Court Case

USA v. Miah, Khaled

January 2021
Pittsburgh, PA

Khaled Miah, a resident of Pittsburgh and former student at the University of Pittsburgh, has been charged with one count of making interstate threatening communications, one count of influencing, impeding or retaliating against a Federal law enforcement officer, and one count of destruction of records in a federal investigation. Miah posted threats directed at individual FBI agents who were investigating him, as well as the FBI generally. In December 2020, FBI personnel identified a publicly visible Twitter account created by Miah. From the date of its creation to on or about January 1, 2021, Miah used this Twitter account to threaten, intimidate and harass FBI Pittsburgh Agents and the FBI. In addition, after posting the threatening statements, and with full knowledge of the FBI investigation into his conduct, Miah subsequently deleted those posts which impeded, obstructed, and influenced the FBI investigation. Miah also apparently idealized the Boston Marathon Bombers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and visited several landmarks in Massachusetts associated with the bombings, including where each of the two bombings took place, where the Tsarnaev brothers participated in a violent shootout with local police, and the gym where Tamerlan Tsarnaev previously trained in mixed martial arts.

Case Documents