Court Case

US v. Fawaz Damrah

December 2003
Cleveland, OH
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)

[NDOH] Fawaz Damrah, the former imam of the Islamic Center of Cleveland, was convicted in 2004 of lying on his citizenship application and failing to disclose his links to PIJ and other groups. Damrah was stripped of his U.S. citizenship. The prosecution of Fawaz Damrah generated an IRS investigation that discovered a suspicious $100,000 tax reporting linked to a company owned by his brother Fayez. The IRS case resulted in both Fayez and Fawaz Damrah being indicted for tax fraud in 2006. With Fawaz's 2007 deportation, the tax case against him was placed in abeyance, but proceeded against Fayez. Fayez was convicted in 2007. Fayez Damrah appealed his conviction to the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Related Topics: Prosecutions, Terror Financing

Case Documents