Steven Emerson

Steven Emerson is considered one of the leading authorities on Islamic extremist networks, financing and operations as well national security and intelligence. He is the Executive Director of The Investigative Project on Terrorism, a non-profit organization that maintains one of the world's largest storehouses of archival data and intelligence on Islamic and Middle Eastern terrorist groups.

The website of the Investigative Project on Terrorism contains a massive archival data base of documents, dossiers and thousands of original investigations into Islamist terrorism and radical groups.

Emerson and his staff frequently provide briefings to U.S. government and law enforcement agencies, members of Congress and congressional committees, and print and electronic media on terrorist financing and operational networks of Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and the rest of the worldwide Islamic militant spectrum.

Emerson has been interviewed frequently thousands of times on all the major television networks and in the national and international print and electronic media including the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Jerusalem Post, NY Post, Fox News, NBC News, CBS News ABC, Fox News, ABC News, Sinclair Broadcasting, CNBC, MSNBC, Newsday, Los Angeles Times, The Daily Mail, BBC, National Geographic, Der Spiegel, Algemeiner, AP, Reuters, etc.

Emerson launched The Investigative Project on Terrorism in 1995, following the November 1994 broadcast of his documentary film, "Jihad in America," on PBS. The film exposed clandestine operations of militant Islamic terrorist groups on American soil.

For the film, Emerson received numerous awards including the George Polk Award, one of the most prestigious awards in journalism, for Television Documentary in 1994. He also received the Tom Renner Award from the Investigative Reporters and Editors Organization (IRE) for best investigative reporting all categories in 1994. The award from IRE was the fourth he had received from that group. The documentary was also featured on 60 Minutes.

Emerson was an assistant producer on the HBO docu-drama "Path to Paradise" about the 1993 WTC bombing. He was a consulting producer to the TV series "24."

In 2013, he produced a brand new documentary called "Jihad in America: the Grand Deception" ( which is an expose of the covert infrastructure and influence of militant Islamic groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas in the US. The film won the following awards:

  • Winner - 2013 Myrtle Beach International Film Festival
  • Winner - 2013 Beverly Hills Film Festival
  • Winner - 2013 Sunset Film Festival Los Angeles
  • Winner - 2013 New York City International Film Festival
  • Official Selection - 2013 Madrid International Film Festival
  • Official Selection - 2013 Chagrin Documentary Film Festival

Emerson is recognized as one of the first terrorism investigators to have testified and warned about the threat of Islamic militant networks operating in the United States and their connections worldwide. In a pioneering congressional testimony delivered in 1998, he specifically warned about the threat of Osama Bin Laden's network. Nearly every one of the terrorist suspects and groups first identified in his 1994 film have been indicted, convicted, or deported since 9-11.

Emerson is the author or co-author of six books on terrorism and national security, including:

Prior to his production of Jihad in America, Emerson worked as a special correspondent for CNN for 2 years and previously as a senior editor at US News and World Report for 4 years. Prior to his position at that magazine, he had been a freelancer for the New York Times Magazine and the New Republic. His first job in Washington DC in 1977 was as a staff researcher for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He has a BA and MA from Brown University and once ran a marathon in 2 hours, 59 minutes, a feat he was never able to repeat again.

Writings by Steven Emerson

Publication Date

Investigative Project on Terrorism's New Book Exposes CAIR's Long Antisemitic Track Record

Focus on Western Islamism June 23, 2023

Examining Islamic Group's Ties to Hamas

Algemeiner June 22, 2023

CAIR's Antisemitism Unmasked

IPT News June 16, 2023

Fencer and CAIR "Clearly Don't Care About the Truth" Asserts N.J. Teacher in New Court Filing

IPT News April 14, 2023

Israel's Targeted Counter-Terror Raids Contrasted by Wanton Palestinian Attacks

IPT News March 19, 2023

Another Gaping Hole in the Islamist Antisemitism Con

IPT News March 9, 2023

CAIR's Shoot First, Ask Questions Never Defamation Defense

IPT News February 22, 2023

Exclusive: IPT Story on Al-Arian Panel Prompts Indiana University Dean's Apology

IPT News December 27, 2022

Deported Palestinian Islamic Jihad "Master Manipulator" Among Indiana University's "Distinguished" Panelists

IPT News December 20, 2022

"Rightwing Zionists" Tainted "Our" Elections, Islamist Group's Antisemitic Report Says

IPT News November 28, 2022

Kanye West Becomes Part of CAIR's Antisemitism Con

IPT News October 27, 2022

Rashida Tlaib: Terrorist-Affiliated Charities "Inspire Me Every Single Day"

IPT News October 24, 2022

Will Rashida Tlaib Get Away with Her Antisemitic Comments?

IPT News September 23, 2022

The New York Times, Linda Sarsour, and Misinformation

IPT News September 20, 2022

Inherently Pro-Violence Message Dominates Anti-Israel Events

IPT News September 2, 2022

The Loud Message from CAIR's Relative Silence on the Rushdie Attack

IPT News August 15, 2022

CAIR Loses Appeal on Suit Aimed at Muzzling Arizona Professor

IPT News August 11, 2022

The Obvious Answer to Dana Milbank's Question

IPT News June 23, 2022

IPT Video: Recent Nakba Protest Showcases Raw Hatred and False Narratives

IPT News June 22, 2022

(Do) Cry for Me, Palestina

IPT News May 24, 2022

Iran Caught Off Guard by Surging Economic Protests

IPT News May 13, 2022

An Unlikely Dissident in Iran

IPT News May 6, 2022

SJP Forum Hypes Palestinian "Genocide" While Advocating for Israel's Elimination

IPT News April 19, 2022

Zahra Billoo's Antisemitism Unleashed with CAIR's Backing

IPT News April 12, 2022

The Hate That CAIR Loves to Defend

IPT News March 21, 2022

Anti-Israel Voices Push All the Wrong Lessons on Ukraine

IPT News March 6, 2022

IPT Exclusive: Unapologetic, Antisemitic CAIR Executive Back on the Job

IPT News February 25, 2022

CAIR Revives its Campaign to Free Aafia Siddiqui

IPT News January 20, 2022

The American Islamist Campaign to Free Aafia Siddiqui

IPT News January 15, 2022

Memoir Spotlights Israel's Duty to Bring Missing Soldiers Home

IPT News December 20, 2021

Fact-Checking the CAIR, ADL Flame War

IPT News December 14, 2021

CAIR's Antisemitism Ignored or Embraced by Elected Officials

IPT News December 9, 2021

CAIR's Antisemitism Fails to Draw Media Scrutiny

IPT News December 8, 2021

IPT Exclusive: CAIR's Awad Considers Tel Aviv "Occupied," Prays for its Liberation

IPT News December 1, 2021

A Police Chief's Israel-Inspired Innovation Eviscerates "Deadly Exchange" Narrative

IPT News October 26, 2021

Al-Arian Finds a Kindred Spirit in Israel-Bashing Retired U.S. Army Colonel

IPT News October 14, 2021

CAIR's Islamist 9/11 Opportunism

IPT News September 9, 2021

Awad and Abuirshaid Bring the Blind Hate to Israeli Prime Minister's Visit

IPT News September 3, 2021

CAIR Lectures Media About Accurately Quoting Jihadists

IPT News August 19, 2021

CAIR's Sloppy Smear of an Israeli Police Exchange Program

IPT News July 22, 2021

Sued by CAIR, Ex-Employee Releases Evidence of Discrimination and Hush Money Payouts

IPT News June 28, 2021

Ayaan Hirsi Ali's "Guilty Secret"

IPT News June 4, 2021

Amid a Spate of Antisemitic Attacks, Orange County Muslim Leader Incites More Hatred

IPT News May 25, 2021

Report: Zoom Again Backs Away from Hosting PFLP Terrorist

IPT News April 21, 2021

Accused of Abuse, Ex-CAIR Florida Leader Admits to Multiple Religious Marriages

IPT News April 16, 2021

San Francisco State Again Tries to Host PFLP Terrorists

IPT News April 14, 2021

Reformers Launch Group Aimed at Challenging Muslim Anti-Semitism

IPT News April 8, 2021

Does a Third Lebanon-Israel War Lie Ahead?

Middle East Forum Webinar April 1, 2021

IPT Video: Marc Lamont Hill's Duplicitous New Book

IPT News March 4, 2021

Palestinian Ambassador Draws Harvard Invite Despite a Sketchy Record on Anti-Semitism

IPT News February 3, 2021

Illinois Democrats Line Up to Help CAIR Fundraise

IPT News January 4, 2021

Raphael Warnock's Pro-Israel Statement Can't Erase His Anti-Israel Record

IPT News December 17, 2020

New York Mosques to Protest Macron's "Blatant Disrespect of the Prophet"

IPT News October 30, 2020

American Muslims for Palestine Pushes Debunked Israeli Police Exchange Narrative

IPT News October 15, 2020

Infidel - A movie review by Steven Emerson

IPT News October 9, 2020

A Win for Freedom of Speech Against Islamist "Cancel Culture"

IPT News September 17, 2020

9/11 Remembered

IPT News September 11, 2020

CAIR's "Exposed" Series Exposes CAIR's Terrorist Sympathies

IPT News September 9, 2020

AMP Leader Abuirshaid Gushes Over Latest Meeting with Hamas-Supporting Erdogan

IPT News August 28, 2020

California Census Partners with CAIR Radical

IPT News August 5, 2020

Video: Five Things You Should Know About Osama Abuirshaid

IPT News August 3, 2020

New Report Confirms Al Jazeera's Role as Qatari Agent

IPT News July 14, 2020

"Death to America," Love for North Korea and Hate for Israel at Brooklyn Rally

IPT News July 2, 2020

Breaking News: Fox Streaming Service Cancels Farrakhan Program

IPT News June 29, 2020

Palestinian Rams a Checkpoint: Death, Lies and Videotape

IPT News June 26, 2020

Minneapolis Cop Kills Unarmed Black Man. Palestinian Advocates Blame Jews

IPT News June 3, 2020

American Islamists Again Embrace Erdogan's Authoritarianism

IPT News May 31, 2020

Dingell, AMP, Craft Hamas-Free Narrative About Gaza Challenges

IPT News April 22, 2020

Congresswomen to Speak at Anti-Israel Group's "Online Gala"

IPT News April 16, 2020

Hating Israel Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry

IPT News March 6, 2020

Linda Sarsour's Book Reviews Cover Up Her Anti-Semitism

IPT News March 5, 2020

IPT Video: Peace Plan Protesters Echo Hamas Views of Israel

IPT News February 5, 2020

Government Continues Turning a Blind Eye to Radical Islamist Grant Recipients

IPT News January 22, 2020

Pakistani Blasphemy Case Exposes Islamist Free Speech Hypocrisy

IPT News January 7, 2020

Islamist Convention Features anti-Israel Disinformation, Caliphate Dreams

IPT News January 6, 2020

Radical 'Anti-Zionist' Activists Show Their True Colors in Chicago

National Review December 5, 2019

Linda Sarsour Thinks You Can't Hear or Read

IPT News December 3, 2019

A Weekend with American Muslims for Palestine: Awad Says CAIR Fights Zionism "On a Daily Basis"

IPT News December 2, 2019

Boston Marathon Bomber's Friend Confessed to 2011 Triple Murder Before Being Killed

IPT News November 19, 2019

Exclusive IPT Video: Blind Hate Against Israel Displayed at Times Square Rally

IPT News November 19, 2019

IPT Exclusive: CAIR's Awad Describes His "Formula" for Islamist Political Power

IPT News November 12, 2019

Convicted American Al-Qaida Terrorist Tries to Parlay Khashoggi Murder into Freedom

IPT News October 17, 2019

While Erdogan Slammed Israel At U.N., Turkish Support For Terror Was Revealed

Daily Wire October 1, 2019

The Orwellian Universe of Linda Sarsour

IPT News September 20, 2019

Breaking News: Women's March Dumps Zahra Billoo

IPT News September 19, 2019

Sanders Doubles Down on Anti-Semite Sarsour

IPT News September 10, 2019

Census Bureau Drops CAIR Partnership After IPT Report

IPT News August 30, 2019

Breaking News: CAIR Touts Partnership with Census Bureau

IPT News August 28, 2019

Omar and Tlaib Use News Conference to Push Anti-Israel Propaganda

IPT News August 20, 2019

IPT Exclusive: Tlaib Meets with Another Terror Supporter

IPT News August 15, 2019

Blind Hate Drives Campaign to Fire Jake Tapper

IPT News August 7, 2019

IPT Exclusive: CAIR Leader's Consequence-Free Anti-Semitism

IPT News July 23, 2019

Pennsylvania Officials Join Bigoted CAIR for "Islamophobia" Events

IPT News June 27, 2019

Video: American MB Supporters Make Morsi's Memorial About Israel

IPT News June 26, 2019

Charitable Organization Spotlights Radical CAIR Activists

IPT News June 20, 2019

IPT Exclusive Video: Anti-Semitism on Display in Brooklyn

IPT News June 4, 2019

The Naked Hypocrisy of CAIR's Hussam Ayloush

IPT News May 20, 2019

"Cherry Picked and Out of Context" – Deception Dominates ICNA Co-Sponsored "Inventing Terrorists" Report

IPT News May 20, 2019

Omar Suleiman's Invocation Triggers Textbook "Islamophobia" Deflection

IPT News May 12, 2019

Israel-Hating, Gay-Bashing, Sexist Imam Gives Invocation to U.S. House

IPT News May 9, 2019

IPT Exclusive: MAS Lied About School in Jihad Video Being a "Separate Entity"

IPT News May 8, 2019

U.S.-Based Sheikh Calls on University Students to "Fight Zionism"

IPT News May 7, 2019

Muslim American Society's History Belies Its Concern Over Kids' Jihad Video

IPT News May 6, 2019

From Philasteen to Philadelphia: Muslim Youth Indoctrination on Full-Display in America

IPT News April 30, 2019

U.S. Blocks BDS Co-Founder Barghouti from Entering the Country

IPT News April 11, 2019

New Islamist Group in Chicago Dominated by Radical Voices

IPT News March 28, 2019

Radicals Rally to Support Ilhan Omar's Anti-Semitic Tweets

IPT News February 13, 2019

Glenn Greenwald's Web of Propaganda

IPT News December 19, 2018

IPT Exclusive: IPT Obtains Letters of Support to Hamas Front Group From 101 Elected Lawmakers

IPT News November 1, 2018

The Gray Lady Once Again Sanitizes Radical Islam

IPT News August 15, 2018

Inside the Iran Protests: An IPT Exclusive Video Report

IPT News July 2, 2018

Why Are Elected Politicians Legitimizing Terrorist Front Group?

IPT News June 29, 2018

Sen. Murphy's Misguided "Anti-Muslim" Smear

IPT News May 1, 2018

Google Partners with Anti-Semitic Islamists

IPT News January 30, 2018

IPT Video: What BDS Really Wants

IPT News January 10, 2018

Ousting Pro-Gay Muslim Group Exposes ISNA's Hypocrisy

IPT News July 14, 2017

Emerson on Dennis Prager, about Qatar Relations, London Attacks

Interview on the Dennis Prager Show June 5, 2017

Steve Emerson on Sirius XM after London attacks: "A reformation of Islam is necessary"

Interview on XM Patriot 125 June 4, 2017

Steve Emerson on BBC Radio Discussing the Attack in Westminster

Interview on BBC Radio March 22, 2017

The Inside Story of How John Kerry Secretly Lobbied to Get CAIR Removed From UAE's Terrorist Organization List

IPT News January 19, 2017

The New Axis of Evil (or Comedy): CAIR, JVP and the Huffington Post

IPT News December 29, 2016

IPT EXCLUSIVE: DHS Hires CAIR to Train French Officials

IPT News December 14, 2016

Keith Ellison's Disinformation Campaign

IPT News December 2, 2016

IPT Exclusive: In Private Fundraiser, Ellison Blasted Israeli Influence Over U.S. Policy

IPT News November 29, 2016

Women's Flotilla About Everything But Helping Gaza

IPT News September 7, 2016

An Award-Winning Documentary About Islamic Terrorists Becomes Hate Speech

Investor's Business Daily July 15, 2016

No Sacred Cows? The Washington Post Continues Carrying CAIR's Water

IPT News July 5, 2016

Emerson on Fox: Do Trump's Comments Help Recruit Terrorists?

Interview on Fox News May 22, 2016

The unfair media bias

Israel Hayom April 3, 2016

Islamist Terror Growing in Lethality and Geography, IPT Analysis Finds

IPT News March 28, 2016

Steve Emerson and Andy McCarthy on NewsmaxTV

Interview on NewsmaxTV March 22, 2016

IPT's Steven Emerson discussing the terror attacks in Belgium

Interview on WMAL - Mornings On The Mall March 22, 2016

Bassem Tamimi is Lying About his Visa Revocation

(1 comment)
IPT News March 17, 2016

Steve Emerson on Fox Business Channel with Stuart Varney

Interview on Fox Business Network February 25, 2016

New evidence reinforces CAIR's Islamist history

WND December 22, 2015

Breaking from the U.S., the U.K. Condemns the Muslim Brotherhood, Calling It a Terrorist Group

National Review December 22, 2015

UK Investigation Prompts Visa Ban for Muslim Brotherhood Members

IPT News December 17, 2015

Two Glaring NYT Displays of Ignorance About CAIR in One Day

IPT News December 15, 2015

Jihadists Crippling the West from Within

American Thinker November 17, 2015

Someone Tell The President We Can't Fight Radical Islam By Being Politically Correct

Forbes November 16, 2015

Iranian Officials Ratchet Up Genocidal Anti-Israel Rhetoric After Nuclear Deal

(1 comment)
IPT News August 18, 2015

Glazov Gang: Steve Emerson on "Obama vs. US Victims of Palestinian Terror?

The Glazov Gang August 7, 2015

Washington Post and David Cole Try to Bury History

(1 comment)
IPT News July 22, 2015

The Shooting in Garland, Texas

IPT News May 4, 2015

New Details From Israeli Intelligence on Planned Hamas Mega Attack in Gaza War

IPT News May 1, 2015

Emerson with Judge Pirro: No-Go Islamic Zones and Western Self-Denial

Interview on Fox News January 11, 2015

Emerson on Fox's Hannity: "No Go Zones and Sharia Courts…Europe is Finished."

Interview on Fox News January 7, 2015

Will we ever learn? Obama White House can't admit Paris attacks 'Islamic terrorism'

Fox January 7, 2015

Emerson on Fox News: Our Shameful Refusal to Call the Paris Attacks Islamic Terrorism

Interview on Fox News January 7, 2015

Emerson on Fox with Judge Jeanine: "We're embracing [Muslim Brotherhood] front groups…."

Interview on Fox News January 4, 2015

Emerson on Fox and Friends: US Vulnerability to Lone Wolf Islamic Terrorists

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News Channel December 16, 2014

The Terrorist Attack in Australia: Coming to a Theater Near You

IPT News December 15, 2014

Emerson on Fox News on Australian Terrorist; Breaking News on his website

Interview on Fox News December 15, 2014

Judge Pirro interviews Emerson on hostage taking, Administration rescue efforts and Al Qaeda-ISIS competition

(1 comment)
December 6, 2014

Brookings Scholars Hawk Qatar's Hamas Talking Points

IPT News October 31, 2014

Brookings Takes Both Sides of the Issue on Islamist Censorship

(1 comment)
IPT News October 30, 2014

IPT Exclusive: Terror Enablers Join Global Elite at Brookings Forums

IPT News October 29, 2014

IPT Exclusive: Qatar's Insidious Influence on the Brookings Institution

IPT News October 28, 2014

Emerson on Fox News America's Newsroom - Open Societies and Stopping Terrorism

Interview on Fox News October 23, 2014

Emerson on Fox News Hannity discussing the rise of radical Islam

Interview on Fox News October 22, 2014

An Open Letter to Haaretz on America and a Missing Israeli Soldier

The Algemeiner October 22, 2014

Comment: How the US first agreed and then refused to help locate a missing IDF soldier

IPT News October 17, 2014

Emerson with Judge Pirro on U.S. Counter-Terrorism Strategy

Interview on Fox News October 11, 2014

Emerson on Fox News - Justice with Judge Jeanine: The Jihadists in Oklahoma and the Obama Administration's Blinders on Islamic Extremism

Interview on Fox News September 28, 2014

Emerson on Fox News: The New Global Jihad and the Threat against the US

Interview on Fox News September 27, 2014

Emerson on CNBC Discussing Terror Threats to West by Jihadi Veterans

Interview on CNBC September 18, 2014

Emerson on the Disappearing ISIS Coalition with Fox's Judge Pirro

Interview on Fox News September 14, 2014

Emerson on Fox with Judge Pirro on How the US is Manipulating the Truth on Radical Islam

Interview on Fox News September 13, 2014

Emerson on Fox News - Justice with Judge Jeanine

Interview on Fox News September 6, 2014

Op-Ed: The President's True Colors Finally Revealed

Jerusalem Online August 17, 2014

Who watches the watchers?

(1 comment)
The Jerusalem Post August 16, 2014

Emerson on Fox News - Justice with Judge Jeanine

Interview on Fox News August 10, 2014

Fox's Judge Jeanine Interviews Emerson: Hamas Gets Away With Murder

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News August 2, 2014

Emerson on Fox: The Obama Administration, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood

Interview on Fox News August 1, 2014

Obama and Kerry behind one of most strategic mistakes in military history

Fox August 1, 2014

Emerson to Kerry-Obama: It's Terrorism, Stupid

IPT News July 28, 2014

Hamas-Israel Cease Fire? It's Déjà vu All Over Again

IPT News July 16, 2014

The Washington Post Distorts the Truth

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 11, 2014

Why is Josh Ruebner standing by a killer?

IPT News June 13, 2014

New York Times Censors Ad Decrying Islamist Censorship

IPT News June 5, 2014

IPT Full-Page Ad in The New York Times

(1 comment)
May 21, 2014

The New York Times: Making the World Safe for Terrorism

IPT News May 13, 2014

Chicago ABC Station, Financial Institutions Co-Sponsor CAIR Banquet

IPT News April 17, 2014

IPT Exclusive: State Department Silent About Ayatollah's Holocaust Denial

IPT News March 26, 2014

IPT Exclusive: Records Prove MB Delegates Skipped Airport Inspections

(1 comment)
IPT News January 17, 2014

Exclusive: Banned Cleric's Outspoken Deputy Visits White House

IPT News June 26, 2013

Review: From the Company of Shadows

by Kevin Shipp
IPT News March 1, 2013

Steve Emerson: I stand by my film

Orange County Register February 16, 2013

Obama CIA Nominee John Brennan Wrong for the Job

IPT News February 5, 2013

Dems Tap Radical Islamists for Cash

IPT News November 1, 2012

A Red Carpet for Radicals at the White House

IPT News October 21, 2012

Michael Coren interviews Steve Emerson on the Muslim Brotherhood and Stealth Jihad

Sun News - Canada June 29, 2012

Emerson on Fox News discussing cyber warfare on Iranian nuclear facilities

Fox News Channel June 1, 2012

Emerson on Fox 5 discussing the death of the Lockerbie bomber

Fox 5 - WTTG May 20, 2012

American Islamists Push Negative American Image

IPT News May 9, 2012

Chris Christie's Islam Problem

National Review Online May 1, 2012

IPT Exclusive: State Department Barred Inspection of Muslim Brotherhood Delegation

IPT News April 9, 2012

The New York Times Collaborates with Hamas Front Group to Suppress the Truth

IPT News January 25, 2012

Muslim Brotherhood Realities New and Old

(1 comment)
IPT News January 5, 2012

Time for Domestic Anti-Radicalization Program

IPT News December 5, 2011

Exclusive: The Inside Story Behind the Awlaki Assassination

IPT News September 30, 2011

McCarthy Debunks Reports Critical of NYPD

For The Record - The IPT Blog September 12, 2011

Intel Community Warns of Imminent Threat of Retaliatory Attacks

IPT News May 2, 2011

Muslim American groups, not Rep. Pete King, are the ones fomenting hysteria with hearings on tap

New York Daily News March 10, 2011

Egypt's Future and the Chameleon Muslim Brotherhood

IPT News January 31, 2011

Executive Summary: LA Law Enforcement Conference on "Radicalization" Features Islamist Radicals who have Impeded U.S. Counterterrorism Efforts

IPT News November 17, 2010

LA Law Enforcement Conference on "Radicalization" Features Islamist Radicals who have Impeded U.S. Counterterrorism Efforts

(1 comment)
IPT News November 17, 2010

CAIR Double Standard Alert

IPT News November 8, 2010

Juan, I Know Just How You Feel

(1 comment)
IPT News October 22, 2010

President Obama Rewards The Hamas Lobby

(3 comments) June 22, 2010

Truth behind the harm-ada

New York Post June 3, 2010

Who is Jihad Jamie?

(1 comment)
Interview on MSNBC March 15, 2010

Homegrown Terror: Arrests Raise Concerns of Radicalized Muslims

Interview on Fox News March 13, 2010

Threat of Homegrown Terrorism

(1 comment)
Interview on C-SPAN March 12, 2010

Who is Jihad Jane?

Interview on MSNBC March 10, 2010

PA Woman Charged with Recruiting Jihadists Killers Online

Interview on Fox News March 10, 2010

Screening must include religion, ethnicity

(2 comments) January 5, 2010

Retracing Terror Suspect's Steps

Interview on MSNBC December 31, 2009

Report of Second Airline Bombing Attempt

Interview on Fox News December 30, 2009

Former Gitmo Detainees Behind Plot?

Interview on MSNBC December 30, 2009

Systemic Failure

Interview on The Early Show on CBS December 30, 2009

Will Smart Screening Aid Airports Against Terrorists?

(1 comment)
Interview on World News on ABC December 30, 2009

Al Qaeda Regional Group Claims Responsibility for Plane Plot

Interview on Fox News December 30, 2009

The Yemen Factor

Interview on CNN December 30, 2009

Is it Time to Start Profiling Airline Passengers?

Interview on Fox News December 29, 2009

Should Airports Use "Smart Screening"?

Interview on Good Morning America December 29, 2009

Al Qaeda Taking Advantage of Instability in Yemen

Interview on MSNBC December 28, 2009

Terror Suspect: Warning Signs Missed?

Interview on MSNBC December 27, 2009

Alleged Terrorist Attack on Passenger Jet

Interview on MSNBC December 26, 2009

Terrorist Attack Thwarted

Interview on Fox News December 26, 2009

Radical Imam Believed Dead in Yemen Airstrike

Interview on Fox News December 24, 2009

Five Men from DC-Area Detained in Pakistan

Interview on WTTG December 10, 2009

Pakistan Detains 5 Americans in Raid Tied to Militants

Interview on FOX News December 10, 2009

Five Men Found in Pakistan

Interview on WUSA December 10, 2009

The Threat of Homegrown Terrorism

C-SPAN November 29, 2009

Hasan Attorney: No Guilty Plea But May Use Insanity Defense

Interview on Fox News November 23, 2009

Terror Trials in the U.S.

Interview on MSNBC November 15, 2009

Who is Khalid Sheik Mohammed?

(1 comment)
Interview on MSNBC November 15, 2009

President Obama Orders Intelligence Review of Accused Fort Hood Killer

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News November 12, 2009

Could the FBI have Prevented the Fort Hood Attack?

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News November 11, 2009

FBI Investigating Possible Terror Ties of Fort Hood Suspect

Interview on Fox News November 9, 2009

It's Radical Islam, Stupid

The Hudson Institute November 2, 2009

Wrong is Wrong

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 16, 2009

CAIR Frets Over FBI Policies

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 8, 2009

NY Terror Suspect Enters Not Guilty Plea

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News September 29, 2009

Uptick in Domestic Terror?

Interview on CNBC September 25, 2009

FBI: Investigating Several Other Suspects in U.S. & Pakistan

Interview on FOX News September 23, 2009

The Creeping Homegrown Threat

The Daily Beast August 2, 2009

Terror Arrests on the Rise

Interview on CNN July 29, 2009

Americans Planning Jihad?

Interview on CNN July 28, 2009

House Dems Carry Islamists' Water

(1 comment)
IPT News July 28, 2009

Library Association Abandons Principle, Allows Censorship

IPT News July 21, 2009

Emerson on Fox News: Jihadi Convention in Chicago?

(1 comment)
Interview on FOX News July 17, 2009

Internet Video Threat Surfaces

Interview on FOX News July 10, 2009

Soraya's Warning to the Mullahs

(1 comment)
The Daily Beast July 6, 2009

Are Homegrown Terrorists More Dangerous than al Qaeda?

Interview on CNN June 10, 2009

Emerson on Fox News: How Real is the Threat of Homegrown Terror in the US?

Fox News - Red Eye June 10, 2009

Obama's Message To Muslims

Interview on MSNBC June 4, 2009

New Osama Bin Laden Recording Slams President Obama's Mideast Trip

Interview on MSNBC June 3, 2009

Detailed List of Sensitive Nuclear Sites Mistakenly Posted Online

Interview on MSNBC June 3, 2009

New Bin Laden Recording Accuses Obama of Planting Seeds of Hatred Across America

Interview on MSNBC June 3, 2009

State Department's love affair with Islamists

Jerusalem Post May 24, 2009

Radicals in Our Prisons

New York Post May 24, 2009

Stop Protecting the Jihadists

(1 comment)
The Daily Beast May 22, 2009

Call the Terrorists What They Are

(1 comment)
The Daily Beast May 21, 2009

Is This Who We Want Representing U.S. Interests Abroad?

(1 comment)
Hudson New York May 5, 2009

Cyberspies Threatening U.S.?

Interview on MSNBC April 8, 2009

Extremists use 'civil rights' group front to push agenda

The Desert Sun (Palm Springs) March 24, 2009

Pro-HAMAS Rallies Billed as "Anti War" Protests

(1 comment)
Interview on Fox News January 9, 2009

Why Does The New York Times Love Hamas?

The Daily Beast January 6, 2009

CAIR's Make or Break Moment

(1 comment)
IPT News December 2, 2008

They're Winning

IPT News December 1, 2008

Review: Those Who Choose the Sword: Deciphering Modern Terrorism

by Brett A. Mccrea
IPT News September 21, 2008

Terrorism Attacks on Yemen: Is Al Qaeda trying to influence the election while everyone is so focused on the economy?

(1 comment)
FOX 5 News September 17, 2008

9/11: Seven Years Later

CNBC September 11, 2008

Al Qaeda Website Posts Call To Attack Water Supply

Fox News August 19, 2008

CAIR Contests Testimony

(1 comment)
For The Record - The IPT Blog August 13, 2008

Former Presidential Candidate Mike Gravel Advocates Stalking Federal Prosecutor on Al-Arian Case

(1 comment)
Fox News August 5, 2008

More Perils of Interfaith Dialogue

IPT News July 23, 2008

New Disclosures Tighten ISNA-Muslim Brotherhood Bonds

IPT News July 22, 2008

Jihadi Group to Run Ad on Subways in New York

(1 comment)
Fox News July 21, 2008

The First Detainees at Gitmo Charged with War Crimes Go on Trial

Fox News July 20, 2008

Israel's Awful Terrorist Pacts

New York Post July 16, 2008

Organizer's Past Raises Questions About Madrid Interfaith Conference

(1 comment)
IPT News July 15, 2008

A Pact With the Devil

IPT News June 26, 2008

Kristof: Never Mind the Terrorists

IPT News June 24, 2008

Israeli Military Held Large-scale Excercise in May

Fox News June 20, 2008

Fairfax Cop Who Tipped Terror Suspect Helped Kill Training Program

IPT News May 9, 2008

Investigative Project Releases Gov't Memos Curtailing Speech in War on Terror

IPT News May 2, 2008

Dangerous Word Games

IPT News April 25, 2008

Do Hamas Columnists Get Paid?

IPT News April 24, 2008

What about Sami?

IPT News April 18, 2008

Fighting Global Islamist Ideology the Key to War on Terror

(1 comment)
IPT News April 10, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 10: CAIR Pushes Phony Charges of Anti-Muslim Hysteria, Hate Crimes

IPT News April 4, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 9: Leaders' Statements Illustrate CAIR's Extremism, Anti-Semitism

(1 comment)
IPT News April 3, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 8: CAIR Has Backed Islamist Meetings, Denigrated Muslim Moderates

IPT News April 2, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 7: CAIR Seeks To Define Away Threat Posed by Radical Islamists

IPT News April 1, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 6: CAIR Portrays "War on Terrorism" as Malicious "War on Islam"

IPT News March 31, 2008

How real is the threat of homegrown terror in the US?

Fox News March 29, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 5: Quick To Defend Alleged Terrorists, CAIR Even Questioned Al Qaeda 9/11 Role

IPT News March 28, 2008

Al Qaeda 2.0

Fox News March 27, 2008

Exclusive Photos Show Al-Hanooti's Political Clout

IPT News March 27, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 4: CAIR Remains Apologist for Terrorist Hamas, Seeks To Silence Critics

IPT News March 27, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 3: Some CAIR Officials Convicted of Crimes, More Tied to Extremist Groups

(1 comment)
IPT News March 26, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 2: Funding Ties With HLF and Foreign Donors Show CAIR's True Agenda

IPT News March 25, 2008

CAIR Exposed Part 1: CAIR's Origins

IPT News March 24, 2008

Who Will Stand Against Terrorism?

IPT News March 7, 2008

The ABC's of Radical Islam

IPT News February 27, 2008

Soft Pedaling Radical Islam: The New York Times Discovers the MSA

IPT News February 21, 2008

Wolf to Georgetown: Detail Use of Saudi Millions

IPT News February 15, 2008

Looking Under a Rock: FBI and CIA Hit New Low in Recruitment Drive

(1 comment)
IPT News February 8, 2008

Paper of CAIR

National Review Online February 8, 2008

Al-Qaeda Recruiting Videos Show Boys in Terror Training

(1 comment)
Fox News February 6, 2008

Pentagon Aide's Invitations Contradicted U.S. Policy

IPT News February 4, 2008

Al-Arian's Third Strike

IPT News January 28, 2008

Are Islamist Groups Trying to Influence the White House Race?

Fox News January 16, 2008

The Terror Apologist in the Edwards Camp

IPT News January 15, 2008

Strange Bedfellows on the Campaign Trail

IPT News January 14, 2008

Expert on Radical Islam Fired from Pentagon

Fox News January 11, 2008

Silva's World and Schickel's Fantasy World

IPT News January 2, 2008

Holy Land Foundation Juror Breaks Her Silence

Fox News December 20, 2007

Terrorism and the Times: What's Not Fit To Print

(1 comment)
IPT News December 18, 2007

Marine Captain Joins FBI Agent in Admitting Immigration Frauds

IPT News December 4, 2007

Chavez Still a Threat Despite Referendum Defeat

Fox News December 3, 2007

The Point: Is U.S. Next for Violent Protests?

CNN Headline - Glenn Beck November 28, 2007

Cannistraro, Apologist: Then and Now

IPT News November 20, 2007

Former FBI Agent, and CIA Employee, an FBI Mole?

IPT News November 13, 2007

Jersey's Counterterror Farce

New York Post November 12, 2007

FBI's Latest Outreach Outrage

IPT News November 7, 2007


New York Post October 29, 2007

Mistrial declared for 5 of 6 in Holy Land Foundation Trial

Fox News October 22, 2007

U.S. Weighs Options on Iran After Israeli Strike on Syria

MSNBC October 15, 2007

Tensions from Israeli Strike on Syrian Nuke Site

MSNBC October 15, 2007

Al Qaeda intensifying efforts to get operatives within U.S. borders

MSNBC October 14, 2007

White House Predicts Al-Qaeda Wants to Send Terrorists Here

MSNBC October 13, 2007

HAMAS Teaching Kids to Kill

Fox News October 12, 2007

When Islamists Get Caught: MAS Edition

IPT News October 2, 2007

Siddiqi and Simon

IPT News September 28, 2007

CAIR's Friends in the Media

IPT News September 25, 2007

A Monster with Chutzpah

New York Post September 20, 2007

Worst Approach to Counter-terrorism Yet

IPT News September 18, 2007

Tale of the Tape

CNN Headline September 10, 2007

Review: Merchant of Death: Money, Guns, Planes, and the Man Who Makes War Possible

(1 comment)
by Douglas Farah and Stephen Braun
IPT News September 7, 2007

Homeland Security Chief: We Are Unequivocally Safer Post 9/11

MSNBC September 6, 2007

Suspects Allegedly Belong to Cell of Islamic Jihad Group

Fox News September 6, 2007

MacFarquhar Strikes Again

National Review Online September 6, 2007

"Terror Handbook Gives Advice on How to Form Jihad Cells"

Fox News August 31, 2007

"Two Florida Students Indicted on Explosives Charges"

MSNBC August 31, 2007

"Concerns Raised Over D.O.J. Sponsorship of Islamic Convention"

Fox News August 29, 2007

Members of Congress in Letter to DOJ: Don't Co-Sponsor Radical Conference

August 29, 2007

HLF and CAIR, a Supplement to Mainstream Reporting

Counterterrorism Blog August 25, 2007

New York Times Covers for CAIR, Again

Counterterrorism Blog August 17, 2007

"Jose Padilla"

MSNBC August 16, 2007

ISNA's Lies Unchallenged Again

Counterterrorism Blog August 11, 2007

Muzammil the "Moderate"

Counterterrorism Blog July 30, 2007

Buried Videos Surface in HLF Trial

Counterterrorism Blog July 26, 2007

Tribune's Former Public Editor: Hamas Operative Is An Asset To Chicago Community

Counterterrorism Blog July 24, 2007

"Holy Land Foundation Trial"

Fox News July 18, 2007

HLF's P.R. Blitz: "Islamophobia" and Apple Pie

Counterterrorism Blog July 17, 2007

"Resurgence of Al-Qaeda"

Fox News July 16, 2007

"U.K. Attempted Car Bombings"

CNN Headline - Glenn Beck July 6, 2007

The White House, CAIR and the OIC

Counterterrorism Blog July 5, 2007

Radical Outreach

National Review June 28, 2007


Fox News June 17, 2007

MPAC: Who's Changing the Subject?

Counterterrorism Blog June 8, 2007

"JFK Terror Plot"

NBC June 4, 2007

"Adam Gadahn Video"

CNN Headline - Glenn Beck May 30, 2007

Ms. Lekovic...A Dozen Printing Mistakes?

Counterterrorism Blog May 30, 2007

"New Poll on U.S. Muslim Youth"

CNBC May 23, 2007

MPAC in Denial About Radicalization of Muslim Youth?

Counterterrorism Blog May 23, 2007

"Ties Between Al-Qaeda and Iran"

CNN Headline - Glenn Beck May 22, 2007

"Fort Dix Islamist Terrorist Plot"

MSNBC May 12, 2007

"Muslim-American Society: American Friend or Foe?"

Fox News April 15, 2007

"Muslim Brotherhood at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and Al-Sadr's Threat"

Fox News April 9, 2007

"New Textbook Reportedly Teaching Palestinian Children to Fight Israel"

Fox News April 4, 2007

Unfit Print

The New Republic March 28, 2007

"Hamas TV Showing 4 Year Old Girl Vowing Suicide Bombing"

Fox News March 23, 2007

"The Truth About CAIR"

Fox News March 14, 2007

Threatened by the Jihad March 14, 2007

Blood Money

The American Legion Magazine March 1, 2007

Chicago Hamas Trial Update

Counterterrorism Blog December 7, 2006

"Omar Shaheen"

CNBC December 1, 2006

More on Chicago Hamas Trial

Counterterrorism Blog November 17, 2006

Compelling Wire Taps and Documents Introduced at Chicago Hamas Trial

Counterterrorism Blog November 15, 2006

Judy Miller Testifies At Chicago Hamas Trial

Counterterrorism Blog November 14, 2006

Hamas in the New York Times

Counterterrorism Blog November 3, 2006

Chicago Hamas Trial: Former Israeli Security Agent Takes the Stand

Counterterrorism Blog October 31, 2006

Hamas Trial in Chicago - Week 1

Counterterrorism Blog October 26, 2006

Matthew Levitt, Treasury Official and Former CT Blog Expert, Testifies at Chicago Hamas Trial

Counterterrorism Blog October 26, 2006

Muslim Brotherhood Member Barred from United States

(1 comment)
Counterterrorism Blog October 20, 2006

Speech Tape Compounds Questions on Hathout's Human Relations Award

Counterterrorism Blog September 15, 2006

A Hezbollah apologist wins an award for tolerance

The New Republic Online August 31, 2006

"Tunnel Terror: Are We Safe?"

CNN August 11, 2006

"Terror Threat on Transit Systems"

NBC August 11, 2006

Al-Mabarrat – A Hezbollah Charitable Front in Dearborn, MI?

Counterterrorism Blog July 22, 2006

"The Playboy Terrorist"

MSNBC July 10, 2006

"Terror Arrests: Plot to Attack Buildings"

NBC June 23, 2006

"Terrorism out of Canada"

MSNBC June 5, 2006

Judge Calls Al-Arian PIJ Leader, Hands Down Maximum Sentence

Counterterrorism Blog May 1, 2006

"Jihadists in New York"

Fox News April 24, 2006

"Guilty of Conspiracy: Sami Al-Arian"

Fox News April 17, 2006

Sami Al-Arian Admits His Terrorist Connections

Counterterrorism Blog April 17, 2006

There Is No Evidence to Support Moussaoui's Claims

Counterterrorism Blog March 28, 2006

"A Free Pass to Radical Islam"

MSNBC March 15, 2006

"Is Bush Safe in Pakistan?"

NBC March 3, 2006

Records Show Terrorist Ties of Khalil Shikaki, Self-Proclaimed "Moderate"

Counterterrorism Blog February 2, 2006

"Al Qaeda Speaks"

Fox News January 21, 2006

The American Islamic Leaders' "Fatwa" is Bogus

Counterterrorism Blog July 28, 2005

Tariq Ramadan: The Case of the Grand Deception

(1 comment)
Counterterrorism Blog April 1, 2005

Rolling Back the Forces of Terror

Wall Street Journal August 13, 2001

Terrorism on Trial

Wall Street Journal May 31, 2001

Trying Usama bin Ladin in absentia

Middle East Quarterly Spring 2001

Osama bin Laden's Special Operations Man

(1 comment)
Journal of Counterterrorism and Security International September 1, 1998

Inside the Osama bin Laden Investigation

Journal of Counterterrorism and Security International September 1, 1998

How to Really Fight Terrorism

Wall Street Journal August 24, 1998

Friends of Hamas in the White House

Wall Street Journal March 13, 1996

The Other Fundamentalists

The New Republic June 12, 1995