Court Case

USA v. Bell

November 2020 (Updated January 24, 2023)
Hopatcong, NJ
Al-Nusra Front

Maria Sue Bell was arrested at her home in November 2020 in connection with concealing sending money to a Syrian foreign terrorist organization. She was charged by complaint with one count of knowingly concealing the provision of material support or resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization. From February of 2017, Bell used encrypted applications to communicate with and provide advice to fighters based in Syria who were members of the al-Nusra Front (ANF), also known by other aliases, including Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), fighting the Assad regime. Bell communicated with and provided money to one self-identified member of HTS based in Syria, identified in the complaint as "User 1." Bell sent currency to User 1 via Western Union, using an intermediary to conceal the source of the funds, and also provided him advice on weapons and ammunition. Bell was sentenced in January 2023 to 34 months in prison for concealing her attempts to provide material support to Syrian foreign terrorist organizations. In addition to the prison term, Bell was sentenced to five years of supervised release.

Case Updates

2023-01-24 | Sussex County Woman Sentenced to 34 Months in Prison for Concealing Terrorist Financing to Syrian Foreign Terrorist Organizations

A Sussex County, New Jersey, woman was sentenced today to 34 months in prison for concealing her attempts to provide material support to Syrian foreign terrorist organizations. Maria Bell, aka "Maria Sue Bell," 55, of Hopatcong, New Jersey, previously pleaded guilty to an information charging her with one count of concealing attempts to provide material support to designated foreign terrorist organizations. Bell admitted that from February 2018 to November 2018 she knowingly concealed and disguised the nature, location, source, ownership and control of the attempted provision of material support and resources to fighters based in Syria who were members of Jabhat Fath al-sham, also known as Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (JFS) and Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). Bell admitted that she knew JFS and HTS were designated foreign terrorist organizations, that JFS and HTS has engaged or engages in terrorist activities. She admitted the offense to which she pleaded guilty involved the concealment of the attempted provision of funds or other material support or resources with the intent, knowledge, or reason to believe they were to be used to commit or assist in the commission of a violent act. In addition to the prison term, Bell was sentenced to five years of supervised release.

2022-06-28 | Sussex County Woman Admits Concealing Terrorist Financing to Syrian Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Maria Bell, aka "Maria Sue Bell, admitted that she concealed her attempts to provide material support to Syrian foreign terrorist organizations. Bell admitted that from February 2018 to November 2018 she knowingly concealed and disguised the nature, location, source, ownership and control of the attempted provision of material support and resources to fighters based in Syria who were members Jabhat Fath al-sham, also known as Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (JFS) and Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). Bell admitted that she knew JFS and HTS were designated foreign terrorist organizations, that JFS and HTS has engaged or engages in terrorist activities. She admitted the offense to which she pleaded guilty involved the concealment of the attempted provision of funds or other material support or resources with the intent, knowledge, or reason to believe they were to be used to commit or assist in the commission of a violent act.

Case Documents