Patrick Dunleavy

Patrick Dunleavy is the former Deputy Inspector General for New York State Department of Corrections. He is the author of "The Fertile Soil of Jihad: Terrorism's Prison Connection," details of which can be found at his website at Mr. Dunleavy is currently a consultant for the International Association of Chiefs of Police. He teaches a class on terrorism for the United States Military Special Operations School, "Dynamics of International Terrorism" and has testified as an expert witness before the House Committee on Homeland Security concerning the threat of Islamic Radicalization in the U.S. Prison System.

He can be reached at

Writings by Patrick Dunleavy

Publication Date

UK's De-Radicalization Program Continues to Flounder

IPT News April 25, 2022

Antisemitic Cop Killer to Speak at University

IPT News March 17, 2022

Can The UK's First Terrorist Prison Unit Succeed?

IPT News February 14, 2022

Terrorists in Prison – A Con's Game

IPT News December 2, 2021

UK Had Hoped New Counter-Terrorism Law Would Deter Terrorists – It Didn't

IPT News October 27, 2021

IG Finds Jailed Terrorists Preaching in Prison Chapels

IPT News July 12, 2021

ICNA Attempts to Rewrite Jamil Al-Amin's Violent History

IPT News June 8, 2021

France Joins UK in Seeking Tighter Security Measures on Released Terrorists

IPT News May 3, 2021

UK Prisons' Downward Spiral to Becoming Radicalization Havens Continues

IPT News April 6, 2021

Will Black Lives Matter Foundation's Donation Surge Fuel Anti-Semitism?

IPT News March 2, 2021

Terrorists in Prison, UK Fails to Isolate the Infected

IPT News January 27, 2021

UK Finally Acknowledges the Obvious

IPT News December 21, 2020

Another Terrorist Released Early, Another Deadly Terror Attack

IPT News November 5, 2020

Released Terrorist Returned to Jail

IPT News September 22, 2020

Released Terrorist Returns to Scene of the Crime

IPT News August 25, 2020

Miami Protester's Arrest: CAIR Gets It Wrong...Again

IPT News August 4, 2020

Abolishing the Police – A Terrorist's Dream Come True

IPT News June 17, 2020

Terrorist Challenges New UK Anti-Terrorism Law

IPT News May 7, 2020

BOP Audit Finds Security Lapses in Handling of Terrorists

IPT News March 31, 2020

Attacks Prompt Swift UK Legislation Blocking Terrorists From Early Prison Release

IPT News February 27, 2020

UK Scrambles for Sentencing Reforms After Another Released Jihadist's Stabbing Spree

IPT News February 5, 2020

Monsey Attacker Praised Black Hebrew Israelite Movement

IPT News December 31, 2019

Jersey City Terror Attack Mirrors Another

IPT News December 15, 2019

London Terror Attack Exposes Deradicalization Programs' Failures

IPT News December 9, 2019

Prison Radicalization a Recurring Global Threat

IPT News November 22, 2019

Released Terrorist Protests Court-Imposed Restrictions

IPT News October 10, 2019

IPT Exclusive: Jihadist's Prison Release Shows Just How Unprepared We Are

IPT News September 25, 2019

Confusing Narratives 18 Years After 9/11

IPT News September 16, 2019

French Judge Rules Murdering Terrorist Has a Right to Privacy

IPT News July 11, 2019

Study: Radical Muslim Inmates Rule UK Prisons

IPT News June 18, 2019

ICNA Solicits Donations for Prison Program

IPT News May 17, 2019

Another Terrorist Gets Early Prison Release

IPT News April 23, 2019

John Walker Lindh Should Not Be Released Early

IPT News March 26, 2019

Vetting Muslim Prison Chaplains a Global Problem

IPT News February 19, 2019

CAIR, Sarsour Erroneously Plead Religious Rights of a Murderer

IPT News February 12, 2019

How a Bigoted Organization Finagled Taxpayer Funds

IPT News January 14, 2019

The Strasbourg Terror Attack - Only the Names Have Changed

IPT News December 17, 2018

CAIR Continues Building Its "Wall of Resistance" Against Law Enforcement

IPT News November 16, 2018

Time to Break the Barriers to Researching Prison Radicalization

IPT News October 19, 2018

House Acknowledges the Need for a National Terrorist Registry

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 17, 2018

For Islamic Terrorists, Jihad Does Not Stop When Jailed

IPT News September 14, 2018

Are Prisons Conveyor Belts to Jihad?

IPT News August 3, 2018

Another Terrorist Sues the Bureau of Prisons

IPT News June 6, 2018

Belgium Terror Attack Mirrors an All Too Familiar Pattern

IPT News May 31, 2018

America needs a national terrorist registry to keep us safe

Fox News May 11, 2018

Your taxes are funding terrorists -- Demand that this stops

Fox News April 17, 2018

Freeing a Terrorist: At What Cost?

IPT News March 27, 2018

Macramé for Terrorists

IPT News February 9, 2018

The Unrepentant Terrorist

IPT News January 26, 2018

The anti-Israel BDS Movement seeks the destruction of Israel, not a two-state peace with Palestinians

Fox News January 18, 2018

Foolishness at the BOP: Allowing a Terrorist to Radicalize Others

IPT News December 29, 2017

NYPD: Fighting Terrorism on Three Sides

IPT News December 14, 2017

In 2018 the ISIS fight will shift into a deadly new phase

Fox News December 8, 2017

Jailhouse Jihadi: The Intriguing Case of Casey Charles Spain

IPT News December 8, 2017

Ditch political correctness and wise up. Empower cops to fight radical Islamic terrorists here at home

Fox News November 7, 2017

Patrick Dunleavy with Tucker Carlson: Police Practice was Sacrificed for Political Correctness

Interview on Fox News November 1, 2017

Underwear Bomber Sues to Make Hard Time Easier

IPT News October 25, 2017

European Attacks Show the Difficulty in Tracking Soaring Terror Suspect Numbers

IPT News September 18, 2017

Barcelona Terror Imam's Familiar Path From Prison to ISIS Soldier

IPT News August 23, 2017

UK's Flawed Solution to Prison Radicalization – Terrorist Group Therapy

IPT News August 7, 2017

Fox in the Hen House: Allowing Terrorists to Re-enter Prisons

Special to IPT News June 28, 2017

Admitting When You're Wrong

IPT News June 2, 2017

Karim Cheurfi: From the Cauldron of Prison to the Streets of Paris

IPT News April 24, 2017

London Terrorist Followed the Jihadist's Twisted Path From Prison to Terrorist

IPT News March 27, 2017

New York Cedes Ground in the Fight Against Terrorism

IPT News March 7, 2017

U.S. Ill Prepared for Convicted Jihadis Ending Their Prison Sentences

IPT News February 8, 2017

Information Not Used is Useless

IPT News December 27, 2016

Funding Terrorism - The Buck Stops Here

IPT News December 6, 2016

France's De-radicalization Program Deemed a Failure

IPT News October 28, 2016

Jihadist Tactics 101 - Going on the Dole

IPT News October 17, 2016

Choudary's Junk Justice Sentencing

IPT News September 14, 2016

The Choudary Quandary - The Fox in The Hen House Redux

IPT News August 19, 2016

Who's Teaching the Class?

IPT News July 27, 2016

Disconnecting the Dots: Blurring the Lines

IPT News June 22, 2016

Absurdity Reigns: Of Want Ads and Counter-Radicalization

IPT News June 2, 2016

Where Have All the "Good Boys" Gone?: Effective Handling of Captured Terrorists

IPT News April 28, 2016

Brothers, Prison, and the Reign of Terror

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Special to IPT News March 24, 2016

Plans That Lead Astray: Closing Guantanamo

Special to IPT News February 24, 2016

Guest Column: NYPD Caves to Political Correctness

Special to IPT News January 8, 2016

Guest Column: Calling It What It Is – Islamic Terrorism

Special to IPT News November 17, 2015

Guest Column: Another Ex-Con, Another Terrorist Attack - The Danger in Closing Gitmo

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News January 9, 2015

Scurrilous NYT Informant Story Ignores Successes

Special to IPT News May 12, 2014

NYPD Panders to Politics

Special to IPT News April 17, 2014

NYPD Surveillance Upheld Despite AP Campaign

Special to IPT News February 24, 2014

The Myth of Self-Radicalization

Special to IPT News April 4, 2012

French Killings Show the Path from Crime to Prison to Jihad

Special to IPT News March 23, 2012

Minimizing the Threat, Ignoring the Facts

Special to IPT News October 18, 2011

Intelligence vs. Evidence Gathering: Knowing the Difference

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Special to IPT News August 29, 2011

The Tragedy in Norway

Special to IPT News July 27, 2011

Bronx Trial Shows how Prisons Breed Terrorists

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News August 30, 2010

The Roots of Radical Islam in Prison

(1 comment)
IPT News August 14, 2009