamic Radicalization in the Military Surfaces Again

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 11, 2017

Palestinian Group Hosts Terrorist Fundraising Event in Germany

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 11, 2017

Study: European Muslims Perpetrate Disproportionate Number of Anti-Semitic Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 30, 2017

Hizballah-linked Paraguayan is Charged in Miami in a Drug Conspiracy

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 27, 2017

Muslim Brotherhood Affiliate Claims Responsibility for Cairo Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 19, 2017

Most Bavarian Muslim Refugees Hold Anti-Semitic Beliefs, Study Shows

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 6, 2017

After Palestinians Deny Incitement, Official Calls for Shooting Israelis

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 30, 2017

Abbas and Palestinian Authority Honor Terrorists Amid Trump Visit

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 23, 2017

Muslim Brotherhood Invokes Anti-Semitism in Pro-Hamas Statement

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 17, 2017

Lawsuit Targets American Muslims for Palestine

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 12, 2017

Report: Canada's Arabic-Language Publications Contribute to Anti-Semitism Spike

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 9, 2017

Trump Tells Abbas to Stop Violent Incitement and Terrorist Salaries

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 4, 2017

Report: European States Finance NGOs That Support Terrorism Against Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 1, 2017

Half of Prominent Jihadis Tied to "Non-Violent" Islamism, New Study Shows

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 30, 2017

Congressional Caucus Seeks New Approach to Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 27, 2017

Germany: Iran Plotting Terror on Jewish and Israeli Targets

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 24, 2017

Rotterdam Allows Pro-Hamas Conference, Blocks Anti-Hamas Protest

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 18, 2017

Jewish Woman Shoved to Her Death From Apartment Window in Paris

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 6, 2017

Iran Sponsored Shi'a Militia Launches Terror Group to Fight Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 5, 2017

New Hamas Document Reaffirms Radical Islamist Goals

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 3, 2017

Bahrain Busts Iran-Backed Cell Behind Bus Bombing, Assassination Plots

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 27, 2017

Hamas Seeks "Moderate" Image As Leader Calls for Israel's Demise

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 23, 2017

Israeli Authorities Disrupt More West Bank Terror Cells

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 15, 2017

Arab Factions Praise Jordanian Terrorist For Killing Israeli Schoolgirls

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 13, 2017

Hizballah Continues Recruiting Palestinians to Kill Israelis

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 9, 2017

Hizballah's Ongoing Threat to U.S. National Security

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 7, 2017

Canadian Imams Call for Death of Jews

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 1, 2017

Iran's Leader Urges Palestinians to Launch Violent Uprising

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 21, 2017

Maryland Mosque Lauds Pakistani Assassin

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 15, 2017

Rasmieh Odeh's Co-Conspirators' Testimony Sought for Retrial

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 14, 2017

ISIS Terrorists Tapping Organized Crime to Infiltrate Europe

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 10, 2017

Defections Challenge Hamas' Cooperation With the Islamic State

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 8, 2017

Fordham University Facing Backlash for Rejecting SJP on Campus

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 2, 2017

New Study Emphasizes Islamism as Foreign Fighters' Main Motivation

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 27, 2017

Keith Ellison Lies to CNN

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 14, 2016

Prosecutors Try to Refocus Rasmieh Odeh Case

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 13, 2016

Report Outlines Growing Link Between Counterfeiting and Terrorism Financing

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 6, 2016

IPT Story Prompts ADL to Retract Ellison DNC Endorsement

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 1, 2016

Germany's Military Probes Growing Threat from ISIS Infiltration

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 7, 2016

Muslim Brotherhood Spiritual Leader Continues Promoting Violence Against Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 4, 2016

Violent Incitement, Not Grievance, Drives Knife Wielding Palestinian Kids

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 27, 2016

CAIR's Lamis Deek Fetes Jerusalem Terrorist

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 14, 2016

British Home Office Trying to Censor Report Accusing Government of Allowing "Muslim-Only Zones"

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For The Record - The IPT Blog October 11, 2016

CAIR's Awad: Anti-Terror JASTA Bill Part of "War on Islam"

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 26, 2016

Senior U.S. Official Laments Rising Anti-Semitism

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 22, 2016

Palestinian Summer Camps Glorify Terrorists As Attacks Targeting Israelis Surge

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 19, 2016

Iran's Terror Proxy Support Openly Defies Western Pressure

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 12, 2016

Jurisdictional Issue Quashes Huge Terror Judgment Against Palestinian Authority

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 31, 2016

Arrests Suggest Hizballah Seeking Stronger West Bank Foothold

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 16, 2016

UN Special Envoy Calls for Gaza Aid Cutoff While Hamas in Power

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For The Record - The IPT Blog August 15, 2016

Hizballah Uses Attack Drone As Offensive Capabilities Grow

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 9, 2016

Hamas Diverts Millions From U.S.-Based NGO To Finance Terrorist Capabilities

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For The Record - The IPT Blog August 4, 2016

Palestinian Terrorists Incorporating Rat Poison in Attack Plans

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 2, 2016

Canadian Arabic Newspaper Republishes Holocaust Denying Article

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 22, 2016

PA Honors Another Terrorist Amid U.S. Foreign Aid Re-Evaluation

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 18, 2016

Ex-ISNA President Drops Lawsuit Against Canadian Terrorism Expert David Harris

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 8, 2016

Muslim Writer Calls Out Palestinian Terror Glorification

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 1, 2016

"Moderates" Celebrate Slaughter at Israeli Café

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For The Record - The IPT Blog June 9, 2016

Another Radical Islamist in the Sanders Camp

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 26, 2016

Hamas Diverts Most of the Civilian Cement Sent Into Gaza

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For The Record - The IPT Blog May 25, 2016

Palestinian Authority Media Praises Terrorist Who Killed American Tourist

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 24, 2016

UN Watch Details Rights Council's Regressive Turn

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 20, 2016

Former al-Qaida Terrorist Sought Asylum in Norway

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 17, 2016

Hamas Exploits Easing of Gaza Blockade to Smuggle More Weapons

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 16, 2016

Michigan Public Radio Station Bars Donor's Israel Birthday Message

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 13, 2016

Hamas Caught Smuggling Rocket Material as Israel Considers Re-Opening Gaza Border

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 3, 2016

Palestinian Children Kill Israelis in Hamas "Play"

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 27, 2016

Report: Iran May Send Hamas to Fight ISIS

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For The Record - The IPT Blog April 25, 2016

Video Captures Palestinians Hailing Jerusalem Bomber

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 21, 2016

Report: German Refugee Program Money Given to Hizballah Operatives

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 20, 2016

Palestinians Praise Jerusalem Bus Bombing Targeting Israelis

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 18, 2016

Underground Hamas Tunnels Continue to Threaten Israeli Civilians

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 18, 2016

Report Suggests Radical Islamists Infiltrating German Military to Receive Training

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For The Record - The IPT Blog April 13, 2016

Study Shows Many UK Muslims Hold Extremist, Anti-Semitic Views

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 12, 2016

Appellate Court Hears Arguments in Palestinian Authority Terror Civil Suit

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog April 12, 2016

Bangladeshi Writer on Islamist "Hit List" Killed

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 7, 2016

U.S. Seizes More Iranian Weapons at Sea

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 4, 2016

U.S. Mulls Ending Ban on Dollars to Aid Iran

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 1, 2016

UK School Promotes Radical Islam, Anti-Semitism, and Jihad

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 1, 2016

ISIS Commander Claims To Be In UK

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 31, 2016

Iran's Supreme Leader Prefers Missile Program Over Negotiations

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For The Record - The IPT Blog March 30, 2016

UK Foreign Aid Funds Palestinian Terror

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 28, 2016

Questions Remain Over U.S. "Ransom Payment" to Iran

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 23, 2016

ISIS Claims Credit for Belgium Attacks, Promises More Killing

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 22, 2016

Belgian Attacks Horrific, But Expected

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 22, 2016

International Federation of Journalists Defends Palestinian Violent Incitement

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For The Record - The IPT Blog March 18, 2016

Radical Islamists "Control" Some Maximum Security Prisons in Britain

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For The Record - The IPT Blog March 15, 2016

U.S. Media Ignore Tel Aviv Shooter's Plan to Attack Israeli Kindergartens

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For The Record - The IPT Blog March 14, 2016

Fatah and PA Glorify Murder of U.S. Tourist in Israel, Abbas Refuses to Condemn Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 9, 2016

Palestinian Social Media Networks Continue to Encourage Terrorist Attacks

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For The Record - The IPT Blog March 1, 2016

Hizballah Leader Brags About Capabilities That Could Kill Thousands of Israelis

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 29, 2016

Oberlin Professor's Anti-Semitic Rhetoric Part of a Campus Trend

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 26, 2016

Iran Increases Spending On Global Terrorism

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For The Record - The IPT Blog February 25, 2016

Georgetown's Nathan Lean Says Everything by Saying Nothing

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 24, 2016

Radical Canadian Imam: "Rome Will Be Conquered"

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 23, 2016

Anti-Israel Protester Threatens Palestinian Activist During College Lecture

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 22, 2016

Gallup: Americans Maintain Negative View of Iran After Nuclear Deal

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 18, 2016

Canada's Liberal Government Admits Humanitarian Aid Can Reach Terrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 17, 2016

Selling Books "Offensive" to Muslims Lands 3 Bangladeshis in Jail

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 16, 2016

Report: Hizballah Has Russian Technology Capable of Downing Israeli Jets

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 16, 2016

IDF Chief of Staff: Tunnel Detection Efforts Also Hidden

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 9, 2016

Report Highlights Social Media's Role Prior to Palestinian Terrorist Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 4, 2016

Muslim Women Protest Obama's Baltimore Mosque Visit

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 3, 2016

Iraqi Journalist Dispels Myth that ISIS Has No Ties to Islam

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 3, 2016

Hizballah Using Advanced, Iranian Anti-Tank Missiles in Syria

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 2, 2016

UN Condemns Israel As the World Marks Holocaust Remembrance Day

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 29, 2016

Investigation Reveals Hizballah Directed Palestinian Cell to Kill Israelis

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For The Record - The IPT Blog January 27, 2016

Palestinian Father, Social Media Praise Terrorist Who Murdered Israeli Mother

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 19, 2016

Another Dubious State of the Union Guest

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For The Record - The IPT Blog January 12, 2016

Fatah Airs Video Urging Killing Israelis By Any Means

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 12, 2016

House Democrats Turn to the Wrong Muslims for SOTU

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For The Record - The IPT Blog January 11, 2016

Israel Foils Hamas Kidnapping and Murder Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 7, 2016

Bahrain Claims It Foiled Iranian-backed Terrorist Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 6, 2016

Iran's Guard Corps Receives Precision Ballistic Missile System

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For The Record - The IPT Blog December 29, 2015

Picture Tells Arab Journalist the Story on Israeli Prisoner Treatment

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 24, 2015

Slain Hizballah Terrorist Reportedly Planning Major Iran-Ordered Attack on Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 21, 2015

Swedish Citizens Receive Threatening ISIS Style Messages to Convert or Die

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 16, 2015

White House Opens Door to CAIR Rep, Ignores Muslim Reformers

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 15, 2015

On Anniversary, Hamas Calls for More Stabbings and Destroying Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 15, 2015

Palestinian Intelligence Officer Responsible for Terrorist Attack Targeting Israelis

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 3, 2015

IPT Statement on San Bernardino Mass Murders

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 3, 2015

Abbas Repeats Debunked Incitement Amid Ongoing Palestinian Murders

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 24, 2015

Iran's Elite Forces Enduring Rising Casualties in Syrian Offensive

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 23, 2015

Palestinian Terrorists Kill 5, Including American Teen, in Separate Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 19, 2015

Terrorist Kills Two Israelis as Palestinian Incitement Continues to Spread

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 13, 2015

New Report Details Iranian Commander's Involvement in Terrorist Activity and Regional Expansion

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 4, 2015

Pockets of Sanity Emerge in Crazed Palestinian Attacks

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For The Record - The IPT Blog October 22, 2015

Kerry Tells Abbas to Stop Inciting While Fatah and Hamas Call for More Attacks

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For The Record - The IPT Blog October 16, 2015

Abbas Caught Lying About Israeli "Field Executions" of Palestinian Terrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 15, 2015

Palestinian Education Ministry Honors Terrorists As Attacks Against Israelis Continue

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 14, 2015

Terrorist Wave Continues As Palestinian Leaders Encourage Violence Against Israelis

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For The Record - The IPT Blog October 9, 2015

"Moderate" Palestinian Leaders Encourage Attacks, More Israelis Stabbed

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 8, 2015

Netanyahu Demands Palestinian Condemnation for Couple's Murder

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For The Record - The IPT Blog October 2, 2015

Rouhani Offers Futile Bribe to Hardliners for Nuclear Deal Support

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 2, 2015

Abbas Unilaterally Disengages from Oslo Accords Despite U.S. Pressure

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For The Record - The IPT Blog September 30, 2015

Bangladesh Group's Hit List Targets More Secular Bloggers

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 23, 2015

UN Chief Criticizes Abbas' Incitement Against Jews in Jerusalem

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 22, 2015

Abbas: "Filthy" Jews' Feet Not Allowed on Temple Mount

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 17, 2015

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Planned Terrorist Attack at Joseph's Tomb

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 25, 2015

Victims' Attorney Disappointed by Low PA Bond Requirement

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 24, 2015

UN Will Allow Iran to Inspect Its Own Nuclear Site

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 19, 2015

Bangladesh Police Arrest Three in Bloggers' Murders

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 18, 2015

Obama Administration Urges Judge to Limit PA Bond in Terror Case

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 11, 2015

Captured Hamas Operative Details Group's Terrorist Plans

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 11, 2015

Column Looks At Notorious Terrorist Who Benefits In Iran Nuclear Deal

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For The Record - The IPT Blog August 10, 2015

Bangladesh Islamists Slaughter Another Secular Writer

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For The Record - The IPT Blog August 7, 2015

Terror Victims' Lawsuit Seeks to Block Iran Deal's Sanctions Relief

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 5, 2015

Hamas Calls For Suicide Attacks As Israelis Express Revulsion Over Jewish Terror

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 4, 2015

Congress Members Frustrated by Secret Iran Nuclear Agreements and Hidden Unclassified Documents

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 31, 2015

Palestinian Summer Camps Preach Jihad and Train Youth to Become Terrorists

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For The Record - The IPT Blog July 30, 2015

Israeli Strike Kills Ruthless, Child-Killing Hizballah/PFLP Terrorist

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 29, 2015

Canadian Converts to Islam Planned to Kill Jewish Children

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 29, 2015

Iranian Leader Encourages 'Death to America' Chants After Nuclear Deal

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 20, 2015

British PM's Speech Specific About Radical Islamist Threat

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 20, 2015

Iranian President Crows Deal Recognizes Country's Nuclear Status

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 16, 2015

Radical British Islamist Hid In Plain Sight – On Government Payroll

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 13, 2015

Prosecution: Rasmieh Odeh Appeal Utterly Fails on the Law

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 8, 2015

Palestinian Terror Groups Encourage Ramadan Attacks Targeting Jews

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 6, 2015

UK Universities Host Over 100 Islamist Speaker Events Annually

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 6, 2015

Palestinian Cleric Delivers Anti-Semitic Sermon, Incites Violence Against Jews

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 6, 2015

Iranian-backed Hizballah and Hamas Bolster Worldwide Terrorist Presence

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For The Record - The IPT Blog July 1, 2015

Al-Jazeera Disclosures Deserve a Closer Look…By the Feds

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 24, 2015

State Department Report Minimizes Palestinian Incitement to Violence

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 19, 2015

Would-Be Islamic State Terrorist Charged in New York

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 17, 2015

Indictment Alleges Garland Cartoon Contest Shooters Had Help

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 16, 2015

Lawsuit: Al Jazeera America Misogynistic, Deliberately Pushing Anti-U.S., Anti-Israel Biases

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 12, 2015

Turkish Official Blames "Jewish Lobby" and "Crusaders" for Election Failure

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For The Record - The IPT Blog June 11, 2015

Article to Criticize Israel for Excessive Warnings in Gaza

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For The Record - The IPT Blog June 10, 2015

Maajid Nawaz Just Indirectly Called 2 CAIR Officials "Insane"

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For The Record - The IPT Blog June 5, 2015

Hamas-Affiliated Group Wins Seat on UN Body

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 2, 2015

CAIR's Ayloush Considers Hizballah "Terrorists" in Syria, But Not Israel

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For The Record - The IPT Blog May 26, 2015

Ex-CAIR Official Again Attacks the U.S. on Iranian TV

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 21, 2015

Critics of Islam Continue to Face Threats

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 19, 2015

Islamists Hack Another Secular Writer to Death in Bangladesh

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 12, 2015

Report: Hamas Recruiting Students in Malaysia, Training Terrorists in Turkey

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 11, 2015

George Galloway and the "Vile Zionist Hyenas"

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 8, 2015

Hamas Accused of Bulldozing Salafist Mosque Amid Rising Tensions

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 5, 2015

Canadian Homeland Security Adviser Suspended for Islamist Associations

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 1, 2015

Foreign Money Promotes Radical Islamist Agenda in Canada

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For The Record - The IPT Blog April 30, 2015

Lawsuit Alleges Sexism, Anti-Semitism by Al Jazeera America Official

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For The Record - The IPT Blog April 29, 2015

A Guide to Israel Haters' Thinking

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 28, 2015

Terrorist Activity on Israel-Syria border as Iran Seeks to Arm Hizballah

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 27, 2015

Alabama Woman Joins Islamic State, Urges Americans to Follow Her

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog April 21, 2015

PA President Abbas Honors Fatah Terrorists in Official Ceremony

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 17, 2015

Hamas Rebuilding War Machine as Gaza Deteriorates

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 15, 2015

Obama's Emphasis on Internal Threats Infuriates Gulf Allies

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 8, 2015

Report: Internal French Document Shows Troubling Discrepancies With US on Iran Deal

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog April 7, 2015

Radical Islamist Group Claims to Influence UK Election

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 7, 2015

ISIS Conquers Palestinian Refugee Camp in Damascus

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 1, 2015

As Nuclear Talks Continue, Iran Issues Latest Threat to Destroy Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 31, 2015

Amnesty International Alleges Palestinians Committed War Crimes

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 26, 2015

Palestinians Glorify Terrorist Responsible for 37 Israeli Deaths

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 20, 2015

South Florida Jihadist Now On ICE

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 13, 2015

Palestinian Slams Car into Israelis on Purim Holiday, PLO Encourages More Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 6, 2015

Muslim Brotherhood Condemns Egypt Court Declaring Hamas A Terrorist Group, Calls for Destruction of Israel

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 2, 2015

Austrian Parliament Bans Foreign Funding For Islamic Organizations

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 1, 2015

Attackers Kill American Writer at Bangladesh Book Fair

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 26, 2015

A Quarter of British Muslims Sympathize with Paris Attack Terrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 25, 2015

Egypt's President Calls for Arab Coalition Against ISIS

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 24, 2015

Cables Show CIA Tried to Connect with Hamas Despite U.S. Ban

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 23, 2015

New York Jury Could Hit PA in Pocketbook and Beyond

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 20, 2015

Judge Slams Rasmieh Odeh's Request for New Trial

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 13, 2015

Turkish Leader Accuses "Jewish Lobby" of Plot to Topple Regime

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 9, 2015

Gaza Terrorist Groups Rebuilding Militaries, Training Recruits for War

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 4, 2015

Muslim Brotherhood: Prepare for Jihad

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 30, 2015

Swedish Reporter Wearing Yarmulke Attacked in Malmo

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 26, 2015

Islamic State Supporters Protest in Gaza, Attempt to Storm French Institute

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 23, 2015

Hamas Praises Tel Aviv Bus Stabbing Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 21, 2015

Israel Braces for Retaliation After Airstrike in Syria Kills Iranian Commander

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 20, 2015

Prosecutor: Argentinian President Plotted to Cover Up Iranian Role in AMIA Bombing

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 15, 2015

Oxford University Press Bans Pork Related Material From Books

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 14, 2015

Meanwhile, Saudis Lash Blogger for "Insult" to Islam

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 9, 2015

Palestinian Authority Daily Praises Stabbing of Israeli Soldiers

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 8, 2015

Palestinian Media Glorifies Synagogue Attack Terrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 30, 2014

Hamas Diverting Reconstruction Material to Rebuilding Terror Tunnels

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 19, 2014

European Court Orders Hamas' Removal from Terror List

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 17, 2014

Latest Hamas Gems: A Failed Terror Plot, Praise for ISIS

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 15, 2014

Nephew of Israeli Teens' Murderer Attempted Terrorist Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 9, 2014

Rasmieh Odeh Granted Pre-Sentence Bond

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 8, 2014

Breaking News: Interpol Alert Seeks Arrest of MB's Qaradawi

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 5, 2014

AP's Weak Push Back Against Former Reporter's Criticism

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 3, 2014

Hamas, Jordanian Brotherhood Smuggle Weapons into Palestinian Territories

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 2, 2014

Ex-AP Reporter – Media Imbalance Toward Israel Becomes Rooted

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 1, 2014

Plotting New Violence, Hamas Dissolves Unity Government with Fatah

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 1, 2014

Prosecution: Lies Should Keep Rasmieh Odeh Detained

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 21, 2014

Raid Shows Enhanced Use of Fireworks as Palestinian Riot Weapon

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 21, 2014

Israel Blames Abbas, Promises Harsh Response to Synagogue Terror Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 18, 2014

UAE Designates CAIR, MAS as Terrorist Groups

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 17, 2014

Palestinian Terrorists Stab Israelis in Separate Incidents

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 10, 2014

Another Palestinian Terrorist Crashes Car Into Israeli Crowd, Killing One

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 5, 2014

Rasmieh Odeh Jury Selected

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 4, 2014

NYT Editor Admits Giving Palestinian Incitement a Pass

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 31, 2014

Ottawa Police Services Reach Out to Islamist Groups After Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 28, 2014

Rulings Crimp Odeh Defense Strategy

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 27, 2014

Egypt Cancels Hamas-Israel Talks After Sinai Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 27, 2014

Hamas, Fatah Officials Praise Terrorist Who Killed Israeli Baby

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 23, 2014

Baby Killed When Suspected Terrorist Slams Car into Jerusalem Crowd

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 22, 2014

Sinai-based Terrorists Attack Israeli Border Patrol

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 22, 2014

Kerry Links ISIS Recruiting Success to Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 17, 2014

Russian Spy Outpost in Syria Targeting Israel Uncovered

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 10, 2014

British Watchdog Freezes Galloway's Hamas-Supporting Charity

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 9, 2014

Prosecution Tries to Interfere With Plot to Interfere

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 7, 2014

Hamas Envisions West Bank Takeover, Destruction of Israel

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog October 6, 2014

Portland Christmas Tree Bomb Plotter Sentenced to 30 Years

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 1, 2014

Our Double Standard on Civilian Casualties

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 1, 2014

Palestinian Authority Glorifies Murderers of Israeli Teens as 'Martyrs'

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 30, 2014

Mavi Marmara Veteran Killed in Syrian Strike

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 25, 2014

President Obama Cites Radical Cleric in UN Speech

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 24, 2014

Palestinians Mourn Hamas Terrorists Suspected of Killing Israeli Boys

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 23, 2014

N.Y. Jury Finds Arab Bank Liable for Terror Financing

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 22, 2014

Turkey's Erdogan Compares Israel to Hitler, Openly Supports Hamas

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 19, 2014

Confident From Syria, Hizballah Considering Attacking Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 15, 2014

Hamas and the Art of Deception

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 12, 2014

Hamas Admits Launching Rockets From Civilian Areas

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 12, 2014

Obama's "not Islamic" Islamic State Claim Ridiculed

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 11, 2014

Georgetown's Esposito Joins Israel Boycott

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 9, 2014

Islamic State Wins Support from Jordanian Pol, Shocks Saudis

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 5, 2014

Hamas' Military Wing Boasts of its Units and Weaponry

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 2, 2014

Mahmoud Abbas: Blame Hamas for Gaza Casualties

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 29, 2014

Decimated Hamas Accepts Ceasefire, Claims Victory

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 26, 2014

Jordan Accuses Hizballah of Plotting Attacks on U.S., Israeli Targets

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 25, 2014

Hamas: Israel's Destruction Remains Ultimate Goal

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 25, 2014

Forbes: "Abysmal Overseas Reporting" on Display in Gaza Conflict

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 22, 2014

Hamas Wages "Collaborator" Execution Spree Following Attack on Leadership

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 22, 2014

Hey, Nihad, Look up. Look Down.

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 22, 2014

Israel Prepares for Terror After Killing Senior Hamas Leaders

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 21, 2014

Hamas Official Admits His Group Murdered Three Israeli Boys

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 20, 2014

Israel Disrupts Hamas Plot to Overthrow PA

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 19, 2014

Hamas Admits Deporting Foreign Journalists Who Filmed Rocket Launches

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 15, 2014

Palestinian Authority Envoy Calls for Israel's Destruction

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 14, 2014

Hamas, Fatah Military Wings Produce Rockets, Threaten Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 14, 2014

New Data Challenges Narrative on Gaza Deaths

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 8, 2014

Hamas, In a 140-Character Nutshell

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 7, 2014

Hamas Kidnapping Shatters Ceasefire

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 1, 2014

Chicago Imam Urges Jihad for Gaza

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 31, 2014

Italian Journalist Describes Hamas Cover-Up of Errant Rockets

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 31, 2014

MB Cleric Qaradawi Still Loving Hamas and Hating Jews

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 31, 2014

Hamas Intimidates Western Journalists, Kills 30 "Collaborators"

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 30, 2014

Three Israeli Troops Killed in Booby-Trapped UN Clinic

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 30, 2014

Ex-Saudi Intelligence Chief Blames Hamas for Gaza Deaths

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 29, 2014

IDF Finds Hamas Training Manual; Hospitals Used as Terrorist Bases

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 29, 2014

Hamas Mortar Shell Kills 4; IDF Foils Terrorist Infiltration

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 28, 2014

Qatar Friday Sermon Calls For Killing of Jews

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 25, 2014

Former Islamist Charity Leader Facing Citizenship Revocation

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 25, 2014

Hamas Rockets Found in UN School Again

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 23, 2014

ISIS, Hizb ut Tahrir Call for Israel's Destruction

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 22, 2014

UN, EU Condemn Hamas Rocket Attacks; US Airlines Cancel Israeli Flights

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 22, 2014

AMP Official Defends Hamas, Praises Israeli Casualties

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 21, 2014

As Gaza Battles Rages, Kerry Elbows In

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 21, 2014

Breaking News: Israeli Ground Operation Has Specific Objectives

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 17, 2014

More Hamas Lies and Depravity

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 17, 2014

Arab World Increasingly Frustrated with Hamas

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 16, 2014

Eiffel Tower Plotter Led by Senior AQIM Operative

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 16, 2014

Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Hamas Have Become Oxymorons

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 15, 2014

Palestinian Officials Openly Fault Hamas

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 14, 2014

Israel Launches "Protective Edge" to Stop Hamas Rocket Fire

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 8, 2014

Israeli Leaders Unite in Condemning Revenge Killing

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 7, 2014

Pew Finds Growing Muslim Fear Over Islamic Extremism

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 2, 2014

Bodies of Missing Israeli Boys Found, Cabinet Meets

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 30, 2014

Israel Names Two Main Kidnapping Suspects

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 26, 2014

Sudan Detains Christian Woman Trying to Reach America

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 24, 2014

Hamas Leader Falsely Claims 3 Kidnapped Boys Were Soldiers

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 24, 2014

As Palestinians Celebrate Israeli Kidnappings, Hamas Calls For Intifada

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 19, 2014

Palestinian Media Makes Light of 3 Students' Kidnapping

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 16, 2014

Moderate Muslim Panel Warns of Islamic Anti-Semitism

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 11, 2014

Report Debunks "Cold-Blood" Claim on Palestinian Deaths

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 9, 2014

Iranian Power Struggle Reaches New Heights, Threats Exchanged

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 30, 2014

Al-Qaeda in Syria Reaches Israel's Border

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 28, 2014

Ottawa City Hall Hosts Palestinian Exhibit Honoring Terrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 27, 2014

Seized Hamas Video Shows Israeli Commuter Train Targeted

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 19, 2014

Palestinian Institute's Wishful Thinking

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 15, 2014

More Qaradawi Anti-Semitism, Calls For Jihad Against Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 15, 2014

NYPD Commissioner: Seeking Suspects' Intel "An Essential Element"

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 13, 2014

ISNA Official's U.S. Visits Draw Senator's Attention

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 7, 2014

UK "Trojan Horse" Plot May Have Spread

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog May 5, 2014

Report: Pakistan's ISI Targeted US and Israeli Consulates in India

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 5, 2014

Fatah Official Calls for Martyrdom to "Liberate" Jerusalem

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 5, 2014

Islamist Extremists Publicly Crucify Two Syrian Rebels

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog April 30, 2014

Canada Raids, Designates Hamas-Tied Charity

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 29, 2014

Blueprint's Discovery Fuels UK "Trojan Horse" Concerns

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 29, 2014

CAIR's Newest Enemy

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 28, 2014

Revolution Muslim Founder Sentenced

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 25, 2014

Fatah and Hamas Announce Reconciliation Deal

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 23, 2014

Iran Finally Pays For Some of Its Terror

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 18, 2014

Husband Convicted in Case Touted as Hate Crime

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 18, 2014

Hamas Praises Deadly West Bank Shooting

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 16, 2014

PA Glorifies Another Arch-Terrorist

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 14, 2014

Hamas Celebrates AKP Win; Relies on Turkish Support

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 7, 2014

Hamas Plans New Satellite Channel

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 3, 2014

MEMRI Report Illustrates Abbas' Duplicity

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 3, 2014

Woman's Murder Was Family Tragedy, Not Hate Crime

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 2, 2014

UK Prime Minister Orders MB Investigation

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 1, 2014

Hamas Imposes Radical New Law: Lashings, Amputations, and Massive Executions

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 28, 2014

Iran Resumes Financial Assistance to Hamas

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 25, 2014

Hamas Sends Threatening Text Messages to Israelis

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 24, 2014

Israel Uncovers "Advanced" Hamas Tunnel

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 21, 2014

Two More Charged With Trying to Join Foreign Jihad

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 21, 2014

Younger, Educated and Affluent – The UK's Terror Sympathizers

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 20, 2014

Egyptian Students Raise Jihad Banner at Pro-Brotherhood Rally

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 19, 2014

California Convert Arrested Trying to Join Syrian Terrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 17, 2014

US Wavers on "Jewish State" Recognition While Cameron Endorses It

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 14, 2014

U.S. Acknowledges Iran's Uranium Enrichment Can Continue

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 12, 2014

Abbas: "No Way" He'll Recognize Jewish State

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 7, 2014

IDF Intercepts Significant Iranian Arms Shipment Bound for Gaza

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 5, 2014

Hizballah Threatens Retaliation

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 27, 2014

Egyptian Army Targets Sinai Jihadists

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 24, 2014

Hamas Tests Anti-Aircraft Missiles Against Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 21, 2014

CAIR Again Shows It Can't Stand Other Muslim Viewpoints

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 11, 2014

American al-Qaida Member Is Potential Drone Strike Target

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 10, 2014

New Policy Could Allow in Syrians with "Limited" Terror Ties

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 6, 2014

An Exercise in Indoctrination

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 6, 2014

Swedish Study: Islamic Extremists Pose Greater Threat

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 31, 2014

Israeli Defense Official Offers Dark Security Assessment

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 29, 2014

MEMRI: Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei Denies the Holocaust

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 27, 2014

Disrupted Plot Shows Israel's Facing Growing Al-Qaida Threat

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 23, 2014

Palestinian Protesters Violently Confront Pro-Palestinian Israelis

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 21, 2014

Hizballah Preparing for War with Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 17, 2014

Hamas Trains 13,000 Teens to Emulate 'Suicide Martyrs'

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 15, 2014

Egypt's Military Plans for Hamas Confrontation

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 14, 2014

Palestinians Prepare for Potential Hizballah Confrontation

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 9, 2014

10 Year Sentence for "Jihad Jane"

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 6, 2014

Czechs Seek Answers for Palestinian Embassy Weapons Cache

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 6, 2014

Despite Israeli Strikes, Hizballah Gathers Sophisticated Missile Systems

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 3, 2014

Foes Suspect Hizballah in Beirut Car Bombing

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 27, 2013

Palestinian Incitement and Terror Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 26, 2013

After 3-Year Freeze, Government Seeks "Prompt Resolution" of Al-Arian Case

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 23, 2013

MPAC Peddles Debunked Gaza Dam Story

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 20, 2013

NGO Leader's Terror Designation Looks Familiar

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 20, 2013

Hizballah Leader Bashes Saudi Arabia Over Syria

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 16, 2013

Terrorist Killed British Soldier to "Make it to Paradise"

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 9, 2013

Although Withdrawn, Stoning Proposal Shows Afghanistan's "Living Hell"

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 2, 2013

Another Hate Crimes Report Contradicts Islamist Claims

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 26, 2013

Incoming NYC Mayor Taps Pro-Censorship Imam for Transition

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 21, 2013

Christians Fleeing Iraq

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 21, 2013

Georgetown Rescinds Invite to Egyptian Nazi

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 20, 2013

Brandeis/Palestinian University Partnership Suspended After Jihadist Rally

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 19, 2013

Oops: AQ Affiliate Seeks "Understanding" After Beheading Error

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 15, 2013

IDF: Palestinian's Own Words Show Intent in Checkpoint Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 12, 2013

Netanyahu Blasts Iran Sanctions Deal

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 8, 2013

ICNA Leader Convicted in 1971 Bangladesh Massacres

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 3, 2013

Hard Times for Hamas

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 29, 2013

Turkey Plays Host to Embattled MB Officials

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 28, 2013

ICNA New York Scrubs Accused War Criminal From Web Page

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog October 18, 2013

NATO Ally Reportedly Exposed Israeli Spies in Iran

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 17, 2013

Cutting Egypt Aid Could Haunt U.S.

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 16, 2013

Column: Terror Attacks by Any Other Name

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 15, 2013

McCain Hires Discredited Syria Advocate

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 30, 2013

Nairobi Attack Prompts Debate Over Shabaab's Reach

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 26, 2013

Nihad Awad's One Step Up and Two Steps Back

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 25, 2013

After Nairobi Attack, CAIR Still Minimizing Shabaab's Somali-American Recruitment

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 24, 2013

CAIR's Irony Deficit

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 23, 2013

Breaking News: Egyptian Court Bans Brotherhood

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 23, 2013

Judge Finds Manhattan Skyscraper Owned by Iranian Front

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 17, 2013

MEMRI Documents Vast Egyptian Anger Toward Obama

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 16, 2013

9/11 Victims Advocate for Bill Targeting Foreign Terror Financiers

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 11, 2013

Eyewitness Places ICNA Official at Bangladesh Mass Killings

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 10, 2013

Treasury Targets Attempts to Evade Iran Sanctions

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 6, 2013

Iran Orders Retaliation If U.S. Strikes Syria

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 6, 2013

Reid Reportedly Pledges Help Repatriating ICNA Official

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 4, 2013

Syria Round-Up: Tests, Posturing and Politics

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 3, 2013

IPT Rebuts Apologist for Radical Cleric's Column in The Hill Newspaper

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 28, 2013

Algerian Mosque Terror Financing Draws Scrutiny

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 28, 2013

Report: Hamas Members Arrested in Ambush on Egyptian Police

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 28, 2013

Australian Islamic Cleric Incites Violence

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 23, 2013

Study Shows Radical Islamist Dominance in Terror Plots

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 23, 2013

9/11 Group Pushes Support for Terror Finance Legislation

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 22, 2013

Report: Iran, Hamas Trying to Sneak Syrian Arms into West Bank

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 13, 2013

Political Injection at the Royal Albert Hall

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 12, 2013

Anti-Israel Rally's "Ultimatum" Draws Toronto Police Attention

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 8, 2013

Hamas Official Blames Morsi's Fall on "Zio-American" Scheme

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 31, 2013

Morsi Charged, MB Slammed As Egyptians Rally

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 26, 2013

Audit Links ISNA Canada's Money to Kashmir Radicals

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 25, 2013

Qaradawi Comments Seen as Fatwa Against Egyptian Army

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 24, 2013

Iran Condemns Filmmaker as "Traitor" for Israel Visit

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 19, 2013

Report: MB Book Urges Jihad in Egypt

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 12, 2013

Indications of Syrian, Palestinian role in Egypt Street Violence

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 11, 2013

Tariq Ramadan Blames US and Zionists For Brotherhood Woes

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 10, 2013

Sympathetic MB Coverage Triggers Al Jazeera Backlash, Resignations

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 9, 2013

Tunisian Islamist Leader Urges Egyptians to Defend MB Rule

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 8, 2013

Senior Turkish Officials Blame Problems on Jews

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 3, 2013

Egypt's Long, Bloody Weekend Begins

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 28, 2013

Egypt Braces for Mass Pro, Anti-Morsi Protests

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 26, 2013

Hamas Leader Describes Meeting with U.S. Officials

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 25, 2013

New Gaza Rocket Fire Shows Jihadist Calculations

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 24, 2013

Egyptian Tourism Officials Stunned by Morsi Appointment

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 19, 2013

Canadian Intelligence Sees AQ to Shift to Smaller Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 14, 2013

Islamic Jihad's Summer of Radicalization

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 13, 2013

Feminist Protest Exposes Tunisian Islamist Justice

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 13, 2013

Obama Outreach Overview

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 12, 2013

Hasan: I Shot Comrades to Defend Taliban

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 4, 2013

Gulf Countries Take Action on Hizballah, EU Wavers

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 4, 2013

The Backlash That Wasn't

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 3, 2013

Old Nasrallah Video Confirms Hizballah Follows Iran's Orders

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 3, 2013

Erdoğan's Maryland Mosque

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 23, 2013

A Law Enforcement Chill on Free Speech

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 22, 2013

Jihadists Suspected in Shocking Daylight Attack Outside London

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog May 22, 2013

Hizballah Faces EU Designation, Digs Deeper into Syrian Conflict

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 21, 2013

Article Alleges Hamas Money Laundering

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 16, 2013

DC Judge Awards Hizballah Victims $8.4 Billion

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 10, 2013

Fresh Palestinian Wishes for Israel's Annihilation

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 9, 2013

Boston Bombers' Motivations No Mystery

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 30, 2013

Saudi Journalist Calls Hizballah a "Tool of the Mullahs"

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 29, 2013

Muted Response to Hamas Jihad Program for School Kids

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 29, 2013

Judge Clears Arab Bank Terror Suit For Trial

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 25, 2013

Treasury Gets Innovative Targeting Hizballah Money

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 24, 2013

Two Arrested in al-Qaida-Tied Canadian Rail Plot

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog April 22, 2013

Apology Does Little to Stem Erdoğan's Hostility

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog April 17, 2013

Boston Marathon Bomb Probe Focusing on Pressure Cookers

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog April 16, 2013

Jihad is Cool: Jihadist Magazines Recruit Young Terrorists

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog April 11, 2013

Muslim Writer Praises New Emerson Documentary

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 29, 2013

Army Vet Charged For Fighting with Syrian Terrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 29, 2013

Bahrain Labels Hizballah Terrorists, EU Dawdles

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 28, 2013

Three Terror Cases Wrapped in One Day

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 26, 2013

Western Passports Aiding Hizballah Terror Plots

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 22, 2013

Colorado Police Investigate Saudi Angle in State Official's Murder

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 21, 2013

American Islamist Selected to Run Syrian Opposition

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 21, 2013

PA Continues to Advocate for Israel's Destruction

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 20, 2013

Illinois Police: Terror Ties Cost Imam Chaplain Post

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 12, 2013

UN Confirms Hamas Rocket Kills BBC Reporter's Son

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 8, 2013

Canadian Immigration Minister Slams 'Israel Apartheid Week'

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 7, 2013

Esman: Turkey Placing Islam Above Child Welfare

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 7, 2013

Without Islamism: Men and Women Running Together!

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 5, 2013

Miami Imam Convicted of Supporting Pakistani Taliban

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 4, 2013

Coptic Writer Fears for Egypt's Antiquities

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 4, 2013

Saudi Cleric Calls Suicide Bombings "Pinnacle of Jihad"

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 4, 2013

Erdoğan Calls Zionism a "Crime Against Humanity"

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 28, 2013

Judge Smacks CAIR's "Careless" Lawsuit Management

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 12, 2013

'Ground Zero Mosque' Imam Sued for Fraud

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 6, 2013

Jury Rejects Entrapment Defense in Portland Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 1, 2013

Refreshing Candor on Islamist Violence in Congressional Report

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 29, 2013

Oath of Deception?

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 24, 2013

Maximum Sentence Sought in Danish Cartoon Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 15, 2013

CAIR's Ayloush Seeks California Democratic Party Post

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 11, 2013

Surprising Actions Toward Saving Syrians

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 9, 2013

CAIR Rep Blames Conservative Media for Rise in "Islamophobia"

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 9, 2013

More Baseless Israel Vilification From CAIR Rep

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 28, 2012

Syrian Jihadist Group Threatens United States

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 27, 2012

CAIR Leader Teams with Radical, Jew-Hating Imam

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 21, 2012

U.S.-led Global Counterterrorism Forum Excludes Israel

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 18, 2012

Report: War Crimes Charges Against ICNA Official Imminent

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 13, 2012

New Report Confirms Islamic Terrorism Trumps Others

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 11, 2012

Hate Crimes and Instant Spin

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 11, 2012

When Demonstrators Echo Terrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 10, 2012

CAIR Cares About Terrorists Again

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 10, 2012

Iraqi Man Held as Threat in Ariz. Bombing

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 6, 2012

The Deeper Flaws in Egypt's Draft Constitution

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 6, 2012

Inspector General Probing FBI/CAIR Interactions

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 30, 2012

Tunisian Leader: Islamists to Dominate Arab World

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 30, 2012

Seven Egyptian Christians Sentenced to Death over Role in Film

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 28, 2012

Islamic Terror Plots and More Smoke and Mirrors

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 27, 2012

Islamist Says Morsi Critics Could Be Killed

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 27, 2012

Anti-Israel Beat Poet Serves Up Misinformation at Portland State

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 19, 2012

Iran's Enhanced Nuclear Capabilities

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 16, 2012

Hamas' Confounding Motivation

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 16, 2012

Gaza Rockets Reach Tel Aviv, Jerusalem

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 16, 2012

Gaza Conflict Tests Egypt

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 15, 2012

Palestinian Rocket Fire Kills 3 Israelis, Targets Tel Aviv

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 15, 2012

UC Irvine Student Senate Calls for Divestment from Israel

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 14, 2012

Hamas Military Chief Killed

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 14, 2012

Life Sentence for Would-Be Saudi Terrorist

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 13, 2012

Ghoneim Demands Sharia, Cheers Hurricane Sandy

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 9, 2012

Husband Charged in Murder Hyped as Hate Crime

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 9, 2012

Muslim Brotherhood Tells Obama "Accept Arab Will"

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 8, 2012

HLF And SCOTUS, More To Consider

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 30, 2012

Israel, Iran And A Bombing In Sudan

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 30, 2012

Beyond The Line For HLF

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog October 29, 2012

End of the Line for HLF

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 29, 2012

Erdoğan's Hypocrisy Exposed

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 12, 2012

MB Chief Calls for "Holy Jihad" Against Israel

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog October 11, 2012

Palestinian Official: "Armed Resistance" Still in Vocabulary

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog October 9, 2012

State Dept.'s "Inexplicable" Emissary Choice

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 9, 2012

Treasury Designation Latest of Hamas Challenges

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 4, 2012

Pipes: The Line Between Mockery and Hatred

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 26, 2012

"Moderate" New Jersey Imam Calls for Blasphemy Law

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 24, 2012

Salafi Cleric: Ambassador's Murder Justified

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 21, 2012

Rubin: We've Seen This Movie, Too

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 17, 2012

Chilling Free Speech to Appease Radical Islamists

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 17, 2012

Love of Allah Fueled Capitol Suicide Bomb Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 14, 2012

American Hamas Operative Sues Treasury Over Designation

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 7, 2012

CAIR Rep Applauds Shunning Law Enforcement

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 6, 2012

NY State Police Concerned About Aerial Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 6, 2012

Radical Imam May be Out at Northeastern

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 5, 2012

Orlando Jihad

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 5, 2012

U.S. Terror Designations Renew Challenge to Pakistan

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 31, 2012

Iran Embarrassed Twice at Event it Hosts

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 30, 2012

Clerics Preach Incitement and War

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 28, 2012

ADC, CAIR Form Election Partnership

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 24, 2012

Iran Orders Terror, Hizballah Plans Galilee Takeover

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 23, 2012

CAIR's Continued Embrace by Chicago Elected Officials

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 17, 2012

Islamists Crack Down on Egyptian Dissidents

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 15, 2012

PIJ Looks to Ditch Syria; Considering Move to Cairo or Beirut

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 8, 2012

Hamas Hates Israel, But Seems Okay With Its Doctors

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 8, 2012

Appeals Court Rejects Al Haramain Damages

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 7, 2012

Regulator: British Bank Laundered Billions for Iran Through New York

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 7, 2012

White House Rep Attends Event Hosted by MB Figure

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 7, 2012

The Week In Hamas

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 3, 2012

Ahmadinjead's "Quds Day" Annihilation Dream

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 2, 2012

Egypt Seeks Fuel for Radical Fire

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 30, 2012

PA Hails IOC's Refusal to Honor 1972 Munich Victims

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 27, 2012

EU Continues to Ignore Hizballah Terror

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 27, 2012

Terrorist Networks Thriving in the Sinai

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 19, 2012

CAIR Chicago's False Terror Equivalence

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 17, 2012

Rubin Issues Challenge on Islamists and Foreign Money

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 17, 2012

Attacks on Israelis Thwarted At Home and Abroad

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 16, 2012

Elashi Brothers in Gaza

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 16, 2012

Former Muslim Stereotype Fighter Charged with Hizballah Support

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 13, 2012

U.S. Aid to Palestinian Authority Threatened

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 12, 2012

Court Adds to Iran's Terror Damages

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 10, 2012

FBI Fort Hood Review Expected Next Week

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 6, 2012

CAIR Tweet Blasts "Racist" FBI

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 28, 2012

Canadians Modify Terror Lexicon

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 28, 2012

Report: A Dozen Military "Insider Threats"

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 26, 2012

King Demands Answers on Egyptian Radical's Visit

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 25, 2012

Report: Brotherhood Has Egyptian Caliphate Plans

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 24, 2012

Would-Be Capitol Bomber Pleads Guilty

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 22, 2012

Hamas Celebrates MB Victory Claim

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 19, 2012

CAIR Official Blames Israel for Brotherhood Setback

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 18, 2012

Iran Not Budging On Uranium Enrichment

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 18, 2012

IHH Leader Under Investigation for Funding al-Qaida

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 15, 2012

Bin Laden Documents Tie Gaza-Based Terrorist Group to Al- Qaida

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 14, 2012

State Department Report Purges Religious Freedom

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 8, 2012

White House Door Open to CAIR

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 8, 2012

Anti-Semitism Surging in France

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 5, 2012

AP's NYPD Reporting Blasted

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 1, 2012

Palestinians Hail "Martyrs" Remains Returned by Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 1, 2012

Arab Americans Seek Disadvantaged Minority Status

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 31, 2012

Iranian Official Admits Helping Syria

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 31, 2012

Evidence Ties Iran to Diplomat Assassination Plots

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 29, 2012

New Jersey AG Validates NYPD Surveillance

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 24, 2012

Similar to FBI cutoff, DOJ urged to sever ties with CAIR

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 15, 2012

Samir Khan Releases Advice for Mujahideen

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 15, 2012

CAIR Officials Demonize America on Iranian TV

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 15, 2012

Egypt's Presidential Hopefuls Declare Israel an Enemy

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 11, 2012

Islamist Extortion and the Media

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 10, 2012

Lawmaker Questions FBI Materials Purge

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog May 4, 2012

Pentagon to Do "Less with Less"

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 2, 2012

KindHearts Closing Part of Deal with Treasury

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog May 2, 2012

Proposal Enhances Honor Crime Scrutiny

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 30, 2012

Bin Laden Death Images Remain Secret

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 27, 2012

Annan's Syria Mission Mired in Failure

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 27, 2012

"60 Minutes" Abets PA Incitement

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 25, 2012

Palestinian Faces Death Penalty for Selling Home to Jews

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 24, 2012

Chicago Man Pleads Guilty in Bomb Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 23, 2012

British Muslim Leader Reportedly Facing War Crime Charges

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 23, 2012

Viva Palestina Begins Sixth Journey to the Gaza Strip

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 23, 2012

Marzook: No Recognition, No Permanent Peace

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 20, 2012

Occupy Movement Still Dogged by "Jewish Problem"

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 20, 2012

Subway Bomb Plotter Testifies Against Accomplice

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 19, 2012

Pro-Hamas Exhibit Opens in France

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 19, 2012

Tom Friedman: Stone a Jew for Peace

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 18, 2012

Jordan Poised to Ban Religious Parties

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 17, 2012

Egyptian Election Panel Upholds Ban on Top 3 Presidential Contenders

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 17, 2012

Waiting for al-Qaeda in Libya

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 16, 2012

American Al-Shabaab Leader Reported Killed in Somalia

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 13, 2012

CAIR Sues Over US-Canada Border Inspections

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog April 13, 2012

Virginia Lashkar Supporter Gets 12 Years

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 13, 2012

Clinton Dangerously Inconsistent on Palestinian Funding

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 13, 2012

Convicted Al-Qaida Plotter Sentenced to 17 Years

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 12, 2012

Israel Prepares for "Air Flotilla"

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 11, 2012

Helen Thomas Award May Damage Palestinian Aid

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 11, 2012

Baltimore Bomb Plotter Gets 25 Years

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 6, 2012

Canadian Professor Faces Extradition

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 6, 2012

CAIR Blocks Discussion of Islam – But Only Temporarily

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog April 5, 2012

U.S. Offers $10 Million for Pakistani Terror Chief

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 3, 2012

Brotherhood's Consistent Inconsistency

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 2, 2012

March on Jerusalem Fizzles

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 31, 2012

Who's In Charge Here? Somalia Edition

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 30, 2012

Pakistani Agent Sentenced in Kashmir Lobbying Case

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 30, 2012

U.S. Raising Questions on Israeli Military Strike

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 30, 2012

Congo Awards Hizballah Financier Lucrative Contracts

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 30, 2012

NY Man Convicted of Hizballah Support

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 28, 2012

Hard Lessons for France in Merah Case

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 28, 2012

Killer Acknowledges 1994 Attack Targeted Jews

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 28, 2012

Cyanide Plot Instructions Posted for London Games

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 27, 2012

Tunisians See Washington as Too Cozy with Islamists

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 22, 2012

PA's Inconsistent Terror Stands

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 22, 2012

Islamists Rehash Canards in Bashing Law Enforcement

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 22, 2012

Hearing: Hizballah, Iran Have Hundreds in the US

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 21, 2012

French Shooting Suspect Surrounded

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 21, 2012

Mogahed Questions Assad's Anti-Israel Bonafides

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 19, 2012

Ghoneim Hate Speech Draws Coptic Complaint

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 19, 2012

French Killings A Reminder that Terrorists Emphasize Jewish Targets

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 19, 2012

American Jihadist in Somalia Now Fears For Safety—At Hands of Jihadists

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 16, 2012

CAIR Official Sees "NYPD-CIA-Israeli" Conspiracy

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 15, 2012

Carter's Blind Brotherhood Trust

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 15, 2012

Feds Warn Afghan Deaths Could Trigger Domestic Retaliation

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 15, 2012

Ex CAIR Director Promises Sharia for Egypt

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 14, 2012

Alleged Iran Terror Plot Thwarted in Azerbaijan

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 14, 2012

"American Taliban" Lawyer Elevated at DOJ

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 13, 2012

Iron Dome Thwarting Gaza Rockets

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 12, 2012

NYPD Criticism Draws New Scrutiny to Chris Christie

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 7, 2012

WAMY Canada Loses Charitable Status

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 7, 2012

Al-Qaida in Iraq Attempts Comeback

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 6, 2012

Muslim Coalition Shows NYPD Support

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 6, 2012

German Report Raises Concern Over Muslim Radicalization

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 5, 2012

MB Philosophy Rejected by Founder's Brother

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 2, 2012

Penn Student Debunks anti-Israel Slanders

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 2, 2012

From Bad to Worse in Afghanistan

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 1, 2012

MPAC Touts Iran's "Victory"

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 29, 2012

Jasser, Pipes Debate Aid to Syrian Opposition

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 28, 2012

"Played For Fools" by Iran

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 27, 2012

Egypt, Hamas and U.S. Aid

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 27, 2012

Zombie Law in Pennsylvania

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 27, 2012

Hamas Prime Minister Breaks With Syria

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 24, 2012

Boko Haram – Symptom or Problem

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 23, 2012

Slain Iranian Scientist Wished for Israel's "Annihilation"

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 23, 2012

Palestinians Victimized by Failed Leadership

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 22, 2012

Republican Senators Supporting Muslim Brotherhood, Islamists

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 22, 2012

Brotherhood, Mubarak Crony Attack U.S. NGOs

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 17, 2012

MB Spokesman Describes Caliphate "Dream"

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 17, 2012

Breaking: Would-Be Capitol Hill Bomber Nabbed

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 17, 2012

Egyptian Liberal Slams American Islamists

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 16, 2012

Verizon Drops "Bridges" Television

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 16, 2012

Tehran Ramps Up Support for Assad

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 15, 2012

Hamas Leader Meets Ahmadinejad, Endorses Violence

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 14, 2012

Saudi Blogger's Fate Unclear after Being Deported Home

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 14, 2012

Possible Third Attack on Israeli Targets Fails

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 14, 2012

Jihadists, Criminals Roaming Free in Sinai

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 13, 2012

Prominent Witnesses Line Up for Alleged Saudi Bomb Plotter

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 13, 2012

German Court Convicts American Military Killer

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 10, 2012

Liberal Saudi Blogger Targeted for Death

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 9, 2012

Christians Facing Genocide in Muslim World

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 8, 2012

Report: Second Guilty Plea Coming in "South Park" Threat

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 8, 2012

Qaradawi Meets Hamas Leaders, Predicts "Victory"

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 8, 2012

Cab Driver Pleads Guilty to Funneling Funds to Al-Qaida

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 7, 2012

Syria Shells Civilians, Releases Terrorist Leader

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 6, 2012

Lawmakers Warn Cairo Over NGO Crackdown

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 3, 2012

House Hearing: Growing Terror Connection to Drug Cartels

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 3, 2012

IDF Facebook Story Called a Fraud

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 3, 2012

FBI Director Warns of Rising Cyber Threat

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 3, 2012

Assad Regime Starts to Implode

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 2, 2012

Muslim Group Defends "Third Jihad"

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 2, 2012

Iranian Government Threatens U.S. in Gulf

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 1, 2012

9 British Terror Plotters Plead Guilty

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 1, 2012

Report: Iran, Syria Behind Bahrain Plots

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 31, 2012

Qaradawi: No Chopping Off of Hands Now…But Later is OK

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 31, 2012

Egyptian Daily Promotes Anti-U.S. Medical Conspiracy

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 31, 2012

Jasser Takes on Media

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 30, 2012

Khadr Going Free, and Public

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 30, 2012

Turkey Denies Hamas Funding Reports

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 30, 2012

Source: Hamas' Meshaal Sets Sights on Brotherhood Post

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 27, 2012

Dissidents Claim Iranian Forces Captured in Syria

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 27, 2012

Pentagon, Monuments Shooter Pleads Guilty

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 26, 2012

CSU Reinstates Israel Study Abroad Program Despite Protests

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 26, 2012

Maryland Man Pleads Guilty To Plotting Attack on Military Recruiting Center

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 26, 2012

Egypt Blocks American's Departure

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 26, 2012

Sanctions Hit Iran Hard

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 26, 2012

Convicted NC Jihad Cell Member Allegedly Wanted Witnesses Killed

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 25, 2012

Jordan Considers Israel Sanctions

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 25, 2012

"Invasion" Seeks to Undermine Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 25, 2012

Mosque Leader Charged in Cigarette Smuggling Ring

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 23, 2012

Britain Bans Iranian Press TV

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 20, 2012

Rushdie Cancels Literary Event in Wake of Islamist Threats

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 20, 2012

In Gaza, Hamas and Friends Tighten the Noose

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 19, 2012

Kuwaiti Cleric Calls for Hacker Jihad

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 19, 2012

Arab Knesset Member Praises Palestinian Martyrdom

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 19, 2012

Palestinian Terrorist Groups Discuss Merger

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 17, 2012

Al-Qaida Propaganda Shifts

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 17, 2012

MEMRI: MB Anti-Semitism Contradicts Moderation Claims

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 13, 2012

Americans, Israelis Warned in Thailand Hizballah Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 13, 2012

U.S.-Funded Pakistani Group Supports Extremists

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 11, 2012

Tom Friedman in Egypt: The Joy of Wishful Thinking

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 11, 2012

KindHearts Dissolves

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 10, 2012

Former Army Soldier Charged with Support to Somali Terror Group

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 9, 2012

Pakistani Religious Parties Consider New Union

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 6, 2012

U.S. Official on Propping Up Islamist Democracies

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 6, 2012

Pakistani Citizen Gets Over Four Years in Terrorism Conspiracy

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 6, 2012

New Jihadi Media Groups

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 5, 2012

Islamists Spring to Power in Libya

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 5, 2012

Hamas' Ismail Haniyeh Meets with Turkish Prime Minister

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 3, 2012

Hamas Reiterates Commitment to Terror

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 30, 2011

Separating Fact from Fiction in Somalia

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 30, 2011

Report: Radical Sheikh a Key Mediator in U.S.-Taliban Talks

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 28, 2011

Court Finds Iran Aided 9/11 Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 23, 2011

Biden's Taliban Claim Draws Rebuke

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 22, 2011

Hamas Welcomed into the PLO

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 22, 2011

Clinton Suggests Islamic Governments Fear Debate

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 19, 2011

U.S. Sues Alleged Hizballah Money Launderers

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 16, 2011

NYT's Kristof Whitewashes the Egyptian Brotherhood

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 15, 2011

Hamas Celebrates Anniversary with Bombing Statistics

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 14, 2011

Former Iran Guard Commander Joined Maliki at White House

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 14, 2011

Lebanese Drug Lord Indicted, Linked to Hizballah Funding

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 13, 2011

Kerry Meets MB in Egypt

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 12, 2011

France Accuses Hezbollah, Syria of Peacekeeper Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 12, 2011

American Islamist Promotes Jewish Conspiracy on Iranian Television

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 12, 2011

Washington, Brotherhood Eye Assad's Downhill Spiral

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 9, 2011

U.S. Indicts Alleged Terrorist in Canada

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 9, 2011

Senior American al-Qaida Propagandist Killed in Pakistan

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 9, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood Cleric Calls for 'Gradualism' in Applying Shari'ah

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 9, 2011

PMW Releases PA Anti-Peace Book

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 8, 2011

Fifth Circuit Appeals Court Upholds HLF Convictions

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 7, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood Wins Additional Seats

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 7, 2011

Accused Pakistani Agent Pleads Guilty in Virginia Court

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 7, 2011

Israel's "Iron Dome" Combats Terror Rockets

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 7, 2011

Awlaki's Father Promotes Son's Speeches

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 6, 2011

Al-Qaida Posts Demands for Release of American Hostage

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 5, 2011

Hamas Celebrates Muslim Brotherhood Victory

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 5, 2011

Virginia Man Pleads Guilty to Supporting Lashkar

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 2, 2011

Iran May Target American Bases in Germany

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 2, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood Will Not Moderate

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 2, 2011

Europeans React Strongly to Iran's UK Embassy Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 30, 2011

Syrian Christians Fear a Future without Assad

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 30, 2011

MPAC Proud to Host Radical Tunisian Leader

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 28, 2011

Pakistani Parties Want New Jihad

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 28, 2011

Egyptian Rally Features Repeated Calls for Killing Jews

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 27, 2011

Yemen President Agrees to Step Down

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 23, 2011

U.S. Designates Lebanese al-Qaida Spinoff Member

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 22, 2011

U.S. Passport Holder Detonates in Pakistan

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 21, 2011

Bill Seeks Terror Designation for Flotilla Groups

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 21, 2011

Israeli Drones May Target Iranian Nuke Sites

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 18, 2011

Report: Iran's Revolutionary Guard Funneling Drugs to the West

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 18, 2011

Two Extradited from Romania in Hizballah Sting

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 17, 2011

Iran Training Palestinians with New Missiles

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 17, 2011

Austrian Police Chief Fears Radical Infiltration

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 17, 2011

Shabaab Media Evolution

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 16, 2011

Palestinians Agree to Elections

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 15, 2011

Norquist Hit for 'Iran Lobby' Link

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 15, 2011

British Arrest Four for Terrorism

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 15, 2011

Schwartz: Stuck in the Middle on Islamophobia

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 15, 2011

Iranians Attack IAEA Nuclear Report

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 14, 2011

Accused Terrorist to Use Insanity Defense

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 10, 2011

Hizballah Silencing Syrian Dissidents in Lebanon

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 10, 2011

Brits Ban Controversial Islamist Group

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 10, 2011

'Hacktivists' Set Sights on Muslim Brotherhood

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 9, 2011

Al-Qaida Claims it Acquired Libyan Weapons

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 9, 2011

Iran Accuses America of "Iranophobia"

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 8, 2011

Palestinians to Build Homes for Released Prisoners

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 7, 2011

Attorney: U.S. Should Extradite, Prosecute Hamas Killers

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 7, 2011

Hizballah's Aggressive War Plans

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 7, 2011

Islamists Seizing Control of 'Arab Spring'

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 4, 2011

Israeli Navy Boards Gaza-Bound Ships

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 4, 2011

Hamas, AMP Slam Balfour Declaration

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 4, 2011

Surprise Flotilla Leaves Turkey for Gaza

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 2, 2011

Report: Iranian Official Acknowledge Complicity in Assassination Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 2, 2011

Arson Hits French Magazine After Mohammad Satire

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 2, 2011

Shabaab Tape Calls for Attacks on U.S., Canada

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog October 31, 2011

British MP Threatened at Mosque Meeting

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 31, 2011

Saudi Prince Offers Reward for Israeli Soldiers

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog October 31, 2011

That's Going to be Some Order

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 28, 2011

UK Court Rules Islamist Raed Salah Can Be Deported

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 28, 2011

Jihadists Lie in Wait for Iraq Pullout

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 28, 2011

Released Hamas Terrorists Pledge More Violence

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 27, 2011

Saudi Liberal Affected by Holocaust Museum Visit

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 27, 2011

Prosecutors Say Mehanna Plotted Jihad

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 27, 2011

Assad Tottering on the Brink

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 27, 2011

DHS Appointee Allegedly Played Politics With Database

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog October 26, 2011

Libyan Islamists Creating Buyer's Remorse

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 24, 2011

Shabaab Threatens Retaliation Over Military Campaign

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 24, 2011

Abbas: A Different Kind of Rejectionist

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog October 21, 2011

Minnesota Women Convicted of Aiding Somali Terror Group

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 20, 2011

Jihad Jane Associates Charged with Terror Support

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 20, 2011

Tehran's Long History of Murder in the West

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog October 20, 2011

Indoctrination and Attack Follow Schalit Deal

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 19, 2011

Keeping Awlaki's Online Legacy Alive

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 19, 2011

PA Official Booted From Canada over Tweet

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 18, 2011

Palestinians Celebrate Terrorists' Freedom

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 18, 2011

Prosecutors: Alleged Syrian Spy Well Armed

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 17, 2011

Libyan Missiles Headed for Gaza, Sinai

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 14, 2011

Abdulmutallab Pleads Guilty, Rants

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 12, 2011

Saudi Official Cites Sharia for Beheadings

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 12, 2011

PA Official: "Auschwitzes" Better Than Israeli Prisons

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 11, 2011

Breaking News: Deal Reached for Kidnapped Israeli Soldier's Freedom

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 11, 2011

Breaking News: Iran-tied Assassination, Bombing Plot Disrupted

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 11, 2011

UK Intelligence: Suicide Bombers Await London Olympics

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 11, 2011

Palestinians Pursue Backdoor Statehood Strategy

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 6, 2011

Turkish PM Brands Israel Regional Threat

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 6, 2011

Unregistered Pakistani Agent's Web of Deceit

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 5, 2011

Reps Place Hold on Palestinian Authority Aid

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 5, 2011

Norquist's Cynical Response to Criticism

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 5, 2011

Courtroom Antics in Two Radical Islamist Trials

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 4, 2011

U.S. Diplomat Confirms Direct Talks with Egypt's Brotherhood

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 4, 2011

New Jihadi Book Permits Murdering Civilians

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 3, 2011

Jihad Sign at Polish, Israeli Soccer Match

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 3, 2011

The Bartering of Brothers

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 3, 2011

Treasury Names Terrorist Financiers in South Asia

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 29, 2011

Sting Nets Man Plotting "Drone" Attacks on Pentagon, Capitol

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 28, 2011

Al-Qaida Magazine Celebrates 9/11

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 28, 2011

Prosecution: Suspect Admitted Thinking Up Maryland Bomb Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 28, 2011

Five Arrested in Spain for Funding Terrorism

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 27, 2011

Turkey, Israel Butt Heads over Gaza

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 26, 2011

Six Charged in Britain Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 26, 2011

Yemeni President Back in the Saddle

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 23, 2011

Damascus Implicated in Attacks on Dissidents' Families

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 23, 2011

Pakistan's Spy Agency Accused of Ties to Terrorist Network

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 23, 2011

Recordings Show Carolina Man Plotting Quantico Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 22, 2011

DOJ Still Mum on Islamic Bank Settlement

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 22, 2011

Attack on Marines Linked to Seattle Terror Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 21, 2011

Illinois Rep's Apology for America

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 21, 2011

Jury Gets Irvine 11 Case

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 21, 2011

Report Finds Extremism Remains in Saudi Textbooks

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 20, 2011

Court Tosses Out al-Qaida Plotter's Sentence

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 20, 2011

Iranian Ambassador: UN Vote "a Step Towards Wiping Out Israel"

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 19, 2011

PLO Official Protested Israeli Presence at Anti-Semitism Conference

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 16, 2011

Report Documents Hamas Resurgence in West Bank

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 16, 2011

Media Ignores Abbas/Hamas Electricity Scam

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 16, 2011

PLO, Brotherhood Officials Seek Do-Overs

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 15, 2011

U.S. Puts Indian Militant Group on Terror List

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 15, 2011

Competing Speech Rights Debated at Irvine Trial

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 15, 2011

Third N.C. Man Pleads Guilty in Jihad Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 14, 2011

Communities Get Smart about CAIR

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 14, 2011

IHH Delivers Aid to Somali Terrorist Group

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 14, 2011

Three Pakistani Men Plead Guilty to Terror Charges

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 13, 2011

Irvine 11 – Jurors See Emails Plotting Disruptions

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 13, 2011

Moscow Could Pay Price for Backing Assad

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 12, 2011

The OIC's Deceptive Stance on Terrorism

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 12, 2011

Possible Attack Thwarted in Sweden

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 12, 2011

Brotherhood Justifies Assault on Israeli Embassy

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 11, 2011

U.S. Lawsuit: Saudi Government Responsible for 9/11 Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 9, 2011

Brooklyn Man Arrested Trying to Join Jihad

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 9, 2011

U.S. Concerned Over Turkish-Israeli Tensions

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 9, 2011

Report: Islamists Drive 75 Percent of Plots Against U.S.

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 9, 2011

Cables Show Qaradawi's Terror Advocacy

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 8, 2011

Trial Starts in Oren Speech Case

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 8, 2011

Letter Warns Universities on Anti-Semitism

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 8, 2011

Israeli Airliners to Get Missile Protection Systems

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 8, 2011

Final Bronx Plotter Sentenced to 25 Years

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 7, 2011

Turkey Suspends Military and Defense Ties with Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 7, 2011

Virginia Man Charged with Supporting Lashkar

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 2, 2011

U.S. Hands Free-Speech Foes a Victory

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 2, 2011

Appeals Court Reinstates Convictions of Boston Islamist Charity Leaders

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 2, 2011

Report: Hizballah Setting Up 90 Miles From U.S.

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 2, 2011

Egyptian Islamists Target Bikinis, Pyramids

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 1, 2011

Turkey Threatens Israel with Sanctions

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 1, 2011

The Big Lie About Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 31, 2011

Uzbekistan al-Qaida Affiliate Pushes Attacks Against Pakistan

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 30, 2011

Arab Spring and Attacks on Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 30, 2011

Libyan Arms Loose

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 29, 2011

Egyptian Government Press Rife with Anti-Semitism

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 29, 2011

Rare Saudi, Turkish Media Praise for Israel

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 25, 2011

Government Project Targets Jihadist Video Gamers

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 25, 2011

Egyptians Involved in Israel Attack

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 24, 2011

Eilat Terrorists Linked to Hamas, Global Jihad

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 23, 2011

Sultan Calls for Killing Zionists

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 22, 2011

Israeli-Turkish Ties Further Strained

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 22, 2011

U.S.: AQ "Affiliates Have Grown Stronger"

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 19, 2011

Gaza Terrorists Strike Israel, Israel Retaliates

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 19, 2011

Liberal Elites Have Their Own "Islamophobia"

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 19, 2011

Self-Immolation Pressures Moroccan Regime

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 18, 2011

Al-Qaida, Other Terrorists Using American Archiving Site

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 18, 2011

Obama Calls On Assad to Resign

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 18, 2011

Breaking News: Coordinated Terror Strikes Hit Eilat

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 18, 2011

Tribunal Publishes Hizballah Murder Indictments

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 17, 2011

President Concerned Over Lone Wolf Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 17, 2011

King Probing Awlaki Links to 9/11 Hijackers

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 16, 2011

Shariah Groups Struggling for Members

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 16, 2011

U.S. Intercepts AQ Weapons Shipment for Al-Shabaab

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 16, 2011

Parsons Suit Against Palestinian Authority Can Go Forward

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 15, 2011

UK Group Sends Convoys to Gaza to Support Hamas

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 15, 2011

Clinton: Al-Shabaab "tries to work with" AQ's North African Branch

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 12, 2011

Killing Continues Unabated in Syria

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 12, 2011

U.S. Threatens Gaza Aid Halt

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 12, 2011

Al-Qaida Fights Back in North Africa

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 11, 2011

Nabbed Hamas Bomb Maker Spills Beans

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 11, 2011

Islamic Jihad Employs Handicapped Fighters

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 11, 2011

Islamists See Opportunity in London Riots

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 10, 2011

New Gaza Jihadist Group Seeks Unity

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 10, 2011

Jihadist Forum Postings Lead to Guilty Plea

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 9, 2011

Man Charged With Trying to Send Goods to Iranian Military

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 9, 2011

Abdulmutallab's Defense Gets Aggressive

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 8, 2011

Palestinian Journalist Targeted by PA

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 8, 2011

Al-Shabaab Retreats from Somali Capital

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 8, 2011

CAIR Rep Speaks on Hamas TV

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 5, 2011

Shabaab Claims American Deaths in Somalia

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 5, 2011

Salafists, Brotherhood Ascendant in Egypt

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 5, 2011

Hamas: Reconciliation to Increase Terror

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 5, 2011

Rocket Attacks From Gaza on the Upsurge

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 4, 2011

Al-Qaida Weapons Reaching al-Shabaab

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 3, 2011

Senators Urge Terror Designation for Turkish Group

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 3, 2011

Palestinian Urges Breeding Next Generation of Mujahideen

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 3, 2011

Brit Jailed for Advocating Attacks on Parliament Members

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 2, 2011

Syrian Crackdown Hardens Resolve on Both Sides

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 1, 2011

Inside the bin Laden Raid

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 1, 2011

Anti-Israel Groups Blame Mossad for Norway Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 29, 2011

Shabaab Leader Omar Hammami Designated

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 29, 2011

Clinton Balks at Benchmarks in Foreign Aid Bill

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 29, 2011

Lawmakers Push for Tougher Stance Against Assad

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 28, 2011

U.S. Accuses Iran of Pact With al-Qaida

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 28, 2011

International Sting Blocks Hizballah Drug, Arms Deal

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 26, 2011

MEMRI Series Analyzes Gaza Under Hamas

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 26, 2011

Breaking News: Little Rock Jihadist Gets Life Sentence

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 25, 2011

Alamoudi Sentence Cut by Six Years

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 25, 2011

Little Rock Jihadist Defends Shootings

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 22, 2011

Father of N.Y. Subway Bomb Plotter Guilty of Obstructing Terrorism Investigation

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 22, 2011

Viva Palestina's Summer University with Terrorists, Round Two

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 21, 2011

Co-Conspirator in Kashmir Case Prominent in Pakistan

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 21, 2011

Hizballah Trouble on Three Fronts

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 21, 2011

Little Rock Jihadist Blasted "War" on Muslims

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 20, 2011

Al-Qaida's New Cartoon

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 20, 2011

Israeli Navy Stops French Boat Sailing to Gaza

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 19, 2011

Minnesota Shabaab Recruiter Pleads Guilty

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 18, 2011

Jihadi Murder Trial Begins in Little Rock

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 18, 2011

Homegrown Extremist Charged with Soliciting Terrorist Acts

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 14, 2011

Al-Shabaab's Newest American Recruits

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 14, 2011

Turkish Police Break Up Ankara al-Qaida Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 14, 2011

Reuters: Bin Laden Stayed Involved

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 13, 2011

Feds Review Policies Affecting Terrorist Travel

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 13, 2011

Terror Returns to Mumbai in Three Explosions

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 13, 2011

Israel, Hizballah Commemorate Second Lebanon War

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 12, 2011

Islamist Raed Salah Arrested in the UK

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 12, 2011

Al-Qaida's Use of Encryption

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 12, 2011

Assad Escalates; Opposition Tries a Softer Approach

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 12, 2011

Court Rules Israeli Terror Victims Can Sue Bank of China

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 11, 2011

Al-Qaida's North Africa Affiliate Swears Allegiance to New Leader

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 8, 2011

Flotilla Fizzles

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 8, 2011

Aspiring Jihadi Convicted

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 7, 2011

Indictment Unsealed on FBI Most Wanted Hizballah Man

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 6, 2011

Fort Hood Shooter Could Face Death Penalty

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 6, 2011

Senior Shabaab Member Indicted in New York

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 5, 2011

Gaza Flotilla Prevented From Sailing

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 5, 2011

Special Tribunal for Lebanon Releases Indictments

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 1, 2011

U.S. to Resume Formal Relations with Egyptian Brotherhood

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 30, 2011

Taliban Attacks InterContinental Hotel in Kabul, 10 Reported Killed

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 29, 2011

Shabaab Moves Troop Contingent to Yemen

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 28, 2011

Al-Qaida Video Prompts Response from U.S. Mayors

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 28, 2011

Iran Hosts Counter-Terrorism Conference in Bid to Restore National Image

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 28, 2011

Congressman Asks IRS to Investigate CAIR

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 28, 2011

U.S. Allocates $45M to Fight Somali Terrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 27, 2011

In Imploding Yemen, Another Jihadist Jailbreak (UPDATED)

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 27, 2011

Assad's Murderous Rampage Poisons Turkish Ties

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 24, 2011

State Department Warns Flotilla Groups

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 24, 2011

Kurdish Politician Banned for Terrorist Ties in Turkey

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 24, 2011

Jihadists Could Capitalize on Afghanistan Troop Drawdown

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 24, 2011

Iran Acquiring Nuclear Capable Warheads

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 23, 2011

Two Men Charged in Plot to Attack Seattle Military Center

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 23, 2011

Man Arrested in Pentagon Terror Scare Accused of Building a Bomb

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 23, 2011

Taliban Rejects U.S. Drawdown Plan

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 23, 2011

Ohio Woman Sentenced for Hizballah Financing Plot

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 23, 2011

Hamas-Fatah Talks Break Down

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 22, 2011

Terror-Tied Convoy Enters the Gaza Strip

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 22, 2011

Kenyans Recruited for Al-Shabaab

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 22, 2011

Judge Rejects Terror-Finance Suspects' First Amendment Defense

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 22, 2011

Man Charged with Murdering USAF Personnel in Germany

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 22, 2011

Assad Talks Reform While Death Toll Mounts

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 21, 2011

Treasury Targets Iran's National Shipping Line

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 20, 2011

Levey: FATF Plays Key Role in Combating Terror Finance

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 17, 2011

IHH, Mavi Marmara Ship Pull Out of Flotilla

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 17, 2011

Somali Suspect Talked Jihad, Cried at Terrorist's Death

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 17, 2011

Al-Qaida Training Reaches Nigerian Islamists

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 16, 2011

Illinois Senator Wants Flotilla Catalyst Designated

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 16, 2011

Muslim Law Student: No Need for CAIR

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 16, 2011

Report: OIC Used CAIR to Route Money to Georgetown

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 15, 2011

Flotilla Organizer Reportedly Reconsidering

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 15, 2011

Washington Planning For Possible Jihadist Takeover in Yemen

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 15, 2011

Ros-Lehtinen Calls for Lebanon Aid Cutoff

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 14, 2011

Fatah, Hamas Discuss Unity Deal

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 14, 2011

Prosecutor Defends Plea Bargain with Mumbai Plotter

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 14, 2011

CAIR Official Hypes American "Islamophobia" on Iranian Television

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 13, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood: Anti-Americanism Linked to Anti-Semitism

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 13, 2011

British Official Accuses Iran of Aiding Syrian Crackdown

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 13, 2011

Brotherhood Leader Has High Praise for Terrorist Leader

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 10, 2011

Another Indictment Brought in Minnesota Al-Shabaab Investigation

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 10, 2011

New Evidence in Brooklyn Terrorist Case

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 10, 2011

Canadian Al-Shabaab Militant Killed in Mogadishu

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 9, 2011

Feds Seek Life Sentences for Men Convicted in Synagogue Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 9, 2011

Treasury Targets Iranian Security Forces

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 9, 2011

Syrian Forces Surround Town

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 8, 2011

Terrorism Case Exposes Gaps in Refugee Screening

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 8, 2011

Pakistan Sends U.S. Military Trainers Home

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 8, 2011

Kashmiri Plotted to Avenge bin Laden's Death with Bombings, Poison

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 8, 2011

Another Somali-American Dies in Shabaab Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 7, 2011

Syria in Chaos

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 7, 2011

Second Man Pleads Guilty in N.C. Terrorism Case

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 7, 2011

Analyst: Iranian A-Bomb May Be Eight Weeks Away

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 6, 2011

Taliban Leader Vows to Hit U.S. Targets Outside Pakistan

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 6, 2011

Lawsuit Seeks to Block Canadian Flotilla Group

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 6, 2011

Iranian Support in D.C.

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 6, 2011

Palestinians Rioters Try to Infiltrate Israel in Protest

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 6, 2011

Yemen's Senior Leadership Departs

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 5, 2011

Senior Terrorist Ilyas Kashmiri Killed

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 5, 2011

Al-Qaida Affiliate's Future in Question

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 3, 2011

UC Irvine "Awards" MSU Legitimacy

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 3, 2011

Yemeni President Wounded By Rebels

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 3, 2011

Hacking Terrorist Websites Commonplace

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 3, 2011

New U.S., Pakistan Joint Counterterrorism Team to Focus on High Value Targets

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 2, 2011

Somali American Becomes Suicide Bomber

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 2, 2011

Chicago Businessman Unlikely to Testify at Trial

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 2, 2011

While IAEA Dithered, Israel Destroyed Syrian Nuke Facility

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 1, 2011

Palestinians Honor Fallen "Heroes" Bin Laden, Yassin

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 1, 2011

Morocco Arrests Charged American in "South Park' Threat

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 31, 2011

Headley Part of al-Qaida Plot to Attack Lockheed Martin

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 31, 2011

Al-Qaida Seizes Yemeni City

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 31, 2011

Two Iraqis Indicted in Kentucky on Terrorism Charges

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 31, 2011

UN Peacekeepers Targeted in Lebanon Bombing

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 31, 2011

Somali Couple Charged with Lying in Terrorism Investigation

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 31, 2011

Terrorists Shifting Operations to Sinai

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 31, 2011

AQAP Lays Out Mission

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 27, 2011

New Nazi Party for Egypt

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 27, 2011

Flotilla Group Received MIllions From Canadian Government

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog May 27, 2011

Hamas Leader: Two State Solution Is "Over and Done With"

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 27, 2011

The Death Struggle Within Islam

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 27, 2011

U.S. Sees Lashkar-e-Tayyiba as Dangerous as al-Qaida

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 27, 2011

Terror Suspect Convicted in JFK Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 26, 2011

"Resistance Day" Showcases Terrorist Objectives

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 26, 2011

Russia and America Bond on Terror Designation

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 26, 2011

At AIPAC, President Delivers Skewed History Lesson

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 26, 2011

Egypt Ends Hamas Isolation

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 26, 2011

U.S. Reported Ready to Evacuate Yemen Embassy

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 26, 2011

Iranian Government Defends Nazi Remarks After Retraction

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 25, 2011

Al-Shabaab at War, Somali Government for Peace

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 25, 2011

Tension in Hamas Threatens Palestinian Unity Deal

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 25, 2011

Taliban "Revenge" Attacks Mostly Target Pakistanis

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 25, 2011

Honduras on Alert for al-Qaida Linked Militants

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 25, 2011

Hamas Minister: Women Fighters, Martyrs Too

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 24, 2011

Indicted Terror Supporter Still Broadcasts Online Violence

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 24, 2011

Iran: U.S. to Blame for Dictators

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 24, 2011

Terror Trial's Star Witness Links Mumbai Attacks to Pakistani Intelligence

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 23, 2011

Wikileaks: Gulf Donors Funding Pakistani Militancy

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 23, 2011

Maryam Jameelah: Conversion, Exile, Extremism

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 23, 2011

Assad's Repression Alienates Longtime Allies

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 23, 2011

Yemen: Diplomats Airlifted Out of Siege

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 23, 2011

Ohio Couple Pleads Guilty in Hizballah Finance Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 23, 2011

Middle East Reactions to Obama's Speech

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 20, 2011

Defectors Claim Iranian Role in 9/11 Attacks

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog May 20, 2011

State Department Says Flotilla Will Not Be Helpful

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 19, 2011

German-American Intelligence Breakdown

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 19, 2011

Documentary Targets Islamist Radicalization in Nashville

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 19, 2011

Shock Factor = 0: Iran Conference Casts U.S., Israel as Primary Perpetrators of Global Terrorism

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 18, 2011

IHH Calls Killing of bin Laden a Terrorist Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 18, 2011

How the Taliban Recruits Children

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 18, 2011

U.S. Sanctions Syrian Government

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 18, 2011

Congressmen Urge Firm Stance Against Palestinian Unity Government

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 18, 2011

Hamas Cleric Wants "Honor of Annihilating" the Jews

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 17, 2011

Iran May be Extending Military Reach into Venezuela

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 17, 2011

UC Irvine Speaker Stands with Hamas

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 17, 2011

Reports Say al-Qaida Names Interim Leader

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 17, 2011

"South Park" Threat Leads to New Charge

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog May 16, 2011

National Security an Afterthought at Hearing on U.S. Refugee Admissions

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 16, 2011

U.S. Condemns Syria's Role in anti-Israel Protests

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 16, 2011

Hearing Highlights Terror Infiltration at Border

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 16, 2011

Al Shabaab: Al-Qaida Helped Overthrow Somali Government

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 13, 2011

Peretz: Why Western Elites Get Syria Wrong

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 13, 2011

Rallies Support Palestinians Amid Calls for a Third Intifada

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 13, 2011

Saudi Arabia's Coming Revolution

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 12, 2011

Reconciliation Deal Aids Hamas, Weakens Abbas

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 12, 2011

Turkey's Prime Minister Declares Support for Hamas

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 12, 2011

Alert: Two Men Arrested in NY Terror Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 12, 2011

The Abudayyeh Freeze: Just Making it Up

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 12, 2011

Egypt Tilts Towards Rogues

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 11, 2011

Flotilla to Gaza Set for Late June

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 11, 2011

Israeli Islamist: We Will Die or Be Victorious

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 11, 2011

State Department Targets Haqqani Network

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 11, 2011

Pakistani Terrorists Seek WMD from al-Qaida

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 11, 2011

Dossier Reinforces ISI Ties to Mumbai Plotters

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 11, 2011

Manji Advocates for Islamic Reformists Over Moderates

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 10, 2011

Would-be Courthouse Bomber Pleads Guilty

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 10, 2011

Hatem Abudayyeh's Mystery Freeze

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog May 10, 2011

Soltan: U.S. a Bigger Terrorist than Bin Laden

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 9, 2011

Islamist With 7/7 Links Paid by Scotland Yard

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 9, 2011

Washington Post Gives Voice to Radical Islamist

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 9, 2011

Pakistan Rejects Bin Laden Criticism

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 9, 2011

Pressure on al-Qaida in Yemen, Iraq

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 9, 2011

Egyptian Copts Protest Islamist Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 9, 2011

Internal Iranian Tension Over Sorcery Charges

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 6, 2011

Egyptian Presidential Frontrunner Targets Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 6, 2011

Egypt Demands Repatriation of the Blind Sheikh

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 6, 2011

Al-Qaida Confirms Bin Laden Death – Again

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 6, 2011

Japan Nuclear Disaster Could Spur Terrorist Plots

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 6, 2011

Abbottabad: The Global Terrorists' Palm Springs

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 5, 2011

U.S. Won't Rule Out Hamas Role in Negotiations

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 5, 2011

Judge Upholds Convictions in Bronx Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 4, 2011

Al-Qaida Tries to Clarify Bin Laden's Death

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 4, 2011

Brotherhood Official Hails Osama, Blames Americans for 9/11

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 4, 2011

Palestinian Unity Government May Threaten Foreign Aid

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 4, 2011

Hamas, al-Qaida Have History of Collaboration

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 3, 2011

Losing bin Laden "Tremendously Painful" for AQ Fundraisers

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 3, 2011

LeT Founder Prays for bin Laden

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 3, 2011

Palestinians Pay Tribute to bin Laden

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 3, 2011

All Eyes on Pakistan

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 3, 2011

Hamas Leaving Syria for Egypt, Qatar

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 2, 2011

Clinton, Taliban Trade Barbs

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 2, 2011

Portland Rejoins JTTF in Time for Threat Briefings

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 2, 2011

BREAKING: Bin Laden Dead

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog May 2, 2011

Fatah/Hamas Deal Draws Bipartisan Fire on Capitol Hill

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 29, 2011

Al-Qaida Arrests in Germany

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 29, 2011

The Tehran-Damascus Axis and Assad's Bloody Crackdown

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 28, 2011

Site Ranks Scariest Airplane Hijackings

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 28, 2011

Where Islamists Clash, Cooperate

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 28, 2011

Dutch Target IHH

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 28, 2011

Hamas Reiterates No Interest in Peace

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 28, 2011

Jihadist Website Cites Classified Information

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 28, 2011

Hamas and Fatah Reconcile

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 27, 2011

Holder Defends Decision to Spare CAIR Official

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 27, 2011

Report Shows al-Qaida Connection Inside Yemen's Government

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 26, 2011

Hamas Paper Touts Benefits of Kidnapping Israelis

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 26, 2011

The Price of Calling Out a "False Martyr"

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 25, 2011

Four Added to Lashkar Prosecution

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 25, 2011

Al-Jazeera Director Resigns in Protest of Coverage

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 25, 2011

Egyptian Army Jails Dissident Blogger

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 25, 2011

Israel's Sudan Attack and Arms Smuggling

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 22, 2011

Concerns Raised Over Practice of Sharia Law in Britain

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 21, 2011

Al-Qaida Advancing Amid Middle East, North Africa Turmoil

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 21, 2011

Op-ed: Why Muslims Should Support Burqa Ban

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 21, 2011

USS Cole Mastermind to Stand Trial at Gitmo

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 20, 2011

Why Was CAIR Founder Spared?

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog April 19, 2011

Palestinians Confess to Massacring Family of Five

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 18, 2011

Audit Wraps Canadian Charity's Hamas Support

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 18, 2011

Irvine 11 Plead Not Guilty

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 18, 2011

FBI Official Spotlights Islamist Terror Threats

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 15, 2011

Flotilla Leaders Defiant as Israel Seeks to Avoid Conflict

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 15, 2011

Germany Tries Eight Internet Jihadist Suspects

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 15, 2011

Shiites in Gaza, Sunnis in Iran

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 15, 2011

Jihadists Hang Activist; Hamas Blames Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 15, 2011

Hizballah Exploiting Wikileaks Cables

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 14, 2011

Egyptian Radicals Vying for Greater Political Power

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 13, 2011

Yemeni Military Factions Clash

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 13, 2011

Top U.S. Admiral Warns of Lashkar's "Expanding Reach"

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 13, 2011

Syrian Unrest Grows

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 12, 2011

L.A. Police Fear American Mumbai-style Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 12, 2011

American al-Shabaab Commander Alive

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 12, 2011

Palestinian Authority Honors Killer of Elderly Jews

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 8, 2011

New Palestinian Jihadi Media Group

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 8, 2011

Treasury Designates Libyan Leadership

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 8, 2011

New Somali Autonomous Region Fights al-Shabaab

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 8, 2011

My Brother, the Islamist

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 7, 2011

Arrests Thwart Jerusalem Terror Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 7, 2011

State Department Announces Reward for Top al-Qaida Commander

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 7, 2011

Israelis Try to Avoid New Flotilla Confrontation

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 6, 2011

Counterterrorism Suffers, al-Qaida Benefits from Yemen Turmoil

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 6, 2011

Turkey's Islamist Regime Works to Silence Free Press

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 6, 2011

Israel Indicts Hamas Terror Rocket "Godfather"

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 5, 2011

Durbin: Hearing was My Idea

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 5, 2011

Egypt May Restore Iran Ties

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 5, 2011

Al-Shabaab Recruits Somali Prime Minister's Niece

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 4, 2011

Hizballah: The Glory of the Mother

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 4, 2011

Brotherhood Official Calls for Modesty Enforcement

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 4, 2011

Magazine: Terrorists Operating Freely in Brazil

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 4, 2011

Goldstone's Retraction

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 3, 2011

Al-Shabaab Said to Recruit Two Canadian Women

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 1, 2011

Christians in Middle East – Canaries in a Coal Mine

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 1, 2011

Mob Attacks U.N. Compound in Afghanistan

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog April 1, 2011

Court: FBI Can Keep Surveillance Data Secret

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 31, 2011

Differing Views of Qaradawi's Tahrir Square Speech

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 31, 2011

Canadian Charged With Plotting to Join al-Shabaab

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 30, 2011

Israel Releases Hizballah Maps

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 30, 2011

CAIR Chapter - Local Police Shouldn't Work with FBI Task Force

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 30, 2011

Syrian President Delays Reform, Blames Conspiracy for Unrest

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 30, 2011

Qanta Ahmed – Silence is Complicity

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 29, 2011

Al-Qaida Seizing Arms Amid Unrest

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 28, 2011

Threats to Syrian and Jordanian Regimes

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 28, 2011

Hamas Cracks Down on Media

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 28, 2011

Arab Revolutionary Wave Targets Assad

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 25, 2011

Muslim Radicalization Study Marred By "Sheer Incoherence"

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 25, 2011

In Libya, "No Drive Zone" Might Be More Useful

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 23, 2011

OC Register Gives CAIR Rep Free Pass

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 23, 2011

Judge Keeps Al-Arian Case in Deep Freeze

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 23, 2011

Breaking: Jerusalem Bombing Injures Dozens

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 23, 2011

Viva Palestina to Sit Out Next Flotilla

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 21, 2011

Jihadists, Narcoterrorists and the Chavez Connection

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 21, 2011

Egyptian Reformists Facing Harsh Realities

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 21, 2011

Arab Leaders - Bullets, Bribes for Protests

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 18, 2011

Pakistani Radicals Protest American's Release

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 18, 2011

Gaddafi Offensive Dries Up After U.N. Resolution

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 18, 2011

Illinois Governor's Ill-Advised CAIR Praise

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 18, 2011

German National Indicted In Hizballah Aid Case

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 17, 2011

British Universities Bag Dictators' Money

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 17, 2011

Education Dept. to Probe UC Santa Cruz's anti-Israel Hostility

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 17, 2011

Uprisings Damage Intelligence Sharing

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 17, 2011

Bahrain Cracks Down

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 16, 2011

Libyan Rebels Collapsing

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 16, 2011

More Iranian Arms Intercepted

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 16, 2011

U.S. Designates Libyan Assets as Rebels Retreat

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 15, 2011

New Indictment in Zazi Case

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 15, 2011

Israelis Seize Ship Carrying Iranian Arms

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 15, 2011

Israel Protests Reaction to Family's Slaughter

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 14, 2011

Libyan Rebels Claim Gains as Government Pushes Back

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 14, 2011

Nine Fort Hood Officers Face Disciplinary Action

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 11, 2011

CAIR Officials Misrepresent Court Ruling

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 11, 2011

Saudi Indicted for Plot Targeting Bush, Nuclear Plants

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 11, 2011

NPR Story Distorts Counter-Terrorism Training

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 11, 2011

Liberal Writer Calls Out Liberal Hearing Critics

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 11, 2011

Murderous Talk and Action from Tehran

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 11, 2011

Clinton to Meet Libyan Resistance, Clapper Predicts Gaddafi Victory

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 10, 2011

Women, Christians Targeted in Growing Egyptian Violence

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 10, 2011

Witnesses Keep Touting Flawed Studies

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 10, 2011

Islamists Target King Over Radicalization Hearing

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 9, 2011

Guilty Pleas End Two Homegrown Terror Cases

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 9, 2011

Bridges TV Executive Sentenced for Beheading Wife

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 9, 2011

Misreading the Danger of "Stealth Jihad"

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 9, 2011

Nomani: King Hearings A Chance for Reality

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 8, 2011

Somali Official Says Senior American Jihadist Killed

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 8, 2011

Palestinian Government Rekindles Incitement

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 8, 2011

Toronto Police Refuse to Investigate Islamist Death Threats

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 7, 2011

Obama Allows Military Tribunals to Resume

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 7, 2011

Pro-Israel Student's Suit Targets UC Berkeley

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 7, 2011

Finding the Right Libyan Partners a Challenge

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 4, 2011

Britain's Emerging Common Ground on Extremists

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 4, 2011

CAIR Accused in Radio Host's Firing

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 4, 2011

Jersey Jihadists Plead Guilty to al-Shabaab Conspiracy

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 3, 2011

Islamic Radicalism Suspected in U.S. Airmen Shooting

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 3, 2011

Another Brick in CAIR's Wall of Resistance, Part 2

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 3, 2011

Islamists Flock to Eulogize anti-Semitic Turkish Leader

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 2, 2011

Gunman Kills 2 U.S. Airmen at Frankfurt Airport

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 2, 2011

New Islamist Group Wants "Sharia 4 America"

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 2, 2011

Another Pakistani Blasphemy Law Foe Assassinated

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 2, 2011

Unrest Continues in Yemen, Bahrain, Elsewhere

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 1, 2011

How Middle East "Experts" Got It Wrong

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 1, 2011

Islamist Parties Form in Egypt, Tunisia

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 1, 2011

U.S. Increases Pressure on "Delusional" Gaddafi

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 1, 2011

Tehran Seeks Sinai Terror Infrastructure

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 28, 2011

Iran: Zionists, Freemasons Hijack Olympics

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 28, 2011

British Airways Worker Convicted on Terrorism Charges

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 28, 2011

Al-Shabaab Threatens East Africa Amid Heavy Fighting

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 28, 2011

U.S. Concerned Libya May Use Chemical Weapons

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 25, 2011

Tehran Courts Pariah Leaders In Uranium Search

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 25, 2011

Hamas Tries to Capitalize on Egypt's Revolution

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 25, 2011

U.S. Allies Slammed, While Gaddafi Gets a Pass

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 25, 2011

Gaddafi Blames Drugs, Osama for Libyan Uprising

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 24, 2011

Qaradawi Targets Jews, Gaddafi for Death

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 24, 2011

Prosecutors: Chesser's Threats will Outlast his 25-Year Sentence

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 24, 2011

Student Charged in Terrorist Plot May Have Targeted Bush

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 24, 2011

MB Wants Satellite Channel; Cleric Wants Nation

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 23, 2011

Libyan Opposition Gains as Casualties Rise

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 23, 2011

Protests in Yemen and Bahrain Continue

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 23, 2011

New U.S. Designations Target Iranian Abuse of Protesters

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 23, 2011

Arizona Jury Convicts Iraqi Father in Honor Killing

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 23, 2011

Tulsa Cop Disciplined for Refusal to Abide by Mandatory Mosque Event

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 23, 2011

Report: Hizballah Provides Mercenaries for Iran

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 22, 2011

Gaddafi Digs in as Libyan Violence Grows

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 22, 2011

Revolution Spreads beyond Arab World and Iran

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 22, 2011

Unrest Turns Violent in Bahrain and Libya

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 18, 2011

Report Claims Syria Helped Hizballah Terrorist Flee Egypt

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 18, 2011

Qaradawi Holds Court in Cairo

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 18, 2011

Hizballah's Intimidation Efforts Target Israelis and Lebanese

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 18, 2011

Turkey, Israel Feud as New Flotilla Looms

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 18, 2011

JFK Plotter Gets Life Sentence

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 17, 2011

Radicalization Problems Facing Guantanamo and American Prisons

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 17, 2011

U.S. May Back Security Council Condemning Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 17, 2011

U.S. Designates Iranian Bank Refah

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 17, 2011

Cables Show U.S. Concern About Hizballah in Chile

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 17, 2011

Bangladesh's Cautionary Tale for Egypt

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 16, 2011

Terrorist Groups Claim Egyptian Revolution as Their Victory

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 16, 2011

Middle East, North African Protesters Confront Authorities

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 15, 2011

Egyptian Brotherhood to Form Political Party

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 15, 2011

Fatah al-Islam Invades Europe

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 15, 2011

Protests Continue in Yemen, Algeria, Bahrain

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 14, 2011

Port Official's WMD Comment Stirs Concerns

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 14, 2011

Seven Charged in Taliban Heroin Conspiracy

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 14, 2011

Investigation Finds Beatings, Hate Speech in UK Muslim Schools

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 14, 2011

Iran Again Turns to Force Against Demonstrations

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 14, 2011

Pakistan Fights Terror with TV Series

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 11, 2011

Gaza Jihadist: It's OK to Kill Jewish, Christian Civilians

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 11, 2011


For The Record - The IPT Blog February 11, 2011

Clapper Trapped

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 11, 2011

Could Qaradawi Become Egypt's Khomeini?

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 11, 2011

House Passes PATRIOT Act Extensions

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 10, 2011

Egypt's Unrest and Escaped Terrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 10, 2011

Al Qaeda, Iran Seek to Hijack Egypt's Revolution

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 10, 2011

House Blocks Key PATRIOT Act Provisions

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 9, 2011

The Muslim Brotherhood in Its Own Words

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 9, 2011

Treasury Designations Target Haqqani Fundraisers

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 9, 2011

Part of Minnesota MAS-School Suit Settled

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 9, 2011

Bridges Television Exec Guilty of Wife's Murder

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 7, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood Joins Egypt Negotiations

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 6, 2011

Irvine Students Charged with Disrupting Oren Speech

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 6, 2011

Court Upholds Florida Doctor's Terror Conviction

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 4, 2011

Galloway Endorses an Islamic Revolution in Egypt

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 4, 2011

A Call for Tougher Canadian Immigration Scrutiny

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 4, 2011

Iran Hails Egyptian "Revolution"

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 3, 2011

Tunisian Winds Sweep Across Yemen

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 3, 2011

Islamist Win Would Jeopardize U.S. Military, Intelligence Assets

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 3, 2011

Attacker of Muhammad Cartoonist Convicted in Denmark

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 3, 2011

The E-Battlefield: Taking Back the Web from Jihadists

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 2, 2011

American Policy Toward the Muslim Brotherhood

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 2, 2011

Al-Shabaab Vows Revenge on Transitional Government

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 2, 2011

Syria's President Talks of "New Era"

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 2, 2011

Violent Clashes, Brotherhood Intrigue in Egypt

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 2, 2011

Muslim American Warns of Brotherhood Danger

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 2, 2011

Yemen after Saleh

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 1, 2011

"Jihad Jane" Pleads Guilty

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 1, 2011

End Game in Cairo?

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 1, 2011

Indictment, Designation Hit Alleged Iranian Metals Supplier

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 1, 2011

Wall Street Warned of al-Qaida Threat

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 1, 2011

Arab World Reacts to Turmoil in Egypt

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 1, 2011

Jihadists Escape Egyptian Prisons

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 1, 2011

Islamist Leader Returns to Tunisia

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 31, 2011

"Jihad Jane" Expected to Plead Guilty

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 31, 2011

Grand Jury Probing Oren Speech Disruptions

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 28, 2011

Update on Egypt

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 28, 2011

Pakistan: American Ally and Terrorist Enabler

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 28, 2011

Updates on the Moscow Bombing

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 27, 2011

Would-Be West Bank Arms Dealer Convicted

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 27, 2011

Imam Caught Sneaking Into U .S. in Car Trunk

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 27, 2011

British Bank Freezes Iranian TV Account

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 27, 2011

West Bank Palestinians Indicted for American Missionary's Murder

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 26, 2011

Arab Journalist Hits Colleagues' Focus on Blasting U.S.

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 26, 2011

Three Reported Dead in Anti-Mubarak Demonstrations

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 25, 2011

US Anger Over UN Official's 9/11 Comments

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 25, 2011

Hizballah Ally Takes Over in Beirut

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 25, 2011

Life Sentence for Embassy Bomb Plotter

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 25, 2011

Terror Attack at Moscow Airport

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 24, 2011

Egypt Blames Church Attack on Palestinian Group

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 24, 2011

Treasury Loses Key Sanctions Architect

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 24, 2011

Accused Arms Dealer Linked to Kremlin, Hizballah, al-Shabaab

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 21, 2011

New Video Teaches IED Construction

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 21, 2011

Turkish Flotilla Ship Hailed in Lebanon

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 21, 2011

Embassy Bomb Plotter's Conviction Upheld

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 21, 2011

Lashkar Employs Bangladeshi Groups to Strike Terror

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 20, 2011

Project Identifies Pearl Conspirators

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 20, 2011

ISNA Canada Misspent $600,000 in Charity

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 20, 2011

IDF Commander: Enemy Missiles Will Strike Tel Aviv

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 19, 2011

Will Islamists Fill the Void in Tunisia?

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 19, 2011

Shin Bet Chief: AQ Finding Gaza Supporters

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 19, 2011

Yemen's Rising Prominence

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 19, 2011

Journalist Group Drops Helen Thomas Award

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 18, 2011

A New Era of Islamist/Communist Collaboration

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 18, 2011

Awlaki Gets 10-Year Sentence For Role in Contractor's Murder

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 17, 2011

CAIR: How Dare They Point Out Our Mistake!

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 13, 2011

Hizballah Move May Topple Lebanese Government

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 12, 2011

New English-Language Jihad Forum

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 12, 2011

Pakistan Releases Top al-Qaida-linked Jihadist

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 11, 2011

British Islamist: "Behead Democracy" and Replace It With Islam

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 11, 2011

Jihadism in Three Paragraphs

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 11, 2011

Al-Shabaab Desertions Increase in Southern Somalia

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 10, 2011

New Jihadi Publications Group: Al-Qadisiyyah Media

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 10, 2011

Egyptian Media Present Conflicting Views on Church Bombing

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 7, 2011

Mounties Apologized for Ramadan Terror Arrests

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 7, 2011

Hamas Leader Calls Holocaust a Lie

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 7, 2011

French Embassy Attacker Claims al-Qaida Tie

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 6, 2011

Student Extremist Bites FBI Agents

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 6, 2011

Goldberg: Media Overlook Islamist Slaughter of Christians

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 6, 2011

Morocco Breaks Up al-Qaida Terror Cell

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 5, 2011

Galloway Thanks Hizballah for Lebanese Tour

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 5, 2011

Assassination Generates More Threats in Pakistan

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 5, 2011

British Consular Employees Involved in Hamas Plot

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 4, 2011

Material Support Investigation Moves Forward

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 4, 2011

Canadian Writer Explains Why Islamists Cannot Compromise

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 4, 2011

Hamas Members Charged in Stadium Plot

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 3, 2011

Increasing Hate from Hamas

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 3, 2011

Report: Hamas Holds Eritrean Refugees

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 31, 2010

Egyptian TV Station: "The U.S. Will Be Islamic Republic"

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 31, 2010

Jasser: America Will Benefit from Muslim Radicalization Hearings

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 30, 2010

Writer: Vatican Appeases Islamists, Slams Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 29, 2010

Five Accused in Jihadist Plot Targeting Danish Newspapers

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 29, 2010

Qaradawi's Retirement Wish

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 29, 2010

Indianapolis Grandmother Embraces Jihad

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 28, 2010

Awlaki Link in UK Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 28, 2010

LA City Council's "Islamophobia" Resolution Challenged

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 27, 2010

Turkish Group Promises Flotilla Encore

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 27, 2010

Nine Charged in British Pre-Christmas Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 27, 2010

UCLA Law Professor Smears Shariah Critics

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 27, 2010

TSA Alert on Thermoses

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 24, 2010

Jordan Bans Teaching about Holocaust

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 24, 2010

Terror Alert in Mumbai

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 24, 2010

Iran and Nuclear Scientists

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 23, 2010

Little Rock Shooter's Trial to Stay in State Court

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 23, 2010

Two Bombs Explode at Rome Embassies

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 23, 2010

Jihadis Journey to Europe

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 23, 2010

Jihadist American Sailor's Conviction Upheld

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 22, 2010

Somali Terror Groups Merge

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 22, 2010

Mail Bomb Plot's Sophisticated Explosive

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 22, 2010

Treasury Targets Additional Iranian Accounts

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 21, 2010

DHS Uncovers Plot to Poison Food in U.S. Hotels and Restaurants

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 21, 2010

King Explains Call for Homegrown Radicalism Hearings

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 21, 2010

Ontario Appeals Court Boosts Terror Plotters' Sentences

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 21, 2010

Rocket From Gaza Lands Near Kindergarten

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 21, 2010

Willful Blinders at the State Department

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 21, 2010

British Police Arrest 12 on Suspicion of Terrorism

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 20, 2010

Brennan Calls Yemeni Al-Qaida Greater Threat

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 20, 2010

UK Commission Rules on Charity's Terror Ties

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 20, 2010

Jihad Threats and Attacks in the Christmas Season

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 20, 2010

British Muslim Converts Killed in Airstrike

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 17, 2010

MPAC Slams Plan to Investigate Homegrown Radicalization

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 17, 2010

Terrorists Target Americans Abroad As Concerns Mount Over Domestic Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 17, 2010

D.C. Metro to Conduct Random Searches

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 17, 2010

Israeli Intel Reports Financial Crisis in Hizballah

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 16, 2010

JFK Bomb Plotter Sentenced to Life

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 16, 2010

Wikileaks: Spain a Center of Radical Islamic Activity

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 16, 2010

New Charges Against Christmas Bomber

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 15, 2010

1-Year Prison Term for Ex-HLF Detroit Representative

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 15, 2010

Galloway Kept Out of U.S.

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 15, 2010

Man Charged in Facebook Threat to Bomb DC Metro

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 14, 2010

New Hizballah Crackdown

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 14, 2010

Ex-Pakistani Commander Appointed Al-Qaida's Top Military Strategist

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 14, 2010

Accused Bomb Plotter Remains in Custody

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 13, 2010

Al-Qaida Affiliate: Stockholm blasts mark "new era in our jihad"

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 13, 2010

Dunleavy Dismantles Entrapment Claims

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 13, 2010

Sweden's First Suicide Bombing

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 12, 2010

MPAC Board Member's Undisclosed Past

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 10, 2010

Goldstone Committee Head Resigns

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 10, 2010

Dutch Reporter: Immigrants Seeking Asylum in Europe Linked to Security Problems, Intimidation of Christians, Jews

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 9, 2010

Countering Radicalization with Soap Operas

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 9, 2010

Jeff Jacoby Takes on the Islamophobia Myth

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 9, 2010

Top LeT Leaders Direct Terror from Jail

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 8, 2010

State designates Fahd al-Quso

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 8, 2010

Wikileaks: Lashkar Plot to Assassinate Indian Minister

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 7, 2010

State: Wikileaks release helps al-Qaida

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 7, 2010

Qaradawi's Soccer Politics

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 7, 2010

MPAC Trains TSA Screeners

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 7, 2010

South American Nations Recognize Independent Palestine

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 7, 2010

Anti-Semitic Responses to Israel Forest Fire in Arab Press

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 6, 2010

British trial illustrates Awlaki's influence

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 6, 2010

Helen Thomas: "Zionists" Control Congress, White House, Hollywood…

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 3, 2010

Lashkar-E Tayyiba, al-Qaida Linked to Alleged Passport Forgery Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 3, 2010

Tip May Have Thwarted LeT Sanctions in Pakistan

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 3, 2010

Sanctions Hurting, But Not Yet Changing Iran

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 2, 2010

Treasury Targets Pakistan-Based Terrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 2, 2010

Brotherhood Opts Out of Egypt's Election Runoff

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 1, 2010

Former Defense IG Blasts Chaplain Vetting

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 1, 2010

New Charges in NYC Subway Bomb Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 1, 2010

Iranian Nuclear Fronts Designated

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 30, 2010

A Muslim Call for Airport Profiling

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 29, 2010

Report Highlights Islamist Intimidation in French Schools

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 29, 2010

FBI Arrests Oregon Teen in Bomb Attempt

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 27, 2010

Treasury Targets Lashkar-E Tayyiba Financial Network

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 25, 2010

Al-Qaida Threats Cause Rise in Security Level

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 24, 2010

CBC Report Goes Inside Hariri Investigation

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 24, 2010

Seda Sentencing Still Pending

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 24, 2010

Report Assesses MPAC's Counter-Terror Commitment

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 23, 2010

"Islamophobia" Not Reflected in FBI Hate Crimes Statistics

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 22, 2010

British schools teach Saudi hate

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 22, 2010

Hamas Hardliner's Book Echoes His Speeches

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 22, 2010

CBC Goes Forward, BBC Pulls Documentary Linking Hizballah To Hariri Murder

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 22, 2010

New Fatwas Permit Killing Tourists, Attacking Coca-Cola and McDonald's

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 22, 2010

British Arrest Revolution Muslim Member

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 19, 2010

Galloway Talks Up Hamas in Canada

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 18, 2010

First Civilian Trial of Gitmo Detainee a Mixed Bag

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 18, 2010

Jasser Reveals CAIR's Wahhabi Agenda

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 17, 2010

The Islamists Hydra-Like Propaganda Effort

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 17, 2010

'Isolated,' 'Parallel' Canadian Islamist Communities Could Breed Violence

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 15, 2010

Army's Fort Hood Report Draws Criticism

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 10, 2010

French Mosque Leader Targeted by Jihadi Plot

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 10, 2010

Taxis Used in European Honor Violence

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 9, 2010

D.C Metro Plotter Had Awlaki Hizb ut-Tahrir Materials

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 9, 2010

British Charities Underwrite Advocacy Group's Support for Awlaki

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 9, 2010

DEA Hired Mumbai Plotter Despite Warning of Lashkar Ties

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 8, 2010

Al-Qaida No. 2 Urges Revenge for Aafia Siddiqui

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 8, 2010

Islamists, Arab Regimes Target Muslim Intellectuals

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 8, 2010

U.S. Offers to Remove Sudan from Terror List

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 8, 2010

DHS, Dearborn PD Invite CAIR to "Countering Violent Extremism" Workshop

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 5, 2010

Iran Arms Seized Before Reaching Gaza

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 5, 2010

Treasury Targets Pakistan-Based Terror Groups

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 4, 2010

British Targeted by al-Qaida Franchises

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 4, 2010

YouTube Takes Down Awlaki Videos

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 3, 2010

US Designates Iran's Jundallah as Terrorist Organization

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 3, 2010

Three Americans Charged with Funneling Money to Somali Terrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 3, 2010

Mixed Messages from the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 3, 2010

Terrorists May Be Using Online Tracking to Time Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 2, 2010

Hamas Official Comes Cleaner on Gaza Toll

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 1, 2010

Quieting Talk of Offensive Jihad

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 1, 2010

RCMP Ordered Away from Radical Conference

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 28, 2010

U.S. Designates Afghan NarcoTerrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 26, 2010

Former Staten Island Resident Nabbed in Attempt to Join Taliban

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 26, 2010

Bank of China May Pay for Terror Financing

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 25, 2010

Gitmo Trial Ends in Guilty Plea

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 25, 2010

Congressman Calls on YouTube to Pull Jihadi Videos

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 25, 2010

Richard Clarke on Cyber-Threats

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 22, 2010

Convoy Reaches Gaza and Hamas' Embrace

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 22, 2010

Is the Saudi Prince an Islamophobe?

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 22, 2010

Somali Terrorist Group Threatens Phone Companies

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 21, 2010

Napolitano Appoints Islamist To Homeland Security Panel

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 21, 2010

MB Publication Shifts Incitement Toward U.S.

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 21, 2010

Treasury Hunts for Iranian-Front Banks

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 21, 2010

Court: HLF Co-Conspirator List Should Have Been Sealed

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 21, 2010

Awlaki Dined At the Pentagon After 9/11

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog October 20, 2010

South Park Threat Prompts Charge/Plea

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 20, 2010

Pakistani Intelligence Connection to Mumbai Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 19, 2010

Dallas Skyscraper Plot Nets 24-Year Sentence

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 19, 2010

Galloway Convoy Meets Hamas Leadership

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 19, 2010

Judge Raps MAS-Tied School's Conduct

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 18, 2010

Four Convicted in Attempted Synagogue Bombing

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog October 18, 2010

Wife Warned FBI of Mumbai Plotter's Lashkar Ties

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 18, 2010

Canadian Report Suggests Measures to Combat Prison Radicalization

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 18, 2010

Dremali Arrest Stirs CAIR Concern

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog October 15, 2010

Another HLF Employee Pleads Guilty

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 15, 2010

CAIR Blasts Investigation for Not Agreeing with Them

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 14, 2010

More Problematic Congressional Prayer Leaders

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 14, 2010

IARA Money Prompts Request for Fellowship Foundation Probe

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 14, 2010

Reza Kahlili: The Islamic Revolution's Victory Lap

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 14, 2010

Ahmadinejad Fulfills Anticipated Controversy in Lebanon

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 13, 2010

DOJ Civil Rights Investigation Clears FBI in Abdullah Shooting

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 13, 2010

Hamas PM Reiterates: No Recognition of Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 13, 2010

U.S. Papers Spike Mohammad Cartoon Depiction

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 12, 2010

European Threat Dispels Terror Theory

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 12, 2010

A Terror Network of a Different Kind

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 8, 2010

Viva Palestina's Journey with Hamas

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 8, 2010

Blair: Islamists Have Outmaneuvered Western Democracies

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog October 7, 2010

Galloway Brings Bluster to Canada

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 6, 2010

Rashad Hussain Reportedly Yanked From OIC Chicago Conference

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 5, 2010

Times Square Bomber Sentenced to Life in Prison

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 5, 2010

New Trial Sought for Convicted Founder of Islamic Charity

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 1, 2010

Shocking Tour for Terror Imam

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 1, 2010

Experts Tell Congress: Government Policy Against Radical Websites Lacking

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 1, 2010

Michigan AG won't prosecute agents in Luqman Abdullah case

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 30, 2010

Waziristan Drone Strike May Have Foiled Attacks in Europe

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 29, 2010

Judge Hits Iran with Second Huge Judgment from 1983 Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 29, 2010

American-born Flotilla Activist Saw Violence Coming

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 29, 2010

The Hyping of a Muslim College

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 29, 2010

IPT's Landman Testifies on Terror Financing Trends

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 28, 2010

Al-Arabiya Director Presses GZM Criticism

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 28, 2010

Stopping Radical Islamist Threats

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 28, 2010

HLF Fundraiser Visits Counterterrorism Operations Center

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 28, 2010

Viva Palestina Leader Loses Canadian Appeal

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 27, 2010

Proposal Broadens Law Enforcement Access to Bank Records

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 27, 2010

"Lady Al Qaida" Receives 86 Year Sentence

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 23, 2010

Obama OIC Envoy to Address Brotherhood-linked Event

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 23, 2010

Hamas Brutality Attracts Attention

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 23, 2010

Reduced Punishment Still Angers Irvine Muslim Student Union

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 21, 2010

Report: Yemeni Military has Awlaki Cornered

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 21, 2010

Ex-Jihadist Imam Slams Bin Laden, Ground Zero Mosque

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 20, 2010

American Busted for Attempted Bombing in Chicago

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 20, 2010

British Intelligence Sees Al-Shabaab Threat Building

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 16, 2010

Report Calls Shariah a Challenge for America, Fault Line for Muslims

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 16, 2010

Hawala Operator Charged in Times Square Bomb Attempt

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 16, 2010

CAIR Rep Skirts Criticism of Hamas Comments

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 14, 2010

New Hamas Video Portrays Israel's Destruction

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 14, 2010

GZM "Truther" Sought Spitzer 9/11 Grand Jury

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 14, 2010

Another U.S. Jihadist Reported Killed in Somalia

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 14, 2010

Underwear Bomber Fires Attorneys

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 13, 2010

Viva Palestina Activist Another 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 13, 2010

Report: America Ill-Equipped to Face Evolving Islamic Terrorism Threat

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 10, 2010

Appellate Court Dismisses Private Torture Suit

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 9, 2010

ISNA Convenes "Emergency" Interfaith Meeting on Anti-Muslim Bias

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 8, 2010

Canadian Muslim Takes on Islamist Establishment

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 8, 2010

Informant Testifies in Synagogue Bomb Plot Trial

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 3, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque Backer Gave to Hamas-linked Charity

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 3, 2010

More Muslim Mosque Criticism

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 2, 2010

Canada's Forgotten Terrorist Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 2, 2010

Hamas Launches Attack on Eve of Washington Peace Talks

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 31, 2010

Imam's Suit Questions Existence of Palestine Committee

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 31, 2010

Odd Airline Incident Called "Dry Run" for Attack

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 31, 2010

Fight Over Co-Conspirator List Continues

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 30, 2010

AQAP Poses Growing Threat To U.S. Security

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 27, 2010

Administration Debates Prosecution of USS Cole Bomber

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 27, 2010

Trial Begins In Alleged Plot Targeting National Guard, Synagogues

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 27, 2010

Operation Samosa: Canadian Terror Suspects Were Building IEDs for Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 26, 2010

Judea Pearl Opposes Ground Zero Mosque

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 26, 2010

Gaza's Number One Export: Jihad

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 26, 2010

Homegrown Terrorism Resurfaces in Canada

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 25, 2010

Hitchens, Hentoff Question Ground Zero Mosque

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 25, 2010

Ray Locker, former USA TODAY national security editor, becomes IPT's new Managing Director

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 20, 2010

Gates Memo Ignores Fort Hood Causes

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 20, 2010

The Muslim Students Association's Terror Problem

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 20, 2010

Missing Context in the Mosque Debate

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 19, 2010

Alaskan-based Terrorist had 20-Person Hit List

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 18, 2010

Pirate Fail Leads to Dismissal of Charges

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 18, 2010

British Bank Fined for Violating Sanctions

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 18, 2010

Pakistani Flooding Creates Opening for Terrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 18, 2010

Muslim Mosque Critic Reports Threat

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 18, 2010

Planning the Next Wave

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 17, 2010

State, Treasury Departments Hit Iran's Support for Terrorism

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 13, 2010

Asra Nomani on Ground Zero Mosque Opponents: "their fears are legitimate"

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 13, 2010

Minnesota Imam: Muslims Should Not Join FBI, U.S. Security Services

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 12, 2010

Military Group Supported by Hamas Celebrates in the Gaza Strip

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 12, 2010

Actions Would Speak Louder than Words in CAIR's Anti-Terrorism Campaign

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 12, 2010

Israeli Military Chief: Flotilla Passengers Fired First

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 11, 2010

Flotilla Investigative Panel Hears from Israeli Leaders

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 10, 2010

First Military Commission of Obama Administration Set to Start

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 10, 2010

House Freezes Lebanon Military Aid Over Shooting Incident

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 10, 2010

CAIR-Michigan Sues Over Slaim Imam FOIAs

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 9, 2010

New Jersey Ruling Invoked in Anti-Shariah Pitch

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 6, 2010

Brothers Tap Pink Floyd Classic to Fight the Mullahs

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 6, 2010

Shabaab Support Network Shut Down

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 5, 2010

Yet Another American Arrested for Planning Jihad

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 4, 2010

Terrorist Rockets Target Jordan, Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 2, 2010

Netanyahu Agrees to UN Flotilla Probe

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 2, 2010

The Shine is Off the Divestment Movement

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 29, 2010

Helping Muslim Americans Overcome Islamist Dominance

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 28, 2010

Leaked Documents Show Pakistani Spy Agency Aids Taliban

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 26, 2010

Scotland Yard's Radical Advisor

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 26, 2010

When Arab States Mistreat Palestinians

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 23, 2010

And that "Rock the Casbah" Cover is Out

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 22, 2010

An Audacious Play by a Presidential Pal

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 21, 2010

Islamist Scholar's Books Banned in Bangladesh

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 20, 2010

UK Court Accepts Vandals' "Israeli War Crimes" Defense

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 19, 2010

Sources and Methods of Islamic Radicalization are Global

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 19, 2010

U.S. Designates Awlaki a Terrorist

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 16, 2010

Hamas TV Banned in France for Inciting Hatred

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 14, 2010

Bank to Terrorists Sanctioned

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 14, 2010

Chicago Men Sentenced in Plot to Kill U.S. Soldiers

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 13, 2010

Hizballahland: A Convenient Distraction

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 13, 2010

Canadian Jihadist Charged With Promoting Genocide

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 9, 2010

U.S. Investigating IHH

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 8, 2010

U.A.E. Ambassador: U.S., Israeli Military Strikes Preferable to Iranian Nukes

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 7, 2010

American's Disclosures Tie Lashkar to Pakistani Intelligence

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 7, 2010

"The Pilot" Indicted in NY Subway Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 7, 2010

Mexican Arrest Indicates Hizballah Seeking Foothold

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 7, 2010

Imam that Tipped off New York Subway Bomber Leaves America

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 6, 2010

Alomari Axed by Ohio Homeland Security

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 2, 2010

Saudi Textbooks Continue to Radicalize Youth

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 30, 2010

Arab Journalists Come Out in Support of Israeli Flotilla Actions

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 29, 2010

An Al-Shabaab Narco-Terrorism Connection?

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 29, 2010

Missouri Muslim Charity Director Pleads Guilty

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 28, 2010

Two More Convicted In Toronto 18 Terror Case

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 25, 2010

Letter Suggests Kansas Charity Had Yemen Connection

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 25, 2010

Hamas Radicalization in the 21st Century

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 24, 2010

Pakistani Court Convicts Five Americans of Plotting Terror

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 24, 2010

Lebanese Flotilla Organizer Wants Jews Deported to Europe

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 23, 2010

Smuggling Terrorism

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 23, 2010

Al Qaeda's "Gateway Drug"

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 21, 2010

Times Square Bomber Pleads Guilty

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 21, 2010

Kosovo Arrests Eighth Suspect in North Carolina Terror Case

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 18, 2010

Ending Blockade a Victory for Hamas

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 18, 2010

Lieberman and MPAC face off over Terror Terminology

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 18, 2010

Failed Times Square Bomber Indicted

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 18, 2010

Medical Examiner: Marks on Imam Not Dog Bites

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 17, 2010

Islamists Place Cause over Character at UCI

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 17, 2010

New U.S. Sanctions Aim to Curb Iranian Nuclear Program

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 16, 2010

Pakistan's Two-Faced Counter Terrorism Policy

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 16, 2010

"American Ninja" Stopped in his Quest for bin Laden

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 15, 2010

Man Gets Probation In Plot To Smuggle Somalis into U.S.

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 15, 2010

Hamas and the Gaza Blockade

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 14, 2010

Crew Confirms Flotilla Sought Violence

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 11, 2010

Reuters Under Fire Over Cropped Flotilla Photos

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 11, 2010

A Refreshing and Laudable Call

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 10, 2010

UN Security Council Passes New Iran Sanctions

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 9, 2010

Turkish Imam Criticizes Flotilla, Bashes Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 7, 2010

Two Arrested for Alleged Plot to Join Al-Shabaab

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 6, 2010

IHH Terrorist Ties Confirmed

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 3, 2010

CAIR: Pathologist Concludes Imam was Attacked by FBI Dog

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 3, 2010

Drone Takes out Al Qaida Leader

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 1, 2010

Is Al-Shabaab Trying to Smuggle Jihadists Into U.S?

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 1, 2010

Hearing Delayed for Fort Hood Shooter

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 1, 2010

Somali Muslims Turn Their Guns On Al-Shabaab

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog May 28, 2010

Smadi Pleads Guilty To Dallas Skyscraper Bomb Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 28, 2010

Military Clashes between Hamas Activists and Israel on the Mediterranean Sea Likely by Month's End

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog May 28, 2010

Senators Propose Law to Ban Anonymous Cell Phones

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog May 28, 2010

Al Shabaab Alert on the Border

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog May 26, 2010

Awlaki's Latest Rant

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 24, 2010

Journalistic Skepticism, MPAC and the L.A. Times

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 24, 2010

Report Finds Radical Cleric's Sermons Available to American Inmates

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog May 21, 2010

IPT Report on Census Lease Prompts Inquiries

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 20, 2010

Al Qaida Supporter in the Heartland

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 19, 2010

Pistole Nominated to Head TSA

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 19, 2010

Dar al Hijrah's Other Weekend Guests

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 18, 2010

Islamist Activists Suffer Drubbing in London Elections

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 18, 2010

Ousted MP Galloway Returns to the U.S.

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog May 17, 2010

Will Western Sweeteners Move Peace Process Forward?

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 14, 2010

Indonesia's Mumbai-style attack foiled

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 14, 2010

Terror Should Be Condemned

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 14, 2010

CAIR Harassment Complaints in St. Cloud Schools Unsubstantiated

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 14, 2010

Terrorism vs. Citizenship

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 13, 2010

Arrests in Shahzad Case – Following the Money

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 13, 2010

Senators: Designate Pakistani Taliban a Foreign Terrorist Organization

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 12, 2010

Hizballah Prepares for Another War

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 11, 2010

Galloway Voted out of Parliament

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 7, 2010

Delaware Professor Pushes the Terrorist "Narrative"

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 7, 2010

Sole Surviving Mumbai Gunman Sentenced to Death

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 6, 2010

Drones versus Hit Squads

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 5, 2010

Love Your Dad, but be Honest

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 5, 2010

Jihadist Training Camps Caught up in the Web

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 4, 2010

Dramatic Arrest in Attempted Times Square Bombing

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 4, 2010

The Palestinian Authority's Terrorist Glorification

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 4, 2010

Reports: Times Square Investigation Progressing Quickly

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 3, 2010

Galloway Attorneys Fight Canadian Ban

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 29, 2010

Arrested Development for the Damra Brothers

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 28, 2010

Egyptian Court Sentences Hizballah Terror Plotters

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 28, 2010

Video Emerges of Christmas Day Bomber in Training Camps

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 27, 2010

Ignoring the Giant Islamist Elephant in Arab-Israeli conflict

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 26, 2010

Third Guilty Plea in Thwarted NYC Subway Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 23, 2010

Comedy Central Censors Mohammad the Bear

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog April 22, 2010

Mohammad the Bear Draws Ire

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog April 21, 2010

Iran's "Plausibly Deniable" Terror Network

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 21, 2010

Muslim Brotherhood: Doing Stuff about Things

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 19, 2010

Muslims Target Tariq Ramadan, Brotherhood

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 16, 2010

TSA Follows Protocol Despite CAIR Claims of Bias

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog April 16, 2010

Tariq Ramadan...Tripped Up By His Double-Speak?

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 16, 2010

Abu Toameh: Palestinian Infighting Makes Peace Unlikely

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 14, 2010

White House Delivers Blow to al Shabaab Finances

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 14, 2010

Report: Zazi Plot Targeted Grand Central and Times Square Trains

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 12, 2010

Exclusive! Terror-Defending Publisher's Inside Track

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 8, 2010

Palestinians Rename Main Boulevard after Hamas Terrorist

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 8, 2010

Guilty Plea for Man Accused of Funneling Money to Iraq

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 7, 2010

White House: U.S. Citizenship Not A Barrier to Capture or Kill Order

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 7, 2010

Correspondent's Course: CAIR-CAN to Cairo

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 5, 2010

When the Informant is on the Other Foot

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog April 1, 2010

Appeals Court Grants PLO's Second Chance in Lawsuit Over American Murders

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 31, 2010

Chicago Cab Driver Charged with Funding Al Qaeda

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 29, 2010

UN, U.S. Treasury Freeze Iraqi Jihadist's Assets

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 26, 2010

Obama Administration: Drone Attacks Lawful

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 26, 2010

DOJ Seen Nothing Which "Exonerates" CAIR

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 26, 2010

Underwear Bomber was Once Denied U.S. Visa

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 25, 2010

MPAC Terrorism Report Misses the Point

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 25, 2010

Report: Explosive Implants a New Terror Threat

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 24, 2010

American Man Pleads Guilty in Mumbai, Denmark Terror Plots

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 18, 2010

Brotherhood Official Dropped from UN Terror Finance List

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 18, 2010

U.S. Treasury Targets Hamas-Controlled Businesses in Gaza

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 18, 2010

Pakistan Issues Terror Charges Against D.C. Five

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 17, 2010

Report Dissects Goldstone's Failures

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 15, 2010

Report: U.S.-Designated Charity Incorporates in Florida

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 15, 2010

Another American Tied to Al Qaeda in Yemen

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 12, 2010

British Airways Employee Accused of Terror Plots

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 11, 2010

An Awlaki Link for Jihad Jane?

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 10, 2010

Middle East Student Visa Fraud ICE'd in LA

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 10, 2010

Jihad Jane Arrested

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 9, 2010

Hizballah Claims U.S. Influence a Threat

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 9, 2010

Update – Pakistan Arrests Different American Al Qaeda Agent

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 8, 2010

Pakistanis Claim to Arrest American Al Qaeda Member

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 7, 2010

A "notorious, dubious individual on the Internet" says what?

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 5, 2010

FBI: Cyber Terrorism is Growing Threat

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 5, 2010

Deceptive Statements Help Clear Viva Palestina in UK Charity Probe

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 5, 2010

Arizona HLF Fundraiser Sentenced to 18 Months

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 5, 2010

ABC: Al Qaeda Dealt Major Blow by Pakistani Military

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 4, 2010

British Islamic Scholar Condemns Suicide Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 2, 2010

PATRIOT Act Renewed Despite Controversial Provisions

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 2, 2010

Newly Released Evidence Sheds Light on Intentions in CIA Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 1, 2010

Targeting Israeli Civilians an Integral Part of Hamas Strategy

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 26, 2010

Fact Checking Tom Campbell

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 25, 2010

Terrorism Gets Center Stage in India-Pakistan Talks

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 25, 2010

Napolitano's Surprising Islamic Terror Reference

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 24, 2010

Hamas's British Support Base

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 24, 2010

Hamas Founder's Son Chronicles his Spying for Israel

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 24, 2010

Would-Be NY Bomber Pleads Guilty

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 22, 2010

How are These Not Considered Lies?

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 20, 2010

CAIR's Double Standard on Double Standards

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 19, 2010

South Florida Indictment Indirectly Alleges Hizballah Support

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 19, 2010

Longtime CAIR Board Member Deported

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 19, 2010

Al Qaeda Terrorist Gets Life Sentence from Quebec Judge

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 18, 2010

Pakistani Court Denies Bail, Accused American Jihadists Claim Torture

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 18, 2010

Abdul Alim Musa's American (Bad) Dream

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 17, 2010

Dar Al-Hijrah Hosts Fundraiser for Convicted Member of "Virginia Jihad" Cell

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 16, 2010

No Tenure for You, Al-Marayati

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 16, 2010

Saturday's Blast in India may be Tied to American Jihadi

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 16, 2010

Al Qaeda Tasks Al-Shabaab as Somali Terrorists Anticipate Government Offensive

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 12, 2010

A Schizophrenic Terror Policy

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 12, 2010

The Changing Face of Palestinian Terror

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 11, 2010

Treasury Imposes New Sanctions While Iran Goes "Nuclear"

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 11, 2010

How Islamists Use Courts to Silence Critics

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 10, 2010

Israeli Ambassador's UC-Irvine Speech: Another Episode in Campus Radicalism

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 9, 2010

Jasser: Stop Overlooking the Obvious at Fort Hood

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 9, 2010

Amnesty Official Slams Rights Group's Ties with "Taliban Supporter"

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 8, 2010

Key Massachusetts Terror Case Witness Gets Probation

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 5, 2010

Radical Yemeni Cleric Directed Failed Christmas Day Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 5, 2010

Emerson in the Daily Beast: Terror Threat Broader than Al Qaeda

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 4, 2010

Imam's Contraband Arrest Puts Focus on Islamists in Prisons

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 4, 2010

Vanderbilt Chaplain: Can't Argue with Islamic Law's Call to Execute Homosexuals

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 4, 2010

Awlaki: U.S. Civilians Are Legitimate Targets Because Americans Elect "Criminal" Leaders

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 3, 2010

Lady al Qaida: Guilty on all Counts

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 3, 2010

Al-Shabaab's New Terrorist Partner

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 2, 2010

Grand Jury's CAIR Probe Points to Hamas

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 2, 2010

PA Sermon calls for Killing Jews

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 1, 2010

Deter, Disrupt Degrade: Treasury Renews Focus on Informal Terrorist Financing

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 29, 2010

Iraq Holding Two US Civilians Found in Militant Stronghold

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 29, 2010

Regulating the "Fatwa Industry"

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 28, 2010

British Supreme Court Strikes Down Terror Finance Laws

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 28, 2010

U.S. Congressmen Call Upon Israel to Abandon Effective Counter-Terrorism Policy

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 28, 2010

HAMAS reaffirms ties to the Muslim Brotherhood

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 28, 2010

UPDATE: The "Last Tactical Mile"--Senate Investigates Intelligence Failures

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 27, 2010

U.S. Military, Intelligence Aid Yemen in Targeting Al Qaeda

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 27, 2010

NYT: Zazi Relative May be Cooperating

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 27, 2010

Federal Court Dismisses Suit Against Hizballah's Alleged Bank

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 26, 2010

Holy Land Prosecution Lives On

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 26, 2010

Potential LeT Hang Glider Attack has Precedent

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 25, 2010

"Toronto 18" Cell Members Sentenced in Terror Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 22, 2010

True Beneficiaries of Viva Palestina Aid Uncovered (hint: it's not the Palestinian people)

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 22, 2010

Al Qaida Continues to Evolve

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 20, 2010

The "Last Tactical Mile"—Senate Investigates Intelligence Failures

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 20, 2010

Compensating Victims of Terrorism—America v. Great Britain

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 20, 2010

Jasser: Don't Scapegoat Officers over Fort Hood

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 19, 2010

A New Strategy for Combating Terrorism

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 19, 2010

Names Added, New Charges Filed in Mumbai, Denmark Terror Plots

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 15, 2010

Congressman Asks: How do we Handle 55,000 Americans in Yemen?

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 14, 2010

Informant Takes Jury Inside Toronto Terror Plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 13, 2010

US Report: Indian Crime Syndicate Finds Common Cause with Al Qaeda

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 13, 2010

Second Congress Member Calls for Action on Viva Palestina

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 12, 2010

Campus Lessons in Extremism from England

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 11, 2010

Islamist Threats – External and Internal

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 8, 2010

Brush with Terror Changes Muslim Woman's View of Profiling

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 8, 2010

White House Outlines Intelligence Failures, Institutes Changes in Procedures

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 7, 2010

Courageous Stand by Norwegian Muslims

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 6, 2010

Egyptian Soldier Killed in Clashes with Palestinians, Viva Palestina Convoy

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 6, 2010

CAIR Attacks new Airport Security Measures

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 6, 2010

Radical Fundraiser Becomes Illinois Police Chaplain

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 5, 2010

When Lone Wolves Aren't so Alone

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 4, 2010

Pakistan Gears Up Terror Case Against D.C. Five

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 4, 2010

Judge Pushes Administration on PA Terror Lawsuit

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 30, 2009

"Hundreds" More Al Qaeda Operatives in Yemen Planning Attacks, Foreign Minister Says

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 29, 2009

Wolf: Sending Detainees to Yemen "Unconscionable"

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 29, 2009

Al Qaeda Touts Virtues of Airplane Bombings, Small Explosives

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 29, 2009

More Questions About ICNA's Incitement

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 28, 2009

Relatives Dispute Claim That Anwar Al-Awlaki Killed in Yemen Air Strike

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 28, 2009

Question for the White House

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 28, 2009

Guantanamo Bay Closing, Prisoner Transfers Face New Delays

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 28, 2009

Awlaki Reportedly Dies in Yemen Air Strike

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 24, 2009

New ICE Asylum Policy Ignores Deadly History

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 23, 2009

MPAC Promotes a New Blood Libel

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 22, 2009

Alleged Al Qaeda Drug Dealers Busted

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 18, 2009

Treasury's Record Haul on Iran

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 16, 2009

Seizing Iranian Assets

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 16, 2009

Terror Trading?

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 15, 2009

Illinois Prison May House Guantanamo Inmates

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 15, 2009

A Prescription for Combating Radicalism

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 15, 2009

New Details Emerge about Lashkar's Chicago Connections

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 15, 2009

An Old Hand for New Iranian Sanctions

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 14, 2009

Domestic Terror Plotter Gets 17 years

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 14, 2009

Memo to Louay Safi: We're not Bashing Muslims, We're Bashing You

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 11, 2009

DC Students Wanted to Fight US Soldiers, May be Returned

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 11, 2009

Deport 9/11 Defendants if Acquitted? Not So Fast!

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 10, 2009

Turning off Jihad-TV in the United States

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 10, 2009

NY Times: D.C. Students Aimed for Pakistani Tribal Areas

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 10, 2009

The Five D.C. Students and the War on Terror

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 9, 2009

Jaish-e-Muhammed: A Primer

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 9, 2009

FBI Seeks Outside Assessment on Missed Fort Hood Signals

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 8, 2009

CAIR Chairman Criticized by Hometown Paper

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 7, 2009

Hoekstra: Congress Ignoring Homegrown Terror Threat

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 4, 2009

Colorado U.S. Attorney Defends Dropping Awlaki Charge

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 3, 2009

Justice for the Victims of the Lod Airport Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 3, 2009

French May Release Terrorist Bomb Plotter Next Year

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 3, 2009

The FBI's Communication Breakdown on Hasan

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 2, 2009

Probe Viva Palestina's Hamas Connection, Congress Urges

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 2, 2009

EU Extends Terrorist Financing Cooperation

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 1, 2009

ABC News: U.S. Attorney Blew an Opportunity to Arrest Awlaki

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 1, 2009

Canadian Study: Literature a Key in Radicalization Process

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 30, 2009

A Major Crack in the Hizballah Weapons Pipeline

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 24, 2009

While Shalit Negotiations Continue, Hamas Vows More Terror

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 24, 2009

Juan Zarate is Easily Impressed

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 23, 2009

The Slippery Slope of Sanctioning Terror

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 20, 2009

British Prisons Said To Facilitate Jihadism

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 20, 2009

DOJ Investigates ICNA Official's Past

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 19, 2009

Supervisor Issued Warning on Hasan

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 19, 2009

Radical U.S. Muslim Group Defames Moderate, Defends Fort Hood Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 18, 2009

Documentary Takes Viewers Inside Mumbai Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 17, 2009

The Legal Battle in the Case of Nidal Malik Hasan

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 13, 2009

CAIR in a Nutshell

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 12, 2009

Israel Intercepts Massive Iranian Weapons Cache for Hizballah

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 11, 2009

Al Qaeda Magazine Encourages "Lone" Wolf Attacks on Western Infrastructure and Public Figures

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 10, 2009

Fort Hood Update: Pointed Questions for the Government

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 9, 2009

Hasan's Ties to Radical Imam Probed

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 9, 2009

A Win and a Loss for CAIR

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 4, 2009

Hizb ut-Tahrir's Ideology Legitimizes Islamist Terror

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 4, 2009

What's Missing in the CAIR Lawsuit?

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 2, 2009

UN Official Challenges US Drone Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 30, 2009

Saudis Skate (Again) on Religious Freedom Sanctions

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 28, 2009

Palestinians Admit Police Torture

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 28, 2009

Abbas: Hamas Leaders Used Ambulances To Flee

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 27, 2009

Two New Terror Indictments Handed Down in Chicago and New York

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 27, 2009

DOJ Should Show Congress Damning Evidence on CAIR, Reps Say

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 23, 2009

Two Other Toledo Defendants Sentenced

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 22, 2009

Human Rights Watch Called Out by its Founder

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 20, 2009

Canadian Terror Case Raises Troubling Questions

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 19, 2009

Israeli Organ Harvesting: From Crazy Conspiracy Theory to Outright Bigotry

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog October 16, 2009

Minneapolis Indictment Stokes Somali Concerns

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 15, 2009

Hijab Debate Intensifies

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog October 13, 2009

Dalia Mogahed, Hizb ut-Tahrir Representative Tout Sharia for Women

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 8, 2009

Those Brotherhood "Conservatives"

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 8, 2009

Al Qaradawi Calls for "Day of Rage"

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 8, 2009

Fighting Terrorist Financing on the Other Side of the Pond

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 7, 2009

Tracing the Zazi Arrest

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 7, 2009

Alumni, Scholar Blast Yale on Mohammed Cartoons

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 6, 2009

The Long Path to Nowhere: Suing State Sponsors of Terrorism

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 2, 2009

Appellate Court Upholds Hamas Supporter's Sentence

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 2, 2009

High Court Set to Tackle Clarity of Anti-Terror Law

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 30, 2009

Hamas Clamps Down in Gaza

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 29, 2009

The Purist View of Zazi's Alleged Tipster

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 29, 2009

Did Terror Watch List Members Patronize Cigarette Smuggling Ring?

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 25, 2009

A Busy Day for Terror

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 25, 2009

UPDATE: JUSTICE Act May Prevent Civil Suits by Victims of Terrorism

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 25, 2009

Al Qaradawi Forbids Iraqis from Becoming U.S. Citizens

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 24, 2009

Terror Probe Heightens Fears of Mass Attack on Nation's Transit System, Other Targets

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 23, 2009

Arizona Politicians Concerned By Minnesota Rep.'s Relationship with CAIR

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 22, 2009

It's Official: Al-Shabaab Ties the Knot with Al Qaeda

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 22, 2009

Judge's Ruling a Bad Omen for National Security Legislation?

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 21, 2009

Libyan Terrorists Live Free in Britain

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 21, 2009

Feingold Moves to Strike Material Support Law

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 18, 2009

Report: Terrorist Groups Meet in Lebanon to Discuss Anti-American Actions

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 17, 2009

White House Calls on Congress to Reauthorize Controversial Counter-Terrorism Programs

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 16, 2009

British Government Funds Muslim Brotherhood-Related Organization

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 16, 2009

Queens Raid Tied to Al Qaeda Investigation

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 16, 2009

Organ Story Harvests Hatred

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 16, 2009

U.S. Strike Kills Al-Qaeda Terrorist in Somalia

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 15, 2009

Destroying the Terrorist's Support Structure

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 15, 2009

Bringing Terrorists to Justice Post Guantanamo

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 15, 2009

Prominent Arab Journalist: Only War can Resolve the Palestinian Problem

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 10, 2009

Myrick to Obama: Speak Clearly About Jihad

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 10, 2009

9/11 - International Day of Islamic Service and Remembrance?

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 10, 2009

Yemeni Feminist Faults Obama on Hijab

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 8, 2009

US Embassy in Copenhagen Invites the Wrong Muslim Leader to Iftar – Again

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 8, 2009

Writer Sees Palestinians Blowing Their Chance

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 31, 2009

Hamas' Holocaust Denial Reaches Classrooms

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 31, 2009

Brothers of Hamas = The Brotherhood

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 27, 2009

Pandering for Saudi Dollars at Yale?

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 27, 2009

Islamic Dress Code Imposed in Gaza Schools

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 26, 2009

Ahmadinejad Nominates Wanted Terrorist as Iran's Defense Minister

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 21, 2009

Iranian Ties Cost Tariq Ramadan his Public Jobs

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 19, 2009

The Sounds of Silence

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 19, 2009

The War of the Words

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 18, 2009

Smart People, Dumb Decision

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 18, 2009

Book on Muhammad Cartoons Won't Show Them

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 14, 2009

Muslim Convert Confesses to Plotting Attacks on American Targets In Germany

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 14, 2009

Yemeni Islamists Hail Release of Convicted Hamas Supporters

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 14, 2009

Islamic Terrorists, Latin Style (Update)

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 14, 2009

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Has New Friends?

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 13, 2009

Second Man Convicted in Georgia Lashkar Conspiracy

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 12, 2009

Investigate Intelligence Interrogators? Bad Idea!

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 12, 2009

Deutsche Doldrums in Counter-Terrorism

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 11, 2009

Pakistan Nuclear Arms Security: FAIL

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 11, 2009

Islamic Terrorists, Latin Style

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 11, 2009

Saudi Cleric's London Sermon Draws Fire

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 6, 2009

All We Are Saying...

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 5, 2009

Friends Testify Against Atlanta Terror Suspect

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 5, 2009

Australians Foil Suspected Somali Terror Plot

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 4, 2009

Good News and Bad News at the ISA

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 3, 2009

Schiff Denies Joining Democrats' Letter to Holder

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 31, 2009

All the Wrong Moves

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 31, 2009

Shoe Bomber Handed a Legal Victory on a Platter

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 30, 2009

MAS, TIZA and the Congressman

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 29, 2009

Latest Guilty Plea Exposes the Flawed Reasoning of CAIR's Congressional Allies

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 29, 2009

In Raleigh, Seven Accused in Terror Plot

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 27, 2009

Life Sentence for Virginia Man Who Plotted to Kill President Bush

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 27, 2009

Pipes on Newsweek's European "Fantasy"

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 24, 2009

Honor Killing Suspected in Deaths of 3 Canadian Sisters

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 23, 2009

The State Department's Islamist Partners

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 23, 2009

More TIZA Troubles

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 22, 2009

NY Man Charged in Afghan Attack on U.S. Soldiers

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 22, 2009

TIZA in a Tizzy

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 22, 2009

Jihad Terror Advocate to Lecture in Toronto

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 22, 2009

Iran Revives an Ancient Evil

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 21, 2009

James Zogby's One-Sided View of Middle East Peace

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 20, 2009

While Raising Money in Saudi Arabia, Human Rights Watch Boasts About Israel-Bashing

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 17, 2009

Another Problem ISNA Speaker

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 17, 2009

Appellate Court Remands Denial of Tariq Ramadan Visa

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 17, 2009

Abu Toameh: Hamas Capitalizes on Settlement Focus

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 13, 2009

More Minneapolis Somalis Dying in Homeland

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 13, 2009

Saudi Sheik: Muslim Women Could Face Death For Marrying Non-Muslims

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 9, 2009

Balcony Falls – Accidents or Honor Killings?

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 9, 2009

UK Islamists Imprisoned For Arson Conspiracy Against Book Publisher

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 9, 2009

Hamas, CAIR Looking to Fund Separate Quran Drives

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 6, 2009

Boston's Extremist Mosque

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 6, 2009

Clinton Call on Obama's Speech Includes Jihad Advocate - Update

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog July 2, 2009

Somali Indictment in the Works?

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 2, 2009

In Sharia Courts, "Death Threat" Helps Keep British Muslims in Line

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 1, 2009

Islamic Saudi Academy Grad Held Without Bail After Trying to Board Plane With 7-Inch Blade

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 30, 2009

Court Ruling Cuts off Saudi 9/11 Litigation

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 29, 2009

CNN on Megahed...by the Numbers

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 29, 2009

Maine Fines Group for Allegedly "Inflammatory" Mailing on Muslim School Program

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 26, 2009

NYPD: Hizballah More Dangerous Than Al Qaeda

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 26, 2009

New Jersey Resident Heads To Prison For Aiding Hizballah

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 25, 2009

Khamenei Outs Obama's Pre-Election Letter

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 24, 2009

Justice Department Recruits Civil Servants for ISNA Convention

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 23, 2009

Florida Group Sues Hotel for Cancelling Wilders Event

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 22, 2009

State Department Site Features Radical Mosque

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 22, 2009

The HLF Defendants Who Got Away

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 19, 2009

The Need to Confront Muslim Anti-Semitism at Home and Abroad

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 17, 2009

Disclosure Proves MAS Paid for Ellison's Hajj

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 16, 2009

Wolf Takes to House Floor to Rebut CAIR

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 15, 2009

CAIR Losing Support From North to South

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog June 12, 2009

Homegrown Terrorist Convicted In Atlanta Trial

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 10, 2009

Omeish Campaign Crashes in VA Primary

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 9, 2009

After Election Defeat, Hizballah Refuses to Disarm

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 9, 2009

Obama's Zakat Vow Raises Troubling Questions

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 9, 2009

HLF Case In Their Own Words

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 8, 2009

Of Lone Wolves and Terrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 8, 2009

Omeish's Secret Political Machine

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 5, 2009

It's Not Exactly Oprah

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 5, 2009

Little Rock Shooting Update

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 5, 2009

Little Rock Shooter Eyed Bigger Targets

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 4, 2009

Al Caponing Youssef Megahed

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 4, 2009

Jasser: Obama Speech Must Address Human Rights and Radicalism

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 3, 2009

Al Qaeda Goal: "Anthrax on the White House Lawn"

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 3, 2009

Atlanta Terror Prosecution Emphasizes Communication

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 2, 2009

Radical British Islamist Group Pledges Return

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 1, 2009

Dallas Paper: HLF Sentences Heavy, But Just

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 29, 2009

Congressional Republicans Offer Obama Speech Tips

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 28, 2009

Israel: Iran-Venezuela Axis Traffics in Terror, Uranium

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 28, 2009

Der Spiegel: Hizballah Linked to Hariri Murder

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 27, 2009

Somali Imam's Radical Statements Draw Media Attention

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 22, 2009

McCarthy: Put a Chill on "Lawfare"

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog May 22, 2009

Evil, But Not Geniuses

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 22, 2009

Egypt Claims to Break Up Brotherhood Jihad Camp

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 20, 2009

Getting Tough on "Lawfare"

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 20, 2009

Troubling Report in Germany

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 20, 2009

Arsonists Who Targeted British Publisher Convicted

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 15, 2009

Win Win

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 13, 2009

Jasser: Shariah Debate Rooted in Denial

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 12, 2009

Is U.S. Aid Indirectly Benefitting Hizballah?

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 11, 2009

Is Washington Readying Confrontation With Israel Over Nuclear Deterrent?

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 8, 2009

4th Circuit Upholds Green Quest Raids

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 8, 2009

Andrew McCarthy: Obama, Holder Go Soft on Al Qaeda Terrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 6, 2009

Italian Mosques Dominated by Muslim Brotherhood?

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 6, 2009

Wolf: President has "Moral Obligation" to Inform Americans About Uyghurs

For The Record - The IPT Blog May 2, 2009

Tough Questions on Guantanamo Closing

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 30, 2009

Three life sentences in Ft. Dix terror plot

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 28, 2009

CAIR/FBI Saga Plods On

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 28, 2009

Pete King's Wise Words

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 22, 2009

Must be a Ratings Sweep on Hamas TV

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 21, 2009

Litigating Criticism Away

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 21, 2009

Islamist Attempts to Influence Obama's Administration

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 15, 2009

Hamas Employs The Blood Libel

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 15, 2009

Hizballah Targeted Israelis, Plotted To Destabilize Egypt

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 15, 2009

Guess Who's Coming to the White House? Obama Invites the Wrong Muslim Leader

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 10, 2009

Iranian nuclear plot foiled, say Manhattan DA, Treasury

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 8, 2009

Iranian Persecution of Christians Alleged

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 6, 2009

Italian Parliamentarian Discusses Islamist Death Threats

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 6, 2009

Sailor Sentenced to 10 Years for Fleet Leak

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog April 3, 2009

Germany Fears Election Attacks

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 1, 2009

Galloway Addresses Canadian Audience Despite Ban

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 31, 2009

Miami Drug Case Has Hezbollah Tie

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 30, 2009

Muslim Coalition Supports FBI Freeze of CAIR

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 30, 2009

Iran's Desired Expanded Presence in Mexico

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 27, 2009

FBI Director Vague on CAIR Freeze

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 27, 2009

Why Hate Speech There is a Problem Here

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 26, 2009

Tariq Ramadan Fighting for U.S. Visa, Under Fire in Netherlands

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 24, 2009

New York Police Muslim Chaplain's Darker Side

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 24, 2009

A Journalist's Chilling Call for Competition

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 18, 2009

Don't Believe Us. But Don't Ignore the Record

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 17, 2009

Not So Fast

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 17, 2009

Alms for Arms – The Mosque as a Weapons Store

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 16, 2009

Recognizing Crazy When You See It

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 16, 2009

Concentrated Blame for Freeman

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 11, 2009

Islamophobia's False Comparison

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 11, 2009

Separate and Unequal Shariah Justice

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 10, 2009

Wilders Defends Using Free Speech to Seek Quran Ban

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog March 9, 2009

Congressional Opposition to Freeman Intel Nomination Grows

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 6, 2009

Canada's Unbelievable Immigration Panelist

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 6, 2009

Army War College Suspends Zuhur

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 4, 2009

Brotherhood's Approach Varies While Sticking to Goals

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 3, 2009

Britain's Taliban Helpers

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 23, 2009

"Libel Tourism" Bill Endorsed

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 20, 2009

Dumbing Down UK Students on Terrorism

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 20, 2009

DOT: No Discrimination in Flying Imam Case

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 20, 2009

Defining Extremism – Support for Shari'ah, Jihad Could be Factors

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 18, 2009

Saudi Shakeup Spurs Smiles

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 17, 2009

Reaction to a Shocking Murder

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog February 17, 2009

Detailed History of a Budding Canadian Terrorist

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 12, 2009

More Tales of Extremism in Schools

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 11, 2009

Shariah Life in Saudi Arabia: Rape Victim Jailed

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 10, 2009

Religious Modesty and Women's Rights in Canada

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 9, 2009

Al-Arian Judge Seeks Plea Deal Background

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 5, 2009

Columbus Police Kick CAIR to the Curb

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 5, 2009

The "Humanitarian" Side of Hamas

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 4, 2009

Carter and the Soviets: A Lesson for the New President?

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 4, 2009

Abu Toameh's Straight Talk

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 3, 2009

Defending America's Record

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 2, 2009

IPT Report on CAIR Attracts Attention

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 31, 2009

New Team, New Try

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 29, 2009

Of Religious Insults and Stifling Free Expression

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 28, 2009

Having Walked a Mile in Their Boots

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 26, 2009

Is it Bold or Stupid?

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 23, 2009

Mounting Assaults on Free Speech

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 23, 2009

Gaza and Repercussions in the War on Terror

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 23, 2009

Confusing, Conflicting Gaza Death Tolls

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 22, 2009

ACLU Sues MAS-Run Minneapolis Charter School

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 22, 2009

Former Extremist Sees Hypocrisy in Gaza Debate

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 16, 2009

Situational Outrage?

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 13, 2009

Seeking to Explain the "Tidal Wave of Indignation"

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 12, 2009

British Brotherhood Company

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 12, 2009

HLF Prosecutor Honored

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 9, 2009

Hamas's Human Shields

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 8, 2009

Video Shows UN Ambulance Helping Hamas Gunmen

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 7, 2009

Homeland Security Appeals Qatanani Ruling

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 7, 2009

Moral Inversion in Gaza

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 5, 2009

Five Radical Islamists Convicted Of Conspiring To Kill U.S. Soldiers

(1 comment)
IPT News December 22, 2008

Myrick, Wolf Smack AIG's New Shariah Financing

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 18, 2008

Rejected Complaint Still Makes its Point

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 18, 2008

A Poor Choice for Poster Child

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 17, 2008

Is US Aid Underwriting Virulent PA Programming?

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 17, 2008

The Threat of Radical Brit-Paks

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 16, 2008

Murder and Honor in Pakistan

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 16, 2008

Their Anti-Drug Advisor? Keith Richards

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 15, 2008

Distinguishing Muslims from Islamists

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 15, 2008

Is Soft Power Working with Pakistan?

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 13, 2008

Christian Persecution in Gaza

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog December 12, 2008

While We're Talking CAIR…

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 11, 2008

CBC Hunger Effort Challenged

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 11, 2008

Heeding the Lessons of HLF's Evidence

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 8, 2008

Egyptian Blogger Crackdown Continues

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 8, 2008

Coincidences that Aren't

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 8, 2008

Pentagon Turnover Rolls Hesham Islam

For The Record - The IPT Blog December 5, 2008

More MSA Extremism

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 26, 2008

Trouble in the Heartland

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 26, 2008

NBC News Shows Rare Al Qaeda Outtakes

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 25, 2008

Muslim Writer Decries Weak Response to Zawahiri

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 21, 2008

Squeezing Hamas Funders

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 20, 2008

Interfaith Dialogue Perils, Continued

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 19, 2008

When in New Haven...

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 19, 2008

Lormel: HLF Retrial the Right Move

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 17, 2008

Separate Incidents Spark FBI Interest in Arizona

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 17, 2008

MSA: Consistently Radical

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 17, 2008

Muslim Brotherhood Leader Encourages Jihad…Again

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog October 31, 2008

UK Cracks Down on Foreign Extremists

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 28, 2008

An Opportunity to Prove Us Wrong

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 28, 2008

Egypt's Inexplicable Arrests

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 27, 2008

Jihadi Videos Open Fort Dix Trial

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 23, 2008

Jasser's Righteous Stand

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 22, 2008

Centcom Report Challenges Recent Terror Lexicon Changes

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 20, 2008

Islamist Opportunism in the Banking Crisis

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 17, 2008

Prison Libraries and Radicalization

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 10, 2008

Grounding Libel Tourism

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 6, 2008

Buy This Book

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 6, 2008

Swimming Against the Tide

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 5, 2008

Jewel of Medina Update

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 1, 2008

"Outrageously Empty Epithets"

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 19, 2008

Balancing Security and Civil Rights

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 19, 2008

Disturbing Signs in the Yemen Embassy Attack

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 18, 2008

More Crazy Conspiracy Theories From Salah Sultan

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 18, 2008

M-I-C... Kill You Real Soon!

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 17, 2008

Wolf Continues Pressing State Dept. on Saudi School

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 17, 2008

HLF Jury Selection

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 16, 2008

Buying Time on Iran

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 15, 2008

Giving Voice to True Moderates

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 12, 2008

MPAC and 9/11: Now and Then

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 11, 2008

Echoing Jasser on 9/11

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 11, 2008

Missing 9/11's Teachable Moment

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 11, 2008

An International Attack on Free Speech

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 10, 2008

Friday Prayers to Continue at Minnesota Charter School

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 10, 2008

Shielding Truth From Power

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 8, 2008

Al-Arian Bonds Out

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog September 2, 2008

Alleged HLF Fundraiser Charged

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 21, 2008

Study Faults Textbooks

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 19, 2008

Rushdie Weighs in on Jewel of Medina

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 18, 2008

We are not alone

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 18, 2008

So They Will Admit Some Things

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 31, 2008

Congressman Sherman Turns the Tables on MPAC

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 30, 2008

Is anyone responsible?

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 16, 2008

American Muslim Brotherhood Looks to Cook the Books, Again

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 17, 2008

The U.N. Partners With Terror

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 10, 2008

Seriously, What is the FBI Doing?

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 7, 2008

MAS' Insulting Comparison

For The Record - The IPT Blog April 4, 2008

Any Question Whose Side They're On?

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 20, 2008

The Mendacity of MAS

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 27, 2008

Hesham Islam's Friend in Low Places

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 14, 2008

Government Reminds Court of CAIR/MAS Ties to Terrorists

For The Record - The IPT Blog February 5, 2008

Reactions to "Al-Arian's Third Strike"

For The Record - The IPT Blog January 31, 2008

Talking to the FBI and Not Talking to the FBI

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog January 14, 2008