Pete Hoekstra

Ambassador Pete Hoekstra (retired), served 18 years in Congress and was Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence from 2004-07. He is a Senior Fellow with the Investigative Project on Terrorism and is the author of "Architects of Disaster: The Destruction of Libya." He can be reached by email at

Writings by Pete Hoekstra

Publication Date

We May Have Left Afghanistan, Mr. President, But We Are Still at War

IPT News September 23, 2021

"Wokeism" Energizes Antisemitism

IPT News April 26, 2021

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News Discussing the Foiled Terror Attack in Belgium

Interview on Fox News June 20, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox Business About the Significance of the Travel Ban

Interview on Fox Business Network June 5, 2017

Time for honesty about London: We are losing the fight against radical Islam

Fox News June 5, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News: Intel Community Overwhelmed, Immigration Policies Partially to Blame

Interview on Fox News June 4, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News: Islamic Terrorists are Gaining Ground

Interview on Fox News June 4, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News discussing IPT's 2016 terrorism trends study and how the London attacks fit the trend

Interview on Fox News June 4, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News explains that evidence of increasing radical Islam is "very, very obvious"

Interview on Fox News June 4, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News: ISIS and Intel in the UK

Interview on Fox News June 3, 2017

Pete Hoekstra on Fox News: Reaction to the London Terror Attacks

Interview on Fox News June 3, 2017

IPT's Pete Hoekstra on Fox News on the FBI translator who married the ISIS fighter she was investigating

Interview on Fox News May 2, 2017

Pete Hoekstra: Our intel officers take great risks for us. We can't let one of them wind up in an Italian jail

Fox News January 12, 2017

Pete Hoekstra: US Intel Is Fighting Blind Against ISIS

Newsmax November 4, 2016

Obama Administration Underestimates Terror

Newsmax October 17, 2016

Obama rolls dice on foreign policy in secretive presidential directive

Washington Examiner October 3, 2016

A final footnote on Gadhafi

Washington Examiner July 12, 2016

New Report Confirms IPT Analysis on Spread of Islamist Terror

For The Record - The IPT Blog June 22, 2016

Obama administration's absurd priorities

(3 comments) June 17, 2016

Islamists Tighten Grip in Africa

Newsmax June 15, 2016

Why can't Obama just tell Americans the truth about the Orlando attack and radical Islam?

(8 comments) June 13, 2016

PC Policies in Brussels Threaten US Safety as Well

Newsmax May 2016

Is It Back to Square One for Libya?

(1 comment)
U.S. News & World Report April 29, 2016

Pompeo Correct to Speak out about Islamic Speaker

The Wichita Eagle April 12, 2016

Students Can't Remember A Past They Never Learned

The Daily Caller April 5, 2016

ISIS Caliphate in Libya Spreading Terror throughout Africa

IPT News April 1, 2016

Islamist violence threatens Judeo-Christian civilization

Fox News April 1, 2016

NYT Acknowledges Findings on Rise of ISIS in Europe

(1 comment)
IPT News March 30, 2016

Global Islamist Terror Surges in Lethality, Focus March 28, 2016

Islamist Terror Growing in Lethality and Geography, IPT Analysis Finds

IPT News March 28, 2016

Anger Over Belgium Will Cost Leaders at the Polls

Newsmax March 24, 2016

Pete Hoekstra interviewed on Fox News Channel

(1 comment)
Fox News Channel March 23, 2016

Pete Hoekstra on NewsmaxTV discussing the attacks in Brussels

NewsmaxTV March 22, 2016

Pete Hoekstra on BloombergTV discussing the terror attacks in Belgium

Interview on BloombergTV March 22, 2016

IPT's Pete Hoekstra discussing the terror attacks in Belgium

Interview on WMAL - Mornings On The Mall March 22, 2016

Protesters Violently Riot Over Protected Political Speech

(1 comment)
Daily Caller March 14, 2016

ISIS Targets Jordan With Death and Destruction

Newsmax March 3, 2016

Profane hatred blossoms on campus

Washington Times February 28, 2016

Libya disaster: Have Western leaders learned anything?

Fox News February 19, 2016

Obama's reckless foreign policy has put Israel in dire jeopardy

Sacramento Bee February 18, 2016

ISIS Leader Moves to Libya

(1 comment)
IPT News February 16, 2016

Questions for Obama's first U.S. mosque visit

Washington Examiner February 3, 2016

EXCLUSIVE – Pete Hoekstra: NSA Spying on Congress Requires Suspending State of the Union Invite

(3 comments) January 4, 2016

New evidence reinforces CAIR's Islamist history

WND December 22, 2015

Breaking from the U.S., the U.K. Condemns the Muslim Brotherhood, Calling It a Terrorist Group

National Review December 22, 2015

The West Can Defeat ISIS – but What Comes Next?

Fiscal Times December 8, 2015

San Bernardino Murders Expose Failure to Address Radical Islam

IPT News December 4, 2015

NYT, Sputnik Agree with Hoekstra's 'Architects of Disaster'

(1 comment)
IPT News December 3, 2015

Hoekstra on NewsmaxTV: American Concerns About Terror Threats Well Grounded

NewsmaxTV November 30, 2015

Claims Of CENTCOM Cooking The Books On ISIS Intel Show We Need New Whistleblower Protections

Daily Caller November 30, 2015

Imposing Our Idea of Order in Mideast Doesn't Work

(1 comment)
Newsmax November 24, 2015

CAIR's Identity Problem

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog November 24, 2015

IPT's Pete Hoekstra on CNN: We Are Approaching War

CNN November 20, 2015

Hoekstra: Vetting Syrian Refugees Poses Unparalleled Challenges

Rick Jensen radio show, WDEL November 17, 2015

Jihadists Crippling the West from Within

American Thinker November 17, 2015

Hoekstra Talks Failing U.S. Policy Toward Defeating ISIS

(1 comment)
Lars Larson radio show November 16, 2015

Someone Tell The President We Can't Fight Radical Islam By Being Politically Correct

Forbes November 16, 2015

Hoekstra Responds to 'Bizarre' White House Attack on "Architects of Disaster"

NewsmaxTV November 12, 2015

Hoekstra: Declaration of War Against ISIS Would Clarify Enemy, How to Defeat It

NewsmaxTV November 11, 2015

Obama has the wrong strategy on Syria

(1 comment)
CNBC November 11, 2015

IPT's Pete Hoekstra interviewed on Possible ISIS bombing of Russian Plane

(1 comment)
Newsmax November 4, 2015

Pete Hoekstra at The Heritage Foundation discussing his new book 'Architects of Disaster: The Destruction of Libya'

The Heritage Foundation November 2, 2015

Hoekstra: Five questions for the Democratic candidates

Detroit News October 20, 2015

Shariah Incompatible With the Constitution

IPT News October 6, 2015

Refugee Crisis Demands Coherent Foreign Policy

IPT News September 22, 2015

Beheaded Christian Doesn't Regret Faith

The Daily Caller May 15, 2015

IPT Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra on SiriusXM POTUS: Get U.S. allies equipment, training to defeat ISIS

Interview on SiriusXM POTUS February 18, 2015

IPT Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra: Western leaders refuse to address enduring threat from radical Islam

Interview on Sun News Canada January 12, 2015

IPT Shillman Fellow Pete Hoekstra On Fox Business: Sydney Islamist Terrorist been on Radar since 2007

Interview on Fox Business Network December 15, 2014

Iran Bent on Supporting Islamist Terror During Nuclear Talks

IPT News March 11, 2014