Court Case

Przewozman, et al. v. Qatar Charity, et al.

December 2020
Brooklyn, NY
PIJ, Hamas

U.S. victims of terrorism in Israel allege that three of Qatar's leading financial institutions have secretly funneled millions of dollars to Palestinian groups responsible for killing Americans, accusing a key U.S. ally in the Middle East of duplicity. Victims and their families claim that the government and royal family members of Qatar have spearheaded "a terrorism financing conspiracy" that has channeled tens of millions of dollars to support Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), both U.S.-designated terrorist groups. The suits identified accounts purportedly used by Ahlam Aref Ahmad Al-Tamimi, a Jordanian woman who is on the FBI's list of most-wanted terrorists for assisting a 2001 suicide bombing at a Jerusalem pizzeria that killed 15 people and wounded 130 others; a spokesperson and former leader of Hamas's military wing in the West Bank; a member of its ruling political bureau who was convicted in Israel of operating a terrorist cell; and a 94-year-old spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood close to Qatar's emir who chairs the Union of Good, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization sanctioned for funding Hamas's terrorist activities.

Case Documents