Paul Alster

Paul Alster is an Israel-based journalist with a special interest in the Israel/Palestinian conflict and Middle East politics. He is a regular contributor to a variety of international news websites including, The Jerusalem Report, and the Investigative Project on Terrorism.

He can be reached at

Writings by Paul Alster

Publication Date

How Would You React to a Terror Attack?

Special to IPT News March 7, 2016

Hamas Dances With the Devil

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Special to IPT News February 19, 2016

The Inside Track From Israel's Gaza Border Defenders

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Special to IPT News January 21, 2016

To Strike or Not to Strike, That is the Question

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Special to IPT News December 16, 2015

Israel's unheralded Syrian humanitarian project

Special to IPT News November 2, 2015

Gauging UNRWA's Purpose on its 65th Anniversary

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Special to IPT News June 11, 2015

Did Iran's Crackdown on Dissidents Include Nuclear Scientists?

Special to IPT News October 2, 2014

Israel Warns of Iranian Sweet Talk; Says Nothing's Changed

Special to IPT News September 19, 2014

Fears Over Iranian Deal Hasten New Regional Alliances

Special to IPT News November 26, 2013

Tamarod Targets Hamas Rule in Gaza

Special to IPT News September 4, 2013

Qatar's Risky Overreach

Special to IPT News August 15, 2013

Inside Israel's Preparation for the Next Hizballah Conflict

Special to IPT News July 17, 2013

Qatar's Duplicitous Game

Special to IPT News May 9, 2013

Troubling Times for Once Mighty Hizballah

Special to IPT News March 27, 2013

Israel Closely Monitoring Jihadis Moving into the Golan

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Special to IPT News March 19, 2013

Judge Clears Path for Trial Against French Bank's Hamas Accounts

Special to IPT News March 5, 2013

The Truth About Hamas' Smuggling Tunnels

Special to IPT News February 15, 2013

The New 'Silk Route;' Weapons to Gaza and Beyond

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News February 7, 2013