Court Case

Atchley, Joshua, et al. v. Astrazeneca UK Limited, et al

October 2017
Washington, DC, DC
Hezbollah, Terror Finance

According to the complaint, the lawsuit seeks damages under the federal Anti-Terrorism Act on behalf of American service members and civilians and their families who were killed or wounded while serving their country in Iraq between 2005 and 2009. While these men and women worked to rebuild post-war Iraq, they were attacked by a terrorist group funded in part by the defendants' corrupt sales practices. The terrorists openly controlled the Iraqi ministry in charge of importing medical goods, and the defendants' – all of which are large Western medical-supply companies – obtained lucrative contracts from that ministry by making corrupt payments to the terrorists who ran it. Those payments aided and abetted terrorism in Iraq by directly financing an Iran-backed, Hezbollah-trained militia that killed or injured thousands of Americans

Case Documents