Noah Beck

Noah Beck is the author of The Last Israelis, an apocalyptic novel about Iranian nuclear weapons and other geostrategic issues in the Middle East. He has published extensively on the Middle East and national security issues. Follow him on Twitter @noahbeck8

Writings by Noah Beck

Publication Date

Media Bias Threatens Israel's Survival

Special to IPT News July 2, 2024

You Probably Beat Harvard's Moral IQ

Special to IPT News December 4, 2023

Why Hamas is an Unreliable Source and How Many Reporters Fail to Disclose This

Special to IPT News November 6, 2023

Unethical Gaza Reporting Cuts Crucial Context

Special to IPT News November 5, 2023

Character Assassinations by New Jersey's Star-Ledger

Algemeiner September 13, 2018

Iran May Bank on EU Support After U.S. Leaves Nuclear Deal

Special to IPT News May 10, 2018

New Book Exposes Depth of Anti-Israel Hate on American Campuses

Special to IPT News March 28, 2018

A Tale of Two Terror Attacks and The New York Times

Special to IPT News June 23, 2017

Jordan Intensifies Anti-Israel Rhetoric Despite Security Challenges

Special to IPT News June 1, 2017

Palestinians Use Deception for Greater Acceptance

Special to IPT News May 8, 2017

Islamist Attacks on Holidays

Special to IPT News April 20, 2017

Palestinians Exploiting Children to Fight Israel

Special to IPT News April 5, 2017

World Shrugs as Hizballah Prepares Massive Civilian Deaths

Special to IPT News March 21, 2017

Media Misfeasance Exposed in "Eyeless in Gaza" Documentary

Special to IPT News March 3, 2017

Palestinians Turn Jerusalem Into a Tool of Terror

Special to IPT News February 2, 2017

The Left Lost Its Logic On Israel

Special to IPT News January 24, 2017

"Hate Spaces" Film Exposes Campus Intolerance

Special to IPT News December 13, 2016

The Hostility and Hypocrisy of Left-Wing Israeli NGOs

Special to IPT News October 31, 2016

Israel's Resilient Decency Despite Extreme Terrorism

Special to IPT News October 5, 2016

Anti-Israel Double Standards Enable Assad's Brutality

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Special to IPT News August 23, 2016

A Growing Trend: Brave Muslim Zionists

Special to IPT News August 12, 2016

Islam, Sexual Violence, and the West

Special to IPT News July 28, 2016

The Case for Kurdish Statehood

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Special to IPT News July 11, 2016

BDS Spreads Anti-Semitism Across U.S. Campuses

Special to IPT News May 12, 2016

Connecticut College Anti-Semitism Continues; Some Faculty Speak Out

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Special to IPT News March 4, 2016

Plenty of Palestinian Passes

Special to IPT News February 9, 2016

Rotten Academia: Professor Who Praises Jihadis Still Teaches, Jihad Critic Doesn't

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Special to IPT News January 27, 2016

Pessin Affair Exposes Connecticut College Anti-Semitism

Special to IPT News January 20, 2016

On College Campuses, Saving Democracy From Itself

The Algemeiner April 20, 2015