Yaakov Lappin

Yaakov Lappin is a military and strategic affairs correspondent. He also conducts research and analysis for defense think tanks, and is the military correspondent for JNS. His book, The Virtual Caliphate, explores the online jihadist presence.


Writings by Yaakov Lappin

Publication Date

The Iranian Weapons Triangle that Drives Tehran's Regional Entrenchment

IPT News December 7, 2021

U.S. Vote on Palestinian Refugees Raises Discomfort in Israel

IPT News November 29, 2021

Allies Step Up Confrontation with Iran as U.S. Looks to Scale Back from the Middle East

IPT News November 14, 2021

Hamas's Growing Role in Iran's Scheme to Encircle Israel

IPT News November 4, 2021

Israel's Shadow War Dented Iran's Takeover of Syria, But Only Temporarily

IPT News October 25, 2021

Palestinian Islamist Jihad Terrorists Aligning with Hamas's Interests in Gaza – For Now

IPT News October 19, 2021

How the IDF's Counter-Terrorism Raids Keep the PA Afloat

IPT News October 15, 2021

Hamas Building a Second Front Against Israel in Lebanon

IPT News October 5, 2021

Iran's New Interest in Nuclear Talks is Nothing to Celebrate

IPT News September 30, 2021

Hamas Escalates Again as it Plays the Long, Radical Game

IPT News August 26, 2021

Afghanistan's Fall "is a Message for U.S. Allies"

IPT News August 18, 2021

Russia Signals Displeasure Over Israel's Campaign Against Iranian Axis in Syria

IPT News August 16, 2021

Hamas's Radical Ideology Runs into the Daily Government Grind

IPT News August 12, 2021

Coordination Among IDF Air, Ground Forces Key as Terror Armies Become Better Armed

IPT News July 27, 2021

Iran Using Raisi's "Election" to Pressure U.S. to Re-enter Nuclear Deal

IPT News July 19, 2021

After Guns Go Quiet, Hamas Works with Hizballah and Iran to Learn Lessons for Next War

IPT News July 1, 2021

New Report Exposes Shadowy Network of Hizballah's "Weapons Point Man"

IPT News June 16, 2021

As Gaza Truce Holds, Preventing Hamas from Re-Arming Takes Center Stage

IPT News June 3, 2021

"Hamas Achieved Nothing but Ruining Gaza"

IPT News May 18, 2021

Hamas's Decisions Again Drag Gazans into War

Special to IPT News May 14, 2021

Zarif Recordings Illustrate the IRGC's Dominance Over Iranian Policy

Special to IPT News April 29, 2021

Report: Brothers Use Monopoly Over Lebanon's Fuel to Benefit Hizballah, Assad

Special to IPT News April 27, 2021

Militia Build-Up Seen as Key to Iranian "Sovereignty" in Southern Syria

Special to IPT News April 19, 2021

Change of Command Brings Focus to IDF's Gaza Defense Plans

Special to IPT News March 26, 2021

Israel's Daily Battle to Block Iran's Infiltration and Attack Schemes

Special to IPT News March 18, 2021

Hamas Going Through Elections Motions as it Awaits Possible West Bank Chaos

Special to IPT News March 8, 2021

Hizballah's Advanced Missile Targets Israeli Drone as Israel Rethinks Purpose of Future War

Special to IPT News February 16, 2021

Stealthy F-35's Play a Lead Role in Israel's Shadow War on Terror

Special to IPT News January 29, 2021

IDF Beefs Up Battle Procedures Against Hizballah as Tensions Remain High

Special to IPT News January 12, 2021

How Israel is Adapting to the Growing Threat of Terror Armies

Special to IPT News January 5, 2021

Iran's Global Terror Network Lurks Behind its Threats of Vengeance

Special to IPT News December 16, 2020

Hamas Laments Resumption of PA-IDF Security Coordination in the West Bank

Special to IPT News November 30, 2020

Hizballah's Precision Strike Missile Program Forms an Explosive Regional Threat

Special to IPT News November 18, 2020

Radical Middle East Actors Increasingly Turn to Drones

Special to IPT News November 12, 2020

As Turkey's Lira Tumbles, Erdogan Pursues neo-Ottoman Visions

Special to IPT News October 23, 2020

Arrest Sheds New Light on Joint Hizballah/Quds Force Terror Unit

Special to IPT News October 1, 2020

Israel Targets Hamas Financiers as Hamas Targets Israeli Civilians

Special to IPT News September 8, 2020

UAE-Israel Peace Deal Challenges Iranian, MB Camps

Special to IPT News August 24, 2020

Hamas Prioritizing Naval Attack Force Build-Up

Special to IPT News July 31, 2020

Hamas Takes Opportunistic View of Potential Annexation

Special to IPT News July 1, 2020

Iran Trying to Return to 'Business as Usual' in Syria

Special to IPT News June 11, 2020

Coronavirus Presents a Formidable Challenge to Hizballah

Special to IPT News April 20, 2020

Coronavirus Delivers the Latest Devastating Blow to Iranian Regime

Special to IPT News March 24, 2020

Iran Works to Overcome Losing Soleimani

Special to IPT News February 28, 2020

Arrests Show How Hamas Exploits Humanitarian Channels for Terrorism

Special to IPT News February 3, 2020

Iran's Regional Terrorism and Nuclear Activities Grow with its Distress

Special to IPT News January 23, 2020

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Elements Trying to Outflank Hamas

Special to IPT News December 20, 2019

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Seeks Revenge for Slain Chief by Targeting Israeli Civilians

Special to IPT News November 14, 2019

Syria Upheaval Opens New Door for Tehran's Attack Plans

Special to IPT News October 31, 2019

Attack on Saudi Oil Facilities Underscores Iranian Weapons Proliferation Threat

Special to IPT News October 2, 2019

Iran's Radical Axis Intensifies Efforts to Build a War Machine Against Israel

Special to IPT News September 11, 2019

Jerusalem Bomb Plot Underscores Ceaseless Hamas Terror Efforts

Special to IPT News August 13, 2019

Nasrallah's Latest Rocket Boast Underlines Threat to Israeli Cities and Sensitive Sites

Special to IPT News July 25, 2019

Iran Preparing a Worldwide Terror Network

Special to IPT News July 2, 2019

Alleged Israeli Strike a Reminder of Hizballah's Syrian Terror Operations

Special to IPT News June 12, 2019

Iran's Arrowhead in Gaza Tries to Drag Israel into a New Conflict

Special to IPT News May 9, 2019

Next Israeli Government Could Soon Face New Iranian Terrorist Challenges

Special to IPT News April 15, 2019

Fear of Isolation and Collapse Driving Hamas's Violent Extortion Racket

Special to IPT News March 29, 2019

New Hizballah Terror Network in Syria Exposed

Special to IPT News March 18, 2019

Hamas's Systematic Use of Civilians to Promote Terrorism

Special to IPT News March 4, 2019

Hamas's Terror Recruiters Rely on Mix of Old and New Media

Special to IPT News February 15, 2019

Iran's Violent Influence Threatens Israel and its Arab Neighbors

Special to IPT News January 29, 2019

Report Sheds Light on Hamas's Sinai Arms Smuggling

Special to IPT News January 17, 2019

In Syria, Iran Sees a New Opportunity to Build a War Machine

Special to IPT News December 31, 2018

Hamas-Driven West Bank Violence Targets Israel and the PA

Special to IPT News December 18, 2018

Budding West Bank Hamas Cell Aimed for Major Bloodshed

Special to IPT News November 28, 2018

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Rocket Assault a Reminder of Iran's Long Reach

Special to IPT News November 8, 2018

Israel Keeps a Wary Eye on Iranian Entrenchment as Syrian Border Crossing Reopens

Special to IPT News October 24, 2018

Hizballah's Growing Partnership with Lebanon's Army Provides Operational Cover

Special to IPT News September 20, 2018

West Bank Power Struggle Could Be Opportunity for Hamas

Special to IPT News August 31, 2018

Israel's Unsung Humanitarian Mission Saved Thousands of Syrian Lives

Special to IPT News August 13, 2018

The Terrorist Semi-States of Hamas and Hizballah

Special to IPT News July 18, 2018

Israeli Security Services Turn to Data Mining to Anticipate "Unorganized Threats"

Special to IPT News June 22, 2018

Gaza's Economy is Hostage to PA-Hamas Rift as Israel, Egypt Weigh Easing Restrictions

Special to IPT News June 4, 2018

How Hamas Sabotages Gaza's Economy to Advance Terror Aims

Special to IPT News May 15, 2018

Tensions Intensify As Israel Endeavors To Keep Iran From Growing A Second Proxy State On Its Border

Special to IPT News April 27, 2018

Hamas's Re-Entry Into Iran's Orbit Contributes To Its Isolation

Special to IPT News April 12, 2018

Israel Prepares For Hizballah's South Lebanon Military Fortress

Special to IPT News March 23, 2018

Shin Bet Investigation Exposes Depth of Turkey's Hamas Support

Special to IPT News February 15, 2018

Iran's Ongoing Attempt to Set Up a West Bank Terrorist Outpost Exposed

Special to IPT News January 9, 2018

Iran Looks to Seize Opportunity as Rivals Fall

Special to IPT News December 13, 2017

Hizballah's Firm Grip Over Lebanon Fuels Region's Sectarian Strife

Special to IPT News November 14, 2017

Hamas Rejoins Iran's Terrorist Axis

Special to IPT News October 26, 2017

Hizballah's Nasrallah Escalates Threats as Syria Turns Into Iranian Base

Special to IPT News October 8, 2017

IDF's Gaza Wall May Change Hamas Terror Strategies

Special to IPT News September 15, 2017

Deadly False Narratives Drove the Temple Mount Crisis

Special to IPT News August 2, 2017

Iran's Lebanese Missile Factories in "New and Very Dangerous Phase"

Special to IPT News July 18, 2017

Iran Missile Strike Escalates War Between Radical Shi'ites and Sunnis

Special to IPT News June 20, 2017

Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Iran's 'Preferred Proxy,' Arming in Gaza

Special to IPT News June 5, 2017

Banned Islamist Movement Plotted New Attacks on Israelis

Special to IPT News May 19, 2017

Hamas Wants Quiet As It Prepares For Next Assault on Israel

Special to IPT News April 27, 2017

Radical Iran-led Axis Confronted with U.S. Deterrence for First Time

Special to IPT News April 11, 2017

In-House Hizballah Missile Factories Could Add to Massive Arms Buildup

Special to IPT News March 17, 2017

Israel Targets Palestinian Gun Makers

Special to IPT News March 10, 2017

New Hamas Leader, a Vicious Killer, Portends New Rounds of Violence

Special to IPT News February 16, 2017

Sunni States' Military Spending Sprees Could Fall to Radical Islamists

Special to IPT News February 7, 2017

Hamas, ISIS Affiliates, See Opportunity in Terror Truck Attack

Special to IPT News January 11, 2017

Aleppo's Fall Signals Rise of Emboldened Radical Shi'ite Axis

Special to IPT News December 16, 2016

Arrest Breaks Up PIJ Recruitment Scheme

Special to IPT News November 30, 2016

Sporadic Attacks Reveal Fragility of Israel-PA Security Cooperation

Special to IPT News November 22, 2016

Hamas Funding Sources Drying Up

Special to IPT News November 14, 2016

As ISIS Loses Territory, Foreign Fighters Likely to Bring Jihad Home

Special to IPT News September 28, 2016

The First Weapon Against Lone Terrorists: Big Data Analytics

Special to IPT News August 5, 2016

Israel Tries Area-Based Response to Palestinian Terror Wave

Special to IPT News July 8, 2016

European States Seek Israeli Defense Solutions in Combating ISIS Threat

Special to IPT News June 16, 2016

Syrian Quagmire Delays Hizballah's Pursuit of Ultimate Objective

Special to IPT News May 27, 2016

Israel's Tunnel-Detection Success Poses Hard Choice for Hamas

Special to IPT News May 6, 2016

Make or Break Moment for Palestinian Violence

Special to IPT News April 21, 2016

How to Dismantle ISIS' Global Terror HQ in Raqqa

Special to IPT News April 7, 2016

The Gaza Time Bomb

Special to IPT News March 30, 2016

IDF Racing to Restructure Itself for New Middle East Warfare

Special to IPT News February 23, 2016

IDF Preparing for Arrival of ISIS on Syrian Border

Special to IPT News January 29, 2016

Israel Sees Short and Long-term Repercussions in Iranian Sanctions Relief

Special to IPT News January 25, 2016

Is the Obama Administration Forfeiting IAEA Inspections of Iranian Military Sites?

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Special to IPT News June 25, 2015

Israel Hopes to Use Current Lull to Prepare for Radical Islamic Storm

Special to IPT News June 12, 2015

Hamas Using Truce to Prepare for Next Clash with Israel

Special to IPT News May 18, 2015

Iran Deal Frees Up New Financing to Carry Out Terrorism

Special to IPT News April 9, 2015

Hamas's International Triangle of Bases: Gaza, Turkey and Qatar

Special to IPT News December 18, 2014

Iran and US Fighting On Same Side Rattles Israeli Defense Officials

Special to IPT News December 11, 2014

Israel Tries to Contain Surge in Deadly Palestinian Violence

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Special to IPT News November 12, 2014

Israel Prepares For When Syrian Jihadis Turn Their Guns South

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Special to IPT News October 13, 2014

War Leaves Hamas Battered as Israel Gives Diplomacy a Chance

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Special to IPT News August 19, 2014

Israel Watching Hizballah While Fighting a Cautious Battle With Hamas

Special to IPT News July 17, 2014

West Bank Kidnapping Triggers Massive Crackdown on Hamas

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Special to IPT News June 17, 2014

Israel's Defense Establishment Unmoved by Palestinian Unity Agreement

Special to IPT News May 28, 2014

New Israeli Satellite Eyes Iran Nuke Program, Terrorist Arms Smuggling

Special to IPT News April 22, 2014

Israel to Go 'Deep Into Lebanon' in Future Hizballah Clash

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Special to IPT News April 1, 2014

Isolated Hamas Contemplates Returning to Iran's Orbit

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Special to IPT News March 17, 2014

IDF Restructuring Syrian Border Defenses Due to Jihadi Threat

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Special to IPT News February 27, 2014

Zawahiri's Servant in Gaza Orchestrated Plots for Mega Terror Attacks

Special to IPT News January 28, 2014

Will Israel Risk Sharon's Counter-terrorism Achievements for Peace Deal?

Special to IPT News January 16, 2014

Israeli Security Sees Rising West Bank Salafi-Jihadi Threat

Special to IPT News December 23, 2013

Obama's Soft Stance on Iran Might Force Israel to Strike

Special to IPT News November 19, 2013

Hamas Tunneling Its Way to Future Clash With Israel

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Special to IPT News October 15, 2013

Israel Hopes to Avoid Third Intifada Despite Palestinian Rhetoric, Violence

Special to IPT News October 3, 2013

Why Israelis See Shi'ite Axis as a Greater Threat Than Syrian Jihadis

Special to IPT News September 10, 2013

Analysis: The Regional Implications of a U.S. Strike on Syria

Special to IPT News August 27, 2013

How American Leaks May Help Arm Israel's Enemies

Special to IPT News August 8, 2013

Iranian Nuclear Crisis Nearing a Critical Tipping Point

Special to IPT News July 16, 2013

The Shi'ite crescent holds its ground

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Special to IPT News June 13, 2013

Hamas in Gaza Sending Out Tentacles to the West Bank

Special to IPT News May 23, 2013

Analysis: Air strikes in Syria - A calculated risk

Special to IPT News May 15, 2013

Iran/Hizballah's Global Shi'ite Terror Network

Special to IPT News April 30, 2013

Behind the Lines: Conquest through proselytizing

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Jerusalem Post February 15, 2013

Security Matters: Turning a corner?

Jerusalem Post March 29, 2012