Phyllis Chesler

Phyllis Chesler is an Emerita Professor of Psychology at City University of New York. She is a best-selling author, a legendary feminist leader, a retired psychotherapist and expert courtroom witness. She has lectured and organized political, legal, religious, and human rights campaigns in the United States, Canada, Europe, Israel, and the Far East.

Since 9/11, Dr. Chesler has focused on anti-Semitism and the demonization of Israel; the psychology of terrorism; the nature of propaganda; honor-based violence and the rights of women, dissidents, and gays in the Islamic world. Dr. Chesler has published three studies about honor-related violence, including honor killings, and a position paper on why the West should ban the burqa.

Dr. Chesler is a co-founder of the Association for Women in Psychology (1969), The National Women's Health Network (1974), and The International Committee for Women of the Wall (1989). She is a Shillman-Ginsburg Fellow at The Middle East Forum, and a fellow at the Institute for the Study of Global Anti-Semitism and Policy.

She can be reached at

Writings by Phyllis Chesler

Publication Date

Why Haven't Linda Sarsour, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib Even Mentioned Iran's Hijab Protests?

IPT News September 26, 2022

Review: "Jewish Lives Matter": Human Rights and Anti-Semitism

by Fiamma Nirenstein
IPT News August 19, 2022

Afghan Feminists Torture-Murdered, President Biden Unconcerned

IPT News February 4, 2022

Aafia Siddiqui and the Misguided Support for Women of Jihad

IPT News January 19, 2022

Afghan Women Chronicle Daily New Horrors

IPT News January 7, 2022

The Eternal Life of Blood Libels Against the Jews

IPT News December 29, 2021

Winter Presents New, Dire Challenges for Afghanistan's Women

IPT News December 10, 2021

Taliban Closes In As Desperate Afghan Women Await Rescue

IPT News November 17, 2021

Continuing to Try to Save Afghan Women "the Only Thing We Can Do"

IPT News September 30, 2021

Battered Afghan Women and Divided Loyalties

IPT News September 28, 2021

Saving Just One Afghan Woman

IPT News August 9, 2021

Chesler: Learning Afghanistan's Lessons

IPT News July 14, 2021

A Rally Against Antisemitism Is Welcome, But Is it Enough to Slow America's Tsunami of Antisemitism?

IPT News July 9, 2021

Baseless Israel Bashing Permeates Science, Medicine, and Education Unions

IPT News June 15, 2021

Psychologists Hope to Combat Antisemitism as an Illness

IPT News June 2, 2021

Academics Use Propaganda, Not Expertise, to Bash Israel

IPT News May 24, 2021

In News and Film, the Anti-Israel Bias Pervades

IPT News May 21, 2021

Yet Again, the Media Blames Israel for a Conflict Hamas Started

IPT News May 12, 2021

Practicing Feminism While White

IPT News May 5, 2021

Upon Leaving the Wild, Wild East in Afghanistan

IPT News April 15, 2021

Tehran on My Mind

IPT News March 9, 2021

Review: The Perils of NonViolent Islamism

by Elham Manea
IPT News February 22, 2021

An Honor Killer and His Accomplices Finally Face Justice

IPT News January 26, 2021

Dad's Arrest Exposes Support Network Behind Alleged Honor Killers

Special to IPT News September 11, 2020

Palestinian Lies Never Die; Wikipedia and Google Keep Them Alive

Special to IPT News April 24, 2020

Western Governments Play a Key Role in Successful Honor Killing Escapes

Special to IPT News February 11, 2020

Western Feminists AWOL in Supporting Abused and Dissident Muslim Women

Special to IPT News January 8, 2020

Guest Column: Just Who Has to Adjust in the Name of Tolerance?

Special to IPT News February 19, 2015