Raymond Ibrahim

Raymond Ibrahim is a widely published author, public speaker, and Middle East and Islam specialist. His books include Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians (2013) and The Al Qaeda Reader (2007).

Ibrahim's dual-background—born and raised in the U.S. by Coptic Egyptian parents born and raised in the Middle East—has provided him with unique advantages, from equal fluency in English and Arabic to an equal understanding of the Western and Middle Eastern mindsets.

His resume includes serving as Associate Director of the Middle East Forum and working as a Reference Assistant at the Near East Section of the Library of Congress, where he was often contacted by, and provided information to, defense and intelligence personnel involved in the fields of counterterrorism and area studies, as well as the Congressional Research Service.

He now focuses exclusively on researching and writing and is currently, among other things, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, a Judith Friedman Rosen Writing Fellow, Middle East Forum and a Hoover Institution Media Fellow (2013).

He can be reached at www.raymondibrahim.com/contact.

Writings by Raymond Ibrahim

Publication Date

Guest Column: The 'Sex Jihad'

Special to IPT News June 18, 2013

Arab Spring Egypt's 'Legal' Persecution of Christians

Special to IPT News May 29, 2013

Radical Cleric Swears to 'Pop America's Eye' if Moderate Morsi Threatened

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News May 7, 2013

Guest Column: Islam's Collective Punishment of Christians

Special to IPT News April 18, 2013

Ayman Zawahiri and Egypt: A Trip Through Time

Special to IPT News November 30, 2012

Guest Column: Humanitarian Hypocrisy

Special to IPT News October 26, 2012

Guest Column: The Rape and Murder of Pakistan's Christian Children

Special to IPT News October 17, 2012

Guest Column: Egypt's Christians - Distraught and Displaced

Special to IPT News October 4, 2012

Guest Column: The Tip of the Iceberg of Christian Persecution

Special to IPT News September 10, 2012

Guest Column: Crucifixions, Not Fictions

IPT News September 4, 2012

Guest Column: Ramadan: Islam's 'Holy Month' of Christian Oppression

Special to IPT News August 24, 2012

Guest Column: Muslim Brotherhood 'Crucifies' Opponents, Attacks Secular Media

Special to IPT News August 15, 2012

Obama Administration's War on Persecuted Christians

Special to IPT News August 2, 2012

Muslim Brotherhood 'Democracy': Slapping, Stabbing, and Slaying for Sharia

Special to IPT News July 9, 2012

The Evils of the Muslim Brotherhood: Evidence Keeps Mounting

Special to IPT News June 25, 2012